hapter 13: If you do not give up then I will also not abandon

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Shao Zi who brought the basin of water stood to one side. She peered at Dragon God whose body was being bandaged like wrapped rice dumplings. She cannot refrain from asking, “Little White, it is you who bandaged?”

Immediately received a response filled with clear confidence, “Yes.”

Shao Zi nodded with mouth muscles. Being bandaged into such appearance, but Dragon God has not tossed her [LW] out. This is definitely true love. She peered at Expert who lifted finger and tear a line on the bandages. The surrounding bandages seemed to have been cut by a knife. They slowly split open and fell down. The blood on the opening of the injuries has dried and on there were still some herbs with no clear name intermixing. With one look only and heart become alarmed.

While waiting for Expert to clean up and bandaged the injuries, Shao Zi secretly pondered that indeed the name Expert isn’t merely for display.

Dragon God attempted to use accumulate the energies and immediately felt that tendons have completely resurrect, “Much appreciation…”

“Cough” Expert with narrowed eyes laughed, “After two days then will get better.”

Dragon God was silent and did not say anything anymore. Little White Snake gave the lower garment for him to wear. Shao Zi brought the water and was about to go outside until demonic energies suddenly appeared at the windowsill. She lifted head to look up and immediately saw Xin niang jumped into the room while urgently said, “From afar, there were two streams of spiritual energies directed toward this direction of the small town. It has the fishy smell of ocean. Definitely are the great dragon tribe and the merpeople tribe.”

Little White Snake changed color, “If discovered then what to do right now?”

Shao Zi said, “Has the celestial creature here. They definitely will not discover the breathing energies of you guys.”

Xin niang was muttering to oneself irresolutely, “Big boss…Even if they truly cannot feel the breathing energies of Big Black (Dragon God) and Little White, but you have captured the four people and brought them here. If they followed the smell of the energies of them to find here, and exactly discovered that they (energies) has disappeared in front the inn of ours then…” She swallowed her saliva with difficulty, “Only need someone with a brain and will become suspicious of our inn?”

Shao Zi paused. How can she forget about this matter?! Originally wanted to bring the merpeople and the dragon people to hide away in order to avoid their returns and reports. Really cannot expect that they have sent information earlier. It’s no wonder that these past few days there were no activities. Right now soldiers suddenly have come.

Dragon God stood up and calmly spoke up, “Has brought many days of troubles to young lady. Right now I will go with them and talk.”

Little White Snake clutched his legs tightly while opening her eyes widely, “You’re injured. If the first people to come is the merpeople then what to do? Furthermore, didn’t the elderly head of the dragon tribe said [he] want to prosecute you for the crime of abandoning the dragon tribe? Don’t go there, right now couldn’t we escape?”

Dragon God was silent for a while, “With my current condition at this time, unable to escape. I will go meet them. You go return to the snake tribe.”

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“The tribe’s folks were afraid of troubles and no longer need me anymore…” Little White Snake sniffed nose and appearance looked like she was wronged, “I am afraid of death, but is not afraid of punishment. Don’t abandon me.”

Dragon God’s face darkened and he sighed. He rubbed her head, “Soldiers will come, from water to land.”

Little White Snake nodded head and became happy as she stood up. Shao Zi was sighing with sorrow —indeed a lady that can change expression from hostile to another fast like flipping a page. In a flash, has become happy; [she’s] really easy to persuade. Thinking about it more, two of cavalry people will come here. Even if Dragon God talk to them, there’s no point. The matter that she has captured the merpeople along with the dragon people will still be exposed. Can only take a risk once with them as nonetheless [she was] still in the Pi Xiu* spell formation and the demonic powers of her were endless.

*Mythical animal that brings luck and wards off evil. It has a head of a dragon, a lion’s body, and often depicted with hoofs, wings, and a tail. – Chocolatecosmos

After exiting the room, Expert immediately said at the pavement, “The snake…. ah not right, Dragon God. The spiritual energies of Dragon God have not been restored and not fitting to battle head-on. We have to think of a way to leave the village and move the two groups of cavalry to a different place, avoiding nuisances to the village. When they have detected then two days have passed. At that later time, Dragon God and Little White Snake would have left by then.”

Shao Zi appreciatively peered at him, “Thank you Expert.”

Not only are powers powerful, even the heart is honest. The key point is that appearance is extremely handsome. Shao Zi’s heart was blossoming in full bloom ah.

Following zhuang yuan*/Expert outside the village, the color of sky was still of early morning, but the sky afar was like a sheet of heavy negative (Yin) energies. It was really the closer arrival of the army. Fighting divisions were truly oppressing.

*Top scorer in palace examination…not sure why she’s calling Expert that… -ChocolateCosmos

Said that she can come and support, but Shao Zi felt that the use of her was really telling him where was outside the village as fundamentally even the basic odd jobs [she] cannot do.

It wasn’t until he finished erecting wall of spiritual energy that enveloped the outside of the village, did Shao Zi secretively peered at Expert’s unchanging facial color. Has treated for Dragon God, and now made a boundary. The spiritual energies consumed were probably not less. Yet, this person did so as if it was nothing. After following him to return home, she could not refrain from being curious, “Expert, who are you after all? You’re really not afraid of offending the Dragon tribe and also the merpeople?

Expert smiled, “At the right time, I will tell you about the whole matter.”

Shao Zi nodded and then thought of something, “When is it the “right time”?”

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Expert reflected for a while, and muttered to oneself irresolutely, “I do not know.”

Across Shao Zi’s face was a dark line. This was absolute deception to her.

Returning to the inn, Expert did not get to place foot onto the steps as he immediately peered at top. The pupils paused for a moment, “Little White Snake is not here.”

When [he] finished speaking, a wave of brilliant rays of light rushed out and instantly disappeared in the east. Expert slightly lifted his eyes, “At this time even the entire Dragon God has left.”

Shao Zi was confused, “What’s the matter?”

Expert pondered a while and then suddenly realized, “It seemed that it wasn’t Dragon God that has left Little White Snake, but Little White Snake has left Dragon God. Wasn’t she proficient the most in transforming into Dragon God? Perhaps, due to wanting to delay for two days, thus use own self to guide the chasing soldiers away. Dragon God discovered and immediately chased after. Therefore…Just now, has placed the spell formation and only scared that it’s futile. Using such speed perhaps has already arrived at village Dong Lin.”

Shao Zi hesitated as she does not know whether to find them or rejoice that they have left. Granted that they used to hide here, and if captured at a different place then perhaps will not bring disaster to the inn. She frowned and pondered for a bit. In the end, she still decided to take a look. En, she merely wanted to see for a bit and absolutely will not interfere in and not turn oneself to a flat boat.

Eyes saw that Expert also decided to follow, Shao Zi halted him, “You have helped me several times, and I can’t thank you enough, but this matter is really too dangerous. Expert, you should stay back.”

Expert smiled and said, “No worries, I also want to see the commotion.”

Shao Zi paused and nodded, “Then you have to be careful.”

After speaking it out then started to feel that her words were not correct. Isn’t the person who needs to be careful is herself? Waiting after she has left the small village, Shao Zi would pondered more and thought it was not appropriate. She tilted her head, “Expert, who also know village Dong Lin?”

His brows and eyes twitched. His expression was rigid, “Know.” Seeing her gaze toward him was getting stranger, he immediately stretched hand out and grabbed her belt, “Quickly go.”

When the last sound ended, under the feet arose wind. Immediately kick the wind and went up, blowing the robe sleeves and also the black-colored hair of the two of them. It was like emerald and powder white intermixed, like the celestial immortals that flown through the mortal realm.

The closer it has gotten to village Dong Lin, the demonic energies exuded were heavier. Sniffing the pungent, fishy smell, Shao Zi frowned, “It seemed that the merpeople have come first.”

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Hearing her tensed voice, Expert nonchalantly said, “No need to worry.”

How can she not worry? The powers that Little White Snake have how many portions even she also knew. Even if she [LW] can fight or not, let alone dealing with brave and warlike enemies like this. Heart was like fire coming forth to burn. She immediately saw from afar the major armies of the merpeople. The scale armor under the sunlight refracted a blinding light as if wanting to pierce others blindly. In the sky there was a black dragon and on its back carried a white snake. Coming closer a bit, immediately saw that there were already many injuries and blood on the two people.

The heart tightened once. Shao Zi grabbed the clothing lapel of Expert and dazedly peered at that direction. If right now charge forth, possibly will be wiped and sent flying.

Each merpson was pointing a sharp long spear and attacking the spell formation that enveloped the two people. Everyone simultaneously pierced the sharp blade into the middle of the spell formation and violating energies overflowed. Dragon God used tail to halt and brushed away the bunch of merpeople that were coming forth. While his mouth continuously spitted out boiling fireball to burn and forced the merpeople to concede and back down (retreating three days’ march).

But at this time, trembling Little White who was still lying on Dragon God’s back, suddenly jolted and entire body fell down. Dragon God leaned body and saw that the entire paths have been blocked by the merpeople. Shao Zi did not have time to think more and immediately charged to retrieve Little White. She carefully hugged her into embrace and at this time, saw how serious her injuries were. In the heart there was an aching pain and Shao Zi quickly moved spiritual strength inside to heal Little White. Suddenly, there was the whooshing fishy smell that stirred the nose came forward. At this time, she then reacted and lifted head up to see. She immediately saw that more than ten merpeople were surrounding her.

She swallowed saliva and smiled wryly, “I am simply…passing by.”

The merpeople smiled faintly and raised spears up. Shao Zi also immediately lifted the right hand and cough loudly “Up!”. Immediately, in front of her appeared a wall of peonies. Within the blink of an eye, the peony fragrance overfilled and overwhelmed the fishy smell of fish, causing the merpeople to become dizzy. But they were still brave, warlike creatures of the ocean. It was not for long as they lifted the spears and abruptly pierce forward. The wall of flowers was destroyed and petals scattered across the sky.

They were about to capture her alive, but a roar that shook the sky came. The merpeople were about to turn around, yet a very heavy object hit the face and soared high. Shao Zi blinked and looked to the side. Unexpectedly, it was a dragon tail as the great army of the dragon tribe has finally arrived!

She immediately breathed out in relief. Dragon God can be saved. Unexpectedly, someone belonging to the dragon tribe coldly ordered, “Give that snake demon here and I will spare your life.”

Shao Zi hugged Little White Snake with thin, feeble breathing and cold sweats poured out, “What do you want to do to her?”

That person said, “Dare to get close to the dragon tribe, intent to disrupt, has to die.”

Shao Zi cannot refrain from arguing back, “Where did she has the intent to disrupt. Furthermore, she’s merely a little white snake. You guys don’t need to expend much effort shooing her away. How can she have the opportunity to do bad things?”

“Protecting the snake demon has to also die.”

Shao Zi paused. She immediately saw the opponent surfaced up murderous energies. Shao Zi attempted to turn around hurriedly and flee. Unexpectedly, Expert has stood behind her right away and caused her forehead to hit into Expert’s chin. Shao Zi was in pain, grew angry, and shouted, “Quickly run!”

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Expert held onto her tightly and facial expression was reluctant, “The path to retreat has been cut off.”

Shao Zi looked toward the front. Naturally, all four directions have been blocked. If it’s not the dragon tribe then it’s the merpeople! In the heart was… extremely terrified. Yet, she still bravely pushed Expert out and turned around to tell the dragon tribe, “He and I do not know each other. Let him go.”

Expert was starring blankly for a while. His heart immediately beat fast. She clearly knew that he’s quite powerful, yet in a risky situation, did not ask him for help. On the contrary, specify the relation to push him away from the situation. Clearly, [she] only needed to give Little White Snake and will be all right, but she did not do so. She’s really…really stupid, extremely stupid.

He lifted his eyes faintly to peer toward the direction of Black Dragon the merpeople who were besieging. Then peered three people belonging to the dragon tribe blocking them. He smiled and grabbed Shao Zi’s hand, “How can I leave you?”

Shao Zi was dazed and peered at the handsome face. If this was like in the beginning when meeting him who carried such easygoing appearance, then there was distance. Yet at this time, hearing such words felt somewhat intimate. Despite not know why he always appeared when she faced obstacles, but right now she’s definite about one matter. He definitely did not pass by chance and also was not momentarily excited then came. But he honestly wanted to protect her.

The fear inside the heart temporarily disappeared.

Shao Zi really nodded. She said with no hesitation and a determined, unafraid of death facial expression, “En, we will die together!”

The corner of Expert’s mouth slightly twitched and slowly knocked her head, “Our lives are quite long. Do not arbitrarily speak dying words.”

Shao Zi was flabbergasted. Don’t tell me he was powerful to the point can bring these two groups of people who were fighting frenzy to slap away?

At this time, in the sky appeared a glaring blue ray of light. The blue color enveloped the heaven and earth like the clear-crystal water in the spring that dispels the violating energies-filled sky.

Shao Zi opened her eyes widely and saw that blue mystical beast. She was stupefied and speechless. After recognizing it for a while, her two legs almost became soft as she difficultly exclaimed, “Azure (Qing), Azure dragon?”

This was the boundlessly powerful revered mystical beast, causing fear to other living creatures. Has only heard of the mythological creature in the legends, How come has appeared here?!

Expert briefly looked and smiled gently, “Yes, it’s Azure Dragon.”

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