Chapter 8 Part 1

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In the corner, the man froze in place as he listened to the girl’s slightly tipsy reply.

Ning Qingqing’s words ‘handsome, especially handsome, and quite sweet’ continued to echo in his ears.

His Adam’s apple rolled heavily, and his fingers subconsciously landed on his cheeks.

He, who rarely ever felt the desire to look into a mirror before really wanted to take a look right now.

The two girls sitting in the booth over there were already giggling nonstop and seemed to have started talking about something else. Ning Qingqing had a sesame seed stuck to the corner of her mouth, which made Gu Youchen really want to go over and help her pick it off.

At this moment, a doubtful voice pulled him back from his thoughts: “Brother Chen, why are you still out here?”

Zhou Linghang came out to go to the bathroom and saw Gu Youchen who seemed to have stood there for a long time.

“F*ck, Brother Chen, standing out here checking out beautiful women, aren’t you?” Zhou Linghang’s voice was a little loud, and Gu Youchen couldn’t help but frown when he heard it. He turned around and walked towards the bathroom.

Zhou Linghang chased after him: “Brother Chen, something’s up with you recently? Why are you acting so weird, it can’t be because you started to like a girl, right?” As he spoke, his gaze scanned over the booths in the room, however, he didn’t seem to discover anything.

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Gu Youchen didn’t say a word and already walked directly into the bathroom.

Zhou Linghang was half a step late, and the closing bathroom door almost hit him right in the face.

Using the palms of his hands, he stopped the door and squeezed himself inside. He went to stand beside Gu Youchen and his eyes couldn’t help but shift to his side.

However, in the next second, he only felt that the surrounding air pressure dropped sharply, and he met Gu Youchen’s eyes which were filled with warning.

“Brother Chen, I was wrong!” He hurriedly raised both his hands in surrender, daring not to look or compare sizes again.

The two returned to the private room together. Gu Youchen took a sip from his wine glass and raised his eyes: “We’ll base that project on the shareholding proportions we discussed just now.”

These people grew up in the neighborhood as Gu Youchen; they were also the ones who welcomed Gu Youchen at the previous gathering.

Everyone nodded and no one objected. Furthermore, Gu Youchen took the lead this time. They only needed to invest a portion, and then they can receive dividends later. Anyone would be happy.

After business was finished, several people couldn’t help but ask: “Brother Chen, what’s up with your Moments today? Did you really post those jokes?”

Since when did Gu Youchen’s Moments have such a random mess of things? It simply looked like it was hacked today!

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“Brother Chen, I’m curious, what exactly is the phone number of that stutterer?” a friend asked.

Gu Youchen immediately thought of the string of numbers he sent to Ning Qingqing.

Did she know it was his? She should know, right? After all, she is very smart.

So, did she save it? Why didn’t she reply? Does she think that he has some ulterior motive?

“Brother Chen—” the friend saw the subtle expression on his face, and couldn’t help exclaiming again: “Brother Chen, why was your expression so licentious just now?”

Seeing that some people agreed, Zhou Linghang immediately became excited: “See, I’m not the only one who thinks this way right? Hey, why was Brother Chen’s expression a little sweet just now?”

Just the word “sweet” was enough to make Gu Youchen recall Ning Qingqing’s description.

He lived 26 years and was described as ‘sweet’ for the first time.

So, he lifted his eyelids and asked coolly, “Sweet in what way?”

The group of friends was so stunned their jaws dropped. Afterward, Zhou Linghang explained, “It’s the f*cking flirtatious expression where just one look makes you want to fall in love!”

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After he finished, he already hid behind the other friend.

Gu Youchen didn’t give him any response, but when he put down the glass of wine in his hand and leaned against the sofa, not knowing what he thought of, the entire tip of his ears became red.

The boys continued to drink, and the atmosphere became more and more hyped. Not knowing who proposed to play a game, by the time the second round started, the bottle rotated towards Gu Youchen.

“Brother Chen——” once the friend met Gu Youchen’s eyes, his confidence instantly shrunk in half, and changed his question on the spot: “You can either drink this full glass of wine now or go out and find a young lady and ask for her contact information. ”

“That’s not fair, why is it so easy when it comes to Brother Chen?” Zhou Linghang refused to accept it. He lost the previous round and was required to eat melon seeds while upside down. He didn’t even catch his breath yet.

“Do you think Brother Chen is going to ask for their phone number? Although it’ll be easy1 for him—” However before the friend finished speaking, Gu Youchen had already stood up.

He pushed open the private room door and walked straight out.

“F*ck, Brother Chen is really serious?” The group instantly became excited, and all followed along behind Gu Youchen.

Ning Qingqing and Qiao Xiaomian had already eaten all the food on the table. Although both were a little tipsy, the singers who were currently singing a cappella in the pub were their favorite style, so they were not willing to leave.

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Just like this, an arm landed on the edge of the booth, next to Ning Qingqing. The man was wearing a shirt with his sleeves rolled up, revealing a black watch and a wrist that looked fair yet not lacking in strength.

Ning Qingqing’s eyes fell on the beautiful2 fingers for a few seconds, then slowly lifted her head.

The owner of the arm leaned over, his center of gravity rested on the edge of the booth, and his eyes locked on her.

“Ah?” Ning Qingqing was a little stunned, but her words came out faster than her sluggish brain could think: “Mr. Comedian.”

Gu Youchen was caught off guard when he heard this title. His original plan was disrupted, but he quickly calmed down and improvised his words on the spot: “Yeah, so why didn’t you reply to my comment?”

Ning Qingqing blinked, the confusion in her eyes dissipated after two seconds then her eyes lit up: “Do you mean to ask me to reply with my phone number too?”

Gu Youchen nodded without any detectable expression on his face; only he knew that his heart was beating wildly against his chest.




手到擒来 which translates to “stretch a hand and grab it” is an idiom for when something is very easy for somebody The author uses the phrase “骨节分明” which means “defined knuckles” to describe the ML’s fingers; it’s a standard for beautiful hands that’s why so many novels describe hands in this way.

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