In the opposite store, Qiao Xiaomian gave Ning Qingqing a thumbs up, “Qingqing, you were so attractive/charismatic just now, that’s how you should be! Hehe, you used to tolerate her because of Shen Zhiqian, but now, who does that shrew think she is? Who will keep putting up with her! It’s so gratifying! “

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Ning Qingqing smiled, “Mianmian, the gratification is yet to come.”

Qiao Xiaomian blinked and listened attentively.

Ning Qingqing explained, “The Si family has financial difficulties and needs a capable business partner. Don’t you see? The Shen family is being taken advantage of!”

Qiao Xiaomian was shocked, “So, that old hag was tricked?”

“Yeah, she even believes that she picked up a golden phoenix!” Ning Qingqing smirked, “Moreover, they may not succeed in this matter. After all, it’s the two men that have the final say in the Shen family. Regarding Shen Zhiqian, I’m certain that he doesn’t like Si Luoqing anymore. Even if he values their previous relationship as first loves, that won’t be enough to lead him on. As for Shen Yeyuan, although I don’t know him well, I doubt he’s charitable considering how the Shen family has continued to dominate for so many years.”

Hearing this, Qiao Xiaomian smiled even brightly, “Oh, then doesn’t that mean that even if we don’t do anything, we’ll get to eat melons1?”

Ning Qingqing contemplated for a moment, and said, “I can still apply some eye drops2 on those two; it’ll just depend on if they provoke me in the future or not.”

If Si Luoqing would expose what the paparazzi captured tonight, then she might have some justification.

Ning Qingqing thought, if Si Luoqing put pressure on the Shen family then that’s fine because she wouldn’t care.

However, if Si Luoqing included her in the photo and splashed dirty water on her, then she really wants to see if she could bear the consequences!

“Qingqing, I see that your IQ has returned.” Qiao Xiaomian was curious, “So, how did you end up selling yourself to Gu Youchen this afternoon?”

Ning Qingqing could feel a headache when she heard this question, “Maybe … because I drank fake beer?”

Something must have been wrong with that beer. Otherwise, how could Gu Youchen, that logic twister, get an opportunity to take advantage of her3!

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That night, no matter what, Qiao Xiaomian insisted on staying with Ning Qingqing, so the two went to Ning Qingqing’s apartment.

The driver was still Xiao He. Qiao Xiaomian sat in the Bentley and whispered to Ning Qingqing, “Darling, is this the married life of young madam Gu?”

Ning Qingqing didn’t know whether to laugh or cry and glared at her.

Back at the apartment, Ning Qingqing checked the hot search page before going to bed. She found that the passerby said that they saw Si Luoqing from a distance in the mall today, and they all praised Si Luoqing for her beauty.

Ning Qingqing turned off her phone and went to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, Qiao Xiaomian had already packed up, and revealed to her, “Qingqing, you really guessed correctly. Si Luoqing, that despicable woman!”

Ning Qingqing turned on the phone and received a series of messages, all of which were notifications of missed calls while her phone was off.

Ning Qingqing couldn’t be more familiar with the phone number: it belonged to Shen Zhiqian.

Later, she opened WeChat and found that Shen Zhiqian had sent her a voice message using Special Assistant Wu’s phone——

“Qingqing it’s me. I didn’t know our affairs would get exposed. Don’t be angry, I will deal with it. After you wake up, accept my friend request. I get worried when I can’t contact you.”

Ning Qingqing looked at her friend requests, and sure enough, many of them were from Shen Zhiqian. He sent them at three o’clock in the morning last night.

She ignored them, and even deleted Special Assistant Wu then added Shen Zhiqian’s number to the blacklist while she was at it.

After opening Weibo, Ning Qingqing finally understood what was going on——

Last night, “Bystander” exposed a beautiful picture of Si Luoqing, and her fans immediately bragged about their idol’s beauty in the comments below.

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However, not even two hours later, the topic ‘The Beauty Opposite Si Luoqing ‘ became a trending topic.

Some people even praised Ning Qingqing’s appearance and temperament after comparing Ning Qingqing and Si Luoqing. Soon, Si Luoqing’s limelight was overshadowed.

It wasn’t until someone broke the news that the person standing next to Si Luoqing was Shen Zhiqian’s mother that she pulled back everyone’s attention.

However, soon a whistleblower stood out with reasoning and evidence, alleging that the Beauty in the photo was Shen Zhiqian’s second girlfriend.

This whistleblower explained that in the beginning Si Luoqing and Shen Zhiqian were childhood sweethearts. Then while Si Luoqing was abroad Ning Qingqing took this opportunity to intervene in their relationship, but she was never acknowledged by the Shen family.

From the photos, it was evident that the only one who was acknowledged by the Shen family was Si Luoqing. Couldn’t you see Xue Wenlan hugging Si Luoqing intimately?

Yet the Beauty tried to butt in. She was obviously trying to ingratiate4 herself with the other party!

As a result, following the leading of the water army5, the oblivious passersby ridiculed this unnamed Beauty for purposely being the mistress and having no bottom line!

Now that the official one was back, wasn’t she just a chicken occupying the phoenix’s coop. Whichever coop she belonged to was where she should return!

Just when Ning Qingqing was about to search for related topics, all the photos and topics about them on Weibo suddenly disappeared.

Even the ones on the trends list, she couldn’t find any related content.

Were they removed from the trends list? Who withdrew them?

Before Ning Qingqing had time to investigate, her phone rang. It was Nie Yu, “Qingqing, I saw the news about you as soon as I got up this morning. Just as I was about to remove it from the trending topics it disappeared. How do you want to deal with this matter?”

Ning Qingqing didn’t answer directly, but asked, “Older Brother Nie, about the Si family’s financial problem, after getting the news, when did you plan to expose it?”

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Nie Yu replied, “Originally, I planned to pick a suitable time from the upcoming days, but today’s trends brought us the best opportunity. But I don’t know what your plan is, so I wanted to ask you first.”

Ning Qingqing smiled, “I agree, today is the best day. Si Luoqing probably couldn’t have imagined that she shot herself in the foot with the trending topics she purchased. Guess we can save the publicity fees!”

Nie Yu immediately understood what Ning Qingqing meant, “Once it’s exposed, the Shen family will understand the Si family’s intentions and realize that they have been taken advantage of by them. Then they will naturally stand out and clarify the situation in your stead.”

Ning Qingqing agreed, “Exactly, once the Si family’s intentions are exposed, for all we know, Xue Wenlan might be the one who attacks Si Luoqing first!”

That woman, after interacting with her a few times, Ning Qingqing knew that she only loved money.

She despised Ning Qingqing who had an “ordinary family background”, and only liked Si Luoqing who was “well-matched”.

How would she react once she found out that this one with a well-matched family was just an empty shell that couldn’t even compare with the one with an ordinary family background?

Ning Qingqing was very curious about what Xue Wenlan would say in front of the media then!

“Qingqing, I’m already looking forward to you joining Ning Venture Capital.” Nie Yu said with a smile, “Have a nice break. See you next month when you start!”

Ning Qingqing sighed after hanging up the phone. Alas, she didn’t get to tell her family about her marriage. Forget it, after all, it was a matter between two people. When Gu Youchen would come back, they could discuss together …

Right at this moment, she received a Wechat message. It was from Gu Youchen——

“Qingqing, I found out about the trends list this morning. Just as I was about to have them removed, Shen Group’s public relations removed them first. Let’s talk when you wake up. I’m visiting Party A’s shareholders at 8:30 this morning and will have lunch with them. I will also participate in a project meeting at 1:30 p.m., which ends at 5 p.m. There will be a business dinner at 7 p.m.; it’s organized by Party A and all the bidding companies are invited.”

Ning Qingqing was stunned after reading the message.

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Last night, once Gu Youchen landed in Beishi, he reported his safety and said good night before going to bed. She had also sent a good night.

Rather, the message she got this morning didn’t seem like a simple good morning greeting; was he reporting his itinerary to her?

This was the second day after she got married. She couldn’t see her husband, but somehow, she got6 the feeling of being married.

Seeing that Gu Youchen’s name was also saved as ‘Tiramisu-loving joker’, Ning Qingqing clicked on it, thinking that she should change his nickname.

What should she call him?

The author has something to say:

Shen Zhiqian who doesn’t know the truth, “Congratulations to CEO Gu. I heard that you are happy in love, but frustrated in business. CEO Gu, be careful!”

Shen Zhiqian who knows the truth, “The enemy was digging out my front door!”

Tomorrow, we will continue to oppress the scumbags. Let’s see the scumbags beg in front of Qingqing later, sound good?

Qingqing: What nickname should I change it to? Seeking help … (°Ω°)/



i.e. watch a good show 上点眼药(apply eye drops) according to Baidu (Chinese Google) means to report someone to their boss (with some exaggeration), that is, to secretly make trouble i.e. make their lives harder. Ning Qingqing plans to retaliate! 趁人之危 a very frequently used idiom = kick someone when he/she is down  热脸贴对方的冷屁股 (sticking a hot face on the other party’s cold ass) i.e. showing excessive passion to cold person only to be given a cold shoulder 水军paid internet ghostwriters original is English

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