Fourth Perspective

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

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Zhongdu City’s User Management Association, Logic Research Institute.


It was a big and wide conference hall.


The room was quiet, with only the pitter-pattering of fingers tapping on keyboards endlessly.  A bright, ten meter long screen hung on the innermost wall, illuminating the hundreds of computers in front of it.


Hundreds of workers sat in front of their computers, typing away.


Suddenly, an ear-splitting sound sounded. No one had even reacted when, In an instant,  every single computer screen changed, displaying a bright red warning message. The workers looked at the screen dumbfoundedly and someone read out the blood red words on the screen


“Operation Error?”


Quickly, the conference room’s big door was pushed open. A middle-aged man wearing a suit walked in. He was tall and burly; his suit was barely able to contain the huge muscles under it, therefore seeming a bit strange. He stood under the conference hall’s big screen, expression pretentious, “What’s going on?”


A worker immediately stood up from their computer, “The APP crashed.”


Middle-aged man: “Is it only Zhongdu that has crashed?”


Another worker responded, “Reporting to Captain Wang, I just asked the staff at Haidu, their APP also crashed. This is a national BUG!”


Captain Wang’s eyes were imposing, “Immediately check Polluter 004’s situation! Zhao Hen, you go with them.”




Captain Wang had just finished talking when the young man standing behind him stepped forward with a firm expression. He walked to the front of the head of the maintenance department, the two met eyes, and Zhao Hen lightly nodded.


They didn’t immediately go check Polluter 004’s situation.


The maintenance department head was a capable young woman, looking around twenty five years old. To be able to get to her current position at this age, she must be extremely capable. And Zhao Hen also knows


This woman was called Li Xiaoxiao.


She hasn’t awakened her logic skill.


It’s not that she doesn’t want to awaken. She has no potential to.


Under Li Xiaoxiao’s lead, the two went to the changing room. Not saying anything else, the two put on the thick radiation suits. One wasn’t enough, so they both put on three. Only after making sure that every part of their body was covered by the three thick layers of the suit, Li Xiaoxiao finally led Zhao Hen to the elevator.


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Li Xiaoxiao: “How much do you know about Polluter 004?”


Zhao Hen froze before standing straight, “Polluter 004 can automatically track all logic skills fluctuations in the nation, and can self-produce the ‘Grow some brains, everyone has a responsibility‘ APP. Every person who awakens in the country will be noticed by 004 and have the APP downloaded at the moment of awakening, becoming users of the APP.


Li Xiaoxiao nodded. No wonder Captain Wang told this person to help, it was because he was an experienced and old user.


Li Xiaoxiao: “That’s correct, but this is information that all users can get. What I’m going to tell you, you must keep in your heart, or else when meeting 004, and you take a wrong step, you might be contaminated by it!”


Zhao Hen immediately tensed up.


The two walked into the elevator and Li Xiaoxiao’s eyes went straight down, pressing the lowest button.


‘Basement Floor 36’


This elevator was extremely creepy, the floors aboveground went from one to eight, meaning there were only eight floors aboveground. But the underground layers continued further, and going all the way down, there were at least twenty buttons.


From basement level one to ten, the numbers on the buttons were barely visible, like they were often pressed by people. But from basement floor eleven onwards, this kind of thing happened less and less. Also this elevator didn’t stop on each level. Basement levels twelve, fifteen, seventeen, and eighteen didn’t even have buttons, and going on even further, the buttons for basement level nineteen, twenty, and twenty one appeared.


From basement levels twenty two to twenty five, there were four floors that were empty, then it was floors thirty one to thirty five with five floors empty.


This means that the area above basement level thirty six was empty for five whole floors!


The elevator slowly descended, Li Xiaoxiao sternly said, “Polluter 004 was found in 2031, in the pharmaceutical laboratory in the Bishan District of Zhongdu. No one knows if it was contaminated due to an out of control logic skill or due to the radiation. At the time of discovery, the logic factors in the air surrounding it reached 5000 bars, equivalent to a level five user losing control! And that was the result of it staying in that laboratory for three years.”


“004 is known as one of the country’s self-conscious polluters. In addition to forcibly installing the APP to users and logging their data, it can also figure out the user’s logic skill to a degree. Also… it can force a name onto the user’s logic skill.”


Hearing this, Zhao Hen, “......”


This dark-skinned man nodded, his entire face saying, ‘Please don’t say anymore.’


Li Xiaoxiao glanced at him, the corners of her lips hooked up. She can’t awaken a logic skill, but she likes looking at these user’s reactions whenever she brings up the topic of User IDs, that face of bitterness.


Moving back to the matter at hand, Li Xiaoxiao corrected her expression, “Now is the important point. How scary Polluter 004 is, I just told you. You must remember, it is the most powerful, most scary polluter you will ever meet! Before, there was a level three user who didn’t listen, exposing his body to 004. Not even three seconds passed, three! He was already contaminated. At the same time, before that logic skill of his that had gone out of control could contaminate others, it was already gobbled up by 004 on the spot.”




The elevator arrived at the basement floor thirty six.


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Zhao Hen’s heart had already jumped to his throat.


The elevator door opened, revealing a deep and secluded corridor, a corridor made entirely out of dirt.


It is reasonable to say that the User Management Association was an official government organization, so they must have been formed with the power of the nation. They can dig thirty six floors underground and build an elevator, but they didn’t have the power to build a real, clean corridor? But this corridor was really just made of dirt, the four directions were all dirt, and walking in it felt not like they were walking to a destination in modern society, but instead felt like tomb raiding.


But both Li Xiaoxiao and Zhao Hen didn’t find this weird.


The two walked with one in front, the other behind, arriving at a huge dirt door.


Li Xiaoxiao, “I will remind you one last time, do not look straight at 004, do not listen anything it says, and most importantly, do not let any part of your body be exposed to the air:”


Zhao Hen held his breath, “Yes!”


Having done all he could to mentally prepare for this, under the heavy radioactive suit, Zhao Hen clenched his fists. A layer of logic factors surrounded his hand, spinning around. He made preparations so that if there was a mistake, before 004 could contaminate him, before his logic skill goes out of control, he would end his life.


Li Xiaoxiao breathed in heavily, then pushed open the huge, half meter thick, dirt door in front of her.


Zhao Hen gritted his teeth, looking through the door crack, watching the door open more and more.




They heard a voice.


Like a five year old straining its voice, using all its energy, wanting to spit out all the air in its lungs.


It burst out laughing.


“Jie Jie Jie Jie! My dad is back, my dad is back!”


“You little ignorant human beings, my dad is here, you still dare lock me up, you still dare!”


“Jie Jie Jie Jie, I’m going to get my dad to beat you all up. Beat! You! All! Up!”


Zhao Hen: “......”


Li Xiaoxiao: “......”


Zhao Hen lifted his head in the next second to look at the ‘kid’ making the sound.

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He saw a rusty robot that was spinning in place.


Like the AI robot seen in supermarkets and banks before the Type-A radiation. Half a person tall, with wheels mounted on its sides so it could move. Two slender arms swiveled in the air and in the place of a head, there was an old monitor, which was currently displaying a weird symbol


“Jie Jie Jie Jie!”


“Kill you all~ all~”


Zhao Hen and Li Xiaoxiao: “......”


At the same time.


Zhongdu City, Kangren Community.


Xiao Jinyu looked at the ‘Download Error’ on his screen, sinking into a deep confusion.


An APP that was related to logic skills. Then no matter what, what has happened must have something to do with his logic skill.


Xiao Jinyu doesn’t know if when other people awaken their logic skills, if they’ll also have this APP forcibly downloaded, but it failed, this fact was a problem. If every person who has awakened has had this APP downloaded, then since he failed to download, wouldn't this mean this world ran into a problem? If this APP was only for him, and the download failed, then that means his logic skill ran into a problem.


Thinking of all this, Xiao Jinyu’s expression was cold.


He hadn’t even figured out what exactly his logic skill did and he was going to lose control?


Just as Xiao Jinyu was thinking of useless things, suddenly, his phone let out a crisp sound.


Xiao Jinyu froze up inside and hurriedly lowered his head to look.


The ‘Download Error’ message on the screen disappeared, like someone erased it. Next, what appeared on the screen was…


Xiao Jinyu: “???”




Wait, what’s with this screen full of ‘Dad’, ‘Dad’?


Like it was responding to Xiao Jinyu’s inside thoughts, the words on the screen changed once again. The words changed, but it still ran across the screen!

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‘Ah Dad! Dad!’


‘Dad you finally came back!’


‘My dear old father Jie Jie Jie Jie!’


Xiao Jinyu: “......”


Hold on, what was with this laughing sound? Even though it was words on a screen and had no sound, just looking at it felt like the laugh of a weird villain, his mind was full of FLAGs.


‘Dad, are you finally going to save me from the bad guys, jiumi~ 


Xiao Jinyu calmed down.


He looked at the excited words on his screen, closed his eyes, and opened his eyes to ask: “Who are you. Are you… my logic skill?”


Xiao Jinyu checked just now, his phone was already controlled by this weird thing that kept on calling ‘Dad’, he was unable to type. So he just directly asked out loud, this logic skill that was hidden in his phone… should be able to hear him?


‘How can Dad forget about me, I’m your good oldest son! Ying ying ying!’


Xiao Jinyu: “......”


How can I have a son that laughs like ‘Jie Jie Jie’!


...wait, I don’t have a son at all!


The author has something to say:


Before writing this chapter, my brain kept singing a song, let me sing it to you all…


“Ninth Sister, Ninth Sister~ Pretty little sister~ Pretty little sister~”

“Fiery red rose~ Hey!”


Hahaha, don’t worry, tomorrow Ninth Sister will come on stage! Jie Jie Jie Jie!

004: Jie Jie Jie Jie!

Ninth Sister: ……


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