“Qingqing, have you finished answering the phone? Why can’t I find you?” Shen Zhiqian’s side was quieter, obviously, he had gone to the hallway outside.

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“I was suddenly a little hungry, so I went across the street to buy a cake. I’ll come back soon.” After Ning Qingqing said that she glanced at Gu Youchen who was sitting across from her.

She was suddenly a little curious. In Gu Youchen’s eyes, was Shen Zhiqian his nemesis? Was there really a substantial conflict between the two of them? “Stay where you are, I’ll come to pick you up.” Shen Zhiqian’s voice quickly pulled Ning Qingqing back from her thoughts.

Hearing this, she hurriedly stopped him: “It’s okay, I’m almost done eating, the shop is just two steps away, I’ll just go back myself.”

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No joke, when Shen Zhiqian heard Gu Youchen’s name in the car news that day, he had such a big reaction. If he actually meets him in person later, heaven knows what would happen!

“Okay.” Shen Zhiqian didn’t continue to insist, and said, “Be careful, I’ll be waiting for you at the clubhouse.”

“Alright.” After hanging up the phone, Ning Qingqing subconsciously glanced at Gu Youchen across from her, and it just happened to be that the man had also looked up.

Looking at each other, she smiled at him embarrassedly, buried her head, and continued to eat the cake. There was no communication between the two.

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It wasn’t until she got up after eating in a hurry that she thanked Gu Youchen for today, and then walked quickly to the clubhouse.

Back at the clubhouse, Ning Qingqing went to the bathroom first.

After washing her hands, she heard the door of the stall behind her open, and then, Si Luoqing’s finely tuned face appeared in the mirror.

“What a coincidence.” Si Luoqing smiled at her: “I heard Zhiqian say that you guys just came back from a business trip today and came here before you guys could get home.”

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Ning Qingqing raised her eyes and looked at Si Luoqing through the mirror: “Yeah, so that’s why my makeup isn’t done, forgive me.”

Si Luoqing watched Ning Qingqing’s flawless natural face in the mirror, and her smile became a little stiff: “Then you guys are quite busy. Tomorrow, you still need to get up early for his sister’s 18th birthday ceremony, right!”

The coming-of-age ceremony of Shen Zhiqian’s sister Shen Zhiyu? Ning Qingqing didn’t know about it at all.

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There was a sigh in her heart, and Ning Qingqing instinctively thought of one sentence –

If someone can use the people around you to attack you, it must be that the people around you gave the opponent the opportunity to hurt you.

Pulling out a piece of paper, Ning Qingqing dried her hands carefully, and threw the paper into the trash, with a natural tone: “I didn’t know his sister’s birthday is tomorrow, they didn’t invite me.”

After that, she left.

Si Luoqing watched her leaving back and found that she didn’t feel a single bit of satisfaction.

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