Chapter 7 Part 2

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When Ning Qingqing heard these words, her gaze turned completely cold.

She turned around and looked at the two of them: “Both of you if I were to make public a recording of what you said to me today, what effect do you think it will have?”

The expressions of the two changed, and suddenly they were not sure whether Ning Qingqing really did make a recording.

After all, when they were calling Ning Qingqing, Ning Qingqing was looking at the phone while walking.

“You wanting to get him is your business, but don’t you provoke me!” Ning Qingqing’s eyes locked with Si Luoqing’s: “Just focus on doing your job well. I’m returning the same words back to you. If you want to fight for what doesn’t belong to you then be careful of losing both the person and the money1!”

After speaking, she turned around and left.

Just as she was about to enter the subway station, Ning Qingqing made a phone call: “Older Brother Nie, help me investigate something, what is the current state of Beijing’s Si Group’s business?”

Nie Yu is Ning Qingqing’s mother’s special assistant. He is ten years older than Ning Qingqing and has always taken care of Ning Qingqing like a little sister and was her mentor for work.

He didn’t ask Ning Qingqing why she wanted to investigate Si Group, but simply agreed: “Okay, Qingqing, I’ll let you know once I’ve checked out the situation.”

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“Thank you, Older Brother Nie.” Ning Qingqing smiled: “When you come back to Beijing, I will treat you to dinner!”

“No problem.” Nie Yu said, “I’ll come to visit on a business trip another day. I’ll bring your favorite dessert from that shop.”

After hanging up, she got on the subway. In less than two stops, she arrived at the transfer station between the subway lines. Ning Qingqing didn’t need to transfer, so she walked to the other side where the door doesn’t need to open.

Yet, at this moment, a petite figure was squeezed over. Ning Qingqing and the other party were stunned when they saw each other.

Qiao Xiaomian exclaimed in surprise: “My dear, what a surprise, I actually did get to meet you!”

The two usually don’t take the same route. Qiao Xiaomian happened to be on her way to the client’s office for a meeting, so she took this direction. It’s past eight o’clock right now, so she never expected to meet Ning Qingqing here.

Seeing her best friend, Ning Qingqing’s mood brightened up: “So that’s why they say it’s fate!”

Qiao Xiaomian smiled and took her arm making the tall Ning Qingqing hold the subway handle to stabilize the two of them: “The fact that we can even meet each other here, we must go have a drink to celebrate!”

Ning Qingqing looked at her: “Aren’t you afraid that you won’t be able to get up tomorrow?”

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“It’s okay, the boss is away these days, and the project I’m in charge of has just completed a phase today.” Qiao Xiaomian said: “How about we go to your neighborhood? I’ll crash at your house tonight.”

“Okay.” Ning Qingqing nodded: “But don’t kick the blanket when you sleep”

Twenty minutes later, the two got off the subway together and went to the pub near Ning Qingqing’s house.

The owner of this pub is also very good at cooking. Thanks to a coincidence, when the other party suffered from acute appendicitis, but couldn’t get a taxi because of the blizzard in Beijing that day, Ning Qingqing happened to be there for her client’s daughter’s party, so she immediately drove the owner there.

Ever since, whenever Ning Qingqing visits, the owner would cook some special dishes for her to try. These dishes were made exclusively for her, no one else could get any, and they couldn’t even order them.

This is also what Qiao Xiaomian always craves, so that’s why almost every two months she would ask Ning Qingqing to come to this pub with her.

The two sat down in the pub, and there was a pianist playing softly near the bar. There were a few small groups of people sitting together in the booths, drinking and talking in a low voices.

When food personally cooked by the owner was served, Qiao Xiaomian couldn’t wait to start eating2. After one bite she praised endlessly then she picked up her glass: “Come, dear, drink!”

Ning Qingqing still has to go to work tomorrow, so she didn’t dare to drink too much. However, she couldn’t tell if she was still feeling unwell because of what happened today, she started feeling dizzy after drinking a cocktail.

Qiao Xiaomian handed her phone over for her to see: “Look at the blind date my mother found me; don’t you think he looks like a comedian?”

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When Ning Qingqing heard these words, she suddenly thought of the jokes Gu Youchen posted. She said: “I just happen to know of one. On the surface, he looks serious, but he may actually be a comedian.”

“Ah?” Qiao Xiaomian was curious: “Who is it? Do I know him?”

Ning Qingqing shook her head: “You won’t know him; I also discovered him by accident.”

As she spoke, she also shared the funniest joke she saw today.

At this moment, the door to the private room in the corridor behind them opened. As soon as the man came out, he heard a familiar voice.

His steps paused slightly, and he saw the girl’s face that was red due to drinking.

Ning Qingqing didn’t notice a thing and even continued: “There is an even funnier one, I’ll act it out for you…”

She played the part of the guy who stuttered as he reported his phone number, and Qiao Xiaomian, who was sitting opposite of her rocked back in forth in laughter and exclaimed, “He is too talented! Quickly tell me, is the comedian a handsome guy?”

Hearing this sentence, Gu Youchen leaned slightly closer in Ning Qingqing’s direction, as if a few centimeters difference could help him hear more clearly.

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Ning Qingqing subconsciously downed another glass of cocktail while she was sharing the joke just now, so her mind was a little sluggish at this moment.

She seemed to really try to recall Gu Youchen’s appearance for a while, and then grinned:

“Handsome, very handsome, and quite sweet.”

The author has something to say:

Gu Youchen: My wife praised that I’m sweet~~

Qingqing: The one I complimented is the tiramisu~




人财两空: the official English translation of this idiom is “to lose the beauty and her possessions” which describes a situation where both the people and the property/possessions were damaged 动筷子: literally translates to “move chopsticks”

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