Chapter 9 Part 1

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Ning Qingqing clicked to answer, and Shen Zhiqian’s avatar appeared on the screen.

He had probably just finished a meeting. He still wore his suit, his tie tied meticulously, and the background displayed a large floor-to-ceiling window.

Seeing the water droplets on Ning Qingqing’s hair, Shen Zhiqian frowned: “Qingqing, why are you wet? Did you forget to bring an umbrella?”

Ning Qingqing nodded: “It suddenly started to rain. No one took my request, so I took the subway.”

Shen Zhiqian’s tone suddenly became serious: “Didn’t I say that if I go on a business trip, you can call my driver and ask him to pick you up?”

Ning Qingqing tidied her hair in front of the camera and shook her head: “It’s okay, it’s very close, I’ll be there in just a few steps.”

Shen Zhiqian seemed to still be angry, and his tone remained serious: “Qingqing, the whole company knows that we are together, you don’t have to worry about what others say.”

Ironically, Ning Qingqing didn’t know how to respond when she heard this sentence. Does Shen Zhiqian know what everyone at the company is saying about her now?

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They’re saying that she lost and that for what doesn’t belong to her, even if she got it for now, she would have to return it sooner or later!

Even tasking her to deliver the contract today was actually evidence that the company’s attitude has shifted.


If it was in the past, she would not have been asked to deliver that contract. In case she did need to deliver it, even if the legal department has a limited number of company cars, the marketing department would have lent one of theirs.

“Fine, I’ll call your driver next time.” Ning Qingqing was wet and uncomfortable, she just wanted to go home earlier and rather not get stuck on this topic: “Zhiqian, when are you coming back?”

When Shen Zhiqian heard Ning Qingqing ask him for the date of his return, his frown immediately dispersed: “The contract signing is early tomorrow morning, and I will return immediately after.”

The corners of his lips raised: “Qingqing, I miss you, do you miss me? There will be a dinner tomorrow afternoon, hosted by Uncle Chen. He’s from Nancheng. Let’s go together after work.”

Ning Qingqing was also quite fond the uncle from Chen Technologies. She feels that she learns a lot every time they chat, so she nodded: “Okay.”

Shen Zhiqian said: “Then go home quickly, send me a message when you get home, and remember to take a hot bath right away.”

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Ning Qingqing replied: “Okay.”

She didn’t go to the company, after all, it was already very late. The contract could be scanned and archived tomorrow, so she went straight home.

While exiting the subway, Ning Qingqing bought an umbrella. Although she can now block the rain, the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees due to the rain.

On her way back, her clothes had become mostly dried, but they were still a little damp. The blowing wind instantly chilled her to the bone.

Once she got home, Ning Qingqing first opened the kraft paper bag to confirm that the contract was not wet, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

Only after that did she take a bath. Before going to be she sent Shen Zhiqian a good night text and then opened her WeChat.

Thereupon, she saw the funny jokes Gu Youchen shared again.

The memory of that night at the pub suddenly came to mind, Ning Qingqing remembered the hazy picture of that moment, and quickly opened her contacts.

As a result, she found that there really was a new number lying within her contacts – Tiramisu-loving joker.

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AHHHHH, what was she doing at that time? Did Gu Youchen see this nickname?

Ning Qingqing was unable to fully accept it, especially since she seemed to have given him her number!

She switched back to WeChat and considered whether to like Gu Youchen’s posts, yet as she slowly finished reading all those jokes, the corners of her lips rose.

He posted a few more memes; they are just too hilarious!

When she read them for the second time, she finally couldn’t help bursting out laughing.

In any case, she was on her own bed, so she even rolled under the covers with laughter, and then liked all the jokes Gu Youchen posted.

Afterward, she muted her phone and slept sweetly.

That night, Gu Youchen came out of the shower and checked his WeChat again. This was the 11th time he checked.

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He received notifications for 9 reactions on his WeChat. He quickly opened it and then found that Ning Qingqing had liked all the jokes he posted this evening, not missing a single one.

He also discovered today that the WeChat Moments can be set to be visible for specific groups. At this moment, within the group displayed on the screen, there was only one person.

The group name was a cheesy heart -.


The next day, Ning Qingqing archived the contract and sorted out the other unfinished contracts she had on hand.

Only then did she realize that since the New Year1, she hadn’t taken a single day off aside from statutory holidays.

The contract for the project she’s in charge of was gradually drawing to a close, and the new project is still in the inspection stage. It is estimated that even the start day can only happen after a month.

Ning Qingqing looked at the folder in front of her, and suddenly had a subtle feeling——

It was like a hint, a hint that, in fact, everything can be over when it’s over.

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