Fourth Perspective

Chapter 9

After being closed for an hour, Changjie Station was finally reopened. 

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Even though only an hour went by, it was still the busiest time of the morning rush hour. The people who were stuck outside, unable to enter, were unsettled and worried. As soon as the subway station reopened, the people flooded in, and the underground area roared.


No one noticed that a short-haired woman with her hands in her pockets and a boy with his hat lowered walked out of the subway station, against the crowd.


Leaving the noisy and crowded Changjie Station entrance, the boy in the cap gasped, the large crowd from before scaring the boy, “There are way too many people!” After saying that, he thought of something, unable to help himself, he looked towards his partner, “Right, Sister Min, is it just me thinking too much or did you pay a lot of attention to that Xiao Jinyu?”


The short-haired woman lifted an eyebrow, “Did I?”


“You did, you gave him so much information.” The boy quietly muttered, “Wasn’t it you who told me not to tell regular people information about logic skills? Even though we users aren’t told explicitly to keep this a secret, to not tell others, but there’s no point in us telling regular people this. This is what you told me.”


The woman: “Do you think Xiao Jinyu is a normal person?”


The boy froze: “He awakened his logic skill?”


The short-haired woman took out the black phone from her pocket and shook it, laughing, “The tester even said no, there were no fluctuations in the logic factors on him. But Xiaotong, do you think people like him will always be regular, normal people? I think… he definitely will awaken his logic skill.” Blinking, the woman smiled, “Do you want to know why? Don’t ask, just take it as a woman’s instinct.”


The boy in the baseball cap: “......”


Alright, whatever you say is correct.


The two walked leisurely on the street. Since she already took out the black phone, the short-haired woman started fiddling with it, “Speaking of which, after White Garden broke down, the amount of scattered logic factors were a bit low.”




“I remember that his logic skill had already gotten to level three and his user number was also A97. He ranked ninety-seven out of all of the users in China. A user this strong, after his logic skill broke down, there were only as many logic factors as a level two user.”


The boy asked in shock, “That little? That’s just a bit more than me.”


The short-haired woman turned on the phone and checked it again. After thinking for a bit, she said, “Maybe it has something to do with Xiao Jinyu and Zhao Zhixin entering the logic skill. Those two consumed a lot of the logic factors from White Garden, Well… let’s just send this information to the research institute. Alright, let’s go eat hot pot.”


“Hot pot!”


Under the bright sunlight, the short-haired woman and boy with the cap walked with a smile to the nearest hot pot restaurant.


At the same time, in an old community less than 500 meters from the subway entrance.


Xiao Jinyu helped his mother back to the sofa and after watching her bend her neck to watch the TV show, he turned around to walk into his room.


Closed and locked the door.

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He walked to the side of his bed and pulled the curtains close.


The room immediately became dark, the light blocked behind the curtain, and the room was shrouded in a faint grey. After doing all this, Xiao Jinyu silently took out his phone from his pocket, looking at the app that had started downloading itself onto his phone.


Yes, when the sudden headache had suddenly ended, his phone had let out a sound. But at that time, Xiao Jinyu had no time to check his phone, he had rushed to check his mother again, not even looking at his phone before throwing it back into his pocket.


“Have some brains… Everyone has a responsibility?”


Looking at the APP name on his phone, XIao Jinyu raised his eyebrows.


There’s actually an APP with a name this long? And the name seems to mean something, what could it be?


Xiao Jinyu thought for a long time but wasn’t able to come up with an answer. He quietly stared at the app that was downloading and unknowingly rubbed his lower lip with his index finger.


He doesn’t know what this APP is, but he knows that this APP definitely has something to do with logic skills.


Because, this app was suddenly downloaded when he awakened his logic skill.


...Yes, he awakened his logic skill.


While the APP was downloading, XIao Jinyu stared at his phone. Suddenly, he opened up the settings, turning off all internet.


Great, this APP was still downloading.


Xiao Jinyu didn’t feel surprised. If this APP had stopped downloading after he turned off the internet, he would’ve been more flabbergasted. Something related to those mysterious logic skills appearing this oddly, should be normal.


The APP seemed to need a while to download, so XIao Jinyu didn’t pay any more attention to it. He took out the phone rack and placed his phone to the side. Making sure that he could see the phone from anywhere, Xiao Jinyu walked to the full-body mirror on his closet door. 


Looking at the young man in the mirror that was pale from malnutrition, Xiao Jinyu raised a hand and swiped two fingers from left to right on his eyelids. 


The moment his fingers reached the rightmost point, the young man also opened his eyes.


In the bedroom, the world became colorless, the color fading away.


The deep blue of the blankets, the light brown wood of the desk and chair, the white closet door… all the furniture in the room lost its color at that moment. 


Xiao Jinyu turned on the lights. The light was grey and wasn’t as blinding, like a darker white.


He pulled open the curtains.

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“So even the sunlight will lose its color and I won’t feel like it's blinding me either…”


Once he had looked at everything he could think of that had color, Xiao Jinyu came back to the front of the mirror.


Just now in the living room, he saw that there were a few dark lights jumping around his mom’s esophagus. And now…


Staring at those long and narrow eyes in the mirror, and as if he saw something, he squinted at his pupils.


Because he squinted, his eyelashes trembled. Xiao Jinyu calmly stared at the mirror, his body getting closer. The young man in the mirror followed suit.


But as he got closer, the details that he could see got clearer. In the clear pupils, he could see a few bright dots spinning around in there, with some strange law that allowed them to spin fast.


In the black and white world, these colorful lights stood out.


Xiao Jinyu widened his eyes, wanting to look at these lights more clearly, but after looking at them for a few seconds, his eyes closed in extreme pain.




This pain was slightly lighter than the pain that had emerged in his brain earlier. When Xiao Jinyu closed his eyes, the pain lightened.


After about a minute, Xiao Jinyu opened his eyes.


The world recovered its color.


All the furniture regained its color and the sunlight became blinding once again.


Xiao Jinyu raised his head, looking at the phone on his nightstand.


A total of six minutes had passed.


“Then this means, after I use my fingers to swipe on my eyelids, the world will lose its color. After five minutes, I will experience extreme pain in my eyes.”


Immediately reflecting, Xiao Jinyu made a judgement, “My logical skill can only last for five minutes.”


“So, this is my logic skill. And its usage is to see those logic factors floating in the air?”


After thinking of this, Xiao Jinyu couldn’t help but frown.

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He was caught off guard by the awakening of his logic skill.


While he doesn’t have any evidence, he can guess that the colorful lights he saw were most likely the so-called logic factors the short-haired woman was talking about.


It’s reasonable to say that humans aren’t able to see the colorful lights floating in the air, called logic factors. This is something he knows for sure. The Zhao Zhizin in the White Garden, as well as the short-haired woman and the boy in the baseball cap, had proved this point to him.


But he can see them.


And in the White Garden space, he saw these lights near the train tracks. Or else he wouldn’t have been able to jump down so decisively, because he was mirroring the movements of those lights.


In the infirmary, Xiao Jinyu had already guessed that he had awakened his logic skill. And his logic skill was most likely to see those logic factors. But when he got home and looked at his mom’s neck, Xiao Jinyu didn’t see anything. He had thought he had thought wrong, that the colorful lights he had seen were not logical factors at all. Or maybe his mother wasn’t contaminated and his mom had never entered any logic skills.


“Or maybe when I got home, my logic skill had not awakened fully. Only after experiencing that headache, did it fully awaken.”


When people awakened their logic skills, was there also a waiting period? Did logic skills not awaken all at once, but could only slowly awaken?


In the end, was awakening that painful of a thing, was it that everyone who awakened would also experience that terrible pain?


Xiao Jinyu stared in concentration, thinking for a long time, but wasn’t able to come to an answer.


Being able to see logic factors seemed to be a unique skill. But it was only unique and there were not a lot of uses. At least, it wasn’t able to help his mom recover to her past self.


“Why is it only able to see them, and not grab them?”


Xiao Jinyu was unsettled.


If he was able to grab them, then wouldn’t he be able to grab the lights near his mom’s neck and take them away? If those lights were gone, then wouldn’t his mom return to normal?


Suddenly, a bright light flashed from the corner of his eye, coming from between his fingers. Xiao Jinyu froze and checked them again, but wasn’t able to find anything.


What was this?


After raising his hand and examining each finger closely, he still wasn’t able to find anything.


Thinking for a while, Xiao Jinyu raised his right hand and swiped on his eyelids. But before he could open his eyes, a prickling pain spread on his eyes.


Not only could he only use his logic skill for five minutes, there was also a long cooldown afterwards.


Xiao Jinyu patiently waited for an hour. In this hour, he swiped on his eyelids every ten minutes, but the pain only resided a bit and he was still unable to open his eyes. Only after an hour, was it bearable enough for him to open his eyes.

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What was this?


He saw three colorful lights flying around his fingers.


They seem to fly randomly. It was a bit like the gravitational pull of a planet, centered in his fingers, in an oval motion. It was similar to a circular motion, returning when it reached the highest point. 


Xiao Jinyu stared at the three colorful lights, examining them closely. Suddenly, his eyes opened wide.


...Wait, three lights?


The same movement pattern and rules, the same colors. He’s seen them before!


The endless darkness of the subway station, the train’s whistle as it entered the station, and the three colorful lights that rushed towards the rails…


“White Garden!”


Xiao Jinyu let out a noise in shock, then, the phone on his nightstand also let out a noise.


Xiao Jinyu walked to the nightstand, picked up the phone, and his eyes stopped on the notification on his screen.


He had originally thought that the APP had finished downloading, but…


Xiao Jinyu: “......”


“Download error?!”


This thing can also encounter an error???


The author has something to say:


A certain Nine who had no scenes: I heard that I was supposed to appear in this chapter.

A certain Fuwa who does not care: Yes, but your mom edited for an hour and you disappeared. 

Nine that had no scenes: Ah.

Little Goldfish: Who wants to tell me first, what the hell is this APP?!



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