For You In The Cage

Chapter 113

Episode 113: Salvation (VI)

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-Read at your own risk, R19 part ahead-

It was nice to get a reply right away without hesitation. The words ‘I love you’ that came out of Yulif’s mouth were endearing and sweet. Oh, what should she do? Great. She loved him so much that she thought she might as well die. Canaren hugged Yulilf’s neck with her bursting heart. As if he had waited, his lips touched her cheeks tenderly, and then fell.

“I just said it. I don’t hate Yulif. I like you. I like you so much.”

There was no way she could hate him. The small whisper sounded like a song. Yulif silently kissed her forehead, warm cheek, and soft lips.

Canaren’s body trembled and heated up whenever his lips touched. It was hard to get used to the feeling of something moist and hot touching her skin. Over and over, strange thoughts bloomed. Because her stomach and back were tingling.

“Yulif, you know what?”

“Tell me. I am listening.”

“If you do this too often… I can’t think.”


“Your lips.”

Don’t you like it? Yulif asked cautiously. No, no, no. Canaren quickly denied and shifted her gaze. The answer she gave after a while, was completely unlike her usual naive and innocent self.

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“If you want to do more than that, I’ll be in trouble.”

As soon as she finished speaking, Canaren’s vision flipped. Her back sank softly. Suddenly she was lying on the bed, and Yulif was staring down at her from above. Although his friendly gaze was still there, Canaren instinctively felt that there was a ferocious energy lurking behind them. Yulif’s lips touched her ear, and she blinked in surprise.

“I can do more if you want me to.”

“Wait a minute, Yulif. It’s ticklish… Ah.”

“I love you.”

His low-pitched voice gave her goosebumps. Yulif was more cunning and sly than Canaren had imagined. If she listened to things like that, she couldn’t do anything. A large beast attacked Canaren, who was immobilized at the sudden confession.

Yulif grabbed Canaren’s arms and raised them above her. The tip of his tall nose touched hers. She lost her mind as she breathed in his musky body scent. The heat from his purple eyes staring at her without blinking was transmitted. Her skin and stomach grew hotter. Canaren wanted to avoid Yulif because of the unfamiliar feeling she had never felt before. However, it was best to turn her head because he caught her arms.

「Don’t avoid me. Look at me.」

Those words coming out of Yulif’s mouth… It’s really shameful. Canaren rubbed her lips, but she eventually shifted to turn her head back to look at him. Yes, she was going to look.

Before she could see him, their lips overlapped. His tongue slipped through the gap between her lips that formed in her surprise. His tongue relentlessly entered and ran through her mouth passionately. She hadn’t experienced many deep kisses, and this wasn’t their first either. Whenever her lips touched his, her mind was blown away, but their previous kisses were nothing more than a joke compared to now.

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“Ha, ah…!”

Yulif didn’t know what to do. So he continued with a hardened tongue. He dug deep inside, tangled it up and pulled it out, then went back in and flicked it out. Just like that, their salivas mixed. Each time Yulif’s tongue ran through her mouth and rubbed it, Canaren’s body trembled.

She gasped for breath at his kisses, which didn’t give her a break. Whether it was because of the strange pleasure or the lack of breathing, her mind gradually became clouded. However, Yulif did not stop coveting her lips. She might really die. As she approached her limits and feared such a thing, Yulif shared his breath with her. The breath that passed with his scented saliva was sweet.

“Ugh, haha… Yulif, wait a minute…!”

Barely, his lips fell and the arm that had been holding hers was released. Canaren grabbed Yulif’s shoulders with both her hands. Yulif, staring at the small, white hand that gripped the hem of his cloak, grabbed one of hers and brought it to his mouth.

“Ah, wait…!”

“I want to hear something else, but one moment…”

“Oh, I don’t know what to say… Ah, it’s tickling…”


Before she could answer, Yulif licked her fingers slowly. His eyes, looking down, were a little out of focus unlike usual. Canaren instinctively realized. Those were eyes filled with raw desire that did not resemble his kind, caring, but sometimes cold gaze. This kind of Yulif was unfamiliar, but… she wasn’t afraid. No, rather…

“…I don’t hate this.”

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She wanted him to look at her with those eyes. She wanted him to want her. When the emperor teased Rena Harrodsell while pretending to be him, she wanted herself to be there, not Rena.

“I’ve said it before. It makes me want to do more than that.”

Canaren wiped Yulif’s lower lip with her thumb. Yulif’s eyes, which flew wide open, slowly closed. His manner of kissing her palm slowly was reverent and polite, as if praying to God. But the words that came out of his mouth in the next moment were far from a solemn expression or gesture.

“I apologize in advance. I can’t afford to stop halfway.”


Yulif’s hand stroked Canaren’s back. That was all it took for the tightly locked button to release by itself. Hovering above Canaren, who turned her eyes away in embarrassment, Yulif laughed silently. Without stopping, he moved his hand to the side. Her dress slid off. He pressed his lips down on her delicate, slender shoulder. The fragrant scent emanating from her soft skin made him feel heavy between his legs.

Her dress was completely removed, revealing a body covered only by a thin chemise. Although she was small in stature, she had a body with fluid and beautiful curves. Unending lust and love raged at the same time. Of course, Yulif would have reacted the way he was now, no matter what Canaren looked like.

Canaren gripped the sheets with a flushed face. Gazing at her possessively, Yulif bowed his head and kissed her forehead and cheek. The sweet kiss melted her heart, and Canaren lifted her chin and pressed her lips against his. She invariably pushed her tongue in. He stiffened for a moment as she clumsily rubbed her tongue against his. Yulif’s brows were scrunched up.

“…Ah, ah!”

Hastily, his lips descended to her chest. Yulif caressed her chest with a large hand and licked it, flicking his tongue straight up. The thin cloth quickly got wet and stuck to the bumps and skin. A moan leaked from Canaren’s mouth. She could feel her nipples standing upright through the fabric. Yulif also brought his finger to the other side, the one that wasn’t touched by his mouth, and stimulated it as if gnawing at the bump.

“Heuk, ah, Yulif, I feel… strange, it’s strange .”

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Canaren was innocent, but not ignorant. The village had quite a few peers, so she knew what went on between married couples. But knowing with her head and experiencing it with her own body were two completely different things. Moreover, the person was Yulif, whom she loved so much that she wanted to save even at the cost of her life.

He, who was always cold and calm, was rubbing and sucking her chest. He couldn’t contain his lust. It was a shameful fact, but it was so good that it was overwhelming. Her fingertips and toes tickled every time his damp tongue touched her nipples. It was unbearable. Canaren gently hugged his head with her arms, pulling him closer.

“…Damn it, Canaren.”

Murmuring lowly, Yulif’s hands moved swiftly, almost tearing her chemise away. He swallowed her chest before she could feel embarrassed that she had become naked in an instant. With the tip of his tongue, he rolled the upright nipples here and there, then pressed them down with force as if he was digging. Canaren groaned at the unfamiliar sensation she felt, not even noticing that she was making a sound. The fingers and tongue rubbing her chest were so hot that her mind stopped completely.

“Ha, yes, yes!”

Yulif lightly bit the erected nipple. It felt like her feathers were standing upright at the tingling sensation similar to pain. He kissed her until one of her bumps became red and swollen with saliva. Satisfied, he moved to the other breast and repeated the same action. When the tingling sensation became stronger than pleasure, he noticed it and licked with his tongue to soothe her. Canaren couldn’t push him away. She just kept moaning. 

After biting and sucking on her chest for a while, Yulif slowly descended. Tickling kisses poured down her belly and around her waist. Canaren twisted her waist and groaned. The insides of her belly tingled wherever and whenever his lips touched her. She didn’t know what the sensation was yet, but she pressed her thighs together and squeezed her toes.

Yulif was not in a hurry. In fact, from the moment he kissed Canaren, no, from the moment they came into the room alone and layed down on the bed, his swollen genitals were almost at the limit, but he had no intention of recklessly pushing his body to love her. She had been in pain because of him. She suffered too much. She was so sad. Now, he hoped that every moment of hers would be full of happiness and joy. He couldn’t push her to satisfy his desire.

Yulif spread her clenched thighs apart and instead of settling there, he grabbed Canaren’s slender ankle. And kissed her feet. Surprised, Canaren struggled with her leg, but his strong grip, though not enough to hurt, prevented her from moving. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. The kisses that started at the top of her foot ran past her ankles, calves, knees and reached her thighs. A ferocious desire to bury his face between her legs was boiling and blood was rising to his neck. He let out a low, deep sigh and went to her opposite leg, starting from the top of her foot, slowly moving up his lips. Canaren covered her face with her hands as she, in a trembling voice, called out his name.

“Yulif… I feel weird. I don’t know what to do. What should I do? Yulif, please tell me.”

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