Chapter 16 Part 1

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“Qingqing, I won’t accept this.” Shen Zhiqian’s tone became serious, “I don’t think the problems between us need to be resolved by breaking up. My project will end this week. Then we can discuss this in person when I come back. Have a good rest these few days. You’re probably just overthinking because you are too tired.”

Ning Qingqing sighed in her heart, “Zhiqian, we’re done.”

Shen Zhiqian interrupted her, “Qingqing, just pretend that I never made this call, and I will immediately forget your words of anger! When I come back, I will make up for your birthday, and I will make up for everything I missed before. I still love you, and only love you.”

After that, he hung up the phone, as if as long as he did that, the relationship between him and Ning Qingqing would stay the same.

And the rift caused by mentioning the breakup would eventually heal one day.

They could still be together for a long time.

Ning Qingqing put away her phone, and while eating her snacks, she watched as the group of students on the field changed wave after wave.

She thought of what she was like when she was with Shen Zhiqian back then, and when she didn’t like him that much at first.

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At that time, she had just come from the south, and since her mother was usually busy, the only thing she knew about the high school was that it was the best in the city.

Additionally, it was much easier to get a good college entrance examination score in Beijing than in the south, so she came alone.

When she lived in the school dormitory, she felt lost and lonely.

It was Shen Zhiqian’s appearance that made her gradually adapt to the dryness of the north and the accent here. She was accompanied even when she went to the library on weekends.

Although they were breaking up, since it was mainly due to their incompatible personal values that they could no longer go on, there wasn’t a need to renounce the past.

Those beautiful moments were still there, she was just revisiting them in their original places this time. Maybe they would gradually be forgotten with time.

Time passed slowly. Ning Qingqing was still sitting quietly, looking ahead, as if she was looking at her past self from many years ago.

She held up her beer and said into the air, “Goodbye.”

*Gu dong dong*1 the alcohol rolled down her throat. Even though the concentration was low, the alcohol still rushed into her eyes, making her tear ducts sore.

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Once the emotions rushed over the edge, they would find an outlet and become unrestrained.

Ning Qingqing didn’t care about the tears that kept falling. She was in the corner of the stands, and no one paid attention to her. This time, she won’t care about what other people think.

She was going to say goodbye to the past and end everything with no strings attached.

She picked up her phone, opened Shen Zhiqian’s WeChat, and clicked – delete.

When the pop-up window asking whether or not to confirm the deletion appeared, a tear fell onto the screen, right where it said confirm.

Then the screen flashed, and that person disappeared from her contacts.

It happened so fast as if it was some kind of hint from fate.

That feeling of emptiness struck again in an instant, and the reality of the breakup only seemed to have become even more profound!

Just at this moment, she heard a mocking voice, “Hey, isn’t this my older brother’s disgraceful girlfriend? “

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Ning Qingqing raised her head abruptly, only to see two people approaching. They turned out to be Shen Zhiyu and Shen Zhiqian’s mother Xue Wenlan.

Ning Qingqing knew a little about the Shen family’s situation. She heard that Xue Wenlan divorced Shen Yeyuan many years ago. Shen Zhiqian was born by her, and Shen Zhiyu was born by Shen Yeyuan’s second wife.

But this second wife died unexpectedly when Shen Zhiyu was very young, so Xue Wenlan went back to the Shen family.

But Shen Yeyuan didn’t seem to accept her, even Shen Zhiqian didn’t have a good relationship with her.

She probably knew how to please others, since she happened to have a good relationship with Shen Zhiyu, her stepdaughter.

After listening to Shen Zhiyu’s words, Xue Wenlan turned and saw Ning Qingqing in the stands.

She couldn’t help but frown.

“Oh, it turned out to be her.” Xue Wenlan rolled her eyes, “Snuck out during work hours; can’t someone from Shen Group handle her! “

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The ridicule in Shen Zhiyu’s eyes grew stronger, “Auntie, how did you forget? She has my brother to back her up! It’s fine if she doesn’t go to work, as long as she coaxes my brother well, doesn’t everything become hers! “

Xue Wenlan became angry when she heard this. Although she lived with the Shen family all these years, nobody welcomed her.

What was so good about Ning Qingqing? Just a poor girl, yet Shen Zhiqian treated her like treasure!

Both were born into ordinary families, so why could Ning Qingqing get what she couldn’t?

Besides, her son was so talented, he could find anyone to be his girlfriend; what’s the use of Ning Qingqing? Can such a foxy face help Shen Zhiqian’s career?

Compared to a celebrity like Si Luoqing, one was like a pheasant and the other a phoenix!

So, Xue Wenlan said, “However, it won’t be easy for her to marry into our Shen family. Zhiqian is just playing around. If he was serious, why didn’t he introduce her to his parents?!”

Shen Zhiyu giggled, “That’s right, clinging to our family every day, I’m dying of laughter! How could my older brother marry her? Let alone my older brother, is there any man in the upper class of Beijing who’s willing to marry her? “

The more they spoke, the worse it sounded. Xue Wenlan completely forgot to maintain her image as “Mrs. Shen” because no one was around, and said harshly, “After being played by my son for 9 years, of course, nobody will want her!”

But as soon as she said this, a cold male voice said, “Who said that no one will marry her? I will!”

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