For You In The Cage

Chapter 129

Episode 129: A Harmonious Family (II)

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“Since Rapheon and Eusis are here, breakfast should have something other than cake.”

“Isn’t the excuse too grandiose? Are you running away?”

“No way.”

After answering shamelessly, Yulif laughed. There was a lot of playfulness and affection in purple eyes. Canaren licked her lips, then smiled as brightly as ever and put her arms around Yulif’s.

Eusis ran down the hallway, and Rapheon called Eusis by name and started running after him. Canaren and Yulif slowly followed the children.

It was a spring morning when the air was filled with the scent of flowers.

Breakfast went by noisily thanks to Eusis. Canaren wiped the sauce off the face of Eusis, who only ate fruit, not touching any other tasty dishes. Who would cut the meat of Rapheon, who was still unable to use the knife effectively? In the meantime, Yulif, who had to eat as well, was so busy that even three bodies would not be enough.

At the end of the meal, Canaren let go of the fork. She then stared at Yulif, propping her face with her hands. Her stomach was full, so she stopped eating and decided she would watch Yulif eat instead. Yulif called a servant to take care of Eusis and picked up a fork and knife.

“Are you full ready?”

“It’s okay. You can start.”

“Then… Try this one.”

Yulif calmly put the dishes Canaren pointed out on the plate. It was his job to silently and deliciously eat everything Canaren chose.

At first, he tried to rebel, he tried to get angry, and he tried to soothe. One day he even begged. Because it was Canaren who needed nutrition, not himself. However, Canaren didn’t listen to anything Yulif said. She even shed jewel-like tears.

“You said you would do anything I ask you to do. Did you lie? Did you lie to me, Yulif? My stomach hurts and I don’t want to eat! Yulif doesn’t even know my heart.”

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Canaren ran out of the dining room and didn’t look at Yulif or say a word for a whole week. Even years later, it was a terrible memory. After that, Yulif did as Canaren told him to.

He paid close attention to her especially when she was pregnant. He refrained from saying anything that might give her the impression that she had been rejected, and was wary of even the slightest change in facial expression, such as a frown between her brows.

“Is it delicious?”


“How does it taste?”

“The outside is fried and crispy and savory. There are layers of flour inside, with minced meat in between. The sauce is sweet and spicy, so the flavor seems to come alive.”


Eusis clapped his hands when he saw Yulif speaking like a food judge. It was what he had been doing since he was still in his mother’s womb. He was used to it. Yulif muttered to himself as he looked at the innocent child.

It was very difficult to express the taste of food as he was a person who chewed and swallowed anything. But he spit it out for Canaren’s sake. He managed to do it somehow. The power of love was so great.

“Shall I try one too?”

Yulif’s eyes flashed. It was for this very moment that he desperately squeezed out the talent he had yet didn’t have. It was because sometimes, Canaren ate food after his review. The more detailed the explanation, and the more wordy and rhetorical it was, the more likely it was that Canaren would eat the food.

Yulif calmly looked at Canaren. ‘Don’t be hasty. Don’t rush to recommend food. The operation can be successful only if you wait patiently for Canaren to ask for food first.’

Normally, Yulif’s strategy would have succeeded without incident. But today there was an unexpected variable. It was Eusis, who was excited to have breakfast with his parents. With his chubby hands, tak! He put bread on Canaren’s plate.

“Mom! Stay! Eat bread.”

Eusis’s bright eyes looked up at Canaren. Canaren smiled bashfully and cut the bread in half. She applied the fresh and sweet strawberry jam, and ate it.

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Eusis opened his eyes wide and nodded, as if telling her to eat the remaining half as well. Canaren glanced at Yulif and pushed the plate away.

“The food that Eusis gave me is so delicious that it’s a waste for Mom to eat it alone. Can I share it with Dad?”

“Yes. Dad should eat too.”

Permission was given as a courtesy. Yulif chewed and swallowed the bread with the salad. Rapheon, who was watching the scene quietly, reached his hand over the table. What he touched was a plate containing poached eggs.

‘That must all be mine.’

Yulif’s silent sigh unfortunately became a reality. He had to eat all six poached eggs on the plate by himself.


After taking the children to their respective study rooms, then putting them to bed with Canaren, and returning to the office, time had passed. ‘Should I take a break? Or do some more?’ The lazy lord, who had given up on work two days ago, thought. His gaze was nailed to the door leading to the bedroom. It was a door with space movement magic, which led to Canaren wherever she was.

“Oh, my lord. Did you finally come to work!”

Derek opened the door without knocking and came in. Behind him stood a cart with a tower of papers. Yulif waved his hand in disgust.

“Take that away.”

“I’m tired. I’ve been waiting for the lord, but you behave so coldly? Bring your eyes here too! You should stamp some things!”

Derek shuddered and dragged the cart in. Thump, thump, thump! His hands were rough as he set the papers down on the desk. Yulif crossed his arms and looked at Derek’s face. As expected, the expression did not look good.

“What’s going on?”

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“What is going to happen? A worker ant like me just carries crumbs next to the lord when he works.”

“Looks like you’re not doing well with Roana.”

“…Don’t ask. I’ll get hurt.”

Derek groaned. Yulif thought his heart was already hurt a lot. So he barely swallowed the words that were trying to escape.

Derek gave off an air of despair, more than a man who had lost the world. If he said one wrong word, he would jump out the window, saying he had no regrets in this world. With more and more Hwira immigrating to Pionia, they couldn’t afford to lose a talented lieutenant.

“Why? She wouldn’t have said yes if she didn’t like you.”

Yulif replied as he moved a bundle of papers bound with a red string and undid the string. The papers tied with red were urgent papers that had to be dealt with first. As he picked up the pen, Derek brought a chair and sat down.

“Help me, Lord!”

“How can I step in and help?”

“I don’t mean to ask the Lord to get involved! Vacation! Can’t you give me a vacation? Roana, and I… I’m too busy to see her face!”

Oh, was that it?

Yulif quickly signed and moved on to the next document. Derek’s boss who didn’t respond to his pleas burned his insides. The poor lieutenant grabbed Yulif’s left hand.

“Roana is completely obsessed with work. Something about being Young Master Rapheon’s magic teacher and making him a leader in magic. Please…”

“It was what she wanted. I didn’t force it.”

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“I know that! I know… But when I ask to go somewhere, she says there is no time, so what should I do!”

“Take a good look. Is it because you don’t have the time or you don’t have the heart?”

Disappointment passed across Derek’s face as Yulif calmly retorted. Tears began to fill Derek’s eyes as his mouth dropped open. ‘Damn it.’ Yulif hurriedly set out to rectify the situation.

“Derek, don’t get me wrong. I mean…”

“You’re really too much! The Lord is already married?! Even so, how can you break a person’s heart?”

“I didn’t mean it. Calm down…”

“Are you saying I look hopeless enough to say that naturally? Well. Be happy Lord, eat well and live well! I will live like a worker ant and die of old age alone. That is the worker ant’s destiny. Ah yes.”

Derek ran out of his office, wiping away his tears. Bang! The sound of the door closing brought Yulif back to his senses, which had been momentarily confused.

Yulif brought his hand to his forehead and sighed. He was at a loss as to how to relieve Derek’s broken heart and what to do with this pile of paperwork.

He couldn’t just sit still now that Derek was gone. It looked like carelessly ran his mouth. Putting on his glasses and straightening his posture, Yulif immediately focused on his business. The paperwork dwindled rapidly.

It was only a little over an hour after Yulif started his duties that a weird sound came to the office, where for a while there was only the sound of a pen passing over paper.


The eyes of the bird-shaped statue placed on the edge of the desk glittered and a chirp sounded. It was a magic tool that was carved out of crystal and had a magic device installed inside. A faint smile spread across Yulif’s lips.

He put down the pen and moved the statue to his front. As he pushed his hair away with his fingers, a light came out of the bird’s eyes and a figure was drawn in the air.


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