Fourth Perspective

Chapter 2

Xiao Jinyu was very sure that the passengers on the train disappeared in an instant.

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The empty train stopped abruptly between the two stations, and looking through the window, there were walls on both sides. There is no need to go to other carriages to check, it was just like the Zhongdu subway during the New Years. Standing in the middle carriage and looking to the sides, you can see the end at a glance.

Everyone is gone, except...

Xiao Jinyu took a deep breath and eased the heartbeat that was accelerating due to anxiety. He turned his head, and calmly looked at the man with glasses beside him.

Except for this man.

Xiao Jinyu still had an impression of this man, because the two got on the train at the same station. When they got on the train, there were no seats left. Both of them could only hold on to the plastic handrails and squeeze into the crowd.

“What happened?! Where is everyone?”

The man with glasses is not tall, only half a head shorter than Xiao Jinyu. He naturally noticed at a glance that suddenly there were only two of them left in the subway. Most people in the world have never imagined that they would encounter this kind of weird and chaotic scene in their entire life. The man with glasses panicked and kept asking Xiao Jinyu, "I don’t think I was asleep just now. Where is this everyone? Where did everyone go?" He asked as if it can ease his nervousness and fear.

The voice of the man in glasses echoed in the empty subway car.

In the face of sudden incidents, panic is always the most useless way to cope. Xiao Zhenyu's brain quickly processed everything, and the pounding heart in his chest also calmed down. He completely calmed himself, and with his deep eyes, he calmly said: "Sir, the people here really disappeared in an instant."

It's like grabbing a life-saver when drowning, when someone answers the questions one is more at ease. "What's the situation now? I take this subway to and from work every day. It’s never been like this before, never!"

“Calm down first, sir.”

The man in glasses stopped suddenly.

Seeing that the man with glasses finally stopped asking questions, Xiao Jinyu sighed lightly and took out the phone from his pocket. "First of all, make sure that my phone has no signal, do you?"

The man with glasses hurriedly took out his mobile phone, glanced at it, and then raised his head: "None!"

Sure enough. Xiao Jinyu said: "Normally in the subway, our phones have signals. There are only two answers to this situation. First, someone is playing a prank. Maybe it’s a type of prank variety show? They used a signal blocker. But with how they made people disappear in the blink of an eye, I can’t think of an answer."

Humans are herd animals. When one person starts to analyze the situation, other people will join in for the sake of grouping together. The man with glasses’ lips was still a little shaky, but he still tried to calm himself down, and also analyzed: “Maybe someone used some sleeping drug to make us faint, and then they got everyone else out of the subway, leaving only the two of us?"

Xiao Jinyu glanced at him: "Let's not say whether there is such a magical sleeping drug, even if there is, then he did it too carefully."

The man with glasses asked in confusion: "Carefully?"

Xiao Jinyu turned on his phone: "It's currently 8:45 in the morning, and I left home at 8:20. It takes ten minutes to walk from my house to the subway station. I waited for two trains to pass before I squeezed in. Therefore, it was about 8:40 when I got in the car. It would take a lot of effort to make us faint and also adjust the time on our phones back to the correct time."

The man in glasses immediately checked his phone’s time, it was indeed 8:45.

Xiao Zhenyu: "Such variety shows, or malicious tricks, would expend a lot of effort."

Whether a thing is worth doing is weighed with the costs and the benefits that can be obtained from achieving it.

In five simple words, weigh the pros and cons.

Xiao Jinyu doesn't think he has any special area worthy of such efforts...

Suddenly, the black-haired young man squinted his eyes.

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Could it be that after discovering his mother's secret, someone did something like this to trap him here?!

Wait, calm down, calm down first. Even if they discovered mom's secret, there is no need to trap him deliberately. When he is in school, he will not be at home all day, so they only need to come to the house while he is not at home. And he is not the only person trapped in this subway train, and...

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and a kind smile appeared on the young, handsome face. Xiao Jinyu looked at the calm man beside him: "Anyway, we are already trapped here. We might as well introduce ourselves first." Long and beautiful eyes curved into a soft arc, Xiao Jinyu smiled and said: "My name is Xiao Yu, the yu from rain, what should I call you?"

Appearance is always an important advantage that mankind cannot ignore.

A good-looking young man shows kindness to you, even in such an uncomfortable environment. Although the man with glasses is a man, he can't help but have good feelings, and has a sense of dependence on the young man in front of him. He hurriedly introduced himself: "My name is Zhao Zhixin, the zhi from knowing, the xin from old and new."

Xiao Zhenyu nodded: "Mr. Zhao, if we are really being tricked, we must first understand one thing."

“What is it?”

“Why did they choose us?”

Zhao Zhixin stopped.

Yes, why choose us two?

Although Zhao Zhixin is not very smart, he has lived for more than 20 years, going to work in a muddle-headed manner after graduating from university. But he is not stupid. When Xiao Jinyu said this, he immediately thought about it.

There is really no reason to choose him!

His family is ordinary, and his parents are ordinary people. Growing up, he was never the best in the crowd, nor was he the worst. He is thoroughly average. He got an ordinary undergraduate degree in university, and even his job is the most common in Zhongdu. Even his appearance does not stand out at all.

Wait a moment...

Zhao Zhixin suddenly became vigilant. He stepped backwards silently and stared at Xiao Jinyu: "To be honest, my life is so normal that I can find at least ten people like me in each car. In any variety show, pranks, there is no reason to choose me, but you are different. You look good, and at a glance you look like a celebrity.”

Just this? So… this has nothing to do with mom?

He was relieved inside, but there was no change on the surface. Xiao Jinyu frowned, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Do you think that I am also one of the prank members?"

Zhao Zhixin: “Of course!”

Xiao Jinyu: "Of course not. Mr. Zhao, I am a student of Zhongdu University. Like you, my life is a step-by-step process. There is nothing special. However, I did do something wrong. At this time, We must trust each other, so I will confess that I lied to you just now."

Zhao Zhixin widened his eyes nervously.

Selecting a photo in his phone, Xiao Jinyu handed it to the other party.

"My name is Xiao Jinyu, not Xiao Yu, this is my student ID. Mr. Zhao, just like you, I actually suspected you since earlier, so I didn't tell you my real name. But after talking for so long, I think you didn’t lie to me." The young man stared firmly at the man in front of him, and Xiao Jinyu's tone was sincere: "Maybe you still can't completely trust me, but I really don't know what the situation is now."

Zhao Zhixin looked down at the photo on the phone.

This is a student ID card of Zhongdu University taken by a phone. On a blue background, a young black-haired young man in a white shirt stared indifferently at the front and the blurry photo could not conceal his cool and outstanding temperament. And the left side of the student ID is also clearly printed with three large characters-

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‘Xiao Jinyu’

The big rock hanging in his heart fell quickly. Zhao Zhixin thought: it seems that he really didn't lie to me. Now I know more than him, and I know that he is a student of Zhongdu University. On the contrary, he doesn’t have any information on me. So I have the upper hand now.

Zhao Zhixin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm sorry that I suspected you just now. But to be honest, little brother, it's because my life has always been too ordinary. People like you, who have been outstanding since childhood may not understand, but with stuff like this suddenly happening, I find it difficult to accept."

Xiao Jinyu glanced at him.

In fact, this has nothing to do with how ordinary someone’s life is. Even if the world's richest man suddenly encounters such a situation, it will be difficult to accept.

People may doubt once, but when their suspicions are confirmed and the other party’s lies are exposed, very few people will doubt the second time.

Therefore, what Zhao Zhixin said is almost certainly true.

Xiao Jinyu laughed: “I’m like you, Mr. Zhao, I have always been ordinary and I don’t know why they would choose someone like me. But it was also me who first hid stuff from you first. So now we know two things, one, there really is no one else in the station, and two, we cannot contact the outside world.”

After establishing the trust between them, even Zhao Zhixin himself didn’t notice that he subconsciously moved closer to Xiao Jinyu’s side. Zhao Zhixin nodded: “Yes. Right, also, Xiao… Jinyu”, he awkwardly said this unfamiliar name and asked, “You said earlier, there could be two situations. One was that it was a variety show or prank. What was the other possibility?”

Xiao Jinyu was silent: "Have you not thought of the other possibility, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Zhixin opened his mouth, but could not speak.

Xiao Jinyu saw him look like this, knowing that he also thought of an answer.

Yes, normal people will think of that answer.


"We met a ghost."


If he had to choose between the choices of a prank and meeting a ghost, Zhao Zhixin would rather it be the former. But Xiao Jinyu didn’t know which he would rather have happened.

It's really hard to say which of these two choices is better.

People playing tricks, ghosts playing people.

If the former could do something like this, breaking the scope of the law and lines of morality, then whether they could leave this place alive is something that is hard to say.

The latter is ghosts, and it is reasonable to say that killing them directly is what the ghosts logically should have done. But since they have lived until now, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the ghosts want them to die.

In any case, he should deal with the situation at hand first.

Xiao Jinyu analyzed: "The passengers have already disappeared, so there is no point in thinking about them anymore. Mr. Zhao, I will confirm one thing first...Did you hear a subway announcement when the people disappeared? "

Zhao Zhixin recalled: "The train has arrived at the station... Oh yes, the subway announcement said that we arrived at a White Garden station!"

Xiao Jinyu's face sank: "In the Zhongdu Metro, there is no White Garden station. Even including the radiation-closed platforms, there is no such thing as White Garden station."

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Zhao Zhixin had a bad expression on his face: "So do we have to find this White Garden or whatever?"

Thinking for a moment, Xiao Jinyu said, "It’s strange. It said that we have reached a station so we should arrive at a platform, even if it is a deserted platform that no one knows about. But now, we have stopped in the middle of two stations. And it stands to reason that when the train arrives at a station, the doors should be opened."

Zhao Zhixin: "Come on, let’s not have the doors open..."

Xiao Jinyu furrowed his eyebrows and repeated softly, "White Garden..." He was sure that he had never heard this name.

"Hey, stop talking about it, this thing sounds terrible."

Xiao Jinyu looked up at him: "Since the announcement said so, then this White Garden must be an important clue."

Zhao Zhixin hugged his arms, only feeling the goose bumps all over his body. This dark underground cave, the empty subway car, plus the inexplicable White Garden.

However, Xiao Jinyu no longer paid much attention to him.

After confirming that this incident has nothing to do with his mother, the only thing left is to leave here. He has no time to calm the fear of others.

Zhao Zhixin didn't realize that Xiao Jinyu's attitude was not as enthusiastic and sincere as before. He leaned against Xiao Jinyu, looking at the surrounding area with some fear.

“White Garden…”

Xiao Jinyu couldn't help repeating it again. His expression was focused, and he split the words up in his mind, thinking carefully.

Zhao Zhixin: “Hey, don’t talk about it anymore… Ah!”


The doors of the carriage opened wide, and the metal sliding door slammed into the grooves on both sides with a bang, causing the glass in the car to make a humming sound.

Zhao Zhixin had made a sound in shock.

Xiao Jinyu was also stunned, and he immediately raised his head to look at the open train door.

He saw the lights in the subway shine out through the wide open door, as if it was not a wall beyond it, and a vague white silhouette could be seen outside the door.

Obviously, Xiao Jinyu had inspected the subway just now. There are walls on both sides of the subway, but now a white thing suddenly appeared outside the door.

His expression suddenly became cold, and Xiao Jinyu walked next to the train door.

Zhao Zhixin said in horror: "Don't go there!"

Xiao Jinyu did not respond. He stood at the door and looked out.

That white object is a building! It's like a white house.

The white house is not big and it's far away in the dark depths, about ten meters away from the train car door. Xiao Jinyu examined the house from the door. The height of the house was at most one or two meters. While he said it was a house, it was more like a small villa model.

Turning around, Xiao Jinyu calmly asked, "Are you going to go out?"

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Zhao Zhixin: "Won’t, won't...I feel safer in the subway."

“If you stay here, you can never leave.”

The next moment, Xiao Jinyu retracted his gaze and stepped out of the train car.

"Hey, Xiao Jinyu! That thing suddenly appeared, it’s so creepy and weird, don't go."

The footsteps stopped, Xiao Jinyu couldn't help but be stunned.

...Was it weird?

A white house that appeared inexplicably stands in the boundless darkness. It really seemed terrifying, but it was a pity that all his fears, that night, when his mother tilted her head and opened the door to welcome him home, had all disappeared.


Xiao Jinyu’s eyes became firm.

He wants to leave here.

His figure almost melted into the darkness, and Xiao Jinyu strode to the white building. After seeing the appearance of the white house, he muttered: "Sure enough..."

Zhao Zhixin shouted from inside the train: "Xiao Jinyu, what is it?"

Xiao Jinyu turned his head: "a Ming House."


Xiao Jinyu's voice hardly fluctuates, and he calmly repeats: "a Ming House."

Zhao Zhixin: “What name house?”

The young and handsome face didn't have any expressions. He repeated each word for the last time: "Do you know those houses for dead people?"

In the train, the man with glasses’ mouth slowly gaped open.

“The houses built for dead people, those houses are called Ming Houses.”

The author has something to say: 

The first chapter’s ending was changed, the chapter was changed a bit~

There was originally five people on the train but now there’s only two people left, including Little Goldfish~

If you need to, you can go back and reread it~ I only changed this much~

Because today’s note is in the beginning of the chapter, I will thank everyone who sent gifts tomorrow~ muah =3=

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