For You In The Cage

Chapter 114

Episode 114: Salvation (VII)

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His lover was really lovely. Somewhere in Yulif’s head or heart, the string of reason was cut.

Hot, scorching hands grabbed her knees and spread them apart. Alas. Canaren let out a small moan that resembled a groan. Really… She would now be really married to Yulif. She heard that it would hurt at first but… she shook her head slightly as she recalled the pain she had suffered at the hands of the emperor. Any pain would be fine after that. Even if it was the pain of her body being split in half, it would be fine. She would be able to offset the pain and keep the happiness with her.

Yulif, anticipating the torment and happiness to come, rubbed Canaren’s stiffened body here and there with his hands. He gently sucked the soft, tender flesh on the inside of her thigh. Canaren’s waist curved up slightly, and then she came down. After leaving red marks all over, he brought his face to her pussy without hesitation.

“Yulif! What are you doing now…Wah! Ah, wait, wait… There, ah, that’s!..Ah…!”

Terrified, Canaren grabbed Yulif’s head. But, instead of falling off, Yulif buried his face even deeper. Thanks to the intense caresses that had been going on for quite some time, it was wet with love juices. At first he rubbed his lips gently around it, then he stuck out his tongue and began to lick the clitoris and around it.

“Hah, uh-huh, ah, Yu, lif, ah, please… stop, Oh. Ah!”

Canaren was so shy and flustered that she wanted to disappear somewhere. It was because she realized as soon as his breath touched her that the area between her legs was lustfully wet, and she couldn’t stand the fact that Yulif was licking it. Still, her body was steadily responding to the pleasure he gave. The squelching sound coming from below must be due to the liquid she shed. Canaren wished she hadn’t heard the lewd sound. She wanted to plug her ears, but she was afraid that if she lifted her hands from Yulif’s head, he would do something worse.

Of course, it was Canaren’s cute misunderstanding. Yulif was going to do worse, whether Canaren removed her hands or not. He gripped her thighs tightly, and thrusted his tongue into the hole wet with his saliva and her love juices. It was really strange to feel a piece of flesh with a strange texture that was blunt but not hard, yet not too soft, digging through her hole. Canaren, who realized that it was Yulif’s tongue only a few seconds later, struck him on the shoulder, but it only encouraged him. Yulif buried his face a little deeper and stuck his tongue all the way in. Then he gently swirled it inside her.

“Oh, uh… Ah!”

There was a part where the reaction was particularly good. Yulif did not miss it. Canaren gripped his shoulder tightly as he rubbed with the tip of his tongue, tenaciously stabbing only that part. Yulif gently rolled the clitoris with his fingers, speeding up.

“Ugh, ah, ah, stop, Yulif, ah… Ah!”

Her waist was bent and her trembling thighs tightened. The inner wall twitched and liquid poured out through the hole, which tightened and released. There was a sweet smell, like it came from her skin. After licking the area around the hole as well as the thighs, Yulif lifted his head. Canaren murmured, her body shaking intermittently.

“Too, too much… I told you to stop.”

Yulif said nothing. No ‘I’m sorry’ or ‘I was wrong.’  He still had a long way to go before he could say that. Instead of words, he put his finger in her mouth, wetting it. Canaren’s face flushed as he saw him lower his eyes and wet more fingers. After she had cooled down for a while, Yulif smiled softly when she saw her skin glowing red again.

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With tender words that could melt her heart, his long fingers slid through the thick lower lips and reached the hole. The hole, which had reached its climax and filled with saliva and love juices, accepted a finger more easily than expected. At the touch of the inner wall snugly wrapped around his fingers, Yulif almost took out his penis and pierced it. He clenched his teeth, inwardly chanting the word ‘wait’.

“Oh, heuk.”

It felt different with fingers. Compared to the tongue, it was a little firmer, and a little more elongated. It went deeper than the tongue, so the strange foreign feeling was stronger, but it wasn’t too uncomfortable. ‘No, this is Yulif’s finger.’ The thought that the long, graceful fingers that used to play the piano were inside her made her feel hot all the way to the tip of her head. The inner walls were clenched up.

“Don’t be nervous. Breathe out.”

The low-pitched voice pretended to be helpful, but was a bit commanding. Canaren took a deep breath in as he instructed, and then she exhaled. As the constricted hole relaxed, Yulif stretched out one more finger. The narrow interior made it difficult to swallow two of his fingers. ‘Don’t be in a hurry. Canaren will get hurt.’ Yulif tried to steady his nerves, which were agitated at the sight and scent of the fluids. Slowly, he took his time and carefully tamed the inside with his index and middle fingers.

“Ung, uh-huh.”

Heat mixed with Canaren’s voice, and the tightly closed inner wall gradually opened up, creating a space. Stretching another finger, Yulif worked slowly. The moment when the pleasure started to get stronger than the foreign feeling, Yulif’s fingers moved in and out, touching the folds on the top.

“Ah, ah, ah!”

Canaren twisted her back and tried to run away from him. Yulif grabbed her waist, holding her in place with one arm and dug his fingers quickly in the same spot. Squelch, squelch. The liquid that had accumulated inside flowed down, a trickle after another, and splashed into the palm of his hand. It seemed crazy. It was painful, but it felt good. His fingers flashed in and out, and every time it came back in, her eyes grew wider. She was scared. She loved it so much but at the same time it scared her. A similar but stronger pleasure ran over her skin as when Yulif carressed with his tongue. All of a sudden, Yulif was sucking her breasts greedily, and she tilted her torso and pressed her breasts closer to Yulif’s mouth.

Finally, the climax came. Her head was dyed white like lightning. The twitching, squeezing and clenching insides could even be felt by Canaren herself. Fluids trickled down from below. Canaren drooped and exhaled, she couldn’t get out of the shock of the climax.


Yulif quickly withdrew his hand. Driven to the limit for Canaren, he could no longer hold back. As he took off his pants and underwear, his ferociously erect penis poked out. It was dark red with thick veins, and it had a thickness and length that was close to that of a club. A ferocious appearance that did not match the elegant appearance of Yulif. Fortunately, Canaren didn’t really notice Yulif’s genitals as she was trying to catch her breath.

Yulif placed his penis against the hole and gently rubbed it up and down. The liquid that had accumulated on the tip of his rod slicked off. Canaren lifted her head, startled by the sensation of something so hot, so hard, and so thick rubbing between her legs. It was nothing at the time before Yulif left for the Imperial Palace, when he rubbed his lower body against hers with his clothes. Yulif held her between his arms and pressed his forehead to her forehead.

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“Well, Yulif. What you’re doing right now…”

“Sorry. It may hurt a little.”

“Not a little… Oh wait, Yul… Ah!”

A thick rod forcibly opened the hole. Spontaneously, a moan that was close to a scream erupted. It felt like her bottom would tear and her body would split in two. It was clear that it was not a part of a human’s body that was pushed into her, but an iron skewer that had been heated by fire. Yulif’s dick was hot, hard, and big.


Just as much as Canaren, Yulif was tense. His dick was too big, and Canaren’s inside was too narrow. He was pushing his glans in, but it was difficult to get further inside because of the tight inner wall. Still, it felt insanely good. It seemed that if he let his mind rest a little, he would ejaculate in an unsightly way. There was also the physical pleasure given by the moist, hugging lower lips, but the mental pleasure of finally embracing Canaren was even greater.

Could he hold Canaren? Before and after his return, it was something he had never even dared to imagine. It was impossible to achieve in real life, so he coveted her in his dreams regardless of whether it was in front or behind. And upon awakening from his dream, he was forced to struggle with his disillusionment and misery towards himself.

But not anymore. Canaren loved him, and became his wife. Thus, he could become her perfect lover who would receive no condemnation for mixing their bodies.

“Canaren, I love you.”

‘I’ve wanted you from the moment we first met. I wanted you to look at me. I wanted you to be mine.’

“Me too… I love you too, Yulif.”

Canaren reached out and hugged Yulif by the neck. A sweet voice echoed in his ears like a dream.

“So, quickly… Please put it all the way in. It’s okay…”

‘I want to be one with you.’

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Yulif moved his waist instead of answering. Puk! Canaren embraced him. A very angry genitalia went inside and pushed. Her back lifted slightly at the familiar pleasure as his fingers rubbed and twisted her pleasure spots.

Yulif grabbed Canaren’s waist with both hands, settling her down. It was because he thought it would be better to penetrate it at once than to delay and drag. The penis that dug into the hole without hesitation was finally swallowed to the roots.

“Heuk, hak, ahhhh…!”

“Are you okay?”

“Okay, okay, uh… oh just a second… Stay like this for a moment, here.”

The narrow hole, not torn, was biting Yulif’s penis as if it was delicious. Yulif let out a sigh and kissed Canaren’s cheek and lips. It was a desperate gesture to suppress the desire to shake his waist like an animal.

“Now, now… If you move, I think it’s o-okay, ah, uh, ahhh…!”

Yulif changed as soon as Canaren’s permission was granted. He shoved his mouth to the nape of her neck and began to slap her on the back promiscuously. As if trying to release all the lust he had been holding back, fierce insertions continued. Puck, puck, puck. The sound of flesh-to-flesh clashes filled the quiet room, and Canaren’s moan mixed with sobs occasionally joined in.

“Uh-huh, ung, ah!”

“Hah, Canaren!”

As a thick, fleshly column escaped and entered again and again, it caught and stimulated all the folds. The caresses coupled with the genital hitting up to her stomach made Canaren feel so much pleasure she could die. It hurt at first. It hurt so much that she wanted to kick Yulif. But now it wasn’t just pain. As the rough insertion continued, pleasure gradually increased and took over the pain. The hole that overflowed with love juices was the proof.

Amidst the pleasure, the two fell in love with each other again. They pressed their lips together, shared saliva, and hugged each other tightly. The skin that touched melted hotly, and the boundaries of senses were shattered. ‘I like you. I love you.’ Canaren’s body, fully opened to Yulif’s as love poured out, embraced him entirely.

“Ah, uh, ah, ah!”

Using her nails, Canaren scraped Yulif’s back. Her inner wall tightened as if it would cut off his genitals. Damn it. Instead of slowing him down, Yulif, who spit out abusive language, spurred his hips even further. His penis pierced in and out quickly and deeply enough to make a popping sound. Ahead of the ejaculation, the flesh, which had swelled up even more, poked and rubbed the inner wall, which had become even softer.

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In the harsh and persistent insertion like a mating beast, Canaren was the first to reach the climax. Her body shook as she reached the peak of pleasure that made what was given by the tongue and fingers a far cry. As if it had a life of its own, her insides were tightly clamping down on Yulif’s penis.

“…Hah, ah!”

Yulif couldn’t stand it any longer. He poured out what he had endured inside Canaren, and she shuddered briefly. The feeling of his thick fluids filling her belly evoked in her a strange sense of fullness. It continued for a while. Yulif held her tight and wouldn’t let her go until the end, as if he intended to feed Canaren all of him, to the last drop. Canaren held onto him with all her might.

“Are you okay?”

“…What do you think?”

Canaren responded in a voice that had been hoarse from crying and moaning. Yulif ruffled her damp hair with a look of embarrassment and helplessness. It felt good. Canaren rubbed her face against his wide chest like she was flirting with him. Yulif’s body hardened. A few moments later, Canaren’s body stiffened too.

“Why… Why again…”

“Sorry. It’s something I can’t control.”

“I’m having a hard time, Yulif. Look at this. My neck was also red. I can’t do it anymore.”

“I love you, Canaren.”

“I love you too, but let’s rest a little… Oh, ung!”

Canaren’s answer was cut off by her own gasps. She glared at Yulif, who began to raise his waist again. But soon, her eyes trembled with pleasure. Yulif put one of her legs over his shoulder and thrust in earnest.

The sound of squelching wet fluids, skin slapping skin, Canaren’s cries and Yulif’s low sighs continued uninterrupted until dawn.

Ame: Who’s having a nosebleed now? (^་།^)

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