Fourth Perspective

Chapter 3

Trigger warning after Xiao Jinyu walks to the front of the tracks up to the asterisks: Gore, Suicide, Vomiting

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Summary will be provided at the end.

If you’ve ever sweeped tombs in the countryside, you would have seen these exquisite and small villas before.

The appearance of these small paper villas are almost the same as real villas. The only difference is that it's scaled down from their real counterparts and even the more expensive ones are equipped with miniature stairs and furniture. Even if it is not made for living people, it is not sloppily made in the slightest.

But this white house was not made as elaborately.

The small paper villa is about two meters high and one meter wide, and is divided into two floors. Through the paper-pasted windows, you can see that each of the two floors is divided into four rooms. It is completely white, with less paper paste in some areas, and a little more paper paste in others, thereby creating a sense of light transmission and heaviness, separating the difference between walls, doors, and windows.

Xiao Jinyu looked through it’s windows for a long time.

Behind him, in the train, Zhao Zhixin had already gotten goosebumps. When he hugged his arms tightly and saw that Xiao Jinyu was still observing the house, he couldn't help but strain his throat and shout, "You, are you not coming back?"

Xiao Jinyu didn’t respond.

“Hey, Xiao Jinyu!”

The figure of the black-haired youth paused slightly, and this time he finally turned around.

In the darkness, Xiao Jinyu looked at the man with glasses who was still hiding in the train and did not dare step out: "The announcement earlier should be telling us to get off. Obviously, this is White Garden Station. We just stayed in the train for nearly five minutes and found no clues. Now this is the only clue."

After talking, regardless of the glasses man's reaction, let alone persuading him, Xiao Jinyu walked around this small white house to observe.

Zhao Zhixin watched his movements from inside the train.

After a long time, he gritted his teeth and also got out of the train.

Seeing that Zhao Zhixin got out of the train, Xiao Jinyu calmly glanced at him. The trembling man quickly ran to him as soon as he got out of the train, and began to observe the white house.

Xiao Jinyu did not feel that Zhao Zhixin was timid, as the current situation was already extremely obvious——

They met a ghost.

It's not a man-made haunted house, and it's not a fancy dress-up party during a Western festival called Halloween.

It really is ghosts.

No matter how bold a person is when they encounter a real ghost, any type of action is reasonable.

Even Xiao Jinyu isn’t really fearless, but compared to sitting in a car and waiting to die, he would rather not give up and find a way to get out of here. Since the ghost did not kill them at first, perhaps they left a way out, and all he needs to do is to find that way and leave.

"Xiao, Xiao Jinyu, this house seems to be a bit bigger than an ordinary Ming House."

Xiao Jinyu turned his head to look at the man in glasses.

Zhao Zhixin pushed up his glasses tremblingly and said: "When my hometown sweeps tombs, I often see this kind of house. Normally it is impossible to build it as high as two meters, and it won’t be made of white paper. The burned paper can be simple, but most of the things for the dead are colorful. For example..." After swallowing his saliva and suppressing the fear in his heart, Zhao Zhixin continued: "For example, spirit money, they’re all extravagant and colorful. The more colorful and better looking the Ming Houses are, the better."

After a moment of contemplation, Xiao Jinyu said: "You mean, it doesn't look like a Ming House?"

"It's not that either... I just said this casually."

Xiao Jinyu nodded and didn’t say anything else.

A Ming House made by a ghost, even if it’s not the kind of Ming House commonly used by humans, is already horrible enough. It doesn't matter whether or not it’s a true Ming House. Even if it is not a Ming House, it looks like a Ming House.

The efficiency of two people observing the white house is obviously much higher.

Although the white house is made quite exquisitely, there is not a single piece of furniture, so it was very easy to check. Two minutes later, the two had inspected every corner of the white house through its windows.

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Xiao Jinyu: "I didn't see anything special."

Zhao Zhixin: “Me neither.”

The white house has now been inspected, so now...

Looking at his surroundings, at this boundless darkness, Xiao Jinyu said, with a calm expression, "Since we can’t find any clues from this white house for the time being, then let's see if we can find other clues around here."

Zhao Zhixin was shocked: "You want to go deeper into the dark to check?! Don’t, because we’re closer to the train here, it’s easier to see. But you want to go deeper into the dark where there’s no lights..."

Watching Xiao Jinyu calmly taking out his phone from his pocket and turning on the flashlight, Zhao Zhixin was speechless.

Zhao Zhixin: “......”

Having guts like these, does your mother know?!

Xiao Jinyu wanted to go to the dark to continue exploring, but Zhao Zhixin looked reluctant. But if he really left him here alone, he would be more afraid. Seeing a determined Xiao Jinyu walking into the darkness holding his phone with his flashlight on, the man in glasses stayed still for a few seconds before hurriedly following along.

The two walked towards the darkness on the right side of the white house.

The black-haired young man strode in front, and the man in glasses followed behind him. Seeing that the white house behind him was getting smaller and smaller, Zhao Zhixin was so scared that his teeth began to tremble. Suddenly, Xiao Jinyu stopped.

“What happened?!”

Xiao Jinyu didn't turn around, but looked ahead: "We hit a wall."


Squinting his eyes, Xiao Jinyu stretched out his hand. The next second, his palm was pressed up against an invisible wall. He never expected that they would reach the end of this dark space after only walking about ten meters.

There is only ten meters of space to the right of the white house, then what about to the left?

The thought flashed through his mind quickly, and Xiao Jinyu immediately turned around and walked back. The man in glasses didn't understand what was going on, but he quickly followed.

Sure enough, taking the white house as the center, walking ten meters to the left, he also touched an invisible wall.

Then what about the back?

After hitting the wall again, Xiao Jinyu retracted his arm.

Xiao Jinyu: “This space is enclosed by three walls and the train on one side. And each train car is about twenty meters long.”

Zhao Zhixin was taken aback: "Huh? So what?”

"This is a twenty by twenty meters, square space with the white house as the center." Before the man in glasses could respond, Xiao Jinyu quickly continued: "It means that this space just so happens to cover an entire carriage. After we get off the train, we will inevitably enter this twenty meter square space with the white house. But the train has never only had one carriage!"


The man in glasses hadn’t reacted yet, but Xiao Jinyu had already walked towards the train quickly: "The train is interoperable. We can walk from this car to the next one, and then get off in the next one. Once we get off in the next car, then the length is more than twenty meters, and we have also walked out of the space of this white house."

Everything happened too suddenly and Xiao Jinyu's thinking was too fast. The man with glasses felt as if he understood, but hadn’t understood at the same time. But watching Xiao Jinyu heading back towards the train, he also rushed over without saying a word.

However, when the two of them were less than one meter away from the train door, they heard a loud noise.


The train door suddenly closed, giving them no reaction time. In an instant, the door was locked!

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Xiao Jinyu stood there, his eyes shaking. His eyes slowly widened, staring at the train that suddenly closed its doors in front of him. Then... he watched it blow its whistle and sped off!

Zhao Zhixin was stunned. After a while, he looked at the young man beside him and said in horror: "The train is gone, it is gone, Xiao Jinyu! What should we do… eugh..."

The voice stopped abruptly, and the man in glasses silently swallowed his fear.

In the endless dark space, the light of the train gradually drifted away. Xiao Jinyu held his phone that was emitting light in his hand. His expression was calm, but his eyes remained rested on the train lights, watching it get further away.

After a long time, he curled his lips and laughed intriguingly: "That’s interesting."

He was obviously smiling, but the man in glasses felt a chill from the soles of his feet to his scalp. For some reason, although it was the first time he had met the student next to him, he understood in his mind that—

He’s angry.

Even though he was trapped in the train for so long, Xiao Jinyu was not angry or afraid.

Even when he saw that horrible white house and explored its surroundings, he did not shrink in fear.

But at this moment, when the train mockingly closed its doors after they found the real answer, it really angered the seemingly gentle young man beside him.

Unconsciously backing up half a step, Zhao Zhixin did not dare say anything. However, he didn't expect that after a few seconds, Xiao Jinyu retracted his smile. He calmly said: "Since the train is gone, then there is another place that can be checked now."


Wait, just now you looked like you were about to kill ghosts, but just in a few seconds you returned to normal?!

Xiao Jinyu turned his head and said, "There was a place we couldn’t explore just now."


Pointing the light of the phone's flashlight down, the black-haired young man walked to the place where the train disappeared. Suddenly, two steel tracks appeared under the light of the flashlight.

"Just now, the train covered the tracks so it was impossible to check them. According to the distance limit of ten meters, this track should also be included in the space."

As soon as he finished, Xiao Jinyu squatted down, supported himself with one hand on the ground, and jumped on the track directly.

With the white house as the center, there was ten meters of space on both the right and left side and ten meters in the back. The train was less than ten meters away from the white house, so the remaining distance should be exactly the width of a whole carriage.

With the limited light barely illuminating the area in front of him, Xiao Jinyu carefully inspected every corner of the track.

Suddenly, his footsteps stopped, his gaze resting on the front of the tracks. 

In the next second, Xiao Jinyu strode forward. After confirming that what was in front of him was indeed the same as what he thought it was, he fell silent for a moment before squatting down. Behind him, the man in glasses also saw what was on the ground and his face paled: "Oh..."

Xiao Jinyu: "If you’re going to vomit, go further away and don't touch the corpse."

With his gaze locked tightly on this pool of flesh, blood, and bones that could barely be called a corpse, Xiao Jinyu stretched out his hand and removed the shredded clothing from the corpse. Little by little, he separated the clothes and corpse. Although he did not major in forensics, Xiao Jinyu could see that the corpse was obviously crushed into pieces by some fast-moving, heavy object.

After separating the corpse from the clothes, Xiao Jinyu raised his head and illuminated the surrounding walls with the flashlight.

The blood had exploded on the walls, like a murder scene. It had already dried up, but a strong smell of blood still wafted from the tracks.

Xiao Jinyu: "You said that you take this line to and from work?"

Zhao Zhixin didn’t dare look at the thing on the floor, “Yes… everyday.”

"Then do you know that someone committed suicide by lying on the rails last night?"

"Of course. Last night I had to do something so I had to get off the train at the next stop. But because someone committed suicide, the staff drove us off the trains. I waited at the subway station for more than half an hour before the subway lines were reopened."

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Xiao Jinyu lowered his eyes and stared at the corpse on the ground: "It was probably them then.”

The man in glasses: “......”


Ignoring the reaction of the man in glasses, Xiao Jinyu stared at the flesh and blood on the ground. When he saw a half-curved bone, his eyes lit up. He whispered to himself: "If this is the skull, it seems that that part is the leg. He should have jumped from the platform when the train drew in and was directly crushed to death."

Xiao Jinyu then inspected the collected clothes.

A simple coat and trousers that you could find on anyone. The corpse was crushed so much that it was impossible to distinguish whether it was male or female. Xiao Jinyu could only guess from the short hair and the youthful outfit that the corpse might be a young man.

“Is this white house the work of you?”

Frowning, Xiao Jinyu thought: "No, it’s called White Garden. White Garden… Why White Garden? If a ghost wants to harm people, there is no need to name it so specifically, even going as far as giving it a title? White Garden… White Garden..."

Squatting in front of the bloody corpse, Xiao Jinyu chanted these two words again and again.

Suddenly, there was a flash in front of his eyes, as if something colorful was flashing under the white light of the phone flashlight.


He immediately inspected the part of the body that shone, but there were only strings of white flesh.

Did he see wrongly?

In the next second, three dots of colorful lights came into view and Xiao Jinyu stared at the three colorful dots floating beside the skull in confusion.

It was hard to describe what color the lights were. It was purple one second but in a blink of an eye it would turn into a blinding red that hurt his eyes. The beautiful lights were like colorful butterflies, spinning and flashing near the skull of the corpse.

Xiao Jinyu pulled on the man in glasses who was still vomiting: "Did you see that?!"

Zhao Zhixin: “See what?”

Xiao Jinyu pointed to the head of the corpse: "There are three lights over there..." His voice stopped suddenly.

“Eh? What light? What are you talking about?”

Xiao Jinyu pursed his lips, silently holding the flashlight, carefully examining the corpse's skull inside and out. But those three light spots seemed to be hallucinations, disappearing without a trace.

Was it just because he was too nervous and so the hallucinations appeared?

Xiao Jinyu: “Nevermind.”

Without time to think about the three illusion-like colored lights, Xiao Jinyu rubbed his lower lip with his finger carefully. This is his habitual action when thinking.

White Garden and a corpse that commited suicide by jumping on the tracks.

There are only these two things in this dark space and these are all the clues this ghost gave them.

Now that the train is gone, it is impossible to go to the next carriage and leave. Therefore, the only answer is either the white paper house dubbed the White Garden, or the corpse in front of him.

Looking at the messy flesh and blood on the track, Xiao Jinyu gritted his teeth and searched it again.

Maybe there is something he hasn't discovered yet.

But this time, before his hand could touch the broken bones and flesh on the ground, the earth suddenly shook slightly. Xiao Jinyu was taken aback. He held his breath and stretched out his hand to touch the ground. The faint vibration was extremely difficult to detect. After patiently sensing around for ten seconds, Xiao Jinyu dared to infer that the ground was really shaking.

A thought flashed through his mind, but before he could catch it, it disappeared without a trace.

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He stood up subconsciously and looked down the dark tunnel in both directions.

The ground was shaking.

In a subway tunnel, what could make the ground shake?

Wait, could it be...

Xiao Jinyu looked in the direction opposite the way the train had left earlier in surprise. He stared at the subway tunnel that resembled a black hole without blinking.

The earth shook more frequently and the buzzing sound made the man in glasses who was vomiting straighten up and look around in shock.

"What's happening? What's shaking? Is there an earthquake?"

The next moment, a blinding light shot into the tunnel, illuminating this deadly dark space.

Xiao Jinyu raised the corners of his lips, his clear pupils bursting out with hopeful light, and he looked at the subway train that was speeding toward him.

“......the train has arrived at the station.”


At the same time.

At the subway station exit.

During the morning rush hour, the subway station was crowded and congested.

People walked numbly and exhaustedly, and no one noticed the young short-haired woman in a black jacket and the boy in a pullover standing by the French windows near the subway entrance, discussing something in low voices.

The short-haired woman chewed on the gum in her mouth and said in a bad mood: "Alright, are there signs of a division storm at this subway station?"

The young boy was wearing a yellow pullover, a baseball cap, and playing with a strangely shaped black phone. "Stop rushing it, it's already the last stop. Hehe, after checking we can get the money." Quickly tapping on the black phone, the boy in the cap grinned and revealed a small dimple, “There probably isn’t anything, it's just users dying. Twenty to thirty people die every year in Guangzhong."

The short-haired woman shrugged: "It better be. I don't want to clean up the mess left from the logic storm."

"Mhm, soon we’ll see. Why don't you think about what we’re gonna eat for lunch later..."

“Hot pot then, it's been a while. What about you?”

After waiting for a long time and not getting an answer, the face of the short-haired woman changed slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

In the next second, the black phone made a harsh alarm sound. The boy in the baseball cap looked grim and he looked up: "User profile information!"

The short-haired woman turned on her mobile phone without saying a word.

"User ID: White Garden, logic number A97, discovered three years ago, participated in the resolution of many contamination incidents. Level..." She raised her head, her eyes grim: "Level three. It’s logic chain is a self-generating subspace. ‘White Garden’, this type of thing really exists..."

The author has something to say:
Let me explain to you that this novel is not a supernatural novel, and there are no ghosts~ and I personally think it is not an infinite flow~
Everyone, keep on reading and you’ll understand, muah =3=

Xiao Jinyu finds a corpse at the front the tracks, assuming that this was the person that committed suicide last night.
While examining the body he finds three lights near the head of the body, which disappear soon after.
When he attempts to search the body again, the ground starts shaking and the train returns to their station.

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