Chapter 15 Part 2

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Ning Qingqing didn’t want to dwell on this issue, so she nodded, “En, I told him about this last night. “

Although Shen Zhiqian had yet to return a single word since she sent the message last night.

Director Wang naturally thought that Ning Qingqing meant that Shen Zhiqian also agreed to this matter.

When it involved the private matters of another’s relationship, he naturally wouldn’t ask further, so he nodded, “Alright, since CEO Shen agrees, then I don’t dare to not let the person go! “

He smiled and asked, “Have you figured out what your next job will be? “

Ning Qingqing nodded, “It has already been set, but I may take half a month of break first.”

“That’s right.” Director Wang replied, “It seems that you haven’t taken much vacation last year, have you? Then take the next two days to hand over the work, take the rest of your previous annual leave, and relax well with CEO Shen. “

Ning Qingqing responded, “En, okay, thank you, Director Wang.”

Director Wang then picked up the phone on the desk and called the HR department, “Xiao Jiang, come to my office and go through the resignation procedures for Ning Qingqing.”

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He hung up the phone, and suddenly seemed to realize something, ” Qingqing, you’re taking a vacation so suddenly, you are going on a honeymoon with CEO Shen, right? “

After all, whether Shen Zhiqian and Si Luoqing really had something, these high-level executives knew best.

Even if Shen Yeyuan and Si Luoqing seemed to be close, they knew that Shen Zhiqian always had his own ideas, especially in terms of relationships. His father couldn’t control him.

Ning Qingqing suddenly resigned and said she was going to take a vacation. On the surface, Director Wang said it was a honeymoon, but his underlying question was really if she was getting married due to pregnancy.

Ning Qingqing only smiled, and her silence was confirmation in Director Wang’s eyes.

It just so happened that Shen Yeyuan mentioned a few days ago that a family friend’s son planned to join the legal affairs department for training. Before he was pondering over which position to give him; wasn’t there a perfect one right now?

So, while Ning Qingqing was going through the procedures with HR, Director Wang called the son over.

The handover, which she thought was going to take a lot of effort, turned out to be very smooth. When Ning Qingqing finished everything, it was just in time for lunch.

Wang Qian had been paying attention to the situation, and finally found the opportunity to go over, “Qingqing, you are resigning?”

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Ning Qingqing nodded, “En, I’ve already completed the procedures.”

She hugged Wang Qi, “Take care of yourself in the future; let’s meet again when we’re free.”

Wang Qian didn’t know what to say for a while, so she could only murmur, “Qingqing, are you okay? You and CEO Shen …”

Ning Qingqing replied, “We broke up.”

It wasn’t until this moment that she realized that letting go only required these two simple words “break up”1.

“Ah— ” Although Wang Qi had a premonition, she still didn’t know how to respond, so she could only ask, “Does your injury still hurt?”

Ning Qingqing shook her head, “It’s much better now, I don’t feel it anymore as long as I don’t press on it hard. “

There would always be a day when the injuries from her breakup would become the same as this bruise; even if she were to press it, it wouldn’t hurt anymore.

“Okay, then good luck to you in the future too.” Wang Qian said, “We will always be friends, right?”

“Of course.” Ning Qingqing smiled at her, “Let’s both do our best.”

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Do our best so that we can live the way we want.

After leaving the company, Ning Qingqing did not go home but visited her high school.

Forgetting a piece of the past could not be accomplished by forcing yourself not to think, but by following your heart and going back to places to reminisce, and then learning to let go calmly.

Downstairs, Gu Youchen, who had been waiting all morning, saw her take a taxi, so he immediately drove his car to follow her.

When she reached the entrance of the high school, Ning Qingqing got off the car, bought some snacks and beer at the convenience store near the entrance, and walked inside.

The security guard recognized her and greeted her with a smile, “Are you here to see the teacher? “

Ning Qingqing nodded, took out a can of beer, and handed it over, “Drink this after work tonight.”

The security guard smiled, “This is how you used to ask me to open the gate for you back in school.”

Ning Qingqing also thought of her high school days, and some memories appeared in front of her eyes.

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Behind her, Gu Youchen was held back, and it was only after he called the school headmaster that he was let in.

Ning Qingqing went over to her favorite spot, the sports field stands, found a seat, and sat down.

The phone in her hand finally rang, she picked it up and looked, and saw that it was from Shen Zhiqian.

The man’s voice was urgent, “Qingqing, I’m sorry I couldn’t accompany you on your birthday. I’m still in Beishi. The project here is very thorny, but it should be soon, everything will be settled this week.”

Ning Qingqing watched the young and passionate faces on the field below and said in a light tone, “I told you the other day that the answer was very important. That WeChat message was my decision after careful deliberation, and it will not change. “

Shen Zhiqian panicked, “Qingqing, don’t be angry, I know I’m in the wrong. Regarding marriage, I will think about it seriously. Don’t say something like this, I will get scared. I drank too much with my client last night, and today I had a gastritis attack. I’ve been in the hospital and just woke up. That’s why I called you back just now. “

Ning Qingqing instinctively squeezed her phone, but her eyes were mostly filled with determination, “Take good care of your body. I’ve already packed up all the things you gave me and will deliver them to your apartment another day. I don’t want the car you gifted me. I was in a rush and forgot to bring the car keys when I went to work today. I’ll hand them over to Xiao Wang tomorrow. Let’s not contact each other again in the future.”

The author has something to say:

En, she smoothly resigned, so now she really won’t have anything to do with her former boss ~

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