Ning Qingqing could still smell the man’s fresh scent, she didn’t smell alcohol, so obviously Gu Youchen didn’t drink.

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She opened her eyes wide and repeated Gu Youchen’s words, “Get back for me?”

Gu Youchen saw that her eyes were round and cute, so he couldn’t help but raise his hand to rub Ning Qingqing’s hair.

He replied in a low voice, “En, I’ll get back for you.”

Seeing that he was serious, Ning Qingqing couldn’t help but begin to look forward to it, she nodded, “Okay, can I go and watch?”

Gu Youchen smiled, and his cold frosty temperament melted, “No problem, I will call you when the time comes.”

“Yeah!” Ning Qingqing nodded with excitement in her eyes.

Gu Youchen patted her on the back, “I’ll make arrangements first.”

“Okay!” Ning Qingqing walked into the women’s bathroom.

Coming out of the corridor, Gu Youchen glanced at the private room next to him.

In the private room, Si Luoqing and Kenny were still standing, talking to Director Su, with a smile on their faces.

Gu Youchen went back to his private room and asked Ye Peicheng, “How is the relationship between you and Director Su?”

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Ye Peicheng answered, “Director Su is my father’s friend, and has a pretty good relationship with the Shen family.”

Gu Youchen gave the other side a glance, “Those two have bullied my wife.”

Hearing this, everyone in the private room sat up straight: “D*mn it, those who dare to bully our Brother Chen, screw them!”

Ye Peicheng said, “I have also paid attention to the Si family’s affairs. The Shen family will not help. Shen Yeyuan will only put his interests first before everything else. He will not do charity for the Si family, so using the Shen family’s relationship to build a connection with Director Su is basically impossible.”

Speaking of this, he paused, “Of course, since they found this place, it’ll depend on Shen Zhiqian’s attitude.”

To put it bluntly, if Shen Zhiqian was unhappy and ended up helping Si Luoqing because he was rejected by Ning Qingqing just now, Director Su would also help Si Luoqing because of his relationship with Shen Yeyuan.

However, if Shen Zhiqian didn’t help, then Si Luoqing could only rely on herself.

Director Su was a well-known director in the circle, and his fame was not a hype, but an accumulation of award-winning blockbusters.

Almost all his literary and artistic films had won awards internationally, while his commercial films occupied the top three box offices in major theaters.

So, when he chose people for the roles, he usually only chose the right ones. If Si Luoqing didn’t have any real skills, the chances of being selected would be very slim.

“Peicheng, invite that Kenny over to play ball.” Gu Youchen thought for a moment and said, “Isn’t there an indoor tennis court next to the clubhouse?”

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When Ye Peicheng heard these words, he instantly understood what Gu Youchen meant.

Gu Youchen wanted to let Director Su understand that neither of them support Luoqing by using Kenny.

At that time, no matter whether Shen Zhiqian spoke for Si Luoqing or not, his weight would not be enough to shake Gu Youchen and Ye Peicheng.

“Okay.” Ye Peicheng stood up, and when he passed by Gu Youchen, he laughed and teased, “Youchen, such great husband behavior, will you ask your wife to kiss you again when you get home?”

Gu Youchen pinched the center of his eyebrows.

They really aren’t letting this go…

Ye Peicheng walked out from the corner of the private room and directly lifted the bead curtain of the next room.

Seeing him, many people took the initiative to say hello, “Young Master Ye.”

The Ye family was also a first-class family in Beijing, but Ye Peicheng liked filming, so these years his focus had been on the entertainment industry; he belonged to the kind of people who had to go back and inherit billions of dollars if they couldn’t perform well.

Since Ye Peicheng and Gu Youchen had a good relationship, it was impossible for Shen Zhiqian’s friends to give them a cold face.

“It’s rare that I have some free time after filming, so I’m here with my friends today. I came over to say hello to everyone.” As Ye Peicheng spoke, he looked at Si Luoqing and Kenny who were standing awkwardly aside.

Those two hurriedly greeted him, “Hi Young Master Ye, I’m—”

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Unexpectedly, Ye Peicheng gave a friendly smile first, “I should have met you before, Miss Si, I have heard your songs.”

Si Luoqing didn’t expect the other party to recognize her, and she was immediately delighted.

Ever since the news of her family’s failings broke out, many people began to suppress her, both openly and secretly.

In the past, it was her family who helped her settle all the matters, but now that she had no backer, everyone wanted to step on her.

Unexpectedly, Movie Emperor Ye didn’t give her any strange looks, and even knew her and took the initiative to greet her!

Then Ye Peicheng looked at Kenny, “I’ve met you too, you’re pretty capable!”

Kenny immediately smiled and answered, “Thank you Young Master Ye for your affirmation, I’m just a small person in the circle.”

Ye Peicheng nodded, and said to the others, “I drank a lot today, shall we play tennis next door?”

Shen Zhiqian leaned in his chair. He had taken some medicine just now and was feeling much better, but his stomach still had a dull pain.

When Ye Peicheng came over, he was a little puzzled about why the other party came to greet them so suddenly, but now hearing Ye Peicheng talk about playing tennis, Shen Zhiqian suddenly guessed something——

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the private room next to him through the bead curtain.

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There, Gu Youchen rolled up his shirt cuffs and was taking off his watch.

Shen Zhiqian suddenly felt an indescribable pain in his heart.

He remembered what Wang Qian said on the phone that night, saying that Kenny had bullied Ning Qingqing in the elevator room before!

So Gu Youchen suddenly asked his friend to come over and ask everyone to play ball, in order to avenge Ning Qingqing!

When did they get so serious about each other?

With Ning Qingqing’s character Shen Zhiqian knew that when she was bullied, she didn’t even tell him, now after so many days, Ning Qingqing even asked Gu Youchen to avenge her.

Thinking of this, Shen Zhiqian stood up, “Play ball? All right.”

Seeing him get up, his friend was worried and pulled him back, “Brother Qian, you haven’t recovered from your stomach pain yet, what do you mean play? Rest!”

“Young Master Ye is going to play, how can I not go?” Shen Zhiqian also took off his watch, turned to Kenny, and said, “Let’s go, accompany Young Master Ye for a few rounds.”

Kenny nodded quickly when he heard these words, “Okay!”

Just now he dragged Si Luoqing over and chatted awkwardly with everyone for a long time, but no one paid attention.

Even Director Su couldn’t understand Si Luoqing’s self-recommendation because he saw that Shen Zhiqian didn’t speak. Now that Shen Zhiqian was inviting them, Kenny and Si Luoqing could see their futures taking off again!

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