Putting aside the matter of changing his nickname for the moment, Ning Qingqing called Gu Youchen first.

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The call connected quickly, and the man’s clean and low voice came from the other side, “Qingqing?”

His tone rose slightly towards the end as if he had waited for a while for this moment.

Ning Qingqing didn’t know why, but suddenly she became a little nervous because of this “Qingqing”.

She quickly adjusted her thoughts and said, “I saw your WeChat message. I ran into Si Luoqing and Xue Wenlan while shopping with my best friend yesterday.”

Gu Youchen responded, “Did they make things difficult for you?”

Did it count as making it difficult? Ning Qingqing thought, and decided it did, “They did, but I clapped back at them.”

“Oh— ” Gu Youchen heard these words and with a bit of joy in his tone, he asked, “What was your comeback? “

Ning Qingqing didn’t expect that the other party would follow along and chat with her with great interest, so she told him what happened yesterday. Then she said seriously, “I can handle the rest of this matter well; you can just work with peace of mind.”

Gu Youchen seemed to sigh in a low voice, “Ah, then I will feel like I’m a bit useless.”

Ning Qingqing was stunned and then smiled, “No, you’re quite useful.  When you’re back, we’ll let Xue Wenlan have a good look and see if I really need to cling to her, after all, I already have …”

The word ‘husband’ seemed fine to say in front of Qiao Xiaomian, but when faced with the official owner, the word got caught in Ning Qingqing’s throat.

Gu Youchen waited patiently for two seconds, seeing that she was silent, he teased, “Being shy, aren’t you? “

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Ning Qingqing didn’t speak.

Gu Youchen laughed softly, “It’s okay, we all need time to get used to it.”

“En.” Ning Qingqing agreed, and suddenly felt that the atmosphere between the two had become a little awkward, so she changed the subject, “When are you coming back?”

After asking, she realized that she acted like a wife who asked when her husband would come back from a business trip, and her cheeks flushed instantly.

Fortunately, Gu Youchen couldn’t see her, so she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart and decided to put on a businesslike tone.

However, the voice of the man from the other side became much lower as he said, “Qingqing, I will come back to accompany you as soon as possible. The matter here will not take more than three days.”

Ahhh, who said she wanted him to accompany her?

Ning Qingqing felt like she had lifted a rock and dropped it on her foot1, how could three days be enough for her to adjust to her new identity?

The atmosphere became more ambiguous, and Ning Qingqing could only say, “My best friend is calling me.”

“En.” Gu Yuchen said, “Qingqing, I already shared my work schedule with you. You can send me a message to chat when I’m free. If there is something urgent, you can call me at any time.”

Ah, how did this man adapt so quickly? Ning Qingqing could only quickly answer, “Okay”, and then hung up the phone after saying goodbye.

In the Beishi hotel restaurant, Gu Youchen hung up the phone. No matter how hard he tried, the smile on his lips couldn’t be suppressed.

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Zhou Linghang on the opposite side looked at him with dark circles under his eyes, “Brother Chen, I didn’t sleep at all last night. My mind was fully occupied by the news of your marriage. D*mn it, I’m more excited about it than my own marriage!”

Gu Youchen glanced at him lightly, “Grow up.”

“Yes, yes, yes, I am not as good as my Brother Chen, who successfully dug into Shen Zhiqian’s corner!” Zhou Linghang’s eyes were full of excitement, “Our buddies came up with a good idea. Let’s pull out the marriage certificate in front of Shen Zhiqian now. What do you say, will he rush back to Beijing immediately when he sees it, and voluntarily give up this project? “

However, just when he finished speaking, Gu Youchen knocked him on the head.

“Hey, hey, hey, take it easy!” Zhou Linghang covered his head, “Brother, you are so ruthless!”

However, when he raised his eyes, he realized that Gu Youchen’s eyes were dark and serious, “Zhou Linghang, she is not my bargaining chip.”

Zhou Linghang also realized that his joke went too far, and apologized quickly, “It’s my fault, I keep speaking without a filter! But Brother Chen, when are you going to announce it to the public?”

Upon hearing this, Gu Youchen took a sip of coffee and said, “Depends on how she feels.”

After the three days, regardless of whether they won the project rights or not, he would go back. By then, Ning Qingqing would have had a few days to calm down, then they could sit down and plan their future together.

When they would announce their marriage to the public, and when the wedding was to be held, these could also be scheduled then.

Looking at Gu Youchen’s expression, Zhou Linghang couldn’t help sighing, “I really want to see Shen Zhiqian’s expression when he finds out! By the way, you must send him a wedding invitation!”

At the same time, Qiao Xiaomian also packed up. She had to go to work, unlike Ning Qingqing who had resigned and could completely relax these past few days.

“So, when are you going to make it public?” Qiao Xiaomian smiled wickedly, “I really want to see Shen Zhiqian’s reaction then!”

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Ning Qingqing didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “He probably will hear about it when he comes back from a business trip. After all, Gu Youchen and I got the certificate without avoiding Gu Group’s driver and assistant.”

Qiao Xiaomian shook her head, “That’s different, I want to see how he’ll react when you personally hand him the wedding invitation!”

“Pfft——” Ning Qingqing was amused, and then shook her head, “I have nothing to do with him now, I don’t need to personally send him an invitation. “

Towards Shen Zhiqian, although she was disappointed, she didn’t hate him or blame him. There was no need to behave like those who wanted to get revenge on their ex-boyfriend after breaking up.

“Maybe your husband will send one, hahaha!” Qiao Xiaomian still had a lot to say, but when she looked at the time, she realized that she was running out of time, so she blew a kiss to Ning Qingqing and hurried to work.

Her surroundings became quiet, and only then did Ning Qingqing get swept away by the emotions from all the events that happened the other day.

She took out her marriage certificate again. The man beside her in the picture was still a little unfamiliar to her, but he was going to be the one who would spend the rest of her life with her.

Could they really go on happily?

Ning Qingqing didn’t know, but she understood that people must look forward.

There was a saying which went like this: the most universal lesson of life is to not hesitate during the first half of your life and to not regret in the second half of your life.

She would preserve all her past memories as those from yesterday, and starting today she would begin to embrace the future.

Her mother’s company would be moving over next month. She would definitely have a lot of new things to learn when she starts the job, so she would simply use this time to pick up what she had put down before.

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Hence, at nine o’clock in the morning, Ning Qingqing asked Nie Yu for Ning Venture Capital’s project materials and began to study them carefully.

She sat in the study, taking notes while reading the materials, noting items down in a small notebook when she encountered something she didn’t know and planned to ask Nie Yu later.

Time passed slowly, so Ning Qingqing wasn’t aware of the changes in the online public opinion at all!

Just an hour ago, Shen Zhiqian posted a message on his personal Weibo——

“Miss Si Luoqing and I broke up nine years ago, and we haven’t had any personal contact since then. The company’s spokesperson contract is an act of cooperation on a business level. I hope that all of you won’t make wild guesses. As for my personal feelings, I am in charge. I won’t necessarily heed my parents’ opinions. I hope everyone won’t arbitrarily make assumptions and hurt innocent people.”

As soon as this news was sent out, it was pushed up in popularity quickly.

Someone immediately grasped the message of Shen Zhiqian’s words, and asked whether the ‘ innocent person ‘was a reference to the beauty in the photo? Was that beauty Shen Zhiqian’s girlfriend?

However, Shen Zhiqian himself did not respond.

He didn’t like to display his personal affairs on the Internet to entertain the public, so after revealing his attitude, he never responded with a single word.

And just when everyone was about to go to Si Luoqing’s Weibo to eat melons, a piece of news quietly brewed——

【Si Ming Capital Facing the Risk of Bankruptcy: Who is to Blame for the Disruption of their Funds?】


搬起石头砸了自己的脚 i.e. shot herself in the foot

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