She froze for a moment, and said, “I’ll pick truth.”

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The female colleague opposite her was very gentle, “Does Qingqing have a boyfriend?”

Ning Qingqing thought about it, she has a husband, and this husband got the certificate after skipping the dating stage, so he didn’t count, right?

So, she shook her head: “No.”

“Why is it so easy when it comes to Qingqing?” Someone suggested, “It doesn’t seem exciting enough, how about we agree that if you chose truth last time, you have to take a dare next time. If you don’t follow the rule, you have to drink.”

Once the rules were changed, everyone was excited and nervous at the same time.

Ning Qingqing’s luck began to worsen, and she was picked 4 times in a row. She didn’t want to accept the two dares, so she could only choose to drink.

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After drinking two glasses of beer in five minutes, she was already a little tipsy.

Picking up the phone, she sent a message to Gu Yuchen: “Youchen, I’m about to get drunk, come and pick me up.”

At the back of the private room, Gu Youchen kept looking in Ning Qingqing’s direction from time to time.

After receiving the news, he was about to get up and take her home.

But at this moment, Ning Qingqing’s room suddenly burst into laughter.

Then Gu Youchen saw someone turn his head and looked over in his direction as if he was looking at him.

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He was a little puzzled and didn’t move.

But at this moment Ning Qingqing was very depressed, what luck she had, she was picked again. Xiao Zhu who was next to her pointed in the direction of the inner room, “Does Qingqing see that handsome guy over there? Go and kiss him.”

Ning Qingqing complained inside incessantly, it was over, she had to drink again.

But she subconsciously looked in the direction Xiao Zhu pointed.

It just so happened that the bead curtain over there was lifted, and Ning Qingqing saw Gu Youchen who was selected by Xiao Zhu at a glance.

She was stunned, her first reaction was that she drank too much and hallucinated.

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So, Ning Qingqing rubbed her eyes and looked carefully again.

And Gu Youchen who was over there slightly raised the corners of his lips at her.

So… she saw correctly?

Xiao Zhu next to her was still urging, “Qingqing doesn’t have a boyfriend, right? Go on! I checked out that handsome guy carefully. He doesn’t have a ring on his hand, there’s no hickey on his neck, and there’s no lipstick on his shirt. He probably isn’t married, nor should he have a girlfriend. Moreover, his appearance and temperament are all excellent, Qingqing, come on, take him down!”

Ning Qingqing stood up all woozy.

“Wow1!” Her colleagues were instantly excited.

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Tonight, Ning Qingqing was drawn several times, but every time she got a dare, she chose to drink, and they didn’t manage to dig up anything juicy from the truths.

Was it about to hype up now?

“Qingqing, come on! That handsome guy seems to be looking at you too!”

“Is there any handsome guy Qingqing can’t take down when she makes the move? Go, go!”



Originally in English

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