Back in the private room, Ning Qingqing and Teacher Xu chatted for a while. She was still asked about personal relationship issues, how she got along with Shen Zhiqian, and when they planned to settle down.

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Ning Qingqing suddenly realized that this year when she is about to turn 25, she was being asked increasingly more times about when she was getting married. However, every time without exception, she actually could not provide an answer.

Because Shen Zhiqian never brought it up. She thought she had hinted at it, but the other party had no plans for it at all. Even if he were to say to get married at the age of 30, at least something was said. But he…

For the remainder of the gathering, Ning Qingqing interest continued to wane. Towards the end, she leaned on the sofa and almost fell asleep. Shen Zhiqian originally thought that Ning Qingqing had agreed to come, so when he saw this, he immediately left with her.

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“I’ll go back to my apartment.” Ning Qingqing said, “Xiaomian is coming back tomorrow, we planned to go shopping.”

“Okay.” Shen Zhiqian nodded: “It just so happens that I have something to do tomorrow.”

It is really just ‘something to do’… Ning Qingqing didn’t expose him. When she got into the car, she suddenly realized that she and Shen Zhiqian had been together for nearly nine years, yet she could only count the number of times he mentioned his family with one hand.

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For the first time, Ning Qingqing was seriously examining the future between them. A certain thought began to sprout in her mind…

The next day, she woke up naturally and arrived at the street where she agreed to meet Qiao Xiaomian.

The two ate hot pot together, went to watch a movie, and went shopping at a clothing brand that Qiao Xiaomian likes very much.

At this moment, they heard a female voice that contained an inexplicable arrogance: “I also don’t know what’s wrong with my brother. That woman obviously just wants to marry into a wealthy family, even so, he still hasn’t broken up with her after dating for so many years!”

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The voice came from the fitting room next door, and there were obviously two people inside it.

The arrogant female voice continued: “In the beginning, my brother got together with her because he was angry. He was in a bad mood when you went abroad, so he just casually found someone! Haha, in a flash it’s been nine years, he clearly has the tolerance!”

Ning Qingqing subconsciously frowned when she heard the phrase ‘nine years’.

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At this time, a somewhat familiar voice sounded: “Zhiyu, don’t say that. I think your brother likes her quite a bit, it should be true love.”

“True love? She’s nothing more than someone he’s keeping on the outside1 to relieve boredom!” The female voice sneered: “All the Cinderellas want to marry into a wealthy family, but they don’t see that this is reality, not a fairy tale! Otherwise, why hasn’t my brother introduced her to our parents yet even after dating her for so long? Isn’t this because he never planned to marry her in the first place!”


A woman who is being 养在外面 [raised on the outside] is a mistress, which is considered a shameful position. So Zhiyu is shaming the FML here.

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