During lunch, her colleague Wang Qian looked at Ning Qingqing’s slightly blushing cheeks and wondered, “Qingqing, you wore blush today?”

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“No, I haven’t.” Ning Qingqing stretched her sore neck and suddenly realized that she had been busy all morning. It was like she strained her mind to be wholly focused on completing all the work she had on hand as soon as possible. Now that she relaxed, she felt like her whole body had become sore.

“Did you catch a cold? Why does it sound like your voice is a bit off?” Wang Qian asked, reaching out and feeling Ning Qingqing’s forehead: “Ah, seems like you have a fever!”

Ning Qingqing also realized that she was not feeling well. She also didn’t have much of an appetite, so she only ate something casually, and the medicine she ordered was also delivered.

“Qingqing, why don’t you take the afternoon off?” Wang Qian poured her a cup of hot water: “Our upcoming contracts are not as urgent.”

Ning Qingqing drank the medicine: “It’s alright, I want to finish early.” Her birthday was only a week away. She also didn’t know whether she would still be working at the Shen Corporation after her birthday.

Wang Qian didn’t know her plan, so she smiled: “Then lie down and rest for a while. Alas, the wives of other bosses only need to command others to work, only you couldn’t be more like a model worker!”

Ning Qingqing smiled and didn’t say anything.

After taking a nap, she continued to organize the other contracts.

She categorized the files that were already archived and marked all the key information for the contracts that were still in progress.

Unknowingly, she worked past five o’clock in the afternoon when the sound of a man’s footsteps approached. Ning Qingqing didn’t look up, thinking it was a colleague, until she heard someone call “Hello, CEO Shen.”

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Only then did she raise her head and look at Shen Zhiqian who had already arrived at the front of her desk.

The man casually hung his suit on the crook of his arm, and leaned his body directly towards Ning Qingqing’s screen: “What is my little bee busy with?”

Ning Qingqing saved the Excel statistics table below and asked, “Are we going to dinner now?”

Shen Zhiqian nodded, but still asked in confusion: “It’s the middle of the month and you already need to prepare a report?”

Ning Qingqing’s heart suddenly skipped, but there was no emotional fluctuation on her face. She shook her head: “I’m only worried that it will be more troublesome to tidy up later on.”

Shen Zhiqian didn’t think too much. He stood up: “Let’s go, Uncle Chen’s place is still some distance away from us, it will take 40 minutes to drive there.”

Ning Qingqing nodded, packed her things, and got up.

However, although she didn’t feel anything while sitting just now, now that she relaxed her mind and stood up, she suddenly felt the world spin.

She lost her balance and reflexively grabbed for something close to her. Yet, Shen Zhiqian quickly caught her, holding her waist with one hand and her arm with the other.

Through the layer of her shirt, Shen Zhiqian could already feel the temperature of Ning Qingqing’s arm.

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He immediately frowned. Keeping one hand on Ning Qingqing’s waist, the other supported the back of her head. Leaning down, Shen Zhiqian’s forehead touched Ning Qingqing’s to test her body temperature.

“Why is it so hot?” He straightened up: “Qingqing, you have a fever, we must go to the hospital immediately!”

Right after, in front of everyone, Shen Zhiqian hooked Ning Qingqing’s bag on his arm and immediately picked her up in a princess carry and strode out.

Everyone present watched this scene and covered their mouths, all kinds of guesses surging in their minds——

CEO Shen seems to really care about his empress. Who said that when Si Luoqing arrived Ning Qingqing lost?

Seems like the outcome of the boss’s wife position is still in suspense!

Shen Zhiqian carried Ning Qingqing all the way down the private elevator. Ning Qingqing felt a little uneasy: “I only stood up too suddenly just now, maybe my blood sugar is low. I already took my temperature; 38.2 degrees is not that high. Quickly, put me down.”

Shen Zhiqian didn’t let go, seeing that they were approaching the first floor, he warned her: “Behave or else I will kiss you in front of the company’s reception desk!”

Ning Qingqing no longer dared to move. At this moment, she recalled when Shen Zhiqian used to threaten her like this when they were still in school.

A burst of grief arose in her heart. After the grief, all that was left was desolation.

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How did it become like this? She used to tell him everything, but now, even as all kinds of emotions fester in her heart, she no longer has the urge to share them with him.

“Just ask the driver to take me to the hospital, let’s not make Uncle Chen wait.” Ning Qingqing said.

Shen Zhiqian’s jaw tightened: “Ning Qingqing, try saying that again?”


Knowing that she can’t change his mind, Ning Qingqing stopped squirming and behaved, letting Shen Zhiqian continue to carry her out of the lobby.

Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the shocked expressions of the receptionists who looked like they got some sweet melon1 to eat. She didn’t even have to think, most likely after today, her colleagues’ attitudes towards her will revert to how they were before.

This is reality. This is human nature.

After getting in the car, Shen Zhiqian gave Uncle Chen a call: “Uncle Chen, I’m really sorry, our Qingqing suddenly got a high fever, I’m taking her to the hospital now… We’ll have to pass today. Next time I’ll personally go to Nancheng to apologize to you… Haha, thank you Uncle Chen for your concern. Qingqing also misses you, in the future, I will bring her to Nancheng to visit you…”

Hanging up the phone, Shen Zhiqian pressed Ning Qingqing’s head against his shoulder: “Have a good rest, I’ll wake you up once we get to the hospital.”

The two of them were so close together, Ning Qingqing could even see each strand of Shen Zhiqian’s distinct eyelashes, as well as the deep eyes under those eyelashes.

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At this moment, his eyes were full of tenderness. They were the same as before; it seems like they never changed.

Perhaps because of the tenderness of this moment, or because of her fragility from being ill, the emotions that had been suppressed for so long in her heart finally burst out. She raised her head, met Shen Zhiqian’s gaze, and asked one word at a time:

“Zhiqian, we will get married, right? Have you considered when exactly?”

The author has something to say:

PS, break up within this week~

Translator’s ramblings:


Pre-break up arc has finally ended! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰


“Eating melon” is an internet slang where the “melon” refers to the latest gossip, so eating melon means to watch the drama

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