For You In The Cage

Chapter 125

Episode 125: Honeymoon (IV)

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「The emperor who took Canaren is dead. It’s said that his young son succeeded him and became emperor. Yulif here is the emperor’s younger brother. He is also the Lord of Pionia, which is close to our village.」

「What do you mean by that? Who the emperor is or who the lord is has nothing to do with us. Are you going to dedicate the whole village to the new emperor?」

「Zarkal! Anera can’t do that!」

「It’s all right. Zarkal, I want to say that times have changed. The emperor who threatened us is gone, so it’s time for us to change. We can’t stay in the village any longer.」

「You are mistaken. Changing one emperor doesn’t change anything. The human gaze never changes, looking at us like a strange beast or a rare ornament. We will continue to do so in the future. Our different looks just bring curious beings.」

Zarkal’s words were harsh, but there were no lies. A complex emotion flashed through Anera’s eyes as she looked at Zarkal.

Zarkal lost his wife and son to humans long ago. A nobleman on a Hwira hunt tried to capture Zarkal’s wife, and both of them lost their lives despite her struggles to save even just her young son. After that, Zarkal came to hate human beings. When Randel returned to the village, it was Zarkal who was most indignant when he heard that Canaren was in the capital. He knew she would be in trouble. Humans were like that.

It wasn’t that she didn’t understand Zarkal’s feelings. Because Anera also lost her one and only child. Miraculously, Canaren returned, but while Anera was alive, she did not really live. It seemed as if she was falling endlessly into the abyss of bottomless despair. It was as if her soul had been thrown into the fiery pits of hell. She had such terrible days that even breathing was painful, and she felt more comfortable dying. Zarkal had been living alone for several decades longer with even worse feelings than that. If it wasn’t for his hatred towards humans, he might have chosen his own death earlier.

However, Anera was the chief who led the village and the Hwira tribe. Although Zarkal’s personal pain was important, the future of the Hwira tribe was also very important to Anera. The number of Hwira was rapidly decreasing. The personality and values ​​that were gradually becoming more and more closed as communication with the outside was cut off was also a big problem. Stagnant water was bound to rot, and the Hwira tribe was slowly stagnating in the village. They were forced to hide in the village for survival, but as the emperor died, the biggest threat disappeared. Now was the time to step out of town.

「That is correct. Only the emperor has changed, nothing else has changed.」

Yulif’s dull voice broke the silence. All Hwira’s eyes turned to the only human. In particular, Zarkal did not hide his displeasure and hostility. But Yulif didn’t care and looked straight into Zarkal’s eyes filled with anger.

「Not yet.」

「It must have been the intention of moving on to word of mouth that it would change one day. No matter what anyone says, I am not deceived. You guys don’t change! Never.」

「The reason there is no change is because we do nothing.」

Zarkal’s expression turned grim. It was you who made us like this. Are you blaming us for being harmed because of you? That’s what the scorching eyes were saying.

Yulif shook his head. He didn’t mean to blame them. If they had any sin, it was that they love peace and were infinitely kind and gentle. That was it.

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「Don’t get me wrong. What I just said is something I said to myself. It was precisely what I wanted to say to the past me.」

He did not realize his affection for Canaren in the past. At the same time, he lost time doing nothing without giving up or saving her. His own incompetence, helplessness, and fear killed her.

If only he had moved a little faster. If only he had struggled for anything. He could have saved her if he did. How long had he regretted and suffered that everything would have been different. How deeply he had hurt Canaren in order to correct the past when he was seized by fear and did nothing.

He vowed never to regret it again. He was determined to create a happy future with Canaren. That’s why he came here now. Because Canaren didn’t want the villagers to be unhappy. Yulif also wished that all the Hwira would live happily ever after.

「I don’t mean to tell you to get out of the village right now. We are the ones who need to change first. I want to lay the groundwork for that change.」

The territorial laws for the Hwira tribe that Yulif was preparing were almost coming to an end. After receiving the opinions of the Hwira tribe, it was only necessary to refine, enact, and then announce them. It would slowly create a wave of change from Pionia, the closest to the village.

It would be quite some time before that wave would cover the entire empire. It might be impossible to spread across the empire. However, at least in Pionia, he would make sure that the Hwira people could live comfortably. He would definitely have to make it that way.

「Pionia, which I rule, is more open than any other part of the empire. Because it is a city where wizards with strong individual personalities gather, there is also the aspect that there is less resistance or curiosity about unusual existence.」

Yulif’s calm voice had the power to calm even the listeners. Zarkal still looked dissatisfied, but he didn’t cut off Yulif’s words. Yulif turned his head away from Zarkal, who had his arms crossed, and looked at each one of them.

「While I am staying in the village, I will receive your opinions and supplement the territorial laws. We will establish a system and prepare facilities. Then why not start by going back and forth between the village and Pionia?」

「Does Canaren also live there?」

「That’s right.」

「Even if a law is enacted… Is there any direct and sure way to ensure safety?」

「We will provide self-defense magic tools to those who go to and from Pionia. I will make it myself, so you can rest assured about its performance.」

「I saw you using magic yesterday. To be honest, it was amazing.」

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「It’s not a lack of skill. If you want to see it in person, I’ll make it while I’m in town.」

A few people expressed their curiosity at the answer full of confidence in his abilities. Wouldn’t it be okay to have a magic tool for self-defense? As long as you don’t live there at all, just come and go… 

Zarkal, who was uncomfortable, was noticeably different from the beginning of the meeting, slammed the table with his fist.

「I can’t accept any magic or anything. What will I do if I believe in one person and then he changes his mind? Humans are the ones who betray even their families. I can’t believe it!」

Zarkal just ran out of the hall. Everyone in the hall was aware of Zarkal’s circumstances, so they looked at the door he had kicked out with sad eyes. Anera let out a short sigh.

「Sorry. Zarkal also has his own circumstances… I hope you understand.」

「It’s okay.」

Compared to Muasa, who had been holding a spear since his first meeting, this level of reaction was very small. Come to think of it, Muasa was nowhere to be seen. He had a character who would have appeared long ago if he were in the village.

‘Are you still in Pionia?’




Anera smiled and pointed at the window with a wink. A faint smile spread across Yulif’s lips, who involuntarily turned his head to the window. He saw golden hair peeking near the window.

「Since Zarkal had left, let’s finish here today. I want everyone to take it seriously. Don’t think too negatively.」

Anera closed the meeting as she looked at Yulif, who couldn’t take his eyes off the window. As people roared and rose from their seats one by one, Canaren popped out of the doorway.

「It’s done?」

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Her face, recalled as red as a peach, was supremely lovely. But looking into his eyes, his lips twitched as if he had something to say. Yulif approached her at a quick pace.

「Did Yulif also attend the village meeting? Did my mother bring you? If anything embarrassing…」

「You can only see your husband, but not us, Canaren?」

One of the women in the meeting asked sarcastically. It was Aunt Rosha, who was friendly with Anera and took care of Canaren from her childhood.

Carnaren listened to Rosha and looked around her, wanting to see him. The villagers at the meeting were looking at her and Yulif with excitement. Zarkal was the only one who wasn’t swept away by the atmosphere. Zarkal trudged through the crowds and disappeared quickly.

「I mean. Even if you get along well, isn’t it too good?」

「How long have you been married? It’s good to just look into the eyes. Isn’t it?」

「Oh my, my. Look at them holding hands. They don’t want to be apart for even an hour.」

Before anyone knew it, Yulif, who approached Canaren’s side, was holding her hand. Even Canaren didn’t realize. She was so embarrassed that she was dreaming to pull her hand out, but Yulif interlocked their fingers.

People who burst into laughter left the hall one by one. When Anera saw the two of them, she told them to come in time for dinner and left with Rocha. Canaren and Yulif were the last to leave the hall.

「Sorry. You heard strange things because of me…」

「Is it strange?」

「The village elders made fun of you.」

「It’s true. I like looking into your eyes.」

Canaren forgot what she was going to say for a moment. To begin with, Yulif was already an outspoken person, but these days, he was particularly active in expressing affection, so she was sometimes embarrassed. He seemed unable to control the feelings he had been suppressing, and released them to his heart’s content. When that happened, she didn’t know how to respond or how to react.

As Canaren kept her head down without a word, Yulif smiled softly.

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「Did you meet your friend?」

「Ah! That’s right. I wanted to tell you about my friend.」

As if she was shy, Canaren met his eyes and smiled bashfully. The two walked slowly towards their comfortable home. The air surrounded by the forest was refreshing, and someone’s song was carried in the occasional breeze.

「Hartia is my best friend. Her red hair is as pretty as a rose. She was at home the last time she came, so she probably wouldn’t have seen Yulif even once.」


「I went there because she was expecting a baby soon, and her stomach was really round. I was worried because it was too round, but Hartia said she was fine. She said she wanted to see the baby soon, and she looked happy when she talked about it and smiled.」

Canaren remembered her friend, who had been smiling prettily. Hartia, who caressed her stomach while sitting in an armchair in a sunny place, was not the tomboy who roamed the forest with her. Hartia beckoned to Canaren, who looked at her as if she was curious about her bulging belly, and she looked at her with concern.

“Sometimes I get a kick. Would you like to feel it?”

“Really? Is that okay?”

“Yes. Oh, it’s happening. Come and touch me.”

Canaren carefully placed her hand on Hartia’s belly. After a while, she felt an unfamiliar yet clear touch. It was the baby. Hartia’s eyes twinkled, and Canaren nodded.

Both of them laid their hands on the full belly and talked about the child. Only after Hartia, who had become drowsy in the warm sun, fell asleep, did Canaren leave the house.

「Yulif, maybe.」

Yulif gave a kind smile, as if saying to tell him anything. Canaren repeatedly grabbed and let go of the hem of her skirt. It’s not a strange question, but she was nervous for nothing. As cold sweat formed on her palms, she barely uttered.

「Child… I’d like to have one?」

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