“Then I’ll tell you, be prepared.” Wang Qian said, “Just a few days ago, didn’t Si Luoqing come to shoot a promotional video, but she bumped into Qingqing and spilled coffee on her.”

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“Actually, she was the one who accidentally bumped into Qingqing’s coffee; Qingqing was in the elevator and didn’t move. Her manager saw that she was burnt and even pushed Qingqing.”

“Qingqing hit the handrail of the elevator, and her lower back was bruised, and I was the one who sprayed her with medicine. However, the moment you arrived you apologized for her, believing for certain that it was her fault, and if she had refuted it, she would’ve appeared petty instead. “

Shen Zhiqian’s heart constricted, “She was injured? Was it serious?”

Ning Qingqing was a little angry that day, and he never understood why, and then he saw Ning Qingqing joking with his classmates, so he left angrily.

Afterward, he went on a business trip to Beicheng, and when he came back, she was already with Gu Yuchen!

Counting the days now, they went to work together that morning, and he accompanied her to her office, and that turned out to be their last moment of warmth!

Sometimes, one must lose something before seeing clearly, but what’s been done can’t be undone, so he didn’t even know how he could make up for it.

Shen Zhiqian ended the call with Wang Qian, and at this moment he had a lot he wanted to say to Ning Qingqing.

But she and Gu Youchen left, and he couldn’t get in touch with her. Even if he did, he no longer had the chance to apologize or ask her if she was okay…

Shen Zhiqian sat under the flower terrace of Ning Qingqing’s home the whole night.

In the early morning, his eyes were bloodshot.

She really didn’t come back that whole night, and the last sliver of hope in his heart shattered.

He stumbled to stand up, only to find that his leather shoes and trousers were covered with crushed cake and were all messy.

At the same time, Ning Qingqing opened her eyes inside Gu Youchen’s apartment.

After all, she was more comfortable in her own bed. She didn’t fall asleep until after 12 o’clock last night and woke up before 7 o’clock this morning.

She went to wash up first. Since she didn’t bring any clothes, she had to put on yesterday’s clothes.

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After walking out of the room, she looked around and heard some noises from the kitchen.

Gu Youchen was cooking?

As Ning Qingqing was thinking, she had already walked over.

In the kitchen, the rice cooker was bubbling and steaming, while the steak was being fried in the pan next to it, and there were two fried omelets on the dinner plate on the other side.

The man quickly turned the steak over, and as if he had noticed the movement, he turned his head to look.


The early morning sunlight slanted through the crystal divider between the open-concept kitchen and the dining room, refracting fragments of light and shadow. Ning Qingqing stood amidst the light and shadow and looked over curiously.

This moment was like a slow-motion scene in a heartwarming movie; Gu Youchen couldn’t describe how touched he was at the moment. Such a scene was an extravagant hope that he only had in his dreams before, but now it was reflected in reality.

But no superfluous expression showed on his face, he even just nodded slightly at her, “Qingqing, morning.”

And the ending sound of the word ‘morning’ went out of tune, but because of the sound of the sizzling pan, no one could hear the difference.

“Morning.” Ning Qingqing didn’t have an inkling about Gu Youchen’s thoughts. She stepped in, “Is there something I can do?”

The girl next to him was petite, her cheeks were clean and clear without makeup, which entranced Gu Youchen for a moment.

In this moment of rapture, hot oil splashed onto the back of his hand, and he flinched reactively.

Seeing this, Ning Qingqing hurried over, turned off the fire, and looked down at Gu Youchen’s hand.

“It’s reddening from the burn; you have to wash it with cold water immediately!”

Gu Youchen stared at the anxious girl in a daze and forgot to react for a moment.

But seeing that he was not moving, Ning Qingqing pulled his wrist towards the nearby sink.

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She turned on the faucet and brought the burnt spot on the back of Gu Youchen’s hand closer.

The coldness relieved the burning sensation on the back of his hand, but a cluster of fire rose from Gu Youchen’s wrist where it was being held by Ning Qingqing, burning more and more intensely in his heart.

He didn’t even look at his hand but kept staring at Ning Qingqing’s side profile.

But when she raised her head to speak, he restored his calm and restraint.

She said, “Rinse for half a minute.”

He answered, “Okay.”

The steak in the pan had just reached 70% well done with the residual temperature. Gu Youchen took two plates, put an omelet and a steak on Ning Qingqing’s, and scooped a bowl of porridge from the rice cooker.

“There are no vegetables at home, so I cooked millet porridge.” Gu Youchen explained as he also scooped a bowl for himself and sat down, “I don’t know if you are used to it?”

Ning Qingqing took a bite of the steak, the firmness was just right, and the omelet was also golden in color. She raised her eyes, and there were little sparks of sunshine in her eyes, “It’s delicious, did you often cook before?”

Gu Youchen nodded, “I went abroad to study during my freshman year of high school, so I often cooked for myself there.”

Ning Qingqing said, “I also cook for myself often, but my cooking skills are average.”

“Then from now on I’ll cook the meals at home.” Gu Youchen basically blurted out.

After saying that, Ning Qingqing couldn’t help but raise her eyes.

Then she quickly waved her hands, “No, no, you are usually so busy at work, I also have to share the housework.”

Gu Youchen noticed that when she was serious, her eyes were obviously rounder than usual, and the sense of distance due to her ethereal gentleness and beauty was weakened. The Ning Qingqing at this moment was cute and easy to approach.

“En, then let’s share it together on the weekends. On other days, I can ask the auntie from the villa to come over. She is also good at cooking.” Gu Youchen said.

Ning Qingqing nodded. In fact, she could only be relaxed for these few days. After joining Ning Venture Capital, she will probably become busy again.

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After the two had breakfast together, Ning Qingqing was going to wash the dishes, but Gu Youchen held her back, “Qingqing, let me share my plan for our next steps first.”

As he spoke, he took her by the wrist and brought her to the living room.

After a few steps, he was a little reluctant when he let go.

“Qingqing, I need to visit the company this morning then we will go out for lunch at noon, and I will accompany you to your apartment to move in this afternoon.”

Ning Qingqing nodded, “Okay.”

“Also, do you have any preferences for our marital home?” Gu Youchen asked, “Recently, there are some good villas under construction. After I go to the company, I can ask Special Assistant Zhou to give me the information and bring them home in the afternoon so we can choose together?”

Ning Qingqing was surprised, “You also want to buy a marital home?”

Gu Youchen nodded and said earnestly, “Real estate is also an investment, and after you buy it, you can work with interior designers to make it according to your own preferences, and choose the style you like.”1

Ning Qingqing was a little moved, and she asked, “Then what style do you like?”

Gu Youchen replied, “What you like.”

I like the style you like and planning our future together.

Ning Qingqing was taken aback by the inexplicable words that popped into her mind. But looking at the expression of the man next to her as if he was just talking about work, she felt that she must be overthinking.

She answered, “Okay, then let’s choose this afternoon.”

Gu Youchen nodded, and then added, “I have already told my parents about the marriage, and they asked me to take you home on the weekend. When will your parents have time, so we can meet together?”

When Ning Qingqing heard ‘parents’, she felt her head would explode.

“Okay, but on my parents’ side, I still have to ask…”

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Seeing her troubled face, Gu Youchen could guess, “Qingqing, you haven’t told your parents yet, right?”

Ning Qingqing nodded, a little frustrated.

The corners of Gu Youchen’s lips raised involuntarily, “That’s okay, then when they come over, I’ll tell them.”2

Realizing that they have already started planning for the future, Ning Qingqing felt that this feeling was unfamiliar but also made her feel at ease.


“Then you go to work first, and I’ll wash the dishes.” As Ning Qingqing said, she got up and went to the kitchen.

Gu Youchen went in with her, “I’m the boss, so I can be late. There is a dishwasher and a sterilizer machine at home. I’ll show you how to use them.”

He explained the dishwasher functions to Ning Qingqing, and then demonstrated it himself.

Ning Qingqing was watching from the side, but she was suddenly attracted by the large set of kitchen tools in the cabinet.

Seeing her looking over, Gu Youchen opened the cabinet door to show her.

“For baking?” Ning Qingqing recalled how Gu Youchen ate tiramisu at the cake shop that day, and asked, “Do you really like sweets that much?”

Gu Youchen nodded, and looked into Ning Qingqing’s eyes, his eyes darkened, “I like them, but nobody knows.”

I like her, but she doesn’t know.

The author has something to say:

Gu Youchen: I planned step by step to kidnap my wife and bring her home! The next step is to win over the mother-in-law~~


Translator’s ramblings: I want that too! Also, I see what you’re doing CEO Gu haha. Translator’s ramblings: Courageous CEO Gu.

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