For You In The Cage

Chapter 115

Episode 115: Finally, Out of the Cage (I)

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17. Finally out of the cage

“If you don’t come out within a minute, I will really go in? Yes? I’m going in!”

Roana screamed and banged on the door. Canaren raised her face, but was quickly captured by Yulif. She felt sorry that Roana was doing that in the hallway in the last 30 minutes, and she was worried that she might really kick the door open.

Whether or not he heard the loud voice, Yulif was busy kissing every finger of Canaren’s. There will be no end to this! Canaren eventually withdrew her hand. At that moment, Yulif responded to the fairly strong force.


“People are waiting. Stop now and go.”

“It’s all right without me. Duke Theodore will take care of it.”

“They need you, which is why they are calling for you! Wait, where are you touching? …Stop it, Yulif!”

His large hands sensually rubbed her back. Canaren, realizing from last night’s experience that she would never be able to push him on her own strength, pinched the back of his wretched hand. Yulif’s thick eyebrows furrowed.

“It’s really not worth going.”

“I heard it all. I heard you suggested it first. That you are in charge, so you need to go. Hurry up and get up. Come on!”

“When did you hear that?”

“I won’t tell you. Now go!”

Yulif sighed as if he had no choice but to get out of bed. Pulling the blanket up to her chin, Canaren watched Yulif change his clothes. His body, covered with tight muscles, was flawless. From his broad shoulders, firm back, elongated limbs, and a solid line from his chest to his waist, admiration arose wherever she looked.

How long did she hang on to that body? Even though she couldn’t believe it, the traces she left could be clearly felt. The stinging skin, or the inside filled with warmth. Canaren’s eyes roamed his lower belly and soon found her fingernail marks on Yulif’s back.

Did she do that?!?! Really! Canaren brought the blanket over her face as it was about to explode. Yulif noticed it the moment the saw her, and he almost made fun of her, saying what she was thinking alone.

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Canaren lowered the blanket slightly, only her eyes poked out. Suddenly, Yulif was next to her, fully dressed and with neat hair. Why is Yulif so all right? He even washed up. Guess she was the only one having a hard time. As his lips were about to meet hers, she stroked his hair as if to scatter it. And his protruding lips slipped into her sensitive palm.

“Are you going to be here with Roana?”

“Yes. I’m tired and I want to rest.”

“You’re tired? Why?”

“Are you asking because you don’t know? You kept…!”


There was a faint playfulness in his dry eyes that pretended to know nothing. Canaren bit her lips, fully irritated. She was upset with Yulif, who was dressed, and she felt embarrassed and ashamed because she was flustered, not knowing what to do with herself. Even though he knew everything, he pretended to be ignorant and made fun of her.

When she didn’t answer, Yulif sat down on his knees.

“Shall we go together? It might take a long time.”

“Is that okay? Isn’t it a difficult place? There will be many people…”

“If you want to go, you can go. Don’t mind the other people.”

Canaren thought about it seriously. But her troubles did not last long. Complex and solemn stories would come and go, as he had to deal with what happened after he put the emperor in prison and raised his army. It was true she didn’t want to be separated from Yulif, but it wasn’t a place for her to be in.

It’s okay, she was going to tell Yulif to come back safely, but he was a step faster.

“No, you can’t go.”

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“What? You said you wanted to go with me.”

“I was going to. I don’t think I can. Because I can’t stand it if I’m with you.”

“What… then… go right now. Go!”

The accumulated shame had finally reached its limit. Canaren shoved Yulif with a face as red as an apple. Yulif let out a low laugh. It seemed that Canaren was taking it as a mean joke, but he was sincere. It was hard; he couldn’t stand it because she was so lovely, so pretty. She even rescued him from the abyss of death. It felt like his heart would burst if he didn’t express his own heart somehow.

Trying to die and leaving her like this… He was stupid. So stupid.

Yulif wanted to let Canaren know that he was alive. He wanted to show her proof that he was living and breathing with the warm blood and breath that she shared. He wanted to be by her side when she opened her eyes. Her, who worried that he might disappear.

He was not going anywhere. His place was right next to hers. The words whispered in her ear the whole time, but if it could reassure, he would have said it a thousand more times. Because of their foolish choices, they had to come back a long way. She would have to be compensated for the time meaninglessly wasted.

“Can I really go?”

“You haven’t gone yet?”

A blunt reply flew in immediately. Seeing her say that, he thought it would be better to go quickly.

Yulif opened the door. Roana, who had a face akin to chewing on dung, raised only one corner of her mouth and gave a sly smile.

“You look good. You probably feel good too.”

“She’s probably hungry, so get her something to eat.”

“I don’t know what I can gather from the chaotic palace, but I’ll do my best.”

Yulif shrugged and disappeared with a quick pace. Roana shook her head and entered the room. Yes, everything was good.

…Moments later, Roana spotted Canaren’s white skin and the ‘flowers’ blooming here and there, and grabbed her own head in dismay.

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(PR/N: hickies… heh)


When Yulif appeared, there was tension in the conference room. The expressionless face that showed no emotion was the same as usual. The nobles were inwardly admiring, yet fearful. How could he maintain such composure even on the day he moved a large army to the Imperial Palace and put his brother, who was the emperor, in a dungeon? His courage was truly admirable, but it was clear that Duke Rubius lacked human emotions.

Only two men, Duke Theodore and the Count Sailed, noticed that Yulif was in a very good mood. It was beyond just feeling good, he even appeared refreshed. The difference between them was that Duke Theodore knew the reason, but Count Sailed had no idea why.

“How is the situation?”

“The cleanup has been completed. The guards and the imperial-faction nobles have been imprisoned, and the neutral nobles were released from the Imperial Palace. His Highness the Crown Prince is in good health without any injuries.”

Duke Theodore, who was in charge of the cleanup, answered without interruption. Yulif nodded, but didn’t add anything. In the eyes of others, he seemed to have serious trouble figuring out what to do next.

That guess was only half right. He was busy thinking about how he could hand over everything to Duke Theodore and spend a comfortable and enjoyable time with Canaren.

“Er… Duke Rubius. May I ask you one thing?”


“I have heard that the duchess is empowered with mystical powers. Is the rumor true?”

Indeed, it was the Imperial Palace. There were eyes and ears everywhere. Moreover, they were nobles with a strong obsession with power, enough to engage in treason. It was natural to attach eyes on him, the center of treason.

In any case, things would be difficult if Canaren’s abilities were known. But Yulif, who had been determined to deny the rumors, changed his mind. He shook his head in an overbearing manner. A confident smile hung on his lips.


“What, what… what kind of power…?”

“I have a body that will never get tired no matter how much magic I use. At the sacrifice of my wife.”

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“Are you saying that sacrifice means that the duchess will no longer be able to use her powers?”

“Exactly. But why are you asking? Are you going to try to take my wife if she could use her powers?”

The air froze. The nobleman who asked the question bowed his head and apologized by banging his head on the table. Without even giving the nobleman a glance, Yulif scanned the rest of the nobles. An invisible force pressed down on everyone who sat around the table.

“I will clearly state my position. As I said before, I have no interest in the throne. The crown prince will ascend the throne. However, since he is not yet an adult, the empress and Duke Theodore will help him until he is able to take care of the state affairs on his own.”

“Will the Duke not be involved in state affairs?”

“The Duke is also qualified as regent. Aren’t you the crown prince’s uncle?”

Some nobles secretly expressed their dissent. They were the ones who had been trying to make Yulif the emperor for a long time. Even if they could not raise Yulif to the throne, they did not lose their desire to increase their influence by making him regent. But Yulif dismissed their demands as if it was not worth thinking about.

“No. I don’t deserve it. Although he is a madman, the emperor is my brother and the father of His Highness, and it is not reasonable for the person who brought down the father to preside over his son as an emperor and become a regent. If it’s like that, the imperial prestige, which has already fallen to the ground, will not be restored. I don’t want that. Also…”

Yulif purposely paused. A sharp silence penetrated the skin of the nobles and carved a cool energy into their bones. Listen to me. If any of them heard his words in vain and disobeyed him, he would not let it go. They would die as wretchedly and horribly as the emperor, no, perhaps even worse.

“I will do my best to assist the crown prince so that he will not face any difficulty in carrying out his will. I’m thinking of swearing an oath of allegiance at the coronation if His Highness agrees. So, from now on, anyone who offers me the throne or a regent will be regarded as committing treason.”

He meant that he would kill them if they spoke openly about this one more time. The nobles who had wanted Yulif to be regent groaned quietly. On the other hand, other nobles sighed in relief.

From the beginning, the important matters of this rebellion would only come after its success. If the public enemy, the emperor, disappeared, there was a great risk that the forces of the crown prince, empress, and Duke Theodore and Yulif’s forces would collide and escalate into a civil war. If a civil war broke out, the Imperial Palace and capital would become a sea of ​​fire, and numerous casualties would occur. It was a war that neither side could win.

However, since Yulif publicly declared that he would assist the crown prince, the forces supporting Yulif lost their origin and cause. Perhaps Yulif also spoke strongly with that in mind, the nobles guessed.

‘Duke Rubius is serious. He really intends to leave all the trouble to me and just enjoy himself.’

Only Duke Theodore could see through Yulif’s cunning intentions. However, he had no choice. It was he who placed Lucian on the throne to protect Estella. He had no choice but to prepare for the future to come. Although it was too much for an old man.

Duke Theodore noticed Yulif was already glancing at the door. He smiled, pretending to know nothing.

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