Chapter 11: Confessing Feelings under the Moonlight

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Shao Zi was determined to attach a sign in front of the door: “Ask for direction, ten coins.” One plump and one thin has finished asking and when told there was none, immediately turned around to leave. That is considered grave deceiving on the feelings. She attempted to remain calm whist looking at Scholar. She frustratingly placed the chicken and pork leg in front of him, “Innkeeper, let us eat!”

Scholar was dejected, “I ate till full…Have already drank one scoop of soup…”

Shao Zi tear the chicken leg, “Here innkeeper. You are quite thin and eat to plump up.”

“…” Scholar enduringly accepted it.  Translations by Chocolate Cosmos

In the evening, there were several customers that came after another. Each day would be peaceful’ the usual business to earn money. But such earnings were enough to maintain the inn and Shao Zi was already satisfied.

When night came, Shao Zi finished making food and let Little White Snake bring it into the room. She [Shao Zi] immediately prepared to turn around and go sleep in the flower beds. When feet almost stepped in, Pa Pa immediately said, “Boss, was it you who placed spell? When I went out to play, Little Flower immediately asked where I went as the whole day was not in the inn. I said that I was always here, but they would say they really did not feel my demonic qi/energy.”

Shao Zi only pointed to the roof, “At that place did drew a charm. Can be said to prevent demonic qi inside the inn from exiting to the outside. Isn’t there a large mythological creature?”

Everyone titled their heads upward, “Where is the mythological creature?”

Shao Zi was alarmed, perhaps there was none? After speaking such, she turned around to look at the other direction. Obviously was there, “Over there.”

Bai Shu (cypress tree) patted her shoulder, “Boss, perhaps [you] have to drop medicine in eyes to clear them more.”

Shao Zi immediately glared at him. Xin niang lifted feet to kick once, “Ai ya, dare to say Boss’s eyes are not good! Scram!”, Bai Shu cried one sound and flew one direction toward the sky…Shao Zi was satisfied and hugged the magnolia tree, “Xin niang is quite formidable and aggressive.”

“But Boss… We really do not see any mythological creature over there.”

Shao Zi rubbed her chin, “Let me ask Scholar a bit.”

Finished speaking, she immediately went to the second floor. She was about to jump into the window. Anyway, Scholar has no possibility of being sybaritic. Can possible considered him to be an immortal and is not afraid of scaring him.

After jumping inside, she saw again the mist rising from all sides. She flapped the sleeves to dispel the water vapor in front and muttered, “Bathing again?”

Behind the vase came the sounds of water moving. The other person was hesitant for awhile and then spoke, “Shao Zi?”

Scholar wanted to stand up and wear clothes so to not have her come over. Cannot expect when he rose half of his body, already saw a head poking in. He cannot do anything else but returned to the bathing barrel. Is not missing only one nerve, but rather he is missing two nerves ah…

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Shao Zi completely did not know. Just now did she see wrong or not because she saw Scholar was not completely thin as she has thought and that there were abdominal muscles on him, really want to touch a bit.

Scholar saw that she turned around and does not know what she is thinking. As if fortunate to be supported by the mist in highlighting an indescribable scenery, “Shao, Miss Shao Zi?”

Shao Zi returned [her mind returned], “En?”

Scholar has a bit of a forceful smile, “Has there not been anyone who told you that males and females should not touch hands when they give or receive things*? If the male is bathing and you charge in, like this…it’s not proper.”

*From Mencius, illustrating the separation of men and women with no physical contact (unless married). Translations belonging to Chocolate Cosmos, do not take outside blog.

Shao Zi seriously pondered, “I will not make any move with you, rest assured.”

Scholar’s eyelids nodded. It’s obvious that he’s scared he cannot help make a move with her. Miss Shao Zi, don’t misunderstand like this!

Shao Zi remembered the reason she came here. She immediately shoo away the disorderly thoughts in head, “Innkeeper, what exactly is that charm as only I was able to see it?”

“Oh…In ancient times there were a lot of creatures causing havoc for sentient beings. After that, there was a person subduing them and sealed them inside scrolls. This creature’s name is Pi Xiu and has the ability to congregate demonic qi. If it’s within the range of Pi Xiu’s protection, then even when there’s the possibility of being attacked, the demonic power will not weaken.”

Shao Zi swallowed, “In other words, if going against a strong opponent, regardless of what methods used to deal with each other, the actual body will not be affected. No, rather the strength and powers will not be wasted.”

Scholar smiled faintly, “Little children are easy to teach.” Finished speaking, he already saw Shao Zi poking her head into the bathing barrel. He immediately asked while being sobbing, “What is it?”

Shao Zi was extremely tragic, “If I knew that then would definitely teach those two who came to eat kingly meals.”

Scholar smiled, “Will have the opportunities.” Finished speaking, he saw that she lifted her face closer. The steam has caused the person to shine and caused him to withdrew to the back with a frozen face, “What, what are you doing?”

“Stupid Scholar, how do you know it’s one of the ancient scroll…” Shao Zi was disconcerted and then retreated back, “Perhaps you are an ancient god?”

Scholar smiled, “Do I look like one?”

Shao Zi stood up, delicately evaluated him, and then assertively shook her head, “Doesn’t look like one.”

“…”   || Translations ©, 2017.

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Shao Zi softly snorted, “Regardless of who you are, only need to whole-heartedly be good to the inn, then is considered a good person.”

Seeing her large, leaving strides and that the sounds beside the window immediately disappeared, Scholar took the warm towel and draped it over his face while sighing, “It’s really the inn that is the biggest obstacle…”

Shao Zi then ran to the roof to look at the ancient creature. So it was Pi Xiu whose head looks like a tiger and has a long, big figure. It’s entire body was vividly rosy from the cinnabar drawing and its eyes were glaringly luminous, threatening in all four directions. She sat on the side and poked its claws. It was rather soft and cannot help burst with joy. Even though it is threatening like this but it’s claws are very soft like water; really want to take care of it.

The moonlight was somber and draped silver light on every ground. Shao Zi yawned a bit and saw the roof of the adjacent Jin Xiu inn have two people standing. Rubbing her eyes, she immediately recognized those two (one plump and the other thin) as the ones who came to the inn to ask for directions. She immediately lifted her ears to eavesdrop on the two people conversing.

“Dragon energy/qi in this region has obviously disappeared. Perhaps has returned.”

“The dragon tribe is currently chasing them. How can they possibly return. Anyhow, at least we should catch them .”

“That’s true, it’s really strange.”

Shao Zi blinked, merpeople? Within their conversation can hear that the dragon tribe is trying to find Dragon God and Little White Snake? Then today the two people, one tall one short, belonged to the dragon tribe? It’s over. She unexpectedly tricked them and has offended both sides. Thinking up to here, her whole body hurriedly shook. Otherwise, present Dragon God and Little White Snake to them!

Suddenly the two pairs of eyes glance over her way. Shao Zi blinked at them while at the back silently have cold sweats. She is merely admiring the moon, don’t try to attack her.

Shao Zi bent her legs and was about to run. Then she saw the two people were agreeing to go over here. She slightly tilted her body to leave then suddenly a quiet silhouette sat down and raised hands to hug her while resting her head on his shoulders. Then would whispered in ears, “Don’t move.”

The warm breathing suddenly struck forward and caused her to feel itchy. Shao Zi did not dare move. Although the identity of Scholar is rather mysterious and caused others to feel assured, but does not know why there was an indescribable feeling of safety.

After a while of not moving, Shao Zi spoke in a lowered voice, “Did they leave already?”

“They are gazing at the moon from across.”


-Exhaling- “merpeople love the moon to the point of craziness. They will not leave immediately. People who are in the Pi Xiu’s boundary, they will considered them as mortals. Mortals cannot see them and so do not look intently at them anymore.”

“Oh…” Shao Zi leave his elbow and the warmness also dispelled, “Right now what do we do?”

Scholar smiled, “Admire the moon.”

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…Okay then. Occasionally will learn to appear as someone who has culture is not bad. Shao Zi hugged knees and sat down. She tilted head to look at Scholar. Under the shiny, clean moonlight, Scholar seemed like a heavenly immortal coming down from the sky and was extremely handsome, “Innkeeper, how long will you stay at the inn?”

“Waiting to meet a person then will leave.”

“Eh…Who are you waiting for?”

Scholar smirked, “A lady.”

“Tch.” Shao Zi shook head. From before thought he was like an immortal not eating the food of mortals, but now looking closely, strangely still has the characteristic of distinguished scholar, “Can I ask you this problem? You are obviously someone of this side [knows about demon and can see things], but why would always water us in the middle of the afternoon. You like seeing us being burnt?”

Scholar gave slight eye contact and after looking at her for a while, would tilt head and covered nose. Even this matter of looking at one another cannot be sustain then how can the matter of speaking admiration can be considered. Obviously, that year the impact was too much…Withdrawing that thought, Scholar then spoke at this time, “Sentient beings have spiritual energy. A part has already reached enlightenment; however, trees and grass are rather distinct. The spiritual strength of sentient beings is from the ying energy But if continue to avoid the yang energy then will soon die.”

Shao Zi considered it for a while and then attempted to say, “In other words, you are helping us balance the ying and yang within the bodies?”


Translations brought to you by Chocolate Cosmos from bananachocolatecosmos

Shao Zi finally understood. They are demons who matched with the pure moonlight. Under the sky too much would weaken the body and thus, at night would have to absorb the essence of the earth and sky. During the way would rarely go out. Cannot blame each time the well water would splash and felt the whole body warm up, but does not damage the demon self. So it turned out to be this reason.

“Then how come you let me drink tea? There definitely must be something inside it.”

“Catch the morning dew and intermix with a millennium-old ginseng to simmer for a hour.”

Shao Zi stared blankly for a short period of time. Cannot blame each morning he would go outside. So it was to collect morning dew. Wait a bit, wasting all this effort like this to only make her a cup of tea? She suddenly felt a bit guilty and warily asked, “How come you treat me so well?”

Scholar sighed heavily a while and only wanted to rush out the window and jump down. The expression was gentle and he lightly smiled, “What do you say?”

Shao Zi furrowed brows and thousands of thoughts rotated in head. After a while she was horrified and jumped up, “You intended to fatten me up and then eat!”

Scholar palmed his forehead.

“Innkeeper, what are you doing?”

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“Internally injured.”


At a beautiful night like this then passed by from Shao Zi’s determined guess that Scholar is fattening her up for meat…

The next day after she slept and woke up, Shao Zi opened Scholar’s window and does not see his qi. She then went outside. Perhaps he is collecting morning dew. Obviously is trying to fatten her up to eat ah…

Shao Zi’s mood was dejected and went into the kitchen to grab the bag and buy ingredients to cook. Picking good meat to eat with vegetables~ mouth was singing. Just turned into shortcut alleyway, she met two people, one thin and one plump who were coldly watching her, “So it was a demon. Felt that gaze the night before of hers was not right. So it was due to seeing us.”

The plump one said, “Are you hiding Dragon God or not?”

Shao Zi smiled wryly, “Dragon God ah? How can I have the ability to hide Dragon God. Furthermore, the evening before I pretended to not discover you guys because does not want to offend the expert* who is also the innkeeper of mine. I cannot say there are people in front of a mortal or he will think that I am crazy.”

* She’s referring to someone who is capable or skilled. Not directly referring to one specific expert she has met lol.

The thin person laughed softly, “Then how come the night before did not see any demonic energy on you? Or perhaps…this inn has placed a spell?”

Shao Zi innocently blinked, “What spell?”


The sound of the plump was sharp and almost pierce her ears. Shao Zi was scared and covered her ears with a bit of discomfort. People would say that the sounds of merpeople can echoed for 10 miles and the roaring sea waves were due to their fury. Now that she saw first-hand, naturally is not wrong.

“I don’t believe that I can’t make you speak.”

After the last sound was uttered, the plump one turned into someone tall and within a moment, was as tall as a tower while folding arms and glaring. Shao Zi was calm. Despite not being able to fight back, she cannot sit and wait for death. The spell of hers has already been chanted purification incantation halfway and then heard cold sneers from the back:

“Dragon tribe want people. It’s not your merpeople’s turn to get.”

Shao Zi stopped for a bit and retreated to the back while looking. There came one tall and one short with cold expressions. Temporarily flames of anger immediately broke out; it’s the four who ate kingly meals and also appeared at the same time!

But…She cannot fight against ah. Thus, obediently watch the scene. Does not need to throw away one’s life!

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