That night, Ning Qingqing received a call from Nie Yu, saying that the employees from other departments of the company came over one after another tonight. Tomorrow, they would organize the company during the day and ask the administrator to reserve a place in a clubhouse near the company in the evening. It was a perfect time for everyone to get together.

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Ning Qingqing then took the initiative to explain that she would help organize the company tomorrow morning.

So, in the morning, Gu Youchen drove her to the new office building of Ning Venture Capital, and Ning Qingqing said goodbye to him and went up.

“Qingqing is here?” Xiao Zhu from the administration department was instructing his colleagues to hang up the company logo when he turned around and saw Ning Qingqing.

Ning Qingqing knew him. She had been to Ning Venture Capital several times before, and it was always Xiao Zhu who received her.

“Brother Zhu, I came here today to see if I can help.” Ning Qingqing pointed to herself, “The sportswear outfit I’m wearing now is perfect for doing chores!”

Xiao Zhu smiled and said, “No problem, CEO Ning said the young lady has to do odd jobs as well when she comes over.”

As he said that, he turned his head and yelled at everyone in the company, “Qingqing is here, everyone, quickly bring us whatever chores you have; we dare not instruct CEO Ning, so instead we will take revenge on CEO Ning’s daughter!”

“Coming, coming!” Everyone heard the voice and came over together. Some of them were familiar with Ning Qingqing, and without caring about their bodies covered in dust, they gave Ning Qingqing a bear hug when they came up, “Aiyo, my little sister, she is getting more and more charming!”

Ning Qingqing smiled, and she suddenly remembered a saying——

What you lose on the swings you gain on the roundabouts.1

She lost her nine-year relationship but gained a marriage that let her look forward.

She lost the job she had for two years but gained such a passionate team.

Just like a saying she saw on the Internet: don’t stay attached to the past, don’t look down on the present, and don’t wait for the future.

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She strove to live well in the present, embrace life, and trust that the future will reward her accordingly.

There were still some unfamiliar faces today. After everyone introduced themselves one by one, they started working again.

Ning Qingqing was not afraid of getting dirty; she wore gloves and went with them to wipe the table, sweep the floor, and move things. She worked up a forehead dripping with sweat, even her face was a bit muddied.

Everyone’s lunch was a simple takeaway boxed lunch, and each of them carried a box and sat at a clean desk to eat.

The nameplates in the office area had also been installed, and Ning Qingqing looked at hers, a bit eager to be going to work officially.

In the afternoon, the moving company brought over the new office chairs, and everyone unloaded and put the things away, and it was already four or five o’clock in the afternoon when they finished.

Ning Qingqing knew that she was here to do chores when she came today, so she prepared extra clean clothes. After finishing their work, she went with everyone to the hotel where they stayed to take a shower and change her clothes.

Many of them were from the south, and it was troublesome to find a house after coming here. CEO Ning generously rented a house for everyone near the company, and after negotiating a time, they could officially move in next week.


After changing her clothes, Ning Qingqing called Gu Youchen, “Youchen, we are going to the Qingyang Club near the company for team building, and I estimate I will get home late.”

Gu Youchen replied, “Okay, call me when it’s almost over, and I’ll pick you up.”

It was Sunday, and his wife was not at home. CEO Gu was watching the financial news listlessly on the sofa, feeling aggrieved from being alone in the vacant house.

Just after hanging up the phone, Gu Youchen received a video call from Zhou Linghang.

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Gu Youchen frowned in disdain but still picked up.

Zhou Linghang’s face appeared in the camera, “Brother Chen, want to come out and get together? Ye Peicheng’s private filming just ended, and he just came back today, let’s get together!”

Before Gu Youchen spoke, he discovered that there were a few more people on the video call. It turned out that Zhou Linghang had started a group video chat, and now almost all of them joined.

“Brother Chen, you can’t come out, right? Isn’t Brother Chen staying at home with his wife recently?”

“Brother Ye, you don’t know that Brother Chen got married, do you? It’s a flash marriage! Yo, we haven’t been able to bring him out since the flash marriage!”

“Not only can’t I schedule a meet-up, but this person who used to work overtime so much also can’t be found once the workday ends!”

“Brother Chen, come out, Peicheng finally came back, let’s get together!”

Ye Peicheng also grew up with everyone, but he entered the entertainment industry and won the best actor trophy at a young age. He was usually so busy with various advertising endorsements that he rarely came back.

He saw that Gu Youchen was alone, and asked, “Youchen, where is sister-in-law? Bring her as well?”

Gu Youchen said lightly, “She has a company gathering today. Where are you guys going to meet? Let’s try to go as early as possible; I need to pick her up tonight.”

“Yo yo, it’s different when you have a wife!”

“Look at Brother Chen, he used to be a woman insulator, but now he is a 24k-filial good man!”

“Hey, you guys don’t know, Brother Chen is especially good at digging…”

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Before Zhou Linghang could finish his sentence, he met Gu Youchen’s chilly gaze and immediately dared not speak.

Several other people in the video chat anticipated the follow-up, especially wanting to know, but Zhou Linghang really didn’t say anything more.

“Our location hasn’t been decided yet, how about—” Zhou Linghang changed the subject.

Gu Youchen said, “Then why not go to Qingyang Club?”

“Eh, Brother Chen also knows of that place?” Zhou Linghang was surprised.

Gu Youchen said, “My wife is meeting with her colleagues there.”

“F*ck!” Zhou Linghang was speechless, “Is this guarding my sister-in-law in case she is approached by someone?”

Everyone laughed, but quickly agreed and went over there.

Who’s kidding, they were just extremely curious about Gu Youchen’s beloved wife, okay?

What they were even more curious about was how Gu Youchen would behave in front of his wife.

On the other side, Ning Qingqing and the others changed their clothes, and because the distance was not far away, they strolled to Qingyang.

Although this club took the mid-to-high-end route, because it targeted young people and incorporated their culture, the doors of the private rooms were semi-open.

The so-called private room doors were not partitioned by walls, but by pure crystal curtains and green plants, so that each private room could faintly see the other, which was especially suitable for young people to make friends and have romantic encounters.

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It was well known that the romantic encounter index here was very high. Since the club opened, there had been several couples who had met here and got married in the end.

After Ning Qingqing and her group came over, they chose a relatively quiet private room. Xiao Zhu was very good at enlivening the atmosphere. While eating small dishes, toasting, and changing glasses, the atmosphere had already heated up.

Not long after, Gu Youchen and his friends came here one after another. What they wanted was the innermost private room. Because Ye Peicheng was a top celebrity, they even found him a seat where no one on the outside could see.

As soon as they sat down, Zhou Linghang winked at everyone, “Do you all see the side diagonally ahead? One of them is our sister-in-law!”

Everyone looked over together, but the crystal bead curtain was shaking slightly, so they couldn’t see clearly what was going on there.

At this time, Ye Peicheng’s phone rang in the corner. Seeing that it was a well-known director in the circle, he swiped to answer: “Director Su——”

The two chatted for a while, Ye Peicheng said, “Director Su will come over later, do you all mind?”

Everyone shook their heads, “It’s okay, we are not public figures, we are here today to help Brother Chen guard his wife.”

At the same time, at the door, Director Su hung up the phone, and said to Shen Zhiqian beside him, “Zhiqian, your father said that you’ve shut yourself in at home recently. There just happened to be a gathering today. I’m going to meet a friend, let’s go together.”

Director Su was a close friend of Shen Zhiqian’s father, and the two grew up in the same neighborhood when they were young, so he regarded Shen Zhiqian as his son and cared about him very much.

Shen Zhiqian subconsciously wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered that Xue Wenlan said that she would come to his apartment today to explain what happened in the video, and he felt annoyed, so he nodded in agreement, “Okay, Uncle Su, I’ll go. You talk to your friend first, and I’ll invite a few friends too. This way it’ll be livelier.”


失之东隅收之桑榆: to lose at sunrise but gain at sunset

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