Ning Qingqing’s cheeks were still hot, and she asked, “Youchen, are you deliberately cultivating our relationship?”

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That was why he liked holding her hand, liked hugging her, and even learned to kiss her cheek.

Gu Youchen rubbed Ning Qingqing’s hair and said, “No, it wasn’t deliberate.”

Heavens knew how excited he was.

Ning Qingqing only correctly guessed half of his meaning. She thought that intimacy between married couples was supposed to be normal, so there was no need to deliberately cultivate it.

After going through their initial unfamiliarity, they were gradually getting to know each other now.

Plus, she felt comfortable with Gu Youchen’s intimacy.

Just like now, although she was a little nervous, she felt a sense of security in his embrace.

“I wasn’t being deliberate either,” Ning Qingqing said. “I feel comfortable being with you.”

Gu Youchen’s breathing halted for a moment, incredulously looking down at the girl in his arms.

Perhaps the sweet fragrance around them was too relaxing, or maybe she had had a few drinks tonight, which had made Ning Qingqing’s emotional fortresses less sturdy than usual. She rarely spoke of her true feelings:

“Youchen, I quite like the atmosphere of your family. Your parents are very nice.”

“My parents used to argue all the time when I was a child, and they separated when I was very young. I always envied others for having a complete and happy family.”

“I actually… lack a bit of love.”

Because she lacked love, she desired stability. But Shen Zhiqian gave her everything except the sense of stability and security she wanted.

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Hearing Ning Qingqing’s words, Gu Youchen’s first reaction was heartache.

He never thought that back when he was a teenager, the girl he couldn’t forget had also experienced loneliness and sadness.

He couldn’t make up for her past, he could only promise her the future.

“Qingqing, in the future, you will find that you don’t regret marrying me.”

Because he wouldn’t give her a chance to regret it.

Ning Qingqing lifted her eyes from Gu Youchen’s embrace and said seriously, “Youchen, I will like you.”

Gu Youchen was taken aback, then nodded, “Okay, I will too.”

The timer on the stove gradually reached its end, and Gu Youchen let go of Ning Qingqing and went to turn off the stove.

The double-skin milk pudding was ready, Gu Youchen took it out, removed the plastic wrap, and asked Ning Qingqing, “Qingqing, want some tonight?”

Ning Qingqing hesitated, “I’ll get fat.”

Gu Youchen shook his head and said seriously, “Not only are you not fat, but you’re also actually too thin. I just measured it.”

Ning Qingqing blushed, “What are you saying, what did you measure?”

Gu Youchen smiled at her, “What do you think?”

Ah, this man is so bad!

But when Gu Youchen cut a piece and sprinkled honey and red beans on top, Ning Qingqing couldn’t resist and took small steps closer to him, “I’ll just have a little.”

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“En.” Gu Youchen nodded and handed her a small spoon.

Ning Qingqing scooped a spoonful and blew on it while eating, “Mmm, so delicious.”

Gu Youchen sat across from her, and the two shared a portion of double-layer milk pudding.

Before, they split the piece of tiramisu in half, but now they both ate from the same double-layer milk pudding without needing to split it.

It wasn’t until they finished the whole portion together that guilt finally caught up with Ning Qingqing, “I hope I don’t gain three pounds from this.”

Gu Youchen patted her shoulder, “It’s okay, even if you gain ten pounds, you’ll still look good.”

That night, Ning Qingqing had a dream that she and Gu Youchen ate dessert together every day and went from weighing 90 pounds to 140 pounds.

Gu Youchen also gained weight and turned from a handsome overbearing CEO to an uncle with a big belly.

They edited their photos from newlyweds to after gaining weight into a small video that even went viral online.

Ning Qingqing was frightened and awakened suddenly by these tens of thousands of comments.

When she opened her eyes, she found that it was 6:30 a.m., the next morning.

Although it was still early, it was the first day of work, so it was good to go earlier.

When Ning Qingqing went to the bathroom, she specifically took a look in the mirror to make sure she hadn’t gained weight before breathing a sigh of relief.

She had breakfast with Gu Youchen and he took out six small boxes from the fridge and handed them to Ning Qingqing, “Qingqing, these are for your lunch and to bring for your colleagues.”

“Six servings of red bean double skin milk pudding, with a chewy jelly texture.

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Ning Qingqing took it and felt that saying thank you was too cliché. In the end, she quickly reached out and hugged Gu Youchen.

While other wives prepared heart-shaped lunch boxes for their spouses, her husband prepared lovely and sweet desserts for her instead and even made some to share with her colleagues.

The two of them went out together, and Gu Youchen first sent Ning Qingqing to work.

When they arrived downstairs at her company, Ning Qingqing suddenly received a call from her mother.

Ning Ruojun was always on the go, “Qingqing, I’m going to the airport now and will arrive in Beijing soon. You said you wanted to introduce someone to me. Can you ask if they’re available today?”

Ning Qingqing widened her eyes and then turned to look at Gu Youchen.

When Ning Qingqing answered the phone, Gu Youchen had already seen the word “Mom” as the contact name and immediately guessed what was going on.

He nodded at Ning Qingqing.

So, Ning Qingqing said to her mother, “Mom, we’re both free. What time will you arrive? I’ll pick you up from the airport.”

Ning Ruojun gave her the time.

“Okay, Mom, see you then.”

After hanging up the phone, Ning Qingqing turned to Gu Youchen and said, “My mom will arrive at 12:10 noon.”

Gu Youchen shuddered when he heard this. “Okay, I have to go to the company for a shareholder meeting first. I’ll pick you up at 11 am, and we’ll go to the airport together.”

Ning Qingqing agreed, “Okay.”

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Gu Youchen dropped her off at her company and immediately made a phone call, “Linghang, do you have time now?”

Zhou Linghang replied, “No problem, what’s up, Brother Chen?”

“I have a shareholder meeting this morning that I can’t miss. Can you go to my parents’ house and get a box from the top shelf of my bookcase? Check if the right item is inside; it’s a Hetian Ruyi jade1 statue.”

Zhou Linghang was stunned: “Holy sh*t, Brother Chen, isn’t that the one you bought at the auction and planned to give as a gift…”

Before he finished his sentence, he suddenly realized, “You’re going to meet your mother-in-law?”

“En,” Gu Youchen replied. “After you get it, bring it to my company. Bring it yourself and don’t lose it.”

Zhou Linghang laughed, “Don’t worry, how can I let someone else deliver something worth hundreds of thousands? Hehe, can I come with you to meet your mother-in-law?”

Gu Youchen smiled coldly.

Zhou Linghang hung up the phone awkwardly, “Wasn’t it just to see if our sister-in-law had any older sisters or younger sisters…”

At noon, Gu Youchen and Ning Qingqing arrived at the domestic arrivals exit of the airport on time.

After waiting for a while, they saw people coming out of the exit one after another, pulling their luggage.

Ning Qingqing immediately saw her mother, who only carried a tote and was dressed in a smart outfit.

The author has something to say:

Tomorrow, when Brother Chen meets the overbearing CEO mother-in-law, there will be many funny moments!


玉如意 (yù rú yì) is a type of jade ornament that is traditionally used as a symbol of good luck and fortune in Chinese culture. It is often given as a gift for weddings, birthdays, or other special occasions, and is also used as a decorative item in homes or temples.

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