“I told those two that I would marry you. Back then, you listened and nodded at me.” Gu Youchen said earnestly, ” Qingqing, you must fulfill your promises.”

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Ning Qingqing blinked lightly, trying hard to remember.

At first, she didn’t remember such a thing, but when Gu Youchen mentioned it, she felt as if it really happened.

Did she really agree so easily like that, to such an important decision like marriage?

Ning Qingqing’s expression was full of hesitation, “Then I think I was just cooperating with you …”

At this moment, Gu Youchen’s car had already driven to the road on the opposite side of the Civil Affairs Bureau. He stopped the car, and instead of getting out of the car, he turned his head and said, “Qingqing, may I know why you broke up with that person?”

Ning Qingqing was still holding the booklet in her hand. Her expression was in a trance for a moment when she heard these words, “I don’t want to have a relationship where there’s no outcome. “

She didn’t know if it was because she held back some of her emotions the whole day, and being asked about them after they’d been suppressed for so long, she was finally in the mood and had the courage to confide. Ning Qingqing found that speaking out became natural again.

“It was my birthday yesterday, and I spent it alone. So, I resigned from Shen Group today and broke up with him. “

Gu Youchen didn’t pry and waited for Ning Qingqing to continue instead.

Ning Qingqing watched the Civil Affairs Bureau on the opposite side, and suddenly felt an indescribable emotion, “Actually, it was not because of my birthday, and he didn’t treat me badly either.”

Speaking up to here, Ning Qingqing raised her head and asked Gu Youchen, “I asked my best friend about this, and she supported me. But she is a girl after all, so her thinking is different from you men. Then can you tell me the things from the perspective of a man, and help me analyze this situation, am I too desperate about getting married1? “

Gu Youchen seemed to have detected something, “Desperate about getting married? “

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Ning Qingqing’s long eyelashes were slightly drawn, “I have been with him since freshman year of high school. It has been nine years since. When we were in school, it was fine as long as we were happy together, and I never thought about anything else. During the first year of my career after graduation, I was very busy adapting to my new life. Everyone was young and would not mention the future. But it has already been two full years since we graduated. Now that we have a stable job and a stable relationship, and judging from each other’s assets, we wouldn’t need to suffer to buy a house like the others, so why shouldn’t we consider cementing our relationship?  In the past six months, I was frequently asked when I will marry him. At first, I did not think so far in the future, but I found that he was completely avoiding this question. Once our mutual friend asked him, and I was there, he smiled and changed the subject. Later, when his friend asked him when they were alone, he said he would think about it later, in a very perfunctory tone, which I happened to overhear. So, I know, he had no plans to marry me. Although I am still young, I don’t want my future to be so unstable. That’s why I told him last week that I needed an answer on my birthday. But he failed to show up.”

Hearing this, Gu Youchen finally understood what happened to Ning Qingqing yesterday.

He was a little jealous, jealous of Shen Zhiqian.

But even more so, he felt sorry for the silly girl next to him.

Once she got to this part, Ning Qingqing laughed at herself mockingly, “He didn’t take this matter to heart at all. I waited the entire day yesterday, but all I got in return was disappointment.”

After she finished, she realized that she said a lot. She was a little embarrassed, but she still asked, “What I actually want to know is from a man’s point of view, am I forcing marriage on him by being like this? Does it look like I’m desperate to get married?”

“No. You just wish for a tangible future.” Gu Youchen said in a gentle tone, “If he had a plan, even if the plan was to get married at the age of 30 if he tells you clearly, you would be willing to continue together, right? “

Ning Qingqing nodded and couldn’t help but feel moved, “Exactly, I don’t want a future filled with uncertainties. “

“So—— ” Gu Youchen’s hands that were casually resting on the glove compartment slightly tightened. He felt blood gushing from his heart, on a rampage. He tried his best to suppress all the frenzied shouts in his heart, looked at Ning Qingqing, and tried to persuade her, “I share the same views as you. If you don’t plan to get married, there is no need to date, so the objective of dating is to eventually get married.


Since both of us are going to get married sooner or later, why not create the result that both of us want in advance?”

Ning Qingqing blinked, following along with Gu Youchen’s logic, she felt the proposition was quite reasonable.

Gu Youchen’s tone was unhurried, “If the result is good then the process will feel more secure. I think both of us want to avoid a relationship that has no future in sight. “

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Ning Qingqing nodded numbly, she felt that this was indeed the case.

Gu Youchen had already opened the car door on his side and got out of the car.

Only now did he exhale lightly, then he quickly adjusted his state, and opened the door on Ning Qingqing’s side, “Qingqing, let’s go.”

Ning Qingqing followed him out of the car, and they crossed the road side by side. She didn’t speak, but her mind was still thinking about what Gu Yuchen said just now.

She felt that it was quite correct, but she could subtly feel that there was some premise she had overlooked.

However, as soon as she tried to think, her mind became hazy again to the point that she almost bumped into an oncoming person.

Her arm was held by Gu Youchen, and he gently moved Ning Qingqing to his side. Ning Qingqing could smell the scent emanating from his body from this short distance.

A very unfamiliar scent of frosted cedar wood; it was pleasant.

“CEO Gu. ” At this time, one of Gu Youchen’s secretaries came over and handed him his household registration book.

Gu Youchen took it and seeing that the secretary was staring at Ning Qingqing blankly, he explained directly, “I’m getting married, this is my wife.”

“Oh, hello Madam! ” The secretary immediately nodded at Ning Qingqing, completely unaware of when his boss got a girlfriend, not to mention, they had already reached the stage of obtaining a certificate!

Big news, this was big news! The secretary’s cheeks were slightly red with excitement. He really wanted to share this secret with everyone at the company!

Ning Qingqing was led into the Civil Affairs Bureau by Gu Youchen.

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It was not a special numbered day2, so there were very few people inside, except for two couples who were going through the process at the front. No one was in the waiting area.

Ning Qingqing didn’t remember how she got to the seat in front of the registration desk; there was already a pen and a sheet of paper in front of her.

She picked it up in a daze and saw that Gu Youchen beside her had already started to fill in his information.

She could only pick up her pen and start filling it out as well then watch the form be taken away and enter the system.

“Go take a picture, both of you! ” The staff pointed to the place where the pictures were taken.

In the photo room, the two sat down side by side, they sat half a person away from each other.

It was rare for the photographer to see such a good-looking couple, and he couldn’t help but laugh when he saw how serious they were, “With the two of you sitting so far away from one another, I don’t know how I can take pictures. Are you shy? Handsome guy and beautiful girl, get closer! We are not taking marriage photos like it’s the 1940s and 1950s. It’s already 2022! Can you turn your head in this direction a little … “

He even demonstrated.

Ning Qingqing moved inwards slightly.

After she sat down, Gu Youchen sat directly next to her, close enough that their clothes touched each other.

“That’s right! Smile both of you. I’ll adjust my position.” The photographer stood behind the camera, “Why won’t the beauty smile? “

Ning Qingqing then squeezed out a smile.

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She suddenly realized that they were marrying, how could she get an important thing like a marriage certificate in such a muddled way? What should she do? She suddenly wanted to escape.

However, with a click, the photo was taken.

The photographer was somewhat satisfied, “The handsome guy did well, he looks very happy! It’s just the beauty who seems a little nervous.”

After his comment, he also showed the two of them the pictures on the camera.

Ning Qingqing saw that she and Gu Yuchen were sitting close together. The man’s head was slightly turned to her side, and the corners of his lips were raised, revealing a smile.

It was the first time she saw Gu Youchen smile. Although the corners of his lips were not obviously curved, it somewhat made people feel some kind of joy.

It was like his delicate and sharp eyebrows melted in an instant like snow, leaving a purely youthful feeling.

In comparison, Ning Qingqing who was next to him, although the corners of her lips were raised higher than Gu Youchen’s, looked a little lost.

“I look so silly.” Ning Qingqing couldn’t help muttering.

Girls all loved being pretty. Whenever they took pictures, no matter what kind of photos, they would surely hope that they look beautiful.

However, the man beside her laughed softly, “No you don’t, you look quite cute.”


恨嫁i.e. wishing to get married sooner. In the past, the phrase meant regret marrying the wrong person; in modern times the meaning changed to describe those who really want to get married it’s considered auspicious to marry on days that are lucky numbers

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