Chapter 24 Part 2

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Wang Qian had already turned to a certain clause and said blankly, “The Group can terminate the contract within a week, and today is exactly the seventh day.”

Of course, Kenny knew this because the contract was a mutual agreement, so the artist also had a seven-day exemption period.

But he didn’t want to listen to this. He asked, “If your company thinks there is a problem with this contract, can we redraft it?”

Wang Qian looked at him with a smile, “We think this contract is pretty good.”

Kenny’s face froze, “Then—”

Wang Qian continued, “But the Group’s public relations department has already started looking for a new spokesperson.”

Seeing that Kenny’s cheeks were flushed, Wang Qian stood up with regret on her face, “I’m sorry, our legal department is just a small department, and I’m just a low-level worker. I can’t make any decisions! Look, it’s 9961 all day long, and look at my hair, a lot of it has fallen out. I’m interested to know which shampoo your artist uses, please introduce it to me…”

Kenny glanced at Wang Qian’s beautiful and thick black hair and knew that he was being played. He almost exhausted his strength before turning around and leaving without saying anything.

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At the same time, Ning Qingqing was about to put down her phone after reading the hot search topics when she received a call from Nie Yu, “Qingqing, the follow-up funds for the Si family’s existing projects can no longer keep up, so there will definitely be some action this month. If it meets my expectations, I expect that we will be contacted soon. Presently, several project managers at Ning Venture have their hands tied up with their own projects which need to be completed in Nancheng, so can we entrust you with handling the Si family?”

Ning Qingqing knew that the project had entered the monitoring and control stage, and her taking over now would be a challenge as a newcomer who had no project experience, but it was the best opportunity to practice as long as she was attentive.

Ning Qingqing accepted, “Brother Nie, no problem, do you have any information on it with you? If not, I will go to collect it myself and make preparations in advance.”

Nie Yu replied, “I have a section here. You can collect more information as you read it. Over at the office, the administrative and other functional departments will move over first. I will come over on the weekend and introduce you to everyone. Let’s have a small gathering.”

Ning Qingqing was looking forward to the new job even more, “Okay.”

She quickly received the information from Nie Yu, so she continued to collect relevant information on the Internet while reading it.

When Gu Youchen came back, Ning Qingqing was facing the computer in the study in deep concentration.

The usually monotonous and solemn study room had an added touch of soft color because of her presence.

Gu Youchen watched quietly, without disturbing Ning Qingqing.

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Ning Qingqing didn’t realize that she had heard the door closing just now until she finished writing the comments. She turned her head to look and saw Gu Youchen leaning against the door.

He stood there for who knows how long.

Ning Qingqing quickly got up and explained, “I will join Ning Venture Capital in the future, so I’m studying the relevant project information first, so I will need to borrow your computer.”

“En.” Gu Youchen came over with a natural tone, “Qingqing, we are married, so everything in this house is yours; use it as you like.”

“Ah——” Ning Qingqing felt that she should say something as well, so she said with enthusiasm, “Then you can use my stuff as you like too.”

Seeing her cute serious expression, Gu Youchen couldn’t help but smile, “Oh, then what is Qingqing planning to let me use first?”

Ning Qingqing was startled, realizing that she didn’t bring anything with her yet, so she could only probe, “Alipay?” This was the only thing she could share now.

The smile in Gu Youchen’s eyes became more evident, “Okay, then Qingqing will raise me from now on.”

Seeing him like this, Ning Qingqing immediately knew that Gu Youchen was teasing her. She suddenly was in the rare mood to joke, and said, “Okay, 500 a month for living expenses.”

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When Gu Youchen heard this, he showed a hurt expression, “Qingqing, my older cousin gets 800 a month for living expenses, why am I only worth 500? I want to have what other husbands get.”

When Ning Qingqing heard the word ‘husband’, her breathing tightened slightly, and then she pretended to be natural and said, “Okay, then you get 900; it’s 100 more than others.”

Gu Youchen nodded, “Okay.”

After that, he really presented his deposit QR code.

Ning Qingqing transferred 900 to him with the note: living expenses.

Gu Youchen replied with an emoji, the emoji was a bowing man, with four words next to it: Thank you, my wife.

He didn’t send a single word, it was just an emoji, but he seemed to have said everything.

Ning Qingqing raised her eyes and glanced at Gu Youchen, with the nagging feeling that he seemed to be flirting with her.

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“Are you hungry yet?” Gu Youchen stopped teasing Ning Qingqing, “Let’s go eat, and then go directly to your apartment after eating.”

The two drove out to eat together. Ning Qingqing was still thinking of the matter about raising him, but when she asked the waiter when she went to the bathroom, the other party said that the restaurant was owned by Gu Youchen, and the bill was only used to record the meal, so payment wasn’t needed.

She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, she didn’t mention it and went directly to her apartment with Gu Youchen.

The apartment was purchased by Ning Qingqing’s father shortly after graduation, saying that he wanted to compensate her for not taking good care of her in recent years.

Moving to Gu Youchen’s didn’t mean that she couldn’t come back here, so Ning Qingqing just packed the clothes and daily necessities she would wear this season.

Gu Youchen directly pulled the two boxes into the car and went to a nearby members-only supermarket with Ning Qingqing before going home.

At this time, there were not many people in the supermarket, so the two first went to the daily necessities section to pick up some things and then went to the cold and fresh section to buy some groceries.

On the other side, a young man was pushing a shopping cart, waiting for his mother to choose her groceries.

His eyes looked around casually and saw Ning Qingqing.

“Sister-in-law?” Chen Yue didn’t notice Gu Youchen who was picking beef two or three meters away. He smiled at Ning Qingqing, “Did you come by yourself? Brother Qian didn’t come with you?”

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