For You In The Cage

Chapter 130

Episode 130: A Harmonious Family (III)

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The shape created by the light was Lucian. Lucian, who celebrated his 15th birthday not too long ago, had become a strong and determined boy. Lucian had tied his brown hair into a low ponytail. He bowed his head. Yulif followed suit and bowed his head.

“Didn’t I keep telling you that you don’t have to greet me?”

—Uncle always says that. How have you been?

“Good. How has Your Majesty been? Is the Empress Dowager in good health?”

—I’m doing well, and my mom is also doing well. My grandfather had a brief bout with a cold, but he says he got much better. I’ll try to visit him in the afternoon.

The Duke of Theodore was still in good health and was firmly supporting Lucian in the capital. The wise Estella handled the role of regent brilliantly, stabilizing the chaotic state affairs and solidifying Lucian’s position. Thanks to Yulif’s help in his spare time, Lucian was on the way to becoming an emperor who was recognized and loved both inside and outside.

—Uncle, the founding festival will be held soon. My mother told me to prepare for this founding festival myself.

“Since His Majesty is trustworthy, the Empress Dowager must have decided it’s time. If you encounter any difficulties, speak up. I will help.”

—I am relieved that Uncle said so. Then… Would you be able to attend this event? It’s been a while since I’ve seen Uncle and Canaren… 

Lucian looked at Yulif with desperate eyes. What did he do during the last festival? Yulif carefully traced his memory.

As Rapheon appeared earlier than expected, the plan to travel to various places with Canaren was not kept properly. It’s a bit of a luxury, but Yulif and Canaren used to go on short trips whenever they had a chance.

In particular, there was no reason to go to the capital in spring when the founding festival was held just because the weather was mild and flowers were blooming. Just last year, according to Canaren’s wishes, they went on a vacation to an island in the south.

—I know Uncle is busy, but… I really want to show you the founding festival that I prepared myself.

“Sorry, Your Majesty. With the month of birth approaching, long-distance outings are likely to be tough.”

—Ah…! Has it already happened? Then it can’t be helped. The safety of Canaren and the baby comes first. The baby resembles Canaren, so it must be very pretty, right? I’m already more excited.

Lucian smiled broadly, but could not completely hide his dismay. After giving birth, Canaren must take care of her body. He could ask if he could come alone quickly, but Yulif hated being separated from Canaren for any reason.

—If I invite Uncle again even after a while, you won’t come, right?

Lucian knew that uncle all too well. Yulif was speechless and had no choice but to smile awkwardly. Lucian laughed at that face. Then he exclaimed briefly, having thought of a good idea. 

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—Then I’ll go to Pionia!

“…Are you saying that you will come in person?”

—Yes! Not right away, but after the founding festival… No, I’ll go when Canaren recovers. Two months… Should I wait for three months?

Lucian was very excited. Yulif thought for a moment as he tapped his chin. It was the third childbirth, so they knew what to expect, but it still took a toll on Canaren’s body. Moreover, they had to increase the guard and escorts inside and outside the castle once news of the emperor’s visit was known. Of course, there would be a stressful atmosphere.

Yulif couldn’t let Canaren live in such an atmosphere. It was his duty to create an environment where Canaren and the new baby could rest comfortably.

“If you don’t mind, after half a year, please visit us as many times as you like.”

—What? Half, half a year?

Lucian asked in surprise. Yulif firmly nodded his head. Half a year. Half a year later… Lucian, who had been thinking about it while making indescribable noise, had no choice but to accept Yulif’s proposal. If he missed this opportunity, he never knew when he would see his uncle, Canaren, and his cute cousins again. If he could wait half a year… he could…!

—Yes, that’s fine. In the meantime, I have to prepare gifts for my cousins.

“You can come comfortably.”

—I’m preparing because I want to give it to you. Ah, Uncle. I have a meeting because of the founding festival, so I have to leave.

“Yes. Please let me know if you need my help.”

—Uncle smiled affectionately… Don’t do that, even as a joke. Oh, can I send you a healing wizard?

Even though Lucian knew that Pionia was overflowing with talented wizards and Hwiras with special powers, he dared to ask. To Lucian, Yulif was more than an uncle, and Canaren was the same, so he wanted to be of some help.

Knowing that kind of heart well, Yulif reciprocated with a gentle smile.

“Your Majesty’s concern is enough. You will be late for the meeting.”

—This, this. Then… I’ll go! Please contact me when the baby is born. By all means!

Communication was cut off with a crackling sound. No matter how dignified and ruler the emperor was, he was still a young boy. If Lucian visited, he would let him fool around to his heart’s content. Yulif put the statue back in place and picked up his pen.

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But before he could get out more paperwork, the door opened. Yulif jumped up from his seat. The door to the bedroom opened and Canaren slowly walked in.

「Yulif… Where is Yulif?」

When Canaren was too flustered or lost her composure, she would speak casually in Hwira. Yulif answered in a low voice, approaching slowly so as not to startle her.

「Here I am.」

「I-I had a very scary dream.」

As Yulif hugged her, Canaren burst into tears. Tears flowed profusely and her legs trembled. But most of all, her heart ached so much. It throbbed as if she had been stabbed by sharp objects. She tightly gripped the hem of Yulif’s clothes.

「”You… It was a dream in which you left me and were swallowed up in the black darkness.」

It was a nightmare that often visited Canaren. The form and beginning of the nightmares were different, but the ending was always the same. Yulif leaving her, and falling into the black abyss. Even though she had personally rescued him from the mire of death, Canaren’s unresolved uneasiness remained in her heart like a scar.

Normally, she didn’t show up even if she had nightmares, but when she was in a bad state or emotionally disturbed, she instinctively looked for Yulif.

「You are okay. I am here. I am by your side.」

Yulif continued to whisper to her Canaren and hold her. Canaren hugged Yulif around his neck. I am by your side, I’m okay I’m not going anywhere without you, I love you. Little by little, her heart, which had been beating madly, regained it’s stability at the gentle and affectionate whispers.

Canaren lay down on the soft bed and leaned her back against Yulif’s chest. As she closed her eyes and listened closely, she heard the faint beat of his heart. It was beating at the same pace as her heart. Thank god. I’m glad you’re alive. Canaren took Yulif’s hand, which rested on her belly.

「I saved you…?」

「Yes. You saved me. The rest of my time is yours.」

「You cannot leave me. Even if things are difficult, don’t worry alone. Tell me anything.」

「That will never happen. Because life without you has no meaning.」


「I swear.」

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He had sworn hundreds and thousands of times already, but if Canaren wanted to, he could do it a thousand more times in the future. Canaren accepted the sincerity in his voice. She slowly kissed Yulif’s palm and the back of his hand. Yulif pressed his lips down to her ear and wet cheeks as if to answer the kiss. The fear that seemed to stop breathing immediately disappeared. Canaren gave a small smile and turned her head away.

「Are you very busy?」


「Then the three of us, you, me and the baby, should play together.」

「Okay. What can I do for you?」

「Um, a song?」

Yulif had a puzzled expression. Canaren laughed bashfully. Yulif slightly furrowed his eyebrows, but eventually he would sing. Because he was the one who did everything she asked him to do.

As she thought, Yulif cleared his throat a couple of times and then started singing. It was a nursery rhyme with a simple rhythm and cute lyrics that didn’t suit his size, but Canaren was happy. She tapped her toes to the beat.

His soft singing voice quickly faded the nightmares and brought happy memories to life.


After a while, a great event came to Pionia. Canaren gave birth safely.

Of course, the process of giving birth was not as smooth as it could be. Although not as much as when she gave birth to Rapheon, the labor pains that started early in the morning continued until almost noon.

Yulif stayed by her side, casting her spells at random to help her and wiping the cold sweat from her forehead. Even then, restless, he desperately held on to Canaren’s hand the entire time.

Canaren tried to send Yulif away several times for his face was as white as hers. His shaky eyes were blaming himself, saying it was all his fault, and he was trying hard not to let it out. She hoped Yulif would relax, but there was no one in the Empire who could stop him.

Sharp screams and moaning leaked out while suppressing the pain, and the low consolation and confession that soothed Canaren, who was sick of pain, repeated as if it would never end. However, the moment a weak cry broke out, light returned to Yulif’s eyes that were in despair.

「It’s a girl, Canaren! Healthy without any pain!」

Hartia cried. She had come from the village to help Canaren give birth. Relieved, Canaren slumped on the bed, half-fainting. Yulif and all the healing wizards on standby rushed in and poured magic to help restore energy.

When the color returned to some extent, Yulif took the baby from Hartia and held it. The baby was wrapped in a soft pink cloth and her eyes were tightly closed. Yulif’s eyes widened slightly as he stared at her light hair, small hands, and delicate features. The hair at the tip of the baby’s ears were a bit long and fluffy to be called fuzz

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Hartia, who handed over the baby, gasped.

「There is hair on her ears. Then there will be wings too. Even if she doesn’t have it now, there are cases where it grows and sprouts. She looks a lot like Canaren.」

「…Really? Show me too. I want to see her.」

As if Yulif had been waiting, he showed the baby to Canaren. Canaren smiled as she carefully touched her ear. Really. There’s feathers. The shape also seemed a bit pointy. Canaren said, patting the baby’s squirming lips with the tip of her finger.

「Is that okay? That she resembles me.」

「Why are you saying that? Why do you say that?」

Yulif’s expression and tone hardened. The air around them was freezing cold. Yulif, who thought he might never be angry with Canaren, was genuinely angry.

The new baby was a miraculous gift to Yulif, who wanted to have a daughter who looked like his darling. Even if it wasn’t a daughter, even if she didn’t resemble Canaren, he couldn’t help but be happy because she was born with half her blood and half his own.

Couldn’t you feel my heart pounding with joy? Yulif looked down at Canaren with a very sad look.

But… he knew why she said that. When the Territory Law was announced to prevent discrimination against the Hwira and guarantee various rights, the Hwira gradually increased exchanges with Peonia. Now, about five years later, the number of Hwira who settled in Pionia rather than the village and married humans increased considerably.

However, there were still many people outside Pionia who regarded the Hwira as beautiful and rare slaves. This was because even if the law changed, perceptions accumulated over a long period of time did not change easily. There were no crazy people like that now, but until a few years ago, there were some nobles who pointed fingers at Yulif behind his back, claiming that he had accepted a Hwira slave captured by the previous emperor as his wife.

Of course, the garbage that talked about bullshit disappeared from the world without the knowledge of mice or birds. It’s just that Canaren didn’t know that.

「She looks like you, so she is pretty and cute. Best in the world.」

—So don’t say that again.

Yulif said firmly as he brought his lips to Canaren’s forehead. Still, when Canaren didn’t answer, Yulif took her hand and placed it on his own chest. She could clearly feel the warm and beating heart.

「The child you love gave birth to by risking your life. However she looks is fine. I’m beyond happy, even ecstatic. Do you think I’m lying?」


「I hope you do as well as I do. It’s the day my child was born.」

Yulif smiled affectionately. A smile spread across Canaren’s face. The two of them looked at the baby with blissful expressions, clenching their fingers. When their eyes met, the two of them laughed once again. Together.

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