Everyone drank a lot today, and they all turned around excitedly at this moment, and they used their last bit of reason to not line up on the sides like a sendoff while egging her on1.

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Ning Qingqing didn’t know how she walked over there, she probably drank too much, she thought in a daze, she was already like this, she couldn’t get more drunk.

And sitting over there was her husband, who could help her escape from drinking just by giving him a kiss.

It was a good deal when she thought about it.2

Ning Qingqing walked all the way to Gu Youchen with steps that she thought were leading her to fulfill an upright and righteous cause3, but in reality, was extraordinarily vain.

Her eyes stayed on Gu Youchen’s body, so she didn’t notice the left side of the private room at all. Someone lifted the curtain and saw her.

The moment he saw Ning Qingqing, Shen Zhiqian’s breath froze instantly.

The beer glass in his hand trembled slightly, and the liquid spilled onto the back of his hand, but he didn’t notice it at all.

He just stared blankly at Ning Qingqing walking towards him.

His heart was beating wildly in his chest, blood was rushing, and he felt all the cells in his body awakening.

It wasn’t until this moment that he realized that he missed her like crazy after not seeing her for a few days!

Ning Qingqing was getting closer.

Shen Zhiqian’s throat was dry, and he had already stood up instinctively.

Beside him, his friends looked at Shen Zhiqian suspiciously and then followed his gaze to the private room behind them.

Everyone recognized Ning Qingqing immediately, so they smiled and said to Shen Zhiqian: “Brother Qian, sister-in-law is here to look for you!”

“Hahaha, Brother Qian, is sister-in-law worried about you coming to the Holy Land of Adventure, so she came to check in person?”

“Zhiqian, this is your fault, letting Qingqing be alone on a weekend!”

As he said that, those who were familiar with Ning Qingqing at the table also stood up and called, “Sister-in-law.”

“Sister-in-law, Brother Qian was very well behaved today, don’t worry, he didn’t say a word to the girls who approached him…”

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Ning Qingqing was confused when she heard someone call her ‘sister-in-law’, and that voice was inexplicably familiar.

She ignored it because there was only one thought on her mind at the moment——

She married Gu Youchen, and it was not good to drink too much on their first weekend, she couldn’t drink anymore.

So, she kept marching forward, ready to go all out to complete the dare.

And Shen Zhiqian had already got up from his seat, he didn’t expect Ning Qingqing to come, the distance between them was getting closer and closer, a lot of things he wanted to say to her rolled up his throat, and he didn’t know what to say first.

He could only take the initiative to come to her side, and when he spoke, his voice was unusually hoarse: “Qingqing—”

But in the next second, Ning Qingqing walked past him.

All the emotions that were difficult to express were suddenly stuck in his throat, but Shen Zhiqian still maintained his movement toward her. It was as if he felt a cool touch from Ning Qingqing’s shirt like it brushed between his fingers.

He didn’t move, his whole body seemed to be immobilized, and a terrible thought suddenly popped up in his mind——

Gu Youchen was there, Ning Qingqing was looking for Gu Youchen!

His breathing turned into a sharp knife in an instant, piercing Shen Zhiqian’s chest, and he turned his head slowly.

Ning Qingqing had already walked in front of Gu Youchen.

After she stood still, she took a quick look at the people around Gu Youchen.

They seemed to look familiar, and there was another person she often saw on the big screen; presumably, they were all Gu Youchen’s friends.

Even after Ning Qingqing accumulated all her strength, she suddenly became nervous.


She stayed rooted in one spot, not knowing where to begin by bringing up her request to Gu Youchen.

And in the next second, Gu Youchen already reached out to hold her hand.

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The moment Ning Qingqing touched his knuckles, she suddenly came to her senses.

She stepped back quickly and lowered her voice, “Wait, we’re playing a game, you have to pretend you don’t know me.”

Gu Youchen glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw pairs of eyes secretly eating melons in the private room over there.

So, he blocked off himself with the shaking bead curtain, and asked Ning Qingqing, “Qingqing, how do you want me to cooperate with you?”

Thinking of her request, Ning Qingqing’s face was already burning.

She stared at her toes awkwardly for a few seconds, and then summoned up her courage, acting as if she only wanted to discuss, “I got a dare, they asked me to kiss you. You don’t move, just sit there, I’ll just give you a peck which should complete the task.”

Hearing this, Gu Youchen’s breath faltered.

His Adam’s apple rolled heavily, but he pretended to be calm, “Okay.”

Ning Qingqing was afraid that he might misunderstand, so she specifically explained, “I didn’t do any of the dares before, and I was fined with two glasses of beer.”

“En.” Gu Youchen began to anticipate4, waiting to be kissed.

Ning Qingqing continued to explain, “I only came because I saw that it was you, and if I drink any more, I’ll really be drunk.”5

“En.” Gu Youchen looked at Ning Qingqing’s flushed face, and his mouth felt parched.

Ning Qingqing did not forget to tell him in the end, “I’m afraid they will find out that we know each other, and then the punishment won’t count, so you have to pretend to be forced by me.”

Saying that, she took a deep breath and leaned towards Gu Youchen who was sitting on the seat.

Inch by inch, the distance between the two got closer.

On the other side, Shen Zhiqian was still standing there, until the exclamations of his friends sounded around him:

“Brother Qian, what’s the matter with sister-in-law? Isn’t that person over there Gu Youchen?”

“D*mn it, my sister-in-law got into a conflict with you and went to kiss Gu Youchen on purpose?”

“If you’re still a man then hurry over. Brother Qian, isn’t Gu Youchen opening digging into your corner?!”

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Hearing this, Shen Zhiqian was suddenly alerted.

He saw that Ning Qingqing was really going to kiss Gu Youchen, so the string in his mind completely snapped!

He always felt that their marriage was just a way to deliberately anger him. Even if Ning Qingqing moved to Gu Youchen’s house that day, he did not believe that anything would happen between them.

But at this moment, under the beautiful crystal lamp, the girl’s cheeks seemed to blush. When she approached the man, she suddenly closed her eyes.

Her eyelashes fluttered slightly as if a black butterfly was flapping its wings gently.


There was a sudden sound of a chair scraping the ground, Shen Zhiqian pushed away the chair blocking his way, lifted the bead curtain, and went straight over!

The bead curtain behind him fell like a waterfall making five colors of light and shadow reflect all over the ground.

At the same time, Ning Qingqing quickly planted a light kiss on the side of Gu Youchen’s face, and then quickly pulled away from each other.

It wasn’t until she stood up straight that Gu Youchen’s constricted breath slowly returned to normal.

The slight touch on the side of his cheek seemed to linger, and it was slightly cool at first, but now it began to burn on the skin.

Soon, a faint redness spread from the roots of his ears.

But at this moment, someone suddenly interrupted the ambiguous warmth of the moment.

Shen Zhiqian rushed behind Ning Qingqing, and stretched out his hand to pull her: “Qingqing—”

Gu Youchen, who had pretended to be calm and was leaning against the back of the chair at ease, quickly got up and stood in front of Ning Qingqing.

The flames of war were ignited instantly.

Shen Zhiqian’s eyes turned red, and he fixed his eyes on Gu Youchen: “Get out of the way!”

Gu Youchen remained motionless: “CEO Shen, attacking my wife in public, I can choose to call the police!”

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“Your wife?” Shen Zhiqian’s chest rose and fell, “You know best how you snatched her away!”

“How I snatched her isn’t something you need to worry about, CEO Shen.” Gu Youchen’s eyes were cold and sharp, “She is my legal wife as evidenced by our marriage certificate!”

“Qingqing, you said before that you only liked me…” Shen Zhiqian had been drinking all day.

His stomach was not very good, and he would feel some pain after drinking too much. At this moment, perhaps due to his emotional state, his stomach started to churn. He endured the discomfort, and his voice was fragile, “Qingqing, my stomach hurts, can you care about me like you used to?”

Ning Qingqing stood behind Gu Youchen, at this moment she finally understood that the voice she heard just now was not a hallucination.

She knew that Shen Zhiqian had a bad stomach. She used to give him medicine.

But now, when she heard the same words, her body instinctively reached to give him medicine, but she came to her senses in the next second.

She had married Gu Youchen, so her ex-boyfriend’s matters had nothing to do with her.

Ning Qingqing met Shen Zhiqian’s eyes, and said to him, “There is no relationship between us, if you are uncomfortable, you can ask your friends to help you.”

Those friends in Shen Zhiqian’s private room sensed that something was wrong just now and surrounded him, for fear that Shen Zhiqian and Gu Youchen would start fighting.

Several people grabbed Shen Zhiqian’s arm and noticed that his forehead was covered with cold sweat, so they were a little annoyed.

One of them said to Ning Qingqing, “Sister-in-law, Brother Qian is already like this, even if you were angry at him before, it’s a bit overboard now…”

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted coldly by Gu Youchen, “She’s my wife, is it necessary for her to care about an irrelevant person?”

Those people were stunned for a moment, looking at Ning Qingqing and Gu Youchen in disbelief.

Ning Qingqing took a step forward and stood beside Gu Youchen, her cheeks were still flushed from drinking too much, but her tone was serious: “I’m not your sister-in-law. Mr. Shen and I have broken up. I’m married now, and my husband is Gu Youchen, so please don’t get it wrong.”


摇旗呐喊: “to wave flags and shout battle cries” Translator’s ramblings: LOL she’s drunk for sure. Look at that stellar logical reasoning. 慷慨赴义: “heroically sacrificing one’s life”; to sacrifice oneself fervently to the cause 心猿意马 “heart like a frisky monkey, mind like a cantering horse”; Chinese version for having ants in one’s pants Translator’s ramblings: Ning Qingqing, don’t fool yourself, you already are. (≖ᴗ≖ ✿) 

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