“Irasshaima─ huh, Junpei-kun?” [TLN: Irasshaimase = A way of welcoming in Japan]

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 As we entered the restaurant, one of the staff smiled at me amiably.

 But as soon as her eyes met mine, she tilted her head and curiously called out my name.


“H-Hello there… Hongo-san.”


 I smiled awkwardly and called her name back.


 Ayane Hongo, two years older than me and currently in her first year of college.


 She has straight black hair that reaches just below her shoulders. She is a beautiful woman with a clear nose and eyes, and above all, she has large breasts.

 She is so beautiful that there are rumors that some people come to this family restaurant just to see Hongo-san.

 Hongo-san lowered her gaze diagonally and stared at my left hand. Then, after seeing Shiori-chan, she raised the corner of her mouth with a grin.


“I’ll show you to the couples’ table.”

“No, there’s no such thing!”


 Naturally, there is no such thing as a couple’s table in a family restaurant. While I was upset by Hongo-san’s comment, she turned on her heel and strode on.


 We were brought to a corner seat away from the entrance. There were no customers around, and we were far away from the kitchen.


 Shiori-chan and I sat down on the sofa, facing each other.


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 I wondered if they were paying attention to us. This seat is inconspicuous. It’s a good seat that won’t attract attention from the other part-timers.


 While I was impressed by her thoughtfulness, Hongo-san’s eyes twinkled with a twinkle, as if she wasn’t old enough to know better, and then she spoke up.


“Shiorin, you’ve become Kitagawa-kun’s girlfriend. I’m deeply moved by this. Onee-san is very impressed.”

“Yes. Thank you very much, Ayanee-san. Well, it’s just a trial though.”


“……? Eh, you two know each other?”


 Shiori-chan’s comment about a trial run caused Hongo-san to tilt her head slightly. But I tilted my head to the side even more than that.


 Hongo-san called Shiori-chan by her nickname “Shiorin”, and Shiori-chan also called Hongo-san “Ayanee-san” in a friendly manner.


 It was a surprising turn of events, since I had thought that the two of them had no connection.

“That’s right. You know Shiorin has been coming to our place many times for Kitagawa-kun, right?”

“Yes, I know she’s been coming to our place, but for me?”


 It was true that Shiori-chan oftenly came to our restaurant. But I thought she just came to study or to accompany Yuzu.


 But I guess so.

 She came to this diner just for me, didn’t she?


“That’s right. So I, as a romantic comedy master, sensed Shiorin’s passion for Kitagawa-kun and consulted her a few times.”

“Yes. I also got Onii-san’s shift schedule and planned to have Onii-san serve me.”

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“So that’s what’s been going on without my knowledge…”


 I was so shocked that I couldn’t even get a good reaction.


 A shift schedule is not something that should be leaked to the outside world. Especially if it belongs to someone else. What a bad senior she is.


 But I guess that’s the reason why I saw Shiori-chan so many times while I was working here.


 Thinking back, I had many opportunities to serve Shiori-chan, but I didn’t realize that Hongo-san was pulling the strings behind the scenes. I never thought about it.


“…E-Ermm, Hongo-san? Why are you seated?”


 As I was stunned, Hongo-san sat down on the seat next to Shiori-chan.


“Eh, on the contrary, who wouldn’t sit down in this situation?”

“I don’t think there’s anyone else who would sit down other than you. How about work, is it okay being here?”

“Well, we don’t have many customers right now anyway.”


 It’s true that there are not many customers right now and there’s not much work to be done. However, she’s on duty, and it’s not good to slack off.


 Well, our manager is a glass cannon, so I’m sure she won’t give her a hard time.

 [TLN: glass cannon is a derivative for a person with high offensive power but has low defense. Or sometimes, I guess they could be clumsy, like in this case. You’ll see it near the end of the chapter.]


 Hongo-san cleared her throat and looked at me and Shiori-chan alternately.

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“Well. You can flirt as much as you like. Come on, come on.”


“What are you talking about all of a sudden!?”

“Eh, Kitagawa-kun and the others are here to steal my sugar, aren’t they? I’m the kind of person who can spit sugar out of my mouth just by watching people make out.”

“I’ve never heard of that. You’re not a person anymore.”

 Shiori-chan smiled mischievously as Hongo-san made a puzzled face.

 And then she quietly got up from her seat. 

“I can’t help it. I’m embarrassed to make out with you in public, but… it’s Ayanee-san’s request, so I’d like to take a shot at it!”


 Shiori-chan clasped her hands and showed her motivation. No, I don’t think she has any feelings of embarrassment. Up until now, she has been holding her lover’s hand with me without caring about being seen…


 I had the impression that she had thrown away her sense of shame somewhere along the line.


“Oh, as expected of Shiorin. Make your Onee-san writhe in agony.”

“Please leave it to me.”


 Shiori-chan put her hands on her chest and looked very confident.

 Then, she moved over to my side of the couch and took the seat next to me.


“For Ayanee-san. Let’s make out a lot.”

“I-I’m not going to, okay? I mean, you’re so close, move away a bit from me.”

“You’re a little shy, aren’t you? I love that about you.”

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“Ugh… T-That’s right.”


 I blushed and looked away from Shiori-chan, only to see Hongo-san looking at us with an ecstatic expression on his face.


“Wow, Kitagawa-kun, your face is all red. I’ll have to take a picture and show it to everyone!”


 Hongo-san quickly grabbed her phone and pointed the lens at me.


 I hurriedly brought my right hand in front of my face and turned my face away from the lens.


“No, please don’t!”

“Ayanee-san, please send me that picture later.”

“I’m on it.”

“Eh, Shiori-chan?”


 Is there no one else siding with me anymore…?


 The only thing I could do to resist was to hide my face and I was getting into trouble. Then a voice came from across the room.


“Ah, I finally found you. What are you doing in a place like this, Hongo-senpai? The manager broke another plate and is in trouble, so please come quickly─… Eh, Junpei-senpai…? And that girl, who is she?”


 As soon as she saw Shiori-chan and me, she raised her voice calmly, as if the impatient voice she had just used was a lie.


 For a moment, the place seemed to have frozen.


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