For You In The Cage

Chapter 26

Episode 26: The Duke’s Cabin (V)

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It was the first time he had heard of it in his two timelines.

The Hwira man said ‘fiancé’.

Canaren was not good at lying. Although she tried to hide embarrassing facts, she had no talent for it. She was the kind that was unable to do so.

Either this man lied, or Canaren didn’t consider him a fiancé.

Yulif turned his head. His eyes, which were simply cold, changed sharply as if he was holding a blade.

The Hwira man shivered to his shoulders. It was a physiological reaction that sensed murderous intent. His hair seemed to tighten and straighten up.

It was clear that this man had her in his heart. Otherwise, there would be no way he would react this way.

He brought the story up himself.

The Hwira man deeply regretted it. He thought there would be retaliation, but that didn’t happen.

Yulif fixed his crooked gloves. His quiet voice reached the man’s ear. It was a vague tone that sounded between a warning or a promise.

“Even if that happens, nothing will change. She should be by my side.”

‘Until my plan is fully realized. Anyone who interferes with that will pay the price.’

Yulif swallowed the remaining words. He didn’t mean to say something to a Hwira man who would only pass by for a moment. No, he couldn’t tell anyone. Even more so to Canaren.

After those words, Yulif’s figure disappeared. It was a space movement magic that only top-notch wizards could use.

The Hwira man shook his head when he looked at where Yulif had just been standing. He had an ominous feeling that Canaren might have been caught up in some sort of trouble.

‘Does the village know about this?’

“I have to go and tell them.”

Spreading his wings, he soared into the night sky and headed for his hometown.


Tok, tok.

Someone knocked on the door. Maria stared nervously at the door and loosened her necklace.

There were generally two types of people who came to the waiting room immediately after a performance. The theater owner whose eyes were turned over by donations, or a noble who wanted to buy her for one night with money.

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Tok, tok tok.

The number of knocks increased as if to urge her since she did not answer. Maria put her necklace down and pulled the door open.

As soon as she saw his jet-black hair and purple eyes, she reflexively shrunk back.

“I don’t feel like that today… Y-Your Majesty!”

“This is Duke Rubius.”

Although it was not the person she had envisioned, Duke Rubius was a surprising enough appearance.

Why did Duke Rubius come to see her?

A few days ago, rumors spread that the emperor and the duke had a fierce battle in the Garde Theater. It was rumored that the third floor VIP seats were broken. In reality, the emperor and the duke only had a light quarrel, and although it was the emperor who ruined the area, rumors were always inflated.

Was he here to take responsibility for that? But she was taken away at the order of the theater owner after she sang her song.

Was it a crime for him to force her to sing now?

“Maria Betts, as of this moment forward, you are free.”

“……Yes? What are you talking about?”

“You were tied to the theater because of debt. It has been paid in full, meaning you do not have to sing in the theater anymore.”

“Full payment…… Who paid that much money……?”

Maria couldn’t keep up with him. It was a question that was so obvious that it felt even stupid.

Who it was. It must be the man standing in front of her.  

Maria blinked her eyes quickly in confusion. Her debts she owed had snowballed with her father’s ransom and her mother’s gambling debts plus interest.

It was hard for her to believe that Duke Rubius had paid it back for her and expected nothing in return, an amount that would cost her the tongue of any nobleman. That was why she lived a very difficult life.

Suddenly, the image of a woman flashed through her mind. A woman who entered the theater with the duke. The woman was obviously from the Hwira tribe. She was a small lady, whose blonde hair reminded her of the color of a canary.

Then yes. Rumors that the duke was not interested in women were all false rumors.

All men were the same. After gaining power and wealth, everyone sought women.

Duke Rubius must have thought of her as a substitute for that woman. Although their appearances were completely different, the world was overflowing with people who thought all Hwira people were the same.

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Maria sneered inwardly, and she took a step closer to Yulif.

“The Duke bought me. Very well. If I’m going to be sold, the Duke would be better than the theater owner. Do whatever you want.”

“What are you doing?”

Maria, who was about to take her clothes off, stopped mid motion. It was because Yulif was glaring at her with fiercely bitter eyes.

She was more bewildered than when she heard that he had paid off her debt. She couldn’t possibly have guessed why, if not for her body, why would the duke do that.

“Don’t do nonsense. And it wasn’t me who helped you, it was Canaren.”

“I don’t know anyone named Canaren.”

“Didn’t you see her in the theater? The woman who came with me.”


He said that the girl’s name was Canaren. But why was he……?

Maria looked at Yulif. She had many questions. She wanted to ask a question, but she found it difficult to open her mouth because of Yulif’s cold expression.

Yulif had no intention of showing kindness to the point of answering all her questions. The only person who he wanted to treat kindly was Canaren.

He turned around and was soon done with all the work he had to do, and he said everything he had to say.  The sensitive Canaren might have woken up and looked for him.

“If by any chance you meet her, give thanks back to her.”

“What? Oh yes…… All right. Thank you, Duke.”

Yulif disappeared without a sound. Maria looked at the door he exited and muttered to herself.

“He must have been possessed by a ghost.”


「I’ve been curious since I’ve been here…」

Yulif raised his head. His glasses gleamed as the sunlight reflected off them.

「What are you curious about?」

After spending a few days in the cabin, Canaren learned about Yulif’s lifestyle.

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He lived a very structured life. When he woke up at dawn, he meditated in a quiet place, and when the time was right, he would go prepare breakfast.

Only once did Canaren cook for Yulif. The two were at a loss for words when they saw a lump of something that had burned black and a soup that looked like it had been scooped out of the boiling lava from hell.

After the meal on that terrible day, Canaren neatly gave up her obsession with cooking. Instead, she didn’t give up on helping to clean up, and she washed the tableware the two used.

The dishes he made were simple but warm. When she put it in her mouth, the warm sensation spread out from the inside of her body and it felt good. The taste wasn’t bad either. After all, it was nothing compared to the odd thing she had created. Even if Yulif gave her charred bread, she could still eat them all.

After dinner, the two had their own personal time. She couldn’t go out, and what she could do inside the house was limited, so it was similar to his daily work. Reading a book, having a short conversation, and taking a nap.

In the past, Canaren would have said she was bored and would have tried to go out somehow, but now she knew how precious such a peaceful daily life is.

A life where she didn’t have to tremble because she didn’t know when she would be whipped was not something she could take for granted.

Above all, although life in the cabin was monotonous, it was not boring. It was thanks to Yulif who was by her side.

When she spoke to him, he responded in some way. He made eye contact with her although he was always doing something.

Observing him moving quietly and smoothly in the small cabin soon became Canaren’s hobby. His agile yet elegant movement was like looking at a black leopard.

The current Yulif had been concentrating on making something since dawn today. As soon as Yulif ate breakfast, he sat down at the desk, and Canaren’s curiosity reached its peak.

Yulif looked at her for a moment and then lowered his head back down away from her.

「It will be completed soon.」

「I asked what you are making, but I didn’t ask when it would be finished.」

「You’ll see it when I’m done.」

「Why the hell are you hiding it so tightly?」

Canaren glanced over his shoulder. Yulif changed his position and skillfully covered the desk with his broad shoulders.

Even if she stuck out her neck like a bunny rabbit, Yulif’s back was too wide for her to spy on him. His back, which felt reliable just looking at it and puts her heart at ease, was annoying these days.

Canaren glanced at his innocent back and sat down on a chair in front of the window. It was the chair that Yulif had placed for her to enjoy the outside view.

The scenery beyond the glass seemed to be the same every day, but a little different. Perhaps it was because of the people who filled in the empty space, their expressions changed every day.

In particular, Canaren liked the streets around the afternoon when the sun was shining. It was because there were the most people walking on the street, and it was the most lively time.

Today, a fruit cart stood near the cabin. Grapes, peaches, and plums adorned the cart colorfully. One child paid a coin and bought a small plum. The face of the child who bit into the plum was slightly grimaced. It reminded Canaren of the sour plum taste, which made her salivate. 

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「Can I take a look now?」

「Your hand, please.」

Canaren jumped up and held out her hand. On her palm was a necklace. The milky-colored jewel in the shape of a butterfly shone in various colors whenever the angle was changed.

「Yulif, do you know how to make necklaces?」

「That’s not what I made.」

Yulif turned the pendant upside down. A complex-looking device was attached to the back of what she originally assumed had nothing.

What? An unwelcome word entered Canaren’s ear as she tilted her head.

「We will return to the Imperial Palace tomorrow.」

「……Oh. All right.」

Canaren’s complexion darkened noticeably.

She could not live here forever to escape the eyes of the emperor. Even though it was something she was prepared for, she couldn’t help but feel depressed.

「The necklace was enchanted to change your appearance and voice. It’s sloppy, so you can only use it until tonight.」

「It’s similar to a hood. But why are you giving this to me?」

「We’ve come all the way here, and it would be a pity if we didn’t get to look around once before we go back.」

「Really? Really? Is it okay if I go out?」

「If you promise not to leave my side.」

「I will! I promise. I’ll stick to you. Sure!」

Canaren burst into cheers and embraced Yulif’s arms. In an instant, Yulif’s body tensed.

He tried to pull his arm away, but Canaren, overjoyed, squeezed his arm even tighter. She couldn’t let Yulif change his mind in a brief moment!

「Let’s go now, hurry!」

Canaren walked out of the cabin, dragging him around in a hood.

A refreshing breeze ruffled her hair pleasantly.

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