Chapter 18 Part 1

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Gu Youchen’s plane landed in Beishi. Once he arrived, he asked his assistant to check in at the hotel, while he went directly to Party A’s company.

When Zhou Linghang saw him, it was as if he had found his backbone, and all his spirit returned in an instant, “Brother Chen, you are finally here! Your brother here really can’t do it alone!”

After that, he tugged on Gu Youchen’s sleeve, “How come I heard them say that you got married?”

What a joke, these people could spread anything, it was just ridiculous! Brother Chen was still chasing after somebody else’s girlfriend, okay?

Even if the shovel quality was good, it’d still take a few days to finish digging, right?1 

Zhou Linghang’s voice was not too loud, but a group of people had just come out of the elevator, and the two sides came head-to-head.

Gu Youchen turned his eyes, and they fell on Shen Zhiqian who was still inside the elevator, but his words were addressed to Zhou Linghang, “Yeah, I got married. After so many years I finally got what I wanted.”

Shen Zhiqian looked him straight in the eye. The two men were about the same height, but they had two completely different appearances and temperaments.

They rarely see each other, yet they had a strong presence in each other’s world.

Now that they had met, it was like you could smell the gunpowder and sparks flying as soon as they came into contact.

Hearing Gu Youchen’s words, the corners of Shen Zhiqian’s lips curved slightly. He stepped out of the elevator first and then stretched out his hand to Gu Youchen, “CEO Gu is newly married now, congratulations! “

Gu Youchen looked at the man in front of him who had on a slightly mocking expression and raised the corners of his lips, “Thank you, CEO Shen, I will definitely personally send a wedding invitation to CEO Shen!”

The two shook hands, somewhat forcefully, but after the short confrontation, they released each other tacitly at the same time.

Shen Zhiqian’s smile didn’t dampen at all, “Oh, then I will definitely go. But if CEO Gu loses this project, will you still be in the mood to hold a wedding?”

Gu Yuchen spoke meaningfully, “CEO Shen, regarding this project, there’s no way you can be 100% sure, so it’s too early to say that! But, of course, I’m in the mood to plan the wedding, and I will make sure it’s big! After all, she’s my first love, and a man’s first love is unforgettable.”

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Shen Zhiqian laughed, “Oh, then I wish CEO Gu a happy marriage in advance!”

After that, he left with his fellow executives.

The two sides walked past each other.

Gu Yuchen’s party walked into the elevator, and the elevator door closed. Zhou Linghang recovered from the invisible war just now, and pulled Gu Yuchen’s arm excitedly, “Brother Chen, explain to me. Were you saying that you got married just to piss off Shen Zhiqian, or are you really f*cking married? F*ck, how could you get married? Who did you marry? Have you given up on the Qing girl?!”

Gu Youchen pulled his arm away in disdain and kept a meter distance away from the fool Zhou Linghang before saying, “En, I’m very curious about Shen Zhiqian’s expression in the future. I haven’t given up on chasing Qingqing, but I will pursue her in another way.”

Zhou Linghang was stunned when he heard this, “Brother Chen, you’re married yet you’re still chasing after the Qing girl. Are you planning to cheat2?”

The corners of Gu Youchen’s lips curled slightly, “I’m going to pursue her in a legal way because she is already my legal wife.”

“F*ck!” Zhou Linghang couldn’t help shouting. He felt agitated3 and he had countless questions to ask, but he didn’t know where to start.

But at this moment, the elevator arrived at its destination.

Gu Youchen’s tone turned serious, “If you have something to say, hold it in. Talk about it when we get back.”

Zhou Linghang, “…” If he held it in, he’d turn into a puffer fish.

The two quickly entered business mode.

On the other side, after eating hot pot, both Ning Qingqing and Qiao Xiaomian felt overwhelmed by today’s overload of information, so they didn’t want to go home.

The two walked on the pedestrian street.

“Qingqing, you are newly married today. Don’t say anything, your sister here will buy you clothes!” Qiao Xiaomian pulled Ning Qingqing to the most expensive shopping mall here, which was full of designer brands, “Don’t refuse, because I’m afraid I won’t be qualified to buy you things in the future. It’ll be your husband who buys things for you. “

Ning Qingqing smiled, “You’re exaggerating.”

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In fact, until now, she didn’t know how they’d get along when Gu Youchen came back.

Gu Youchen said that he was serious about getting married, so would they live together? Or would they keep the same distance as now, and think about it in the future if they really develop feelings for each other …

And what if they didn’t develop feelings for each other in the future?

Thinking too much at once, Ning Qingqing took a deep breath and forced herself to let go and take things as they would come.

She and Qiao Xiaomian went to a designer store, changed one outfit after another, and finally chose a light blue dress.

Qiao Xiaomian was very satisfied, “My family’s Qingqing looks so fresh, she will completely mesmerize Gu Youchen!”

Ning Qingqing didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Looks like you’re buying me this to wear for his eyes? “

The two talked and laughed, paid the bill, and left. As soon as they reached the door, they saw two girls walking over arm in arm.

She can’t deny that both of them and Si Luoqing were really destined. The two times they met were both when they were shopping for clothes.

Si Luoqing only wore sunglasses today, and came arm in arm with Xue Wenlan, looking like a mother and daughter pair.

Not far away, there seemed to be paparazzi taking pictures of Si Luoqing, and there were flashes of light.

Looking at the situation, Ning Qingqing could already guess tonight’s hot search title——

[Si Luoqing and a middle-aged madame appeared in a designer store. Turns out the middle-aged madame is Shen Zhiqian’s mother, the CEO of Shen Group]

If the media dug deeper, they would find that the Si family and the Shen family had always interacted, and Si Luoqing was Shen Group’s spokesperson, which was announced just a few days ago.

In addition, Shen Zhiqian and Si Luoqing were also elementary school classmates. According to their middle school classmates, the two were even each other’s first love.

What could it mean when your first love returns and goes shopping arm in arm with your mother?

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Of course, the good news was coming!

Maybe this paparazzi was specially arranged by Si Luoqing, even the manuscript could have been written in advance!

Then use the passersby who witnessed everything to leave a message. Some things could be manipulated to seem true no matter how fake they were!

Ning Qingqing felt a sense of ridicule and disgust. Hooking onto Qiao Xiaomian’s arm she was about to take a detour.

However, Xue Wenlan suffered a loss in front of Gu Youchen and Ning Qingqing this afternoon, so when she saw Ning Qingqing, she would not let her go so easily.

She asked Ning Qingqing coldly, “What, don’t you greet your elders anymore?”

Ning Qingqing didn’t want to show up in front of the paparazzi’s camera, but the store’s entrance was only so big. It was hard to bypass them with the other party blocking her.

She simply stopped and looked at Xue Wenlan, “Oh, this auntie, are you talking to me?”

Xue Wenlan was very beautiful when she was young, otherwise, Shen Yeyuan would not have been attracted to her. Even though there were some traces of aging from the years, she had been going to the beauty clinic all year round, so she looked ten years younger than her peers.

She never expected Ning Qingqing, who used to be especially polite when they met in the past to call her ‘Auntie’4 now directly! She choked with anger, “You—”

Ning Qingqing kept a gentle smile on her face, and said earnestly, “Auntie, I don’t know you, so why do I have to greet you? There are so many elders in this mall, if I had to greet every single one, how could I finish?”

When Xue Wenlan heard Ning Qingqing talk back5, which was completely different from her obedient image from the past, she stomped her feet angrily, and wanted her son to see Ning Qingqing’s true self!

“My family’s Zhiqian— ” However, she had just begun when Si Luoqing realized something was wrong, and quickly said, “I’m sorry, we mistook you for another person! “

After that, although she hated it till her teeth clenched, she could only pull Xue Wenlan away.

She couldn’t let Xue Wenlan get angry and admit that Ning Qingqing was Shen Zhiqian’s girlfriend. In that case, wouldn’t she, Si Luoqing, become the mistress?!

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After today’s battle, they had lost to Ning Qingqing, for now. Si Luoqing was furious, but she had to endure it.

Xue Wenlan was still a little angry, but she also realized what Si Luoqing was thinking about, so she could only grit her teeth and leave.

“Auntie6, it’s all my fault, I’ve made you feel wronged.” Si Luoqing took her inside to buy clothes, “Auntie, you are so young, you will definitely look good in this outfit!”

Si Luoqing looked at the price tag and felt a little distressed.

Her family’s company was facing some trouble, so all the money she earned since debut was given to her family for the company to turn around, but they still needed a lot more funds.

Now, these clothes which cost hundreds of thousands were like cutting her flesh.

However, she had no choice but to cut.

Listening to Si Luoqing’s sweet mouth, Xue Wenlan calmed down a little. She took the clothes and patted Si Luoqing’s hand, “You are the most sensible, unlike that wild girl. She doesn’t even look at her own background! The main wife of the Shen family must be an appropriate match, just like you and Zhiqian who know each other’s roots …”

She didn’t like Ning Qingqing when she first saw her. If a girl with a beautiful appearance and ordinary family background really married her son, wouldn’t it mean that Ning Qingqing would always remind everyone that Xue Wenlan married into the Shen family the same way back then? 

Luoqing felt guilty when she heard ‘appropriate match’, but the smile on her face became brighter and more charming.

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He’s referencing his girlfriend stealing strategy from Ch 10; got to dig the wall (挖墙脚) from the corner first! LOL Cheating in Chinese is 出轨which literally means “to derail”; a pretty figurative way of putting it Literal translation of 挠心抓肺is “scratching heart and lungs”…which would obviously hurt…so unsurprisingly this phrase expresses anxiety and extreme discomfort This Auntie, 大妈, is used to address a woman who is considerably older 伶牙俐齿is an idiom for “clever and eloquent speech”; a person described in this way has the gift of gab/being sassy 伯母 is used to address a woman close your mom’s age; in this case, it’s the polite way to address a future mother in-law

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