The ambiguous air suddenly exploded in Ning Qingqing’s ears, making all her senses become extremely sensitive.

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The hot breath near her ears stirred her nerves, causing her brain to send signals and her blood to rush. This made Ning Qingqing clearly feel warmth spreading from her earlobes to her cheeks, making her whole body almost burn up.

She was still wedged between Gu Youchen’s chest and the fire exit door. The door could obviously open with a push, but she actually forgot to push it.

At this moment, something made a sound causing the motion sensor light to turn on.

Once the hallway lit up, Ning Qingqing could clearly see the man’s face closely next to her.

His body was slightly bowed, adjusting to her height, and looked into her eyes deeply.

Obviously, Gu Youchen didn’t expect the light to suddenly turn on, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face.

Ning Qingqing saw his Adam’s apple roll as if he wanted to say something.

Her brain heated up, and she spoke before he could, “Should I try again?”

As soon as she finished speaking, she regretted it.

Gu Youchen said that her previous kiss was not up to standard, and her drunk self even voluntarily offered to try again…

Ning Qingqing was at a loss for words.

But the emotions in Gu Youchen’s eyes disappeared, leaving only a meaningful smile. He lowered his head to look at her and said, “En, okay.”

What did “okay” mean? Didn’t he know how to politely refuse?

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Ning Qingqing’s cheeks were red, and she didn’t know if it was due to the alcohol or embarrassment.

Her throat was dry, and she subconsciously pressed her lips together.

She sighed in her heart, oh, since she promised, she had to follow through. Drinking really made her mess things up!

The last time she drank and met Gu Youchen, she married herself off.

This time she drank and even had to kiss him twice…

Seeing Ning Qingqing’s embarrassment, Gu Youchen teased her, “It really isn’t suitable to practice at the door. Let’s go inside first.”

As he spoke, he gently pushed the door open.

At that moment, Ning Qingqing felt like her back was scorched by the man’s body temperature, and she quickly rushed into the room.

Gu Youchen looked at Ning Qingqing’s back and chuckled.

After Ning Qingqing entered the room, she listened carefully to see if there was any movement from Gu Youchen. She had promised to kiss him again but didn’t know when he would make her fulfill her promise.

However, the man seemed to be just teasing her, and after he came in, he went to the kitchen.

Ning Qingqing mulled alone in the room before she summoned up enough courage. When she finally walked to the kitchen entrance, she smelled a sweet scent.

Curiously, she went over and found a pot of cooled milk next to Gu Youchen, who was whisking egg whites.

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Seeing her approach, Gu Youchen handed the electric egg beater to Ning Qingqing, “Qingqing, help me continue to whisk it.”

As he spoke, he took out something from the steamer.

Ning Qingqing noticed that they were steamed red beans.

Gu Youchen first cooled the red beans, then took honey from the refrigerator and drizzled it on top before putting it in a food preservation container.

On this side, Ning Qingqing had already whipped the egg whites, Gu Youchen took over and poured in the cooled milk.

“Are you making double skin milk pudding1? With sprinkled honeyed red beans on top?” Ning Qingqing looked at the man next to her, who was skilled in his movements.

Gu Youchen nodded. “Yes, tomorrow is your first day at the company, you can bring a few more portions to share with your colleagues.”

As he spoke, his movements were very careful, peeling off the milk skin and pouring the mixture of milk and egg back into the previous milk bowl.

Ning Qingqing had been watching the whole time curiously. “Youchen, which other desserts do you know how to make?”

“Tiramisu, mango mousse, light cheesecake.” Gu Youchen turned to look at her. “Does Qinging like to eat these?”

Ning Qingqing eagerly nodded; her eyes filled with anticipation. “Yes, I love them! But I don’t know how to make them. I can help you when you make them, and after I learn, I can make them for you too.”

Gu Youchen poured the double-skin milk pudding into a vessel and placed it in a steamer over a flame.

“Okay, we’ll make them together from now on.”

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Gu Youchen thought to himself that his Qingqing was really good, never taking others’ efforts for granted. Every time he wanted to do something nice for her, she always thought of how to repay him.

Fate had been kind to him, letting him fall in love with a girl at first sight, and after meeting her again he was even more devoted to her.

The double skin milk in the pot was still boiling, the sweet aroma of milk permeating the entire kitchen. Gu Youchen finished clearing away the items on the table and came to stand before Ning Qingqing.

“Qingqing, it’s time to fulfill your promise.”

Ning Qingqing’s eyes widened at his words. “Do I really have to fulfill it?”

Gu Youchen’s lips curled slightly. “Are you trying to back out of your promise?”

“No.” Ning Qingqing quickly shook her head, looking at the bright lights in the kitchen, feeling a little embarrassed to do it.

Evidently, she felt fine when there were so many people during the dare, but what was happening now…

She took a step forward.

Gu Youchen leaned over, accommodating Ning Qingqing’s height.

As Ning Qingqing leaned closer, her breath fell on Gu Youchen’s cheek, and she subconsciously closed her eyes.

What she didn’t know was that once the man felt her breath on his cheek, he subconsciously tilted his head toward her.

And so, Ning Qingqing’s lips landed on the corner of his mouth.

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The girl was obviously nervous, remembering that the kiss couldn’t be too short, so the warm and supple sensation kept pressing against Gu Youchen’s lips, igniting his breath.

A few seconds stretched out and felt infinitely long.

Gu Youchen’s eyes changed, but in the end, he suppressed the surging emotions in his heart.

He had already waited for ten years; he didn’t mind waiting for a few more short months.

He couldn’t scare her away.

Therefore, the moment when Ning Qingqing’s lips left, Gu Youchen slightly turned his head.

The girl opened her eyes, thinking that she had just kissed Gu Youchen’s cheek.

However, the touch just now felt a little off, but she didn’t delve into it.

Her heart was beating fast, and Ning Qingqing planned to say something to ease her nervousness, but the man had already reached out and hugged her.

His chin rested on her head, almost completely enveloping her in his arms. When he spoke, the sliding of his Adam’s apple rubbed against Ning Qingqing’s forehead.

“You did well just now, Qingqing,” he said.


This is a Cantonese-style dessert. It originated from the Guangdong province during the Qing dynasty and is made with water buffalo milk as the main ingredient. It is now widely available in Guangdong, Macau, Hong Kong, and other regions. Click here for an image. Translator’s ramblings: Now I want some!

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