Ch24 - Xiao Ming’s Daily Life

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After commenting on the ghost’s behavior, Nan Zhou brought his work out of the kitchen and tried to find a trace of approval. He thought that there should always be someone who liked to eat okra or coriander. Yet after being politely rejected by everyone, Nan Zhou’s beautiful idea was shattered.

Nan Zhou sat on a chair at the dining table with no expression on his face. 

Shen Jie had just been stabbed by Nan Zhou but she became even more certain that Nan Zhou had many thoughts in his heart. He just had a strange personality and needed to be led by someone before he would talk. She didn’t mind being judged a few more times as long as she could pass this game. She leaned close to Li Yinhang’s ear. “You are his teammate. Can you go talk to him?”

Li Yinhang looked at Nan Zhou. Nan Zhou had his head lowered as he stepped on the leg of the stool. He was like an orange cat sitting.



Li Yinhang, “……”

Her intuition told her that Nan Zhou might not be thinking about the instance. He just wasn’t happy because the food he cooked wasn’t acknowledged. Still, she felt that Shen Jie wouldn’t believe it even if she said so. Thus, Li Yinhang came up to the depressed bigshot. She thought for a moment before whispering to him, “I like to eat zucchini.” 

Nan Zhou quickly raised his head.


Li Yinhang, “……” She could swear that she just saw a light in Nan Zhou’s eyes.

Nan Zhou said, “I will teach you how to do handicrafts.”

He was really easy to be coaxed.


Yesterday, they had learned about Xiao Ming’s family structure. Therefore, the handicrafts work of ‘My family’ wasn’t particularly difficult. Nan Zhou cut off the head of the match and used glue to demonstrate to Li Yinhang how to use the three dimensional matches to make a small person.

On the other side, Jiang Fang naturally took over Nan Zhou’s work in the kitchen. The height of the ceiling was too low for his height so he could only work with his head down. He opened the refrigerator door and took out an onion. Onions that had been frozen in the freezer would no longer irritate the eyes so much.

He looked around the refrigerator, took an inventory of the leftover meat and vegetables and simply remembered them in his mind. In addition to desserts, it turned out that Nan Zhou preferred to eat these.

After turning back to the chopping board, Jiang Fang picked up the kitchen knife gently. His other hand touched the side of the choker around his neck and he stroked it twice. He never expected that he would actually have a day when he liked cooking. 


The dishes made by Jiang Fang were still surprisingly rich and delicious. This was a rare good thing to be thankful for in a bad mission. The dessert used today to add sugar to Nan Zhou was egg tarts.

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Li Yinhang murmured to herself while eating. On the bus, Jiang Fang claimed to be a mixed-race person who returned to China after his mother died. In the present instance, Jiang Fang’s identity became a music exchange student to China from Ukraine. His cooking skills, etiquette, social experience and thinking skills were all top-notch…

A thousand words combined into one sentence: Brother, what on earth do you do? 

However, Li Yinhang’s muttering only lasted for a moment. As long as the other side was willing to take her with him then he was a father. She was really sick in the head for being picky when it came to hugging thighs.

The fitness trainer on one side didn’t have any reluctance at all. He ate until his face was red and sincerely praised it. “This is great. Your craft is nothing like a foreigner.”

Jiang Fang stared at Nan Zhou who was biting the egg tart wholeheartedly. The smile on his face was perfect as he replied, “Thank you.”

During the time when everyone was enjoying this short moment of relaxation, Yu Tuisi had already entered the children’s room. His task was still to take a nap. 

Chen Sufeng was uneasy at the thought that there might still be a monster under the bed. He suggested, “Brother Yu, I’ll do this task for you.”

Yu Tuisi stroked his hair and said with a smile, “Those are childish words.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Chen Sufeng wanted to argue. “I’m not…”

Te Kelrl tfiv eq tlr jgwr jcv kjlafv obg Jtfc Veofcu ab qlmx tlw eq. Llr nblmf mbcajlcfv j olgwcfrr atja jiibkfv cb gfyeaajir. “Jjggs wf eq.” 

Jtfc Veofcu rabqqfv jcv mbeiv cb ibcufg rqfjx. Lf pera ugjyyfv atlr qfgrbc’r jgwr. Lf ecvfgrabbv ktja Te Kelrl mbeivc’a rjs.

‘If possible, I even want to write the homework for you.’

Yu Tuisi was determined to protect him no matter what. It was because he was Chen Suye’s younger brother. For this reason, he would rather give up the 200 points he would most likely get from tearing off the wallpaper in order to ensure their safety. His determination was so strong that Chen Sufeng couldn’t do anything but accept such kindness and stay by his bedside.

A seemingly calm noon passed. There was no special movement in the children’s room but once the task ended and Yu Tuisi appeared, his pale face really shocked the others. Yu Tuisi couldn’t explain and waved to Chen Sufeng, “Salt water.” 

He added, “…Light salt water.”

The adjusted light salt water soon came.

“I had a dream.”

Yu Tuisi quickly sipped a mouthful of light salt water, swallowed violently and summarized it. “I dreamt of the smell of stewed meat.” 

The group was confused at first before understanding. The meaning behind the stew couldn’t be clearer. Just imagining it caused their faces to turn green one by one.

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Nan Zhou thought, ‘Sure enough, this instance is still providing clues.’

The napping task that Yu Tuisi picked up was the only one where the task description mentioned that Xiao Ming would ‘have a dream.’ This was indeed the case. On the first day, Yu Tuisi dreamed of the sound of sawing. The next day, he dreamed of the smell of stew.

The clues in his dream perfectly coincided with the murder that took place here. In this way, if their level wasn’t good and they couldn’t find the hair in the drain or the oily pressure cooker, they could get a trace of what happened from Yu Tuisi’s dreams. It was one of the instance settings to give clues and Yu Tuisi’s dreams were very logical. 

Yet correspondingly, there was no logic behind the appearance of the ghost. Once these two things were compared, it became even more illogical. So why?

Yu Tuisi couldn’t think of it at this time. He hadn’t eaten at noon and his stomach was empty. He stayed for a long time in the midst of the strong and strange smell of meat. Now he was in the uncomfortable state of wanting to vomit but not being able to.

There was no way. He could only use the light salt water to stimulate himself and force himself to vomit. He soon reacted and was pushed into the bathroom by Chen Sufeng. Soon, the sound of his muffled retching was heard from inside.

Due to this experience, Yu Tuisi didn’t eat anything all day. However, everything else went smoothly. Li Yinhang’s handcrafts task had a smooth transition. The thin monkey and fitness trainer exchanged tasks and also had a safe transition. Shen Jie’s hair washing task was a safe transition. 

In the past day, there was very little substantial progress apart from completing the daily tasks. The main plot line hadn’t advanced at all and Yu Tuisi’s dream just supported the main plot line. There wasn’t much significance. The only two valuable things were that Jiang Fang deduced from the matches that a member of the family would often go to a certain fixed place and Nan Zhou’s analysis and evaluation of the ghost’s behavior.

The dream at noon had a certain impact on Yu Tuisi’s spirit. Combined with his poor physical fitness, he fell asleep before 9 o’clock. Nan Zhou and Jiang Fang didn’t seem to be very anxious about the situation and both went to sleep in the children’s room.


The thin monkey couldn’t sleep. He intended to take inventory of the things on the computer again. Shen Jie didn’t approve of such dangerous behavior but the thin monkey insisted on it. He said, “The computer is here and it must be useful in the instance. Otherwise, why have the computer? Just to look good?”

The moment he said the words, the thin monkey found that his logic had a taste of Nan Zhou in it. 

The thin money, “……” It was fucking excessive.

The result of the discussion was that Shen Jie and Li Yinhang stayed in the living room to rest while the fitness trainer would accompany the thin monkey while he looked at the computer. As a result, it wasn’t even 12:30 a.m when the coach yawned in the midst of the intensive keyboard tapping. “Xiao Hou, are you still not sleeping…”

The thin monkey stared at the computer screen. “I’m looking again.”

The next second, the snoring of the fitness trainer was heard. The thin monkey looked at him but said nothing. He didn’t expect this person to stay up all night with him. It was fine as long as there was a living person by his side. 

He took off his jacket and threw it at the fitness trainer, creating a blanket for him. He didn’t know how many times he opened the various folders on the computer. There was a movie folder on the computer. It contained all types of movies like action, adventure, science fiction, comedy, horror and history.

The first time he discovered this, he thought there was a clue so he dragged the progress bar to quickly sift through all the movies. However, it turned out they were just movies. He had seen many of them in reality. This sense of connection between reality and illusion made people particularly uncomfortable.

The thin monkey closed the folder. He refreshed the computer desktop several times meaninglessly before thinking of Jiang Fang’s analysis of the matches during the day. He felt a glimmer of hope as he typed ‘Family matches’ in the search bar several times. Not surprisingly, nothing was achieved.

Yet perhaps due to a blessing of the soul, the thin monkey didn’t immediately close the search page. He tried deleting the last word. He just searched for ‘Family.’ Under the search bar, there was a small line of words that read: Around 100,000,000 results. 

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The thin monkey made a low sound and leaned back in the computer chair. He knew that searching for this type of popular word was in vain. Then the thin monkey’s eyes suddenly lit up. He sat up straight and downloaded several development tools in succession. He even hated his own stupidity a bit.

He had been doing the instances for so long that he had forgotten what he was good at.

He didn’t stop moving his fingers as he quickly typed lines of code. The thin monkey’s eyes shone at this field he was familiar with. Gradually, a simple application emerged from his fingertips. All records on the computer might’ve been erased but the online world was different. The wild geese would make sounds and walking on snow would leave marks.

Previously, the network was too large so the thin monkey was helpless and unable to do anything. Now he had the keyword ‘Family.’ After nearly an hour of busy work, the thin monkey cheered. “Yes!” 

He quickly started the program. These few lines of code could locate and filter through the 100,000,000 results to display the webpages related to the word ‘family’ that had been opened from this fixed IP address. It took a few dozens of seconds and beads of sweat appeared on the thin monkey’s forehead. He had been disappointed too many times. Give him a bit of hope this time…

Soon, his efforts and prayers were answered.


[Congratulations to player Hou Qing for collecting the clue ‘the secret of Family.’] 

The thin monkey waved his fist excitedly. He wanted to listen to his rewards when a strange change occurred on the screen in front of him. At first, the thin monkey thought he saw incorrectly. Then he repeatedly confirmed it and was quickly paralyzed with fear.

Five snow white fingerprints appeared on the lower right corner of the screen. There was a hand pressing against the LCD screen from inside. One second, two seconds…


No, it could climb out at any time…

In this extreme fear, he couldn’t make a sound. From the corner of his eyes, the thin monkey glanced at the sleeping fitness trainer and his body trembled uncontrollably. 

Save me… help me…

However, he couldn’t make a sound. There was a muffled gurgling sound from his throat and it felt like his throat was being choked by a fiercely beating heart.

One time, another time.

Why me… 

I’m not doing the task. It is Jiang Fang doing the task. Why come to me…

The thin monkey was stiff and couldn’t move. He watched the entire screen turn black-gray. He watched as on the black screen, the hand pressing against the screen slowly moved to the center of the screen, showing the entire palm. He watched as the screen was completely occupied by a woman’s blood-red lips. The lips were whispering to him.

The thin monkey’s eyes gradually blurred and he found that his hand was slowly reaching out to the lips on the screen. The scariest thing was that his consciousness was clear and sober.

No, don’t… don’t do this… 

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The thin monkey begged and screamed silently.

Spare me, I don’t want to die. I want to live…

Save me, who can save me…

The thin monkey’s fingertips touched the screen. He felt a unique softness. It was the touch of human lips. Cold, elastic and soft. However, as despair and the lips were about to completely swallow him, a loud banging sound entered the thin monkey’s ears. 

Immediately afterward, an incredible force blew the thin monkey and the chair he was sitting in flying toward the wall! The moment the back that was as thin as a piece of paper hit the wall, his internal organs surged in his body and the thin monkey’s eyes darkened. He lay on the ground for a long time before the darkness enveloping his eyes gradually receded.

The computer had returned to normal. The white light from the screen shone on the ground.

The awakened fitness trained saw the flying door panel, the destroyed computer chair and the half-dead thin monkey on the ground. His eyes were dull and he couldn’t figure out what had happened.

The thin monkey moved his body and felt like his waist disc had been kicked out of place. The pained thin monkey squeezed out a moan. “Fuck…” 

Nan Zhou, who was awakened by the system’s notification and arrived in time, found that the thin monkey was not only alive but able to move. He slightly clenched his fist happily.

The thin monkey didn’t want to be an ingrate but the rest of his experience was simply too terrible. The intense pain completely overwhelmed his gratefulness at being able to live.


“Fuck your uncle…” The thin monkey cursed weakly. “Why are you kicking me? Why didn’t you kick the computer?!”

Nan Zhou who was inexplicably scolded, “……?” 

He honestly answered, “If the computer breaks, what about the task tomorrow?”

The thin monkey, “……” He was right.

“Fuck…” The thin monkey murmured. He arched his back slightly as he tried to form a kneeling posture on the ground. He faced Nan Zhou and lowered his head to the ground, his voice hoarse from pain. “…Thank you.”

Nan Zhou blinked. 

Li Yinhang and Shen Jie rushed over after hearing the noise and were dumbfounded at the chaotic scene. Shen Jie asked urgently, “What happened?”

Nan Zhou looked back and whispered, “I seem to have kicked his brain out.”

Thin monkey, “……” What do you mean? He took a few deep breaths before speaking in a weak voice. “Sister Shen, I’ve found…”

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