Flower Demon’s Inn

Chapter 12.1

Chapter 12.1: The super all-nourishing tonic soup

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Shao Zi is an absolute genius. Has already met the two sides of dead end with swords drawn and she immediately retreated quietly to the wall over there. She crouched down and watched them fight each other.

Within a blink of an eye, the ground and sky have suddenly changed color. The mermaids have appeared in their real forms and wore armors with long tails like thorns. [They were] holding bent-long swords, emitting fearful light, and displaying ferocious expressions. Their ruthless energy were very strong, causing Shao Zi to shake.

The real figure of that dragon tribe member was a Gao Long*, and has several parts of fierce energy with a figure that were different from the mermaids. His entire body was that of bright yellow scales. His demeanor was majestic and it seemed that any point in time, [he] can guide the rain and call the winds while his feet kicked the waves. He only needed to lowered head and growled a bit as big gusts of winds surfaced and black clouds covered the mortal realm with sunlight no longer being seen.

*A type of dragon with scales and this guy has a large stature.

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Shao Zi retreated a bit and saw that they did not noticed. She then retreated a bit more. The eyes [of hers] shifted and saw right away that she can jump over the walls and go underground to escape. Yet, the plump mermaid raised his hands and captured her. He locked her inside a cage and said, “Wait until I dealt with them and then will teach you well.”

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Finished speaking, the energies of the walls that arose the fishy smell of the ocean shattered. Shao Zi did not have time to be joyful as she saw the dragon energy pressing forward and entrapped her. Ack, switching the person who imprisons?!

Gao Long sneered, “Want to bring away our person hah, dream on!”

The mermaids grew angry and held onto their double swords. They shouted loudly and charged toward the dragon people. The dragon people do not want to be outdone and thus, tails went left and right. A batch of fire flew.

Shao Zi hugged her knees as she peered over the two strong heavenly energies, red and white, fight against one another. She waited for them to endlessly fight and not pay attention. Then she raised her finger up and poked into the wall energy. With rapt attention into congregated calm energy, a green tree branch sprouted from her palm and grew longer all the way up to peak of the cage. It then stopped. She raised her brows and used strength to hold onto it tightly. The tree branch then lengthened some more and caused the cage that imprisoned her to deform.

The dragon tribe is naturally mythological creatures—arbitrary wave only hand and create a difficult boundary like this. Shao Zi immediately felt the strong pressure. Sweats poured down from forehead and she did not have time to wipe it off. She has already used five parts of power and was to the point of limping until [she] heard a soft “dong” sound. The heavenly energy-filled cage was finally cracking. She immediately and slowly jumped gently across the wall and was prepared to go underground in order to return to the inn.

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Cannot expect after touching the ground, [she] suddenly saw a large silhouette pressed inward. She looked up to see and was immediately terrified which she then retreated three steps. Not having the time to stabilize one’s mental state, the figure of the small, short dragon threw straight into the ground. The ground punctured down three zhang* and all the dirt shot across Shao Zi’s entire face. Not waiting for her to wipe her face, from behind has carried the sounds of explosion and the wall collapsed. The mermaids with the thin figure has fallen.

* Zhang is 3.33 meters. Why are Chinese measurements so exact lol #chocolatecosmos

Shao Zi swallowed saliva and was hesitantly determining whether she should move or not. If there was a person falling then what to do, can still walk on this path or not? Anyhow, each step taken will then calculate. When [she] just lifted her feet up, there came sounds of “bang, bang” from behind as it came from the weapons that dropped down from the sky. At the same time, the mermaid and the plump figure of the dragon tribe with a tall height have beaten the opponent and have collapsed onto the ground.

Shao Zi looked at the dirt all over the mermaids, and ah, the dragon tribe intermixing with one another and immediately claimed oneself with a title in a roar—feet lifting killer.

At the courtyard of the inn, the demon gang was enjoying the pure morning dews and suddenly felt dense hostile energy from afar. They immediately discussed discreetly in a circle whether there was a trick being played out. After looking for a long time, the hostile energy would dissipated and they saw Shao Zi carried a large cloth bag while jumping down from the roof of the inn.

Shao Zi was tired to the point of her waist aching. She tossed the bag to the ground. Moans immediately sounded inside. Elder cypress tree brother was horrified and stammered, “Elder, boss, you’ve kidnapped healthy sons from good homes?”

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Shao Zi side-eyed him, and Xin niang immediately lifted feet, “Ah, scram!” Cypress tree then was kicked and flew to the sky.

The demon gang swallowed saliva, “Boss, what’s inside here?”

Shao Zi sighed, “Pa Pa, go call Dragon God and Little White Snake here for a bit.”

Pa Pa folded hands (gesture of bowing), “As you command.”

Shao Zi waved hands up and the demon energy turned into a knife that sliced through the bag. The four were trapped by Shao Zi inside four flowers and only displayed their heads through. Their appearances were short several parts and were quite silly. The four full, round flower buds were placed on the surface of the ground. Can take one hand and toss around, but cannot be poured out (basically one cannot knock out or can’t get out easily). It really is like a living large roly-poly toy.

The appearance of Dragon God’s face was not as pale as before. His steps were filled with strength. Little White Snake was walking beside him and steps were relaxed, cautious, and fundamentally unlike a snake demon who does arbitrarily things like before.

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When the two people came, the demon gang were signing in sorrow—Black and White Impermanence have appeared.*

*They’re just mocking the white and black appearance of the two guests lol.

Dragon God stepped forward and did not wait for Shao Zi to open her mouth as his view immediately looked at the four people with determined eyes, “Did not expect to come so soon.”

Little White Snake revealed admiring eyes, “Shao Zi jiejie, you were able to capture them by yourself and yet for me, cannot beat against even one finger of theirs.”

Shao Zi modestly spoke, “Those four defeated one another to the point of not being able to stand up. After that, I immediately took all of them and packaged them to carry back.”

Everyone’s faces were extremely darkened. Such reputation shattering matter does not need to be told out like so. Little White Snake tried to ponder with great effort and then eyes lit up, “Able to bring a large bunch here, Shao Zi jiejie has extraordinary strength!”

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