When I returned to the living room after finishing cleaning the bath, my eyes met with Shiori-chan. She came running up to me with a fresh smile on her face.

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“Onii-san, thanks for your hard work in cleaning the bathroom. H-How is it…. Is it to your liking, Onii-san?”


 She spun around 360 degrees to show me her outfit.


 A white top and an indigo skirt. It was a cool, summery outfit. The white, fine-grained skin is generously exposed, and I can’t help but be drawn to it.


 If I had to say whether I liked it or not, I liked it a lot.

 The simplicity and neatness of her appearance tugged at my heartstrings.


“W-Well, I think it’s okay. It suits you.”

“Really? I’m glad!”

“Well then, should we get going now?”

“Let’s go!”


 It was already 2:00PM in the afternoon.

 Even if we go out, we can’t go too far.


 I hadn’t even thought of a date plan to begin with. It was a bit of a spur-of-the-moment move, wasn’t it?


 As I was scratching my head and thinking about what to do, I felt a soft touch on my left arm.


“Erm, aren’t we a bit too close?”

“What’s the point of having a date if we don’t stick together?”


 We hadn’t even arrived at the front door yet when Shiori-chan crossed her arms and pulled me close to her.


 I raised the corner of my mouth awkwardly and tried to keep my distance. But despite my efforts, Shiori-chan refuses to move away from me.


“The air conditioning in the house is fine, but it’s hot when we step outside.”

“…That’s true, considering the temperature outside, my juices will stick to Onii-san.”

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“Could you please not say that it’s juice?”

“But I don’t want to leave Onii-san… and I don’t want Onii-san to think I smell like sweat. I don’t know what to do, Onii-san, I’m in a bind!”

“I think you should just let go of me.”

“…I don’t have a choice. It’s a tough decision, but I think I’ll stick it out this time.”


 Shiori-chan goes through my opinion and holds my hand. The way she linked our fingers together, one by one. It’s what is commonly called a lover’s bond.


 Well, this much is fine. After all, it’s a date.


 When I put on my shoes at the entrance and stepped outside, I was greeted by a thick, clammy air.

 Unlike inside the cool house, it was hot enough to make me sweat. It’s just another very hot day as usual.


 While I was secretly planning to cancel the date after all, Shiori-chan smiled at me.


“So, where are we going?”


 She looked so happy like a dog would be wagging its tail.

 If I say that I’m going to cancel the date because it’s too hot, I’m going to get a hell of a lot of backlash.


 Let’s take refuge somewhere in a cool place first.

 I start searching my brain for a cool place nearby and a date spot.


“That’s right… Let’s go for a walk.”


 I don’t know where I’m going, but we can’t just stand here.

 I decided to think about where to go as we walked, and Shiori-chan looked at me with her brownish eyes as if she was looking into them.


“If you haven’t decided where you want to go, can I decide for you?”


 There was no way I was going to deny that suggestion, so I followed Shiori-chan’s lead and started walking.


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“Let’s see…”


 Shiori-chan said, “It’s a secret until we get there,” so I was a little excited to see where we were going.


 As soon as we arrived at our destination, I stood there in a daze. No matter how many times I fluttered my eyelids, the scene in front of me remained the same.


“Let’s get going, shall we?”

“No, I mean…”

“What’s wrong?”

“This is where I work.”


 Shiori-chan was about to enter the restaurant, but I strengthened my grip on her right hand to keep her there.


 A family restaurant in front of the station. It was almost 3:00PM. From a quick glance from the outside, the restaurant was not that crowded.

 If I went inside, I would be shown around immediately.


 But this is my part-time job.


“Of course I know that.”

“If you know that, why are we here?”

“To keep them in check.”



 I couldn’t understand Shiori-chan’s purpose and put a question mark above my head.

 Unable to see this, Shiori-chan continued.


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“If Onii-san has a girlfriend, the women in your workplace won’t be able to get their hands on you… It’s just a trial relationship, but I’m serious about Onii-san. That’s why I’m checking them out.”


 She glanced at me and explained in a slightly weaker voice why she had come to the diner.


 I brought my right hand to my mouth and moved my head to the side. I was quite nervous. I don’t think I can look at Shiori-chan’s face right now.


 I looked at the sky and told her in a halting voice.


“Don’t worry, there’s no girl who’s going to come on to me. Not at my part-time job, and not at school either.”

“Onii-san’s self-esteem is too low… I’m sure there are. Probably there is someone at your part-time job and maybe even at school who is thinking about you.”


 Shiori-chan looked down.


 My self-esteem is low. That’s true, I guess.

 But Shiori-chan is Shiori-chan, and she overestimates me too much.


 Shiori-chan strengthened her grip on my left hand, and turned her eyes with determination.


“So let’s go inside so that people know that I’m Onii-san’s girlfriend.”

“N-No, wait. Ah, Hold it right there!”


 Shiori-chan pulled my hand and tried to enter the store, but I applied force in the opposite direction to hold her back.



“It’s because… you know… I-It’s embarrassing…”


“Well, let’s see, you don’t want your mother or father to see you walking down the street holding hands with me, do you?”

“I don’t mind at all. I’ll be more than happy to introduce you, Onii-san.”

“Well, let’s see, friends. You don’t want your friends to see us, do you?”

“Indeed, it would be troublesome if Onii-san were to develop romantic feelings for them. I may not introduce them to Onii-san to avoid a romantic fling.”


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 She really got me there. My analogy sunk in.

 Isn’t it usually embarrassing? I’ve always disliked class visits to death, so going to a family restaurant with my girlfriend is a high hurdle for me.




 When I was thinking about how to persuade Shiori-chan otherwise, a drop of sweat fell down my cheek.

 It was indeed a very hot day. Sweat was pouring out of me even without exercising. I really need to take a bath in an air conditioner.


 I’m sure it would be cooler in a family restaurant. A person who had just left the restaurant opened the door, and I could feel the cool air inside.


 I swallowed my gulp and decided to prepare myself.


“Let’s not stay for too long. Also, don’t tell them that we live together or anything else that’s unnecessary. Do you understand?”

“Yes. I won’t say anything.”


 Shiori-chan smiled at me.


 It’ll be okay… right? I was a little worried that she might say something unnecessary, but I’ll trust Shiori-chan fully now. I can’t help it, it’s so hot already. I can’t wait to take a bath in the air conditioner.


 After taking a small deep breath, we rushed into the diner.






Translator’s Afterword: Shiori just raised many flags in this chapter. I already see the future that’s about to happen.


Also please help Matsu reach his Ko-Fi goal, he needs $46 left for the cellphone goal he will use to edit. Any amount would do as long as it came from the heart xD.



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