“You don’t mind if I call my friends over to join us, right?” Ye Peicheng said, calling Gu Youchen.

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Zhou Linghang liked to eat melons, so how could he not participate in such an occasion? He immediately joined all excitedly.

So, a large group of people went out, and because there were two public figures in their group, there were screams in the clubhouse one after another.

Gu Youchen walked behind them, and when he passed by Ning Qingqing, he opened the bead curtain and said to her, “Beauty, do you want to play tennis with us at the court next door?”

Seeing him pretending not to know her and using such a title, Ning Qingqing couldn’t help but twitch the corners of her mouth.

Ning Qingqing’s colleagues were all elated, “Wow! Does the handsome guy need cheerleaders?”

The corners of Gu Youchen’s lips raised slightly, “En, but one person is enough for my cheerleading team.”

His eyes fell on Ning Qingqing, his beautiful eyes were deep and mesmerizing.

Ning Qingqing was pushed out by her colleagues, “Qingqing, go play, call us if you need anything!”

They saw just now that Gu Youchen came out with Ye Peicheng. The clothes on his body looked like custom haute couture, and his demeanor was not something a swindler could act out.

Also, the court was next door, so there was really no safety issue.

Ning Qingqing stood up, her face blushing for no reason, she nodded, “Okay, I’ll be your cheerleader.”

Amidst the cheers of colleagues, Ning Qingqing and Gu Youchen left.

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When the two exited the door, Gu Youchen stretched out his hand to hold her hand, lowered his head, and asked, “Do you want to do it yourself later?”

When the night breeze blew, Ning Qingqing’s hand was held in the palm of Gu Youchen’s. This was the first time they held hands while strolling outside, and it was even in front of so many of his friends.

She couldn’t help but feel her heart beat a little faster, and asked, “But I don’t have enough strength, can I do it?”

Gu Youchen’s fingers interlocked with hers, “It’ll be alright, I’m strong.”

Ning Qingqing was suddenly nervous and excited, “Okay, how about you go compete in the first match, and then we will play doubles together for the subsequent ones?”

“Okay.” Gu Youchen said and lead her to the court.

There were quite a lot of people on the court, so no one noticed Gu Youchen and Ning Qingqing who were behind them, but that didn’t mean Shen Zhiqian wouldn’t notice.

He didn’t see her after he came in, so he stood at the door.

So, when Gu Youchen led Ning Qingqing in, he saw them immediately.

The two of them didn’t seem to notice him at all, they talked and laughed along the way, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious.

Shen Zhiqian stood in a daze, he realized that they were really not acting to spite him.

He suddenly thought of a sentence he recently saw on the Internet——

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Why did my 9 years with you lose to your 9 days?

For the first time, he didn’t just rush over but stared blankly at the two people passing by him.

He suddenly realized that something precious in his life was steadily slipping away. He tried hard to grasp it, but he couldn’t grasp it at all!

On the other side, Ye Peicheng, as the initiator, played a round with Director Su first.

After all, Director Su was an elder and had poor physical strength, but his skills were good, and everyone cheered, so it was very lively.

Among the supporters, Kenny and Si Luoqing were the most enthusiastic, as if the ones on the court were their own fathers.

“I can’t do it anymore, I can’t do it anymore, I felt energetic at the beginning, but now I can’t hit the ball back anymore, ai, I’m getting old…” Director Su said and walked off the court.

Zhou Linghang was in charge of invigorating the atmosphere: “Director Su, if you’re a man, you can’t say you can’t do it!”

Everyone laughed.

Ye Peicheng also wiped his sweat and handed the racket to Kenny naturally: “You guys go on.”

Kenny didn’t expect to get the racket for the second game, and his heart bloomed with flowers.

On the other side, Shen Zhiqian picked up the racket.

He was going to avenge Ning Qingqing so that she would turn around and look at him.

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However, Gu Youchen was one step ahead of him and was already on the court with a racket.

Beside Gu Youchen, Ning Qingqing smiled at him, “You got this!”

Shen Zhiqian’s hand, which was holding the racket stilled, feeling indescribable in his heart.

The girl who used to only cheer for him on the court now smiled at another man and encouraged him, with only him in her eyes.

And that man happened to also be his nemesis!

Shen Zhiqian was nailed to the spot, staring blankly at that warm scene.

Gu Youchen smiled at Ning Qingqing, and then said to Kenny, “Nice to meet you.”

Kenny naturally knew about Gu Youchen. In terms of background, the Gu family in Beijing had deep roots, even among first-class families, it was one of the best.

Kenny’s heart was beating wildly, and had a flattering expression on his face, “It’s an honor to be able to play with Young Master Gu. Please give me guidance Young Master Gu!”

Although he didn’t know why Gu Youchen and Ning Qingqing seemed close, he couldn’t care so much now.

His goal was to ride on Gu Youchen’s coattails.

The ball was right where Kenney was, so he served first.

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He had practiced all the basic movements before, so he could serve a ball very well, right in the middle where Gu Youchen could get it without running too much.

They all mingled in the business circle, so everyone understood his action, his intention to flatter was obvious.

Kenny waited for Gu Youchen to hit it back.

It was just that when Gu Youchen returned the shot, he found that the opponent couldn’t quite grasp the right angle, so the ball flew a bit off.

How could he let Young Master Gu lose face in public? So, Kenny ran over quickly and caught the ball very riskily.

It was good enough to be able to catch it, but it was a bit difficult to feed the ball to Gu Youchen just to the right of the center. Fortunately, Gu Yuchen ran a step and caught it, but this time he missed again. The one before flew to the left side of the court, but now it was flying right.

Just as Kenny stabilized himself, he quickly ran to the right again.

The effects of being busy as a manager on most days were displayed. His speed was not bad, and he caught it again this time.

It was just that Kenny soon discovered that Gu Youchen really had no method to his play. His skill was probably at the level of a beginner, and all his passes were on the brink of going out of bounds.

As a result, everyone watched Kenny run wildly on the court, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his back was soaked in sweat.

Finally, just when he was panting for breath and about to collapse, Gu Youchen seemed to have finally realized his problem, and asked, “Kenny, should I hit in your direction?”

Kenny was like a person released from prison as he heard the iron door open, he nodded emotionally, “Yes, Young Master Gu, just hit in my direction.”

When Gu Youchen heard this, the corners of his lips curled up, “Alright.”

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