“Ah?!” Ning Qingqing was completely stunned, “Who’s going to get a certificate?”

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When she slapped the faces of those two disgusting people with the video recording just now, she was still considerably clear-headed, but now that the adrenaline from the alcohol was exhausted, she had completely shut down.

The man beside him stretched out his hand, “You probably heard about me from Shen Zhiqian at the hospital that other day, but I should still introduce myself. My name is Gu Youchen “

Ning Qingqing looked at the man’s big hand with defined joints, and stretched out her hand hesitatingly, “My name is Ning Qingqing. Hello1, Mr. Gu.”

The next second, her hand was held by his. She didn’t know why, but the palm of her hand was sweating all the time today, whereas Gu Youchen’s was dry and warm.

After a while, he let go of her, “Didn’t they say that no one will marry you? I’ll marry you for them to see.”

As he spoke, he took the bag of snacks from Ning Qingqing, who was still in a daze and held it in his hand naturally, “Now, let’s go to your house first to get your household registration booklet. Then we’ll go to the Civil Affairs Bureau. My assistant will send my household registration booklet directly over there, which will be more efficient.”

The man had already taken the lead, and Ning Qingqing could only keep up.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the girl’s confused face. Her eyes were still a little red, like a wronged bunny, and her face was also flushed from drinking. No matter how he looked, she looked cute to him.

Gu Youchen deliberately slowed down his steps, following Ning Qingqing’s rhythm.

The two were only separated by the distance of one person, and they continued to walk in this manner: one in front of the other until they reached the school gate.

Gu Youchen’s car was parked on the road next to the school gate and two parking tickets were stuck to it. A ticket was posted every two hours, and a fine of 200 yuan was imposed each time.

He went to the front and peeled off the ticket, glanced at it casually, and then opened the passenger seat door.

Ning Qingqing stared blankly at his movements, her eyes still on the snack bag in Gu Youchen’s hand.

Gu Youchen’s lips curved slightly, “I will give it back when we get in the car.”

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Ning Qingqing didn’t know why she should get in the car. In fact, ever since Gu Yuchen had appeared, the whole world had become surreal.

She even thought she was dreaming, because this situation was just like a standard face-slap plot in a novel2.

Both the wealthy madame and the little sister-in-law looked down on Cinderella, so they humiliated her with words. But at this moment, a prince came and whisked Cinderella away, slapping them hard in the face!

After Ning Qingqing got in the car, she quietly pinched her leg.

It hurt.

Could you feel pain while dreaming? She messaged her lethargic head.

Gu Youchen had already closed the car door and came around from the other side.

After he got into the car, he looked at Ning Qingqing who had forgotten to fasten her seat belt. He leaned over slightly but stopped after a second of thought.

He sat up straight again and said to her, “Qingqing, fasten your seat belt.”

It was the first time he called her that, at least that’s how she heard it.

Ning Qingqing nodded quickly, reached out mechanically, pulled out the seat belt, and buckled it.

The man started the car and asked her, “Qingqing, where do you live?” 3

Like a puppet, Ning Qingqing gave her community address.

She sat in the passenger seat in a daze, looking at the receding scenery outside the window. She didn’t understand why she agreed to go to her home with Gu Yuchen to get the household registration book.

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Moreover, her home happened to be close to the high school, plus it was only three o’clock in the afternoon, so the road was uncongested. As a result, Ning Qingqing had already arrived at the gate of her community before she could process what was happening.

Because it was an unfamiliar car, the security guard did not let them in. Gu Youchen lowered the window of the passenger seat and greeted the security guard.

Once the security guard had a second look — Yo, why is he the one from last night?

He observed the car again – Wasn’t this the car he held back last night which ended up parking outside overnight?!

This one was clearly pursuing a girl. How did he become official after one night?

Where was this pretty girl’s previous boyfriend? He still remembered that one; he also looked good, and he had several cars, which all belonged to the million-yuan class.

The security guard looked at Ning Qingqing with an interested expression, and smiled, “Good afternoon, Owner!”

Ning Qingqing nodded at him but obviously didn’t get4 the other party’s desire to chat.

The gate was opened. After Gu Youchen drove inside, he asked, “Qingqing, where should I go?”

Ning Qingqing reverted to mechanical mode, faltering as she guided the way.

Once they reached the underground parking garage of Ning Qingqing’s apartment, Gu Youchen stopped the car, came to the passenger side and opened the door for her.

The two walked into the elevator together.

The property management here was very well done. The elevator was very clean, and the metallic walls reflected the two figures standing side by side.

The man next to her was still a stranger. Thinking about it, they had only met each other a handful of times; furthermore, they just introduced themselves to each other today.

This was also the first time that they stood together like this.

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A bunch of messy thoughts and assumptions cropped up in Ning Qingqing’s mind, but her ability to reason was already tainted by the alcohol and numbed, which made her essentially lose her basic judgment.

Until she heard the ‘ding’ from the elevator, the sound reminded them that they had reached the floor.

The two walked out together, and Ning Qingqing came to her door and unlocked it with her fingerprint.

Behind her, Gu Youchen noticed that she was a little nervous.

So, he said, “Qingqing, I’ll wait for you at the door. Come out after you get your household registration book. “

Ning Qingqing didn’t know why she had to listen to Gu Youchen and get the household registration book, but she had already done so.

The household registration book was in the small drawer where she usually stored her important documents. When she opened the drawer, the first thing she saw was a two-inch standard photo with a white background in a transparent sealed bag: it was Shen Zhiqian’s.

This was the standard photo that Shen Zhiqian took with her before. It was used for passports and the like. There were a few extras, so he asked Ning Qingqing to hold onto them for him.

When she was tidying up the room last night, she didn’t think that some of Shen Zhiqian’s things would be in the drawer where government-issued documents were placed, so she didn’t check it.

Seeing the man’s photo now, she didn’t know if it was because of her dazed state, but she was not as sad as last night.

Ning Qingqing threw the photo into the trash can and then felt like that was not enough, so she took it out, tore it up, and threw it back in again.

It seemed that with this she had finally let out her frustration. She felt a little happiness from the release.

Taking the household registration book, Ning Qingqing walked out.

Gu Youchen had been standing at the door waiting for her. Because the door was not closed, he saw the furnishings in Ning Qingqing’s living room.

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The style was comforting and gentle, just like the impression the little girl left on him when they met for the first time.

He saw that she had already got the booklet, so he said, “Let’s go. “

Ning Qingqing followed again dazedly.

The two returned to the car and headed directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau in Gu Youchen’s district.

This time the destination was a little further away, and with the breeze blowing from the window, Ning Qingqing felt her thoughts finally clear up.

Seeing that they were getting closer based on the navigation map, she finally caught on, “Wait a minute.”

Gu Youchen looked sideways slightly, “What’s the matter, Qingqing? “

Ning Qingqing’s grasped the door handle tightly as if holding onto some kind of courage.

She said, “Mr. Gu, are you bringing me to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate? “

Gu Yuchen nodded. He looked at the girl next to him who was sobering up, and answered in a serious tone, “En, Qingqing, did you forget? Didn’t you agree when we were at the stands just before? “

Ning Qingqing was stupefied again; she was pretty sure she didn’t lose any part of her memory after drinking.

“When did I agree to this?” she asked suspiciously.


She uses 您好 instead of 你好, which is more formal/respectful. This indicates that she respects Gu Youchen, but also that she doesn’t consider them to be close Translator’s ramblings: because it is hehe ԅ(≖⌣≖ԅ) Translator’s ramblings: LOL, very smooth CEO Gu. this word was English in the originals

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