“Youchen, you are the boy Qingqing mentioned who asked for directions, right?” She asked with a smile, “Did you have any impression of Qingqing from that time?”

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The tsunami in Gu Youchen’s heart still hadn’t subsided, he caught on to Li Lan’s words, and said to Ning Qingqing, “I stayed in Xu Family Inn for a few days, and I met you at that time.”

Ning Qingqing was surprised, “You remember?”

Gu Youchen nodded, his eyes were too dark, making him seem a little too calm. His Adam’s apple rolled, and he said with restraint, “En, I remember that the girl who guided me at that time was very beautiful.”

The sudden compliment made Ning Qingqing feel a little embarrassed, she smiled, “You must have said that on purpose now that you know it’s me.”

Gu Youchen didn’t correct her. He thought that there would eventually be one day when he would take her to explore their whole story from his perspective beginning from that year.

“Actually, he really didn’t.” Gu Heng, who had been reading financial magazines by the side, raised his head and interjected, “Qingqing, Youchen must have been interested in you since that time, so—”

Before he finished speaking, Li Lan stuffed a muscat grape into his mouth.

Gu Heng looked at Li Lan with a choked expression, Li Lan turned her back to Ning Qingqing, and glared at Gu Heng, as if to say——

Will you die if you don’t interrupt?

How come I don’t see you talking as much normally?!

Gu Heng had no choice but to remain silent.

Then Li Lan immediately changed the subject, “Qingqing, you and Youchen haven’t taken wedding photos yet, have you?”

Ning Qingqing nodded.

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Li Lan smiled and said, “We’ll properly discuss the wedding with the in-laws when they come over. You, young couple, can take the wedding photos in whatever style you like, instead I can paint a couple painting for you two right now.”

Ning Qingqing had first-hand knowledge of Li Lan’s painting prowess from online long ago, so she was flattered when she heard this, “Ah, won’t that take a lot of time? Mom, you don’t need to trouble yourself with this…”

“No trouble, no trouble.” Li Lan got up and called Gu Youchen, “Youchen, go and get my studio ready.”

Ten minutes later, Ning Qingqing and Gu Youchen sat in front of the easel.

Li Lan looked at the two people who were sitting upright, and said, “Relax, it’s not like you are a young couple who time traveled from the 50s and 60s.”

Hearing this, Gu Youchen raised his arm and rested it on Ning Qingqing’s shoulders.

Ning Qingqing was a little stiff, especially when she was facing Li Lan.

Li Lan took a pencil to outline their silhouette first: “Relax a little more, the draft will take some time, with the way you’re sitting, you’ll get tired in less than ten minutes.”

“Qingqing—” Gu Youchen turned his head and called Ning Qingqing beside him.

Ning Qingqing raised her eyes subconsciously, “Huh?”

In the next second, the man’s hand slid up from her shoulder, landed on her head, and then pressed lightly.

Ning Qingqing’s head rested on Gu Youchen’s shoulder.

Her breath trembled, and the nervousness made her mind go blank for a moment.

She and Gu Youchen had never been so close before. Her arm was pressed against his ribs, and because his hand went back to her shoulder, it was like half of her body fell into his arms.

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“Is this position more relaxing?” Gu Youchen asked.

Ning Qingqing waited for two seconds before responding, “En.”

She didn’t dare to move, she just quietly leaned against Gu Youchen’s shoulder.

And the man looked down at the girl resting on his shoulder, because he tried his best to suppress his frantic heartbeat, even his breathing was a little heavy.

Slowly letting out a breath, Gu Youchen turned his head slightly towards Ning Qingqing’s side, so that her head fit perfectly in between his shoulder and neck.

Li Lan pretended to get up to get the painting utensils, and when she passed by Gu Youchen’s side, she gave him a thumbs up.

Although Li Lan was skilled in painting, because she did realism paintings, she strove for perfection in the details and had to match the model as flawlessly as possible.

It took about an hour to start the sketch, and every detail needed to be adjusted, so that the final painting would be more realistic.

Ning Qingqing was still a little stiff at first, but gradually her neck became a little sore, and her back couldn’t hold up anymore.

So, she could only let herself relax and leaned even closer to Gu Youchen.

At this moment, she seemed to vaguely feel that the man’s heartbeat became a little faster, but before she could distinguish it carefully, his other free hand grabbed her fingers again.

He took her hand in his palm.

Ning Qingqing was completely distracted, and then she also became nervous, not knowing whose heart was beating faster.

Once Li Lan finished her sketch, Gu Youchen let her go, lowered his eyes, and asked her, “Are you tired?”

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The distance between the two was still very close, Ning Qingqing could even clearly see Gu Youchen’s distinct eyelashes.

Her nose could still sense the clear pine scent from his body, which somehow made her blush.

Ning Qingqing shook her head, “Not tired, is your shoulder numb?”

Gu Youchen smiled, “If you sleep on it for another day then it might get numb.”

One day……

Ning Qingqing imagined further; a day was 24 hours, which included nighttime, right?

Gu Youchen didn’t mean that, right?

She quickly shook off this conjecture from her mind and got up to look at Li Lan’s sketch.

“My heavens, it looks so alike…” Although she had expected it, Ning Qingqing was still amazed to see the portrait that almost reproduced the two people.

Li Lan said with a smile, “It’s just a simple draft now; it will probably take at least three months to finish the painting. I hope it can be completed before your wedding, and I will give it to you as a wedding gift.”

Ning Qingqing was already looking forward to it, “Okay, thank you, Mom.”

An oil painting painted by her mother-in-law was more valuable than any wedding photo.

At noon, everyone sat down together to eat.

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Ning Qingqing discovered that Li Lan was quite picky about what she ate, while Gu Heng spoiled her very much, taking what she didn’t like.

As for Ning Qingqing, who came to their house for the first time, although they greeted her warmly, they did not take care of her deliberately, which made her feel more relaxed.

The atmosphere was very nice, Ning Qingqing thought, no wonder since she met Gu Youchen, she felt that this man had a good personality, so it was because of family factors.

He lived in an environment that did not lack love. Unlike Shen Zhiqian, he seemed to be more tolerant.

That afternoon, Li Lan took her necessary routine nap, so Gu Youchen rested a bit after lunch and took Ning Qingqing home.

Before leaving, everyone agreed that when Ning Qingqing’s parents came over, they would gather to discuss the wedding.

Coming out of the Gu family’s villa, the two walked to their parking spot.

Gu Youchen looked down at Ning Qingqing’s hand and reached out to hold it.

Ning Qingqing raised her eyes and met the man’s clear eyes.

She didn’t break free and let him lead her.

Until they got into the car together, Gu Youchen didn’t let go.

Ning Qingqing thought that they were both working hard to manage this relationship, so maybe one day they would be like Gu Heng and Li Lan, being affectionate with each other even after decades.

For the first time, she had something to look forward to.

She also wanted to know what a complete family was like, which she had never experienced in her more than 20 years of growing up.

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