Ch23 - Xiao Ming’s Daily Life

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The offensive ability and maliciousness of the ghost was greatly enhanced. As Jiang Fang applied medicine to Nan Zhou’s arm, the people who gathered around them came to this conclusion. The focus of Nan Zhou’s concern was different from others. “Where did the medicine come from?”

Jiang Fang carefully disinfected the wound and applied the medicine to the wound as gently as possible while explaining, “I exchanged it with points.” 

Nan Zhou watched his skillful movements. “…Ah.”

No wonder why this person had less points than Nan Zhou after entering the instance.



“It is speeding up…”

Under the dual pressure of the ghost and the house compression, Shen Jie started to sweat uncontrollably. Her hands were damp and so slippery that she couldn’t hold them tightly together. “I was the first to encounter something strange yesterday. At that time, the ghost was still some distance away from me and didn’t think of hurting me… now it has started to hurt people.” 

Nan Zhou told her, “You weren’t the first one.”


Shen Jie, “?”

Jiang Fang blew gently on the wound and translated it. “He means that the first person to encounter something strange during a task was me.”

He reminded everyone, “In the middle of the night, the phone by the bed lit up abnormally twice.”


Shen Jie had almost forgotten about this incidence. Once it was mentioned by Jiang Fang and Nan Zhou, she quickly got goose bumps. If the phone screen lit up twice, it was as if a ghost was standing by the bed and staring at Jiang Fang…

If Jiang Fang’s encounter was the first encounter with the ghost then they weren’t aware of the intrusion of the ghost at all. The second time, Shen Jie saw the ghost with her own eyes. The third time, it started attacking Nan Zhou. Indeed, such a gradual development made sense.

Shen Jie was afraid of heart palpitations and resolutely told her teammates, “Never act alone!”

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Nan Zhou wanted to say something but once the words reached his lips, he swallowed it back. He pushed his tongue against the inside of his cheek and stared at the bandage wrapped around his arm. “…It is time.” 

Everyone discovered that before they knew it, Chen Sufeng’s homework task was almost over. In addition to the house that shrunk for no reason and the ghost with an unknown purpose, there was a third crisis. The speeding up of time made it extremely urgent to do the tasks.

The second instance was called Xiao Ming’s Daily Life. What if a player didn’t complete it within the specified time or what if they didn’t have time to do the daily tasks set by the system? No one dared to test out this possibility.

In the face of this crisis, Nan Zhou’s choice was to go to work first. He rolled down his sleeves, walked into the kitchen and slowly fiddled with the pots and pans. You know, he was more troubled than the others right now. What should he cook today?

Behind him, Jiang Fang’s voice came in a timely manner to resolve his doubts. “Choose the dishes you don’t like.” 

“Um…” Nan Zhou thought about it before replying seriously, “You’re right.”

Thus, he was going to make something simple. Stir-fried coriander, stir-fried ginger, cold okra and zucchini stew with celery. Three dishes and one soup.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Aljcu Mjcu rwlifv jr tf rjk Rjc Itbe atgbklcu j ijguf jwbeca bo ulcufg rilmfr lcab atf qba klatbea mtjculcu tlr fzqgfrrlbc. Ktfc tf jrxfv, “Glv sbe tjnf rbwfatlcu firf atja sbe vlvc’a rjs?”

Rjc Itbe, “……” 

Aljcu Mjcu jvvfv, “Pc atf ilnlcu gbbw pera cbk, sbe rffwfv ab tjnf rbwfatlcu ab rjs.”

Nan Zhou looked at the ginger slices that had been fried to a mess in the pot and turned on the tap to wash the coriander. “I might’ve seen it wrong.”


“Tell me.”

“If I say it, they will definitely say I am wrong.” 

Jiang Fang crossed his arms and asked with a smile, “Am I the same as them?”

Jiang Fang’s expression was particularly relaxed when he spoke but his fingers were different. They pinched the inside of his arm as he forced himself to maintain a pleasant smile. He couldn’t contain his nervousness about the answer that Nan Zhou might give. Even if they started all over again, at the very least, he had to be a bit different from others in Nan Zhou’s heart.

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Nan Zhou carefully thought about it before coming to a conclusion. “Yes, you’re not the same.”

Jiang Fang sighed with relief. Even his magnitude of rejoicing was controlled so it was just right. He disguised himself and spoke in a perfectly confident tone, “So you can tell me.” 

Nan Zhou poured the coriander into the pot and used the spatula to poke and break it up while saying, “In fact, I could see the hand that wanted to pull me under the bed.”

“It wasn’t a human hand.” Nan Zhou’s cold expression revealed a trace of confusion. He obviously couldn’t figure out why it was like this. “It was big and furry like an animal’s paw.”

At this point, Nan Zhou shut up. He actually wanted to be more detailed. He felt like it was a wolf’s paw. Yet even Nan Zhou, who was incredibly insensitive to common sense, knew that there was a sense of comicalness to his discovery. It was justified if Jiang Fang laughed at him.

However, Jiang Fang just gave a soft hum. “It is no wonder.” 

“I wondered why the wound on your arm was worse than a scratch if someone grabbed at you.”

Nan Zhou had never liked holding back words in his heart. Now that he released them and was understood by the other person, he felt happy. “Thank you.”

Regardless of the thanks, the real problem hadn’t been solved. Nan Zhou wanted to try explaining his thoughts. He opened his mouth, “I asked them yesterday why a woman appeared behind Shen Jie.”

Jiang Fang told him. “Yes, I heard you.” 

“I can’t figure it out.”

Jiang Fang thought of the inspiration that passed through his mind in a flash so that he didn’t have time to grasp it. Thus, he asked, “In this house, there is evidence to prove that the only one dead is Xiao Ming’s sister. Why do you think the appearance of a female ghost is an unreasonable thing?”

Nan Zhou answered, “The thing that the ghost did was very unreasonable in itself.”


“It is because Shen Jie didn’t do anything. She didn’t find any clues from beginning to end. The ghost has no reason to target her.”

“No.” Jiang Fang rebutted it while trying to sort out his thoughts clearly. “All the people who met the ghost were doing Xiao Ming’s daily tasks when they encountered the problem.”


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Nan Zhou followed his ideas. “Yesterday, you were doing the sleeping task and the phone lit up.”

“It should be that something came to my bedside and triggered the unlocking function.” 

“Then yesterday, Shen Jie did the hair washing task and saw a pair of feet.”

Jiang Fang added, “Today, if you didn’t pick up the eraser for Chen Sufeng who was doing homework then it would be him who was pulled under the bed.”

“So…” Jiang Fang tried to overturn Nan Zhou’s conjecture. “Miss Shen might just be unlucky. For the time being, the targets of the ghosts’ threats are all the players who are doing Xiao Ming’s daily task.”

Nan Zhou looked at the coriander soaked in sesame oil stubbornly and pondered on it for a long time. “It still isn’t right.” 

“What is wrong?”

Nan Zhou explained his thoughts. “According to your opinion, the design of the ghost in this instance isn’t good.”

Jiang Fang was stunned by this type of blatant insult toward the ghost in broad daylight.

Nan Zhou poured the coriander boiled in oil onto the plate in a chic manner. 

“First of all, the ghost in this instance doesn’t have a fixed image at all.”

“Let’s mark it from the order of appearance. You met the ghost first, right? Li Yinhang’s phone was shooting a video but no image was recorded. In other words, it didn’t have a specific appearance.”

“The second ghost in the bathroom was a pair of feet. This is an image and can be seen.”

“The third ghost is the one I came across and it is a wolf’s paw.” 

Nan Zhou carefully counted it and said, “Look, the ghost constantly changed and never stopped.”

Jiang Fang listened to Nan Zhou’s analysis and the knot in his heart was resolved. This was the small thing that he failed to grasp last night.

Nan Zhou hadn’t finished speaking yet.

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“In addition, the actions of the ghosts in the apartment are illogical and completely random.” 

“Even if the ghost wants to complete the scary KPI every day, after the first day of observation, it should clearly target us or Lawyer Yu. This would be more valuable. Why should it aim for Shen Jie and Chen Sufeng who have made no actual contribution?”

Nan Zhou’s expression was very calm as he spoke even though he was recognizing the value of his being killed by the ghost.


“It is already the next day. If I wasn’t in the children’s room today, it would be Chen Sufeng who was dragged under the bed. It is because doing homework is Chen Sufeng’s task.” Nan Zhou spoke solemnly. “The ghost couldn’t have expected that I would pick up the eraser for Chen Sufeng.”

Nan Zhou asked Jiang Fang, “If you were a clever ghost, would you choose to kill Chen Sufeng while he was doing his task or come to harm me while I was doing my cooking task?” 

Nan Zhou spoke the words ‘KPI’ and ‘a clever ghost’ with his cold expression and Jiang Feng used a lot of effort to hold back his laughter. Nan Zhou looked at the corners of Jiang Feng’s trembling mouth, slightly confused. Was there something wrong with what he said?

The kitchen wasn’t soundproof. The conversation between Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang could clearly be heard by the people in the living room.

Shen Jie and Chen Sufeng who clearly had it pointed out that they had made no actual contribution, “……”

Yu Tuisi stroked his chin and listened carefully. Nan Zhou’s reasoning was peculiar and fresh. His mode of thinking was from the perspective of the instance design. According to Nan Zhou, the behavior that the ghost showed so far didn’t have a perfect internal logic. They needed to try and follow this logic. 

Nan Zhou in the kitchen continued, “Since the ghost that appeared next to you couldn’t be recorded, I asked yesterday why the ghost that appeared to Shen Jie was a woman whose features could easily be distinguished.”

Jiang Fang stared at him. “Why do you think the ghost is doing this?”

“I don’t know, I’m still thinking about it.” Nan Zhou’s kitchen knife ruthlessly dismembered the zucchini. “In short, the design is very poor and the clues are too messy. Moreover, the ghost can’t give people a memorable spot. It is very bad.”

Everyone outside, “……” 

Fuck this ‘can’t give people a memorable spot.’

The author has something to say:

KPI= performance appraisal, also known as ‘key performance indicator’. It is one of the methods to complete a performance appraisal.

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