For You In The Cage

Chapter 27

Episode 27: The Duke’s Cabin (VI)

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‘I didn’t know there was such a wide world beyond the glass!’

Canaren was distracted by everything as soon as she got out of the cabin. Even the stones rolling on the floor were amazing.

Yulif took hold of her hand naturally, as if they had promised. If he had left her alone, it was clear that she would have bounced somewhere, like a ball children kicked and played with.

Canaren did not simply pass any store. The moment she noticed the sign, she had to go in and take a look, and then her curiosity was released.

There were a lot of things in the world, and there were a lot of stores that displayed such things and sold them. It was a sight that could not exist in her hometown, where self-sufficiency was the principle.

Her eyes, which at first twinkled with interest, slowly subsided. It was because her longing for her hometown bloomed.

On her fifth visit to a clothing store, Yulif had her pick some clothes out for herself. Among the various designs of clothes made of colorful fabrics, Canaren pondered for a long time. Her emotion enticed her to choose pretty dresses, while her reason insisted on selecting practical and comfortable clothes.

In the end, she stood at the crossroads and turned to Yulif for help.

「Yulif, I can’t choose. What should I do?」

「Buy everything.」

「That’s not what I meant. Buying all of this is a waste.」

Yulif only looked at her with a smirk. It was an expression that showed he really didn’t know what the problem was.

Canaren felt her chest tighten.

「That’s okay. I’ll choose this.」

How could she ask him which one suits her better or which one looks prettier?

The clothes that Canaren picked with her lips twitching were not formal dresses, but travel clothes that focused on activity and practicality.

As she walked through a landscape completely different from her hometown, her longing for her hometown grew. The novelty was short-lived, and the longing that could not be suppressed swelled. Besides, the freedom she had tasted after a long time was very sweet. She wanted to quickly get out of this half-freedom and regain true freedom.

Yulif obviously said this – even if it was too much right now, he would let her run away from the Imperial Palace soon.

Yulif will keep his promise. Canaren trusted him.

But even with Yulif’s help, she never knew when the opportunity would come. Opportunities could only be seized by those who were prepared.

Yulif stared intently at Canaren and her travel attire. Canaren gently avoided his gaze, which seemed to pierce her own heart.

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Yulif was always considerate of her, but she was only thinking about leaving this place, so she felt sorry.


In a soft voice, Yulif called her, who was looking down only at her toes. When she lifted her head, she saw a dark green dress. The simple and neat dress with few decorations was the dress that Canaren had been contemplating about until the very end.

“Is there a place where she can change her clothes?”

“Of course! My lady, would you like to come this way? I will help you.”

Canaren changed her dress with the help of the clerk. In the mirror, she had turned into an ordinary girl with brown hair. She was a very ordinary woman that could be seen everywhere, that no one would remember if she passed by.

‘What do I look like to Yulif now?’

「Shall we go?」

The two left the clothing store. As they wandered around frantically, the sun was setting.

Canaren looked at the side of Yulif dyed in the glow of the sunset, and she asked involuntarily.

「Does this dress suit me well?」

Yulif only quietly looked at her.

How embarrassing. Why did she ask such a question?!?

Canaren turned her head to hide her face, which was slowly heating up. Then Yulif slowly opened his mouth.


「Oh, right? When I looked in the mirror earlier, my hair looked brown… Yulif prefers brown?」

Her face anticipated a direct answer.

‘Why am I doing this?’

Canaren thought in bewilderment. It was a stupid question when she thought about it, but Yulif replied surprisingly seriously.

「No matter what you look like, my answer is the same.」

「Yes, yes…….」

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「Would you like to go over there? Seeing that people are gathering, there seem to be something.」

「Yes, let’s go.」

Canaren nodded her head without looking at where Yulif was pointing.

Yulif looked at her, who barely lifted her head, and guided her.

Applause erupted from the crowd gathered in a circle in the shopping mall plaza. As she got closer, she heard a bright violin melody. Yulif protected Canaren as they navigated to the front. In the center of the square, three people were playing the violin, lute and flute.

「They are wandering musicians!」


“Now, this song is an exciting dance song. Don’t just watch, you all dance with us!”

The man with the violin shouted. The lute and flute players put down their instruments and started dancing to the melody of the violin. However, the audience only looked at them with an hesitant attitude. Unable to stand the awkwardness, a lute and flute player broke into the crowd and grabbed anyone and started dancing.

“Do not stand back and watch! What fun is it if we dance alone? We should all dance together!”

He was really good at convincing people. People became caught up in the momentum and joined the dance line one by one. There were also people who happened to hold hands with strangers who were sitting next to them.

You never know what would happen if the atmosphere overheats. Now was the time to get out. Yulif, who was about to leave, was unable to say those words.

「Let’s dance too, Yulif!」

Canaren, whose cheeks were dyed in a blush, held out her hand.

The cheerful beat of the music and the voices of excited people were mixed, but was heard as if it was distant.

There was nothing in Yulif’s eyes. He only saw Canaren holding out her hand.

He slightly recalled her face that was filled with anticipation. She didn’t seem to have the slightest thought that she might be rejected. And even if she had thought so, she would still have reached out her hand.

To her, it was better to be rejected and disappointed than to despair without trying.

He never knew that. Yulif only considered her a courageous person. He thought it was something she would say, being so kind and determined.

If he had known it was Canaren’s pledge, if he had known that she had expressed it several times on purpose because she wanted to be courageous. Would she have been a little less unhappy?

For safety’s sake, it was right to refuse that hand. While coming here, he met the patrol knights several times. Even now, he could feel the presence of those who were cleverly hiding in the shadows under the building.

Nevertheless, Yulif held Canaren’s hand.

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He didn’t want to bring despair or disappointment to Canaren.

If he was truly for her, it would be right to give her everything she wanted.

Yulif took her hand and stood facing her. Canaren stepped up to the rhythm, and Yulif moved moderately with her. It was a dance song with such a fast rhythm, so it was enough just to move the feet.

Canaren moved her feet vigorously and looked up at Yulif. It was a pity that his face was not visible because of the deeply pressed hood, which had casted a shadow. She wanted to see Yulif in a fun state like the other people who were dancing together. If Yulif, who lived like a person with only three facial expressions, was happy, she believed she would be very happy too.

「When dancing, it’s polite to make eye contact with your partner! If you take off the hood, will the magic be dispelled?」

「It will not. It’s a habit.」

“Okay, good! Let’s change to a faster song! Clap three times and put your arms around your partner!”

The musician playing the violin shouted loudly. Applause was heard from all over the place, and people’s postures changed.

Canaren released his hand and clapped. However, Yulif just stood awkwardly and didn’t seem to have the slightest intention of doing the same.

In the meantime, a new dance song began. Canaren folded her arms around his and pulled his hood off.

The purple eyes that were revealed in the sunset were softer and deeper today. As he stared down at her with such a gaze in close proximity, Canaren became very embarrassed.

The moment she turned her head away from her embarrassment, he smiled at her.

「You are a troublemaker. Are you satisfied now?」

When he opened her mouth, her heart raced as if it would jump out.

Canaren nodded hard. The dance song that had just hit her ears clearly could no longer be heard. It was because her heartbeat was so loud.

Canaren missed the beat several times and stumbled on her feet. Every time she did, Yulif’s arms skillfully supported her.

After she stumbled seven times, she wanted to cry.

Seriously, she was a mess, and she was the one who asked to dance first. 

But she didn’t let Yulif go until the tired musician finished his performance. She didn’t want to let go.

Finally, the dance was over. She was so absorbed that her whole body was drenched in sweat.

Canaren lifted her head and looked at Yulif. The night sky that spread out behind his handsome face was just as purple as his eyes. It was a beautiful and elegant color that resembled him.

Canaren muttered to herself unconsciously.

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「Yulif’s eyes are like the night sky. Beautiful.」

However, Yulif didn’t respond because he didn’t hear it. Confused, Canaren let go of Yulif’s hand. Her fingers tingle at how tight she was holding.

He pressed his hood down again and took the lead, and she hurried to follow him.

Even in the cool night wind, the lingering heat left on their bodies did not cool down until they reached the hut.


Canaren woke up in the middle of the night. The dim moonlight that the curtains couldn’t block shone faintly into the room. Naturally, her gaze turned to one of the walls. There was Yulif over by the wall.

For several days, Yulif gave her the one and only bed and slept on the sofa in the hall. His legs were so long and he looked like someone had crumpled him on the sofa.

She tried to change it a few times, but he didn’t even pretend to listen. He even developed a strange logic that it’s okay because he doesn’t sleep for long anyway.

She closed her eyes, but couldn’t sleep. Canaren rose quietly and pricked up her ears. There was silence everywhere. She was afraid she would wake him up on her way out of the door.

She hurried back to bed, staring blankly at the ceiling.

She kept remembering the smile of Yulif that she had seen in the square.

His large hand that was warmly wrapped around her hand throughout the dance, his smile embedded in her head, and his softly shining eyes.

In the end, it was all Yulif’s fault.

‘Just thinking about it makes my heart race again.’

Canaren pressed her chest. She had to do this to keep her heart from jumping out. But as soon as her heart calmed down, she wanted to see Yulif again.

Why would she miss him so much when he was so close that she could go over one wall for no particular reason. They were not even having a conversation.

‘Let’s sleep quietly instead of waking up for nothing.’

Yulif usually woke up at dawn.

Canaren pulled the blanket over her head and forced herself to sleep.

It was a night when she realized that she couldn’t sleep when she was too happy.

Eventually, she fell asleep, and in her hand was the butterfly necklace Yulif gave her.

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