The story of Xia Huaizhang has spread throughout almost the entire capital. Naturally, Xiao Weishen was also aware of this. But since he himself also privately hated this cousin very much, he only offered a little sympathy symbolically and pretended to be concerned and sent him a few things as compensation. In fact, he was secretly quite happy and enjoyed himself in the palace for several days, watching songs and dances and admiring beauties.

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No matter who did it, Xiao Weishen doesn’t care. As far as he is concerned, this kind of infighting among the courtiers is the most enjoyable show for him. Although he really needs the support and help of his uncle in order to secure his position as emperor, Xia Huaizhang is extremely unlikable. He frequently uses his status and background to act in an arrogant manner and usually doesn’t even take him, the emperor, seriously. His insolent behavior often made him so annoyed that he would find the entire Xia family unpleasant, but he could only continue to tolerate it.

A few days later, it happened to be You Shu’s turn to be on duty again. This time, he was partnered with Ying Shi1, who is the youngest and the least talkative. This child just turned sixteen last month but, at such a young age, he likes pretending to be cool. Aside from keeping a serious and aloof attitude all the time, he even holds the principle that “silence is golden” as his standard when speaking, because he firmly believes that the less a man talks, the more attractive he is.

In the entire Shadow Guard Camp, only You Shu, a habitual offender, can compete with him in terms of pretentiousness. Together, the both of them are practically the living embodiment of the “Silent” sculpture2.

After getting up the next morning, Xiao Weixin dressed with great care and meticulousness. Even the clothes were perfumed with pine agarwood a day in advance, as if he was going to attend some important occasion. You Shu knew that the protagonist was going to act in a scene again because today is Zhou Wan cefei‘s birthday. The mansion does not have any other side consorts or an official princess consort so naturally, he himself will have to go to visit.

Not to mention, Zhou Wan is a woman who was personally selected by Xiao Weishen to be sent in and therefore, holds a unique status.

Xiao Weishen does not have any trust in any of his brothers so he has placed several of his own people in all their residences. How else would he be so well-informed about other people’s private matters? On the surface, he pretends to be concerned about his younger brother’s lifelong event3 but in fact he just wants to place a spy by his side.

Apart from Xiao Weixin, he also placed women in the mansions of Qin Wang and Yong Wang. But Xiao Weiming is still young and has no knowledge of the affairs between men and women. Furthermore, there was no lady4 in his mansion to manage the household, so the woman sent to him was used by him as a housekeeper, and was basically treated as a tool person5. Xiao Weijing, on the other hand, is a romantic and amorous person. He doesn’t mind having a few more women to place in his mansion as ornaments. Regardless of whether their agreement is genuine or not, they all acquiesced to Xiao Weishen’s actions.

While Xiao Weixin can avoid touching Zhou shi, but he can’t truly ignore her completely because doing so would certainly arouse Xiao Weishen’s suspicion. Therefore, he still had to visit Zhou Wan’s Luomei Garden6 on her birthday.

You Shu and Ying Shi silently followed behind. In fact, there is no need to be so vigilant inside one’s own territory. After all, it is very improbable that any assassin will really come to die, but Master Yingshou’s mind is keener than a needle tip is sharp7. He has always believed in the phrase “be cautious and careful”8 and they have always been strictly required to protect the prince carefully, without letting down their guard9.

Luomei Garden is the only place in the Ling Wang mansion where the female household members live. When Xiao Weixin arrived, the maids were kneeling by the door to greet him and Zhou Wan was already dressed and obediently waiting for him outside the entrance.

“My lord.” Zhou Wan’s eyes lit up when she saw him and a shy and soft smile appeared on her face but she still half-knelt respectfully.

Xiao Weixin quickly stepped forward to help her up, and gently reproached: “Didn’t this king tell you to wait inside? Why are your hands so cold?”

Zhou Wan smiled sweetly, with bright eyes and a charming appearance, and coquettishly feigned anger: “My lord hasn’t visited in so long. How can this consort10 not be impatient?”

The two entered the inner room, seemingly affectionately.

The other guards stood guard at the door while You Shu and Ying Shi hid on the roof as usual. The two of them stood upright on the roof in the strong late autumn breeze, resembling two slender black chopsticks. Neither of them spoke, as if they were holding a competition of silence.

The voices of Xiao Weixin and Zhou Wan could be vaguely heard from inside the room. Just listening to the warm and harmonious tone, any outsider would definitely think that this is a happily married and loving young couple. No one would think that, in reality, they both despise and look down on each other.

Zhou Wan is Xiao Weishen’s person and was specially trained as a spy since she was a child. She was married into the mansion as the daughter of an official with the orders to monitor Xiao Weixin’s movements, and report anything unusual about him.

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Although Xiao Weixin wanted to kill her ten thousand times, he still had to keep her. In order to avoid suspicion, he had to deal with her from time to time. In her heart, Zhou Wan secretly despised the weak and incompetent but she had no other choice but to obey the orders she had been given.

You Shu was still immersed in amazement at the excellent acting skills of the Film Emperor11 and Empress12 below when Ying Shi, who was still young and ignorant, spoke: “The side consort really has deep affection for the prince.”

Although several shadow guards observe outside Zhou Wan’s courtyard throughout the year, very few people are aware of her real identity. You Shu only knows about this because of his foreknowledge from the novel but other people don’t know about her identity at all. So from Ying Shi’s point of view, it is a pity that the side consort is so beautiful but isn’t favored.

“You shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.” You Shu said to him lightly.

Ying Shi was puzzled and confused. The side consort was so beautiful and gentle. If not for the prince’s secret plans that made it necessary for him to keep a low profile, the two would probably have begun to live together a long time ago.

What would a sixteen-year-old child know about the romantic affairs between men and women? You Shu looked at his clear and innocent big eyes and raised her hand to pat him on the shoulder, with an aura of maturity: “You are still young. You will understand when you grow up.”

Ying Shi blinked, slightly dissatisfied at being underestimated, “Ying San, you are obviously only a few years older13 than me and we are both of the same generation. You don’t have to lecture me.”

You Shu sighed.

In terms of mental age, I can be regarded as your uncle, little brat.

The sound of several musical instruments14 came from the room. You Shu folded his arms over his chest and raised his head, staring straight ahead right as a flock of wild geese flew southward in a single line, just above the clear sky.

Ying Shi turned his head and looked at him confusedly.

Although it is difficult for outsiders to understand, the brothers in the Shadow Guard Camp all have a very good relationship with each other. They all grew up as orphans, survived the bloody purgatory together and now live a dangerous life with an uncertain tomorrow so their relationship is naturally better than others’. But Ying San is definitely the strangest one among them.

He is always very silent, steady and careful with his tasks, and he is also the one who trains the hardest. Almost everyone is in agreement that, unless there is an unexpected accident, he will be the next leader of the shadow guards and he will be in charge of the prince’s Shadow Guard Camp along with Ying Er.

This is the biggest dream and deepest desire of many of the guards but Ying San doesn’t seem to be happy about it. He almost never shows his emotions and no one knows what he is thinking in his heart. Everyone says that Ying Shi is taciturn but, in fact, it is because of his admiration for Ying San that he imitates his silence.

Ying San was the first genius in the Shadow Guard Camp and was able to perform missions alone when he was only twelve. His mature appearance didn’t resemble that of a child’s at all and he was the idol and role model of many low-level shadow guards.

Like now, Ying Shi looked blankly at his expression as he gazed at the migratory birds in the sky.

Why are his eyes filled with an inexplicable sadness?

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Why would a shadow guard be sad?

He doesn’t understand.

You Shu gazed at the sky pensively and Xiao Weixin, who was inside the room, was equally irritable.

Zhou Wan is a very troublesome woman and he needs to be more careful when acting in front of her than in front of Xiao Weishen because even the slightest slip-up would be noticed immediately and could expose him. Not to mention, she kept leaning over suggestively and making subtle hints, which annoys him even more.

Xiao Weixin has severe mysophobia15. Although there is no such term in ancient times, the effect is similar. He can’t tolerate unclean things touching him. With her background as a spy, Zhou Wan has naturally served countless men in the past. Just thinking about this made Xiao Weixin feel repulsed. He felt utterly disgusted with her soft hands which held onto his arms. He could barely restrain himself from chopping off her hand and throwing it out.

“This king drank too much fruit wine so I will return to rest.” Xiao Weixin felt that it had been long enough so he finally feigned drunkenness: “You don’t need to see me off. Today is your birthday and if you want something you like, just send someone to buy it. Don’t wrong yourself.”

After he finished speaking, he stood up, his figure swaying as if he had really drunk a little too much. Hua Chun discerningly stepped forward to help him so Zhou Wan had no choice but to send him off with teary eyes, as if reluctant to part.

You Shu watched as the Film Emperor and Empress exited the stage and silently followed the prince from the roof.

Soon after leaving Luomei Garden, Xiao Weixin’s face turned cold. Hua Chun understood his meaning, helped him take off his outer robe and put on a new one. But the clothes touched by Zhou Wan would probably not be able to escape the fate of being burned.

“Keep an eye on her and let me know if there is any movement.” After saying so, Xiao Weixin strode away. He was in a hurry to return and take a bath. The nauseating perfume of that woman covered his entire body, even his hair. He felt like he was going to suffocate.

But when he returned to his courtyard, he found that someone was already waiting for him.

“Seventh Brother doesn’t look to be in a very good mood. Who made you angry?”

Yong Wang Xiao Weijing reclined on the couch, with his legs crossed, and teased him with a smile, “You really don’t know how to pity fragrance and cherish jade16.”

Xiao Weixin gave him a cold glare and spoke in an equally icy tone: “I can give her to you and you can pity and cherish her.”

“No need. There are already too many women in my house and they will start fighting each other.” Xiao Weijing sat up, smiling, “Besides, when it comes to women like Zhou Wan, except for Xiao Weishen who isn’t picky, even I don’t like them.”

Xiao Weixin snorted coldly, sat down on another chair, and took a sip of the tea brought by Luo Yao: “How’s the investigation going?”

“Like you said, Xia Huaizhang has indeed done many ‘good deeds’ behind our good imperial brother’s back! Not only did he dare to embezzle the funds for bridge construction and disaster relief but he directly stole one hundred thousand silver taels.” Xiao Weijing’s usual frivolous expression disappeared as he spoke and his demeanor was very serious, completely unlike the amorous flirt he normally was: “He is really bold and daring.”

“Is there still something that he does not dare to do?” Xiao Weixin was not surprised, “I’m afraid Xiao Weishen could never have even dreamed that Xia Huaizhang would climb over his head and sleep with his woman.”

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“Is there such a thing?” Xiao Weijing immediately leaned over and happily started gossiping, “He really dares to cuckold17 Xiao Weishen?”

Xiao Weixin frowned, “Stay away from me. The smell of makeup on your body is really repulsive.”

“Okay, okay. Your problem with smells is really deadly. I don’t know what kind of person can catch your eyes in the future.” Xiao Weijing was helpless and sat farther away, “I heard that you were the one behind Xia Huaizhang’s disgraceful incident two days ago?”

Xiao Weixin held his teacup, feeling quite smug: “It was done by my subordinate.”

“There is actually such a talented person among your subordinates?” Xiao Weijing was very interested and his delicate and slightly androgynous face was covered with the expression of ‘I want to get to know’, “I like his method very much. Can you send him to me?”

Xiao Weixin continued to drink his tea without replying. He obviously had no plans of sending him over.

Xiao Weijing had only asked as a joke and didn’t mind his silence. He once again leaned back on the couch and said casually: “Calculating the time, the Major General will arrive in the capital in two days. At that time, shall we try to win him over?”

Xiao Weixin seemed pensive. He shook his head and said in a low voice, “Not for now.”

“Although Yang Qixian is young, loyalty to the emperor is an unshakable concept in his heart. At this time, there are too many people who fawn on him and want to curry favor. If we go now, not only will we not manage to earn his approval, but also we would also risk exposing our intentions.”

“Since he is willing to be loyal to the emperor, then let him be loyal. Sooner or later, he will understand what kind of emperor Xiao Weishen is.”

A secretive and sly smile appeared on Xiao Weixin’s face.

The capital has been peaceful and tranquil long enough.


Shadow Ten



终身大事 means a major decisive event of lifelong import. It refers to marriage.


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Specifically, the lady of the house/ hostess/ wife of the master of the house. (女主人)


A person who is only used as a means to achieve something


Large, ancient-style residences tend to have several buildings within a single mansion, for various members of the household.


尖 (jiān) has several meanings. It can mean pointed sharp tip like a needle but it also means keen, acute, or sharp-minded. So it means that his mind is sharper than the tip of a needle.


小心谨慎 (xiǎo xīn jǐn shèn) is an idiom meaning to be cautious, careful and prudent in your actions.


Basically, Moody yelling “CONSTANT VIGILANCE”.


妾 (qiè) is a self-address used by a concubine.


影帝 (yǐngdì) means the winner of the best actor award.


影后 (yǐnghòu) means the winner of the best actress award.


I don’t remember if this came up before or not but You Shu is currently nineteen. So he and Ying Shi are only 3 years apart.


丝竹乐器(sī zhú yuèqì ) literally means silk and bamboo musical instruments. Actually means traditional Chinese musical instruments. Silk and bamboo is called because the wind instruments like the flute were made of bamboo usually (also jade) and the stringed instruments like zithers used silk for the strings.


Intense and irrational fear of germs, dirt or contamination.


怜香惜玉 (liánxiāngxīyù) is a Chinese idiom meaning to have tender and protective feelings for the fairer sex.


About this, I wanted to ask if there is any difference between ‘cuckolding someone’ and ‘giving someone a cuckold’? I used to think that one meant cheating on your partner and the other was used for the person who the cheater cheats with. Can someone clarify?

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