Flower Demon’s Inn

Chapter 12.2

Chapter 12.2: The super all-nourishing tonic soup

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The corners of Shao Zi’s mouth twitched. Dare to speak and say she was strong in front of others, really was not afraid of being hit. She looked at the Dragon God whose expression that was cold to the point of shedding out pieces of ice. She silently pondered, perhaps in this world only Little White Snake can make this dragon immortal with such a frozen expression move. Perhaps this is a weakness of Dragon God… Incorrect, right now, it’s not the right time to indulge in flights of fantasy. She said sternly, “They know I was at Tong Fu inn and was also suspicious that you two were hiding here. I was afraid they would return and report; thus, brought them here.”

Little White Snake suddenly grasped onto his hands tightly, “Cannot stay here any longer.”

Dragon God closed his eyes, bit his lips, and then said, “Only need seven more days and I will be able to recover one half of my power. If right now leave, that will also be discovered by them quickly.”

Little White Snake furrowed her brows and abruptly thought of something, “Rely on Shao Zi jiejie to make a lot of the super nourishing tonic soup?”

Dragon God’s expression paled and open mouth while looking at her. He was determined to say out each word clearly, “No need.”

Shao Zi asked, “If the injuries on your body become better, then will immediately leave?”

Dragon God said, “Also does not want to affect you guys. It’s merely that right now we have fell into this circumstance and if we leave, then they will chase here. At that time, you guys will also be involved. Wait until the injuries have heal and then I will give an answer to both sides.”

Shao Zi nodded, “I see. You guys go back to your rooms.”

Finished speaking, she immediately jumped into the kitchen. Does not expect that inside was filled with dense dust and darkness everywhere in the room, causing her to cough several times. She pulled up her sleeves and wave out the smoke from the surroundings. It is then that she faintly saw someone inside the kitchen sautéing something.

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“Shao Zi.”

Shao Zi responded quickly, “Innkeeper, what are you doing?”

Scholar smiled, “Sautéing vegetables, can’t you see?”

Shao Zi side-eyed at what seemed to be thick as porridge in the pot and has trouble speaking, “Really… cannot see.”

Scholar’s talented, but does not know how to sauté vegetables and really does not how to drive a horse carriage. Large matters would understand clearly while small matters does not know one bit. Shao Zi accepted the spatula*, “Innkeeper, if you want to eat something, I will make it for you.”

*I call this spatula, but the text is referring to a shovel like utensil.

Scholar was definite, “Fried vegetables.”

“En.”       ChocolateCosmos translations 

Shao Zi, who was silent, clearly indicated something was wrong and so Scholar asked, “Is there something the matter?”

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“No.” Shao Zi pushed his back, “Go outside innkeeper.”

Scholar stood there for a bit and also did not continued asking. After he has left, Shao Zi immediately finished frying a plate of greens and brought it out for him to eat with porridge. After that, she returned to the kitchen and washed the large metal pot clean. She then poured in a large ladle-full of water and waited for the water to boil. She slowly brought out the demon energy that congregated at the center.

Waited until the entire strength was withdrawn, she slightly bent body and a glowing dark scarlet pearl gently appeared in palm. She looked at it for a long time and then tossed it into the pot. The pearl almost fell into the water, but suddenly a pale hand raised out and grabbed it.

Shao Zi hurriedly looked up and saw Chrysanthemum with vivid yellow clothing. Only miss a bit and veins would have drawn out knives, “Give back the demonic energy pearl to me!”

Chrysanthemum slightly smiled and held tightly onto the pearl within hand while deciding not to hand it to her, “Give two hundred years of cultivation in a pearl to Dragon God for treating injuries? How can there be someone so foolish like you. In this world, peony becoming a spirit-like being was already rare. You have cultivated for so long. Right now want to toss away because of a damaged inn, is it worth it? The demon pearl of yours can stop a plague, detoxify millions of poisons, and now, give to another person to eat. Really is wasteful.”

Shao Zi still looked attentively at Chrysanthemum’s hand, “Worth it. Because of gramps wanting me to protect the inn.”

“The old innkeeper fundamentally does not know of your existence!”

Shao Zi paused, but voice was still firm, “I was saved by gramps and came here. If not for him planting me in the rear court/courtyard, then I would have been eaten by the demons in the mountain. I eat scraps and gramps did not blame me while letting me eat. Right now gramps has left. I want to watch over the inn. Watching over my house, what’s wrong with that…You return the pearl to me, quickly return.”

Chrysanthemum really cannot comprehend her thinking. Such inn like this in town has a hundred and fifty of them. Self is a demon yet wants to protect a human object. Really is insulting to the demons, “You are stupid! Return to you, return to you here. You want to save this dilapidating place then save, does not want to manage.”

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Finished speaking, inserted the demon pearl into her hand and withdrew energy as boisterously returned to the flower beds.

Shao Zi looked at the pearl and closed eyes as she let go of the demon pearl into the pot of boiling water. The demon pearl that was vivid red then dissipated and mixed with the water. But it did not make the water red. Contrarily, it turned the water crystal clear like pure water, shining flawlessly.

Carefully and solemnly brought upstairs, each of her steps were heavy. Perhaps it was due to placing two hundred years worth of cultivation on hand.

Scholar leaned against the cashier register and slightly lifted eyes to look at the back shadow of Shao Zi. Even he cannot think that Shao Zi would use such method with to end it all. At first glance, is really dumb…Carefully ponder a bit, still is very dumb. But such dumbness has caused others to not hate one bit, but feel heart hurts because of her. In the end, he still has to become involve in this matter now. Even though the dragon tribe and the mermaid tribe are quite troublesome, but letting Shao Zi sacrificed her cultivation like this, he does not want.

Shao Zi carried a large bowl of soup and knocked on the wooden door, “Open the door White Snake.”

Waited for a bit and did not see anyone coming out. She knocked on the wooden door again, “Black and White Impermanence open the door.”

“…Giving such nickname to them like this doesn’t seem to be a good thing.”

“Oh…But it’s quite fitting with them…” Shao Zi blinked, and looked to the side. Almost caused her to dump the soup, “Ex, expert.”

Expert’s face was still handsome like before while vaguely dispersing energy which caused others to feel trustworthy. Shao Zi’s heard was beating rapidly. It’s finished. These past days the mind is not at ease and caused the heart to beat following a rhythmic pattern, “Expert, what are you here for?”

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Finished speaking, the door immediately opened. Little Snake poked head out, “Before was bandaging the wound…” Lifted head up to see Expert, Little White was scared to the point of face becoming ghostly pale. After that she grew angry and bared her teeth, “Why did you come here?!”

Expert smiled, and rolled up sleeves, “I come to treat illness.”

Shao Zi paused for a bit, “What you mean…You can treat Dragon God?”

Expert nodded, “Can.”

“Then…” Shao Zi lowered head to look at the soup within embrace and face was distorted, “I have to bring this soup and drink to emptiness in order to get back the cultivation?!”

The pair of profound eyes of Expert appeared a bit sympathetic and voice was solemn, “Yes.”

Shao Zi immediately felt the clear maliciousness inside this all-nourishing tonic soup…

Translations brought to you by Chocolate Cosmos

Author’s Thoughts: Shao Zi, let’s see whether you will dare force Scholar to drink an entire bowl of all-nourishing tonic soup anymore.

Chocolate Cosmos: I have to agree with what Chrysanthemum has to say about Shao Zi’s actions except the dissing of the Tong Fu inn. Quite foolish this little peony flower~

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