This was an expert’s analysis. It was not like entertainment gossip which involved various speculations and inferences about a matter but was actually founded on real data.

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So, at first, the report only caused a stir in the financial sector.

However, soon, someone discovered that Si Luoqing was the daughter of Si Ming Capital’s president. Then this financial news became popular for the first time.

They said that when a wall is about to collapse, everyone will give it a shove1. Many companies’ projects were taken over by Si Ming Capital back then, so how could these competitors not smell the opportunity and join in to kick them down!

Regardless of whether the report was true or not, it must become breaking news!

This way, wouldn’t all the companies who considered cooperating with Si Ming Capital re-evaluate their decision?

As a result, this financial report became popular due to the competitors’ manipulation and Si Luoqing’s traffic!

When Ning Qingqing came across the news, she was preparing to have lunch.

She ordered some vegetables online and had them delivered home. On her own, she could cook something simple for lunch.

As soon as the sliced green peppers were stir-fried and placed on a plate, she received Qiao Xiaomian’s voice message.

Qiao Xiaomian was probably outside when she sent it, and she didn’t try to lower her voice, so she could clearly hear her happy tone through the receiver, “Babe, look at the trending search, hahaha, I’m laughing so hard. Someone can’t maintain their wealthy lady image anymore; even her backyard is on fire! She reaps what she sows!”

Ning Qingqing could quickly guess what was going on. She served herself a bowl of rice, and scooped a bowl of hot soup to let it cool down before clicking on the report.

With one look, she couldn’t help but raise the corners of her lips.

She didn’t know who on her mother’s team wrote this; such a beautifully done investigative report could be used as a business case in a professional strategic management course!

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Not only did it analyze the failure the Si family invested in before, but also thoroughly analyzed the methods recently used by the Si family to fill the financial hole, and the methods used by Si Ming Capital to appear unaffected2in the past two months!

Although there were many terms that laymen couldn’t understand, the main message was clear at a glance——

The Si family was collapsing, and Si Ming Capital was facing the risk of bankruptcy.

That was enough.

So just two hours later, Si Luoqing appeared on the hot search again, and the trend of public opinion this time was quite unfriendly to her——

“Didn’t Si Luoqing always play the part of a wealthy lady? Turns out that while her family’s company was failing, she still went out shopping with Mrs. Shen yesterday.”

“I get it all of a sudden – Si Luoqing was trying to marry into a wealthy family because her family wasn’t doing well, so she wanted to take a shortcut by pleasing Mrs. Shen? “

“The person upstairs is right! You see, Shen Zhiqian has come out to deny his relationship with Si Luoqing. Since it’s only a business cooperation then Si Luoqing should just do a good job. What are her intentions by shopping with Mrs. Shen? When other artists get to be the spokespersons, do they go shopping with their boss’s mother?”

“Have you ever thought that maybe the news from last night was intentionally exposed by Si Luoqing? Look at the photos from the ‘passerby’. Not only are the pixels clear unlike candid shots, but even every angle also shows Si Luoqing’s best angle!”

“After reading what was said above, I specifically dug out the photos that were taken early this morning and looked at them again. It’s really true! Every photo of Si Luoqing looks like it’s from a street photoshoot. However, it’s that beautiful young lady who had her pictures taken with a death angle, but even so, some people are unbeatable!”

“Hahaha, we should all know the truth now. Si Luoqing exposed herself intentionally, probably because she wanted to force her way into the palace! However, the coercion failed, and she even screwed her family over. I’m laughing so hard!”

“By the way, am I the only one who is curious about the attitudes of the two elders of the Shen family? Does anyone think that those two will maintain their close relationship with Si Luoqing after this was exposed? “

“Eating melons online right now, waiting!”

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“Waiting for the follow-up!”

Amidst the commotion, Shen Zhiqian’s special assistant in Beishi received calls one after another.

It wasn’t until Shen Zhiqian finished the meeting that Special Assistant Wu handed over the phone, “CEO Shen, it’s your mother calling.”

After Shen Zhiqian posted the clarification on Weibo that morning, he didn’t pay any attention to it. He had been in a meeting with Party A and didn’t know the development afterward.

As soon as he picked up the phone, Xue Wenlan’s agitated voice came from the receiver, “Zhiqian, is it true? The things that are being said on the Internet about the Si family?”

Shen Zhiqian frowned, ” What are you talking about?”

Xue Wenlan could only quickly explain, “A financial report stated that the Si family’s supply of funds broke, and now they’re just an empty shell. They haven’t invested in any project for two months because their previous project had hollowed them out, so now they’re facing bankruptcy.”

Hearing this, Shen Zhiqian was only slightly surprised, and then said, “I’m not sure, it has nothing to do with me.”

Xue Wenlan suddenly got agitated, “How is it irrelevant, you and Luoqing …”

“Mom, I have nothing to do with her!” Shen Zhiqian’s tone suddenly became more serious, “Don’t mention this person to me in the future!”

Xue Wenlan read the reports all morning today and was almost sure that the Si family was going to collapse. She called her son mainly for emotional support.

“Okay, I won’t mention it if you don’t want to.” Xue Wenlan sighed, “It’s such a pity, I even wanted her to be my daughter-in-law …”

Hearing this sentence, Shen Zhiqian didn’t hang up the phone, and said with a sneer, “How nice of you, counting money for them after being sold!”3

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Xue Wenlan was taken aback, “What do you mean?”

Shen Zhiqian explained, “If that report is true then the Si family is really doomed. Si Luoqing returned to China at this juncture, and proactively built a good relationship with my dad and you, and took the initiative to find me. Why do you think she did this?”

Xue Wenlan felt like she was suddenly hit by a blow, and almost lost her voice, “She took us for a fool?”

Shen Zhiqian snorted coldly and hung up the phone resolutely.

He switched to his WeChat and found that Ning Qingqing still hadn’t accepted his friend request.

Throwing the phone aside irritably, Shen Zhiqian raised his eyes and saw Gu Youchen who had just come out of another conference room.

Gu Youchen was shaking hands with the major shareholders of Party A, with a rare happy smile on his lips, and when he looked at him, his eyes were meaningful, as if the win was within his grasp.

Shen Zhiqian snorted lightly in his heart.

After Gu Youchen bid farewell to the other party, he went to the corridor to wait for the elevator.

It just so happened that the elevator Shen Zhiqian waited for didn’t arrive, so they were separated by two meters.

On these occasions, Zhou Linghang suddenly couldn’t hold back his desire to cause trouble, he said, “Brother Chen, it’s time to call back sister-in-law!”

Gu Youchen glanced at Zhou Linghang, his eyes were cold as if saying that he was ridiculous.

However, the next second, his phone vibrated. When he opened it, it turned out that Ning Qingqing had taken the initiative to reach out to him.

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When he opened it and looked at the content, he was a little surprised. Ning Qingqing sent him a report on a project acquisition from three years ago.

Just as Gu Youchen clicked on it, the elevator arrived, and he entered the elevator with Shen Zhiqian.

The report was not long, so after quickly scanning it, he understood what Ning Qingqing meant in an instant.

In an instant, his heart pounded in his chest like crazy. In order to alleviate this indescribable surprise, he couldn’t help but clench his fingers tightly on the handrail of the elevator next to him, rubbing his white fingertips hard on it.

The surface of the elevator’s mirror was clean, reflecting his calm and restrained expression, but the fire in his eyes burned brighter and brighter.

The report that Ning Qingqing forwarded to him was a case. It was not related to the project he was bidding for this time, but it was similar after some reverse engineering.

She was using this case to inspire him on how to win this project.

This was the first time she took the initiative to approach him after he returned to China!

Gu Yuchen exited the report, returned to the chat with Ning Qingqing, and pressed the button below to send a voice message. He said in a deep voice that had traces of restraint, “Thank you Qingqing, this is of great help to me. “

The moment he clicked send, there was a ‘ding’ from the elevator door, which covered up the dull notification that the WeChat message was sent successfully.

The elevator door opened, and it arrived at the ground floor, but Shen Zhiqian didn’t go out.

He turned to look at Gu Youchen, his eyes were full of hostility, “CEO Gu, is acting like this on purpose to have fun?”


墙倒众人推 i.e. everybody hits a man who is down 外强中干 i.e. strong in appearance but weak in reality 被人卖了还帮忙数钱 i.e. helping those who betrayed you

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