For You In The Cage

Chapter 126

Episode 126: Honeymoon (V)

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Yulif’s steps stopped mid-stride. Canaren also stood in place. Does he hate children…? It could be possible. Because not everyone would think children were cute. Besides, she was a Hwira, and Yulif was a human. A mixed race was a being that could not perfectly belong to either side. Yulif, the duke and uncle to the emperor, was in a position that could not avoid the attention of the people. But what would happen if the child was of mixed race? Just thinking about it made her heart pound and sink.

She was suddenly sorry for asking such a question out of the blue, and was about to ask him to pretend that he didn’t hear it. As she was about to gloss over it, Yulif reached out his hand.

His long, smooth fingers rubbed her feathered pinna. The hand that had been quivering slowly moved downward, as if tickling her feathers with his fingertips. His large hands soon stopped at Canaren’s raised wing bones.


The hand that drew a circle on her protruding wing bones was strange. The tips of her fingers and toes tickled. Canaren made a small noise involuntarily, but she was startled and covered her mouth with both of her hands. Her body trembled violently as her strength released from her legs.

Yulif grabbed Canaren by the waist with one of his arms and held her firmly to keep her from falling. The distance between the two of them narrowed at once. Their warm breaths lightly brushed their cheeks.


「We’re… still out there… Too close…」

「I like your wings and your ears. My heart flutters every time I see you spread your wings and fly freely.」

The low voice that flowed to her ear was so sweet. His most tender voice was full of his affection, so Canaren completely forgot her question. Yulif did not stop and lightly bit her auricle with his lips.


「So if we ever have a child, I want it to be a daughter who resembles you. Anything with your personality. It would definitely be pretty and lovely.」

—Cause she’d look like you. 

Canaren’s body and mind, which had been rigid, melted away at the softly added words. She rested her face on Yulif’s shoulder.

「Wouldn’t it be better to resemble Yulif rather than me? Then the child will be strong, handsome, and use magic well.」

「Well. If it’s a son who is just like me, raising him wouldn’t be worthwhile. It wouldn’t be any fun.」

「What are you saying? A child is lovely just as it is.」

「You’re right. I was wrong.」

When Canaren bit her lip to express her displeasure, Yulif quickly apologized. But Canaren’s lips had the ability to speak further. Yulif opened the door and held Canaren in a flash.


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It was the bedroom that she arrived in, still hanging from Yulif. Canaren grabbed his neck firmly and shook her head violently in protest. From broad daylight outside the window, what is this…!

「It’s still daytime!」

「Don’t be anxious.」

Placing Canaren on the bed, Yulif whispered quietly. He stretched out his hand and brushed Canaren’s hair as if to comb. Her lustrous, golden-grained hair flew through his fingers. Yulif lightly grabbed Canaren’s hair and kissed on the tip of it.

Canaren shrugged slightly. There was no way she could feel anything in her hair, but as soon as Yulif’s lips touched, a tingling sensation ran down her back. She couldn’t stand the dizziness and closed her eyes tightly.

Yulif smiled briefly and pressed his lips together as if brushing against her tense eyes.

「As long as it’s our child, any child is fine. Canaren, how about you? Do you like children?」

“As long as it’s our child, any child is fine. Canaren, how about you? Do you like children?”

「Yes, I like them. They’re cute and pretty…」

「Then we should both do our best.」

「Wait, Yulif! What are you doing… Oh. That’s ticklish. It’s ticklish!」

His hands digging through her clothes were as natural and skillful as flowing water. Canaren twisted her body as she burst out laughing, unable to resist his hot touch tickling her delicate skin.

Her vague anxiety about the unattainable future was washed away. It seemed like anything would be really good with Yulif. She seemed to be able to do anything.

As the cheerful laughter subsided, a strange stillness came to her. The appearance of a lovely companion was contained in the two pairs of eyes that only want and crave each other. The two of them kissed, it’s no matter who came first, and their tongues were entwined like eyes.

「Um, ha, umm.」

Canaren was no longer astonished by Yulif’s touch, which was pulling her clothes off one layer at a time. She was also well aware that his touch, which started with infinitely kindness, quickly moved in pursuit of his desire. Her surroundings were so quiet that the sound of her clothes falling to the floor could be heard particularly loudly.

She suddenly opened her closed eyes and saw Yulif, but she found him in a tight-fitting outfit unlike her half-naked, and she frowned slightly. Yulif buried his face in the nape of her fine neck and was savoring her body odor, so she couldn’t see her expression. Canaren opened her hand that had clenched, and stroked Yulif’s broad shoulder. At the unexpected contact, Yulif raised his head.


The naivety in her voice made him speechless. He was also excited by the smell of Canaren carried by the wind. Touching the shoulder was a very normal touch between lovers. To say that even with her simple touch, his penis began to grow… he couldn’t do it. Canaren smiled at him as she tried to pretend that it was nothing. As if she knew everything he was thinking.

「Everytime… you take it off first. I can’t be embarrassed about that.」

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Canaren, who finished speaking in a tone that expressed her indignation, took off his outerwear and dropped it. One by one, the buttons on his neck were untied. Each time her fingers rubbed against his, Yulif’s fingers twitched wildly, then returned to their place. There were many buttons on the shirt. In his mind, he wanted to rip his shirt and all the nuisance and push Canaren down, but he persevered. He had the kind of patience he could only show now anyway. It wasn’t a bad idea to let her enjoy it, as it would be something that immediately flies away when he digs into her secret place.

Canaren pulled back the hem of his shirt, not knowing what Yulif was thinking. It seemed like it was the first time she had seen his naked body in such a bright place. It was a really nice body. The body, woven of tightly gripped muscles, was as perfect as a chiseled piece. The waist line, which was stretched smoothly without extra flesh, looked elegant. Canaren instinctively put her hand on his chest. Yulif let out a long sigh, his eyes quivering and his stomach covered in abs flinching.

「Are you done watching?」

「No, I want to see you a little more.」

Does that mean you are just going to look like this? The eyes of Yulif, who made a sound of pain like an animal, changed suddenly. Standing in front of Canaren, he climbed up to the bed. Then he lifted Canaren and sat her on his thigh. Canaren’s face turned slightly red as he sat close to her, half-naked.

「This posture will be more comfortable.」

「Y-Yes, but…」

「Don’t stop. Keep watching, I will do whatever I want.」

Yulif caressed the nape of her neck and gently went down her back. Canaren had a sensitive, weak back. She was at a loss, especially when he touched around her wing bones. At one point, she couldn’t stand the stimulation, and she unconsciously spread her wings while he rubbed her body. It was a pity that she couldn’t do anything because she said it was embarrassing and put it in the blink of an eye. Will he be able to see those wings today? Thinking Canaren would jump if she knew, Yulif gently rolled her rounded wing bones with the tip of his finger.

「Ah, Yulif, there… I don’t like it. Don’t do it.」

「I don’t think you hate it. It’s wet down there.」

「Th-that’s… Because you teased me…! Yulif has grown too!」

「It’s been like that ever since. Because you are touching me.」

Yulif whispered languidly, biting her ear painlessly. His hands, which went down from her wingbones to her waist and back to her thighs, grazed her body and caressed her skin. Her white skin, which was red as if on fire, was delicious. Even if he left her alone, both his body and soul wanted  her every moment, and he couldn’t stand it when he put his hand on her body first. Yulif did not hide his sultry thirst and hunger, and his savage emotions. He grabbed her by the waist with both hands and squeezed it tight. A hard erect penis sandwiched between her clothes pressed lightly against her pussy.

「Why are you doing this already?」

Canaren wept. As she did so, she also trembled at the heat and firmness she felt beneath her. Her gesture was a mixture of hope and fear. It was an item that gave her violent pleasure by going in and out countless times, but she was still a little afraid before putting it in. That’s probably because Yulif’s penis was too big. No matter how she looked at it, it didn’t seem like she would get used to it for the rest of her life.

「It’s okay if you just look at me and smile. I can’t help it. It’s because you’re so cute.」

Yulif said so blatantly, spreading her thighs apart and caressing her clitoris with his fingers. Even knowing that it was Yulif’s tactic to get her to lust over his words, Canaren fell for it every time. It was the same this time. Ah, ah, uh. As she let out her moans as the colors around began to mix, she hugged Yulif’s neck.

Shortly after touching her clitoris, the liquid from her clenching hole soaked his palms. His fingers that had separated her thick flesh gently penetrated inside. The inner wall strictly adhered to the fingers that deeply pierced from the bottom up. In an instant, the heat soaring to the top of his head made him erect. Just before his penis exploded, Yulif pulled it out of his clothes with his opposite hand. A ferocious object of dark red color, with veins all over it, appeared.

「Hah, ungh, it’s hot. Yulif…」

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Canaren clung to him and carefully moved her waist. If she gently moved back and forth, she would be able to feel the sensation of tightening as her clitoris touched his genitals. With every move she made, her soft breasts and nipples rubbed against his firm chest. Canaren’s voice rose as her chest, clitoris and insides were stimulated at the same time.

Yulif stretched his fingers one more time. Even after poking so much with them, her insides were still narrow. Nevertheless, she was greedy and chewed on two of his fingers.

In this hot and sticky place, he wanted to penetrate and shove it right now. An insidious lust and impulse whispered to him. Yulif tried to appease his lust by kissing Canaren deeply. He swallowed, bit, and sucked on her thick tongue. Even after taking his last breath, he did not let go of it for a long time. Similar to the inside, but different, he randomly poked and rubbed the roof of her mouth.

「Ha, ah, euk, eup, haah…!」

Canaren lifted her back. It was because she felt a familiar tingling sensation from below. If it continued like this, it would be shameful. Yulif did not miss that moment. Thanks to Canaren moving and rubbing, her fluids were smeared onto his genital like a lubricant. He put his glans at the end of the slightly loosened hole. Canaren shook her head.

「Y-You can’t. Now… Ah, now…!」

「I can’t stand it.」

It swelled up and pierced the bottom at once. The shock that seemed to pierce her head made Canaren unable to even breathe and reach climax. Yulif was also engulfed in extreme pleasure from the inside repeating contractions and relaxations as quickly as convulsions. A clear liquid like water trickled out and wet his thighs and the sheets. The hot liquid seemed to emanate an unbearable sweet smell.

Yulif said nothing. Normally, he would have comforted the trembling Canaren with his lips, but the situation was different today. He wanted to fuck her to a mess. He wanted to sow his seeds inside her. He wanted to create their child. It was an essential desire closer to that of a beast rather than a human being.

The savage pounding from bottom to the top continued endlessly. Ah, ahhh. Canaren let out hoarse moans, and at one point, she couldn’t even breathe. Because of their posture, she felt like she was going to lose her mind, especially when his genitals pierced more deeply than ever before. She wanted him to stop at this point, but as his rod scraped her wrinkled wall and slipped out, she was saddened and her inside tightened. Then, as if responding to that, Yulif immediately thrusted and shoved his penis in.

「Hng, ung, uh, g-good… feel, so, hngh.」

「Me too, ha. Great. Enough to drive me crazy.」

「Yulif, also, feels good…?」

Tears fell from the corners of her eyes. Yulif stuck out his tongue and licked the transparent drops. No answer was needed. He was so excited that it swelled up and filled her tight.

As it melted hot, the hole tightly wrapped around the genitals tightened strongly. Before the climax once again, Canaren became frightened. Swallowed up by a distant sensation, and she seemed to be losing herself. It seemed that she would become a perverted person who pursued only pleasure. No, no. Letting out a slight sob, Canaren twisted her back and tried to run away.

「Don’t go, Canaren.」

「Ugh, ah, hngnh, haah!」

「You can’t go anywhere. You have to be by my side.」

‘You are my bird, you are my lover. You are my wife.’

Yulif, holding her waist with both his hands, slammed up and down fiercely. His stick, hard and hot, slammed into the deep hole. Trapped in the overwhelming, hot pleasures, Canaren moaned as though she was screaming. Yulif placed her hand on her belly, which was slippery with sweat and her body fluids.

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「You said, you wanted my child.」

「Ugh, hng, yes, yes… I want it, Yulif. I want your child. Ah!」

「Then tell me. That you want me to put it in you.」

Promiscuous words could never come out of Yulif’s mouth came out. In front of his instincts, his reason had completely collapsed, and he fully expressed the desires he had been hiding. Of course, Canaren was no different. Yulif’s. Can she have Yulif’s child? Her sense of mental fullness was added to her physical pleasure, which encouraged her. Canaren lightly kissed Yulif’s lips, whose eyes had gone out of focus.

「Please put it inside. Fill me with you… Please fill it.」

Her vision flipped. Yulif, who laid Canaren on her back, put her legs on his shoulders. The entirety of his penis that had been pulled out suddenly rushed in throbbingly. Canaren clung to Yulif with her two arms. She wanted to cover her ears at the squishy sound of wet flesh colliding, but she couldn’t. Excitedly, Yulif shoved his object deep and quickly until the very end. All Canaren could do was gasp underneath him, accepting him and feeling pleasure.

「Ah, angh, ung, hngh, haangh!」

「Ha, keugh…!」

Her back trembled at the sound of his groan as she sank low to the floor. Every cell in her body shuddered. The pleasure, which she had never felt anywhere else, raged like a storm. It was as if her body had soared to a very high place and then collapsed in an instant.

Yulif, in a climax, forcibly opened the tightly closed inner wall and entered. Canaren accepted him without hesitation. He ejaculated with satisfaction only after burying himself in her to the very end of the roots. Thick semen poured out and filled her inside. Canaren climaxed lightly once more at the viscous liquid that wetted her inner walls. Yulif hugged her tightly. After his long ejaculation, he did not let her go. There was so much semen that the excess flowed out her hole and wet her thighs.


Canaren, who barely lifted her eyelids, called him out. She meant to let her go now, but Yulif closed his eyes and smiled. His rare smile gave off an ominous feeling. Unsurprisingly, a stiff penis slipped out and then came back. The frantic Canaren tried to clench her legs, but Yulif was quicker. He grabbed both legs and clicked his tongue briefly. White, sticky fluids were flowing out one after another from the hole where the penis was pulled out.

「I gave my best, so you can’t spill it. It’ll be a waste.」

「I’ll do something about it. I’ll do something about it… Hngh!」

「No. It’s going to be hard, so I’ll help you.」

It’s always been like this. Yulif never ended up with one. He would only quit when she fainted. Canaren regretted it later, but his ghastly object was already throbbing and poking under her.

「Hng, ngh!」

This beast! Canaren raised her fingernails and scratched Yulif’s back. He smirked as said,

「Yes. Do whatever you want.」

He willingly gave his back to her and shoved his penis at his will. His semen and her love fluids mixed and flowed down between her legs.

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