Two days later, as expected, the general returned to the capital with his troops. Prior to their return from the frontier, they fought with Xirong’s troops and won the battle beautifully. Although their troops did suffer heavy casualties, it can still be considered a victory. However, the army was delayed on the way back to the capital so it took more than a month to reach the capital.

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Word had already spread that the old general and the young major general were returning after securing a great victory. So on the day of their return, the main road was crowded with people, and it seemed the entire city had gathered to welcome them back. The three brothers Xiao Weixin, Xiao Weiming and Xiao Weijing sat upstairs inside a teahouse, casually looking at the hubbub downstairs while sipping tea.

You Shu and Ying Er hid on the roof and happily watched the bustling crowd.

The Yang family has once again done a great and meritorious service and it can be surmised that the dog emperor is probably anxious enough to lose sleep.

Since ancient times, the greatest fear of all emperors has always been the subjects with great achievements, especially those generals with great military exploits who hold military power in their hands. The Yang family has served as military generals for generations and the current generation’s Yang Qixian is an extraordinarily outstanding youth. At the young age of eighteen, he had already attained numerous military achievements and gained a brilliant and prestigious reputation. Since then, he has hardly ever lost a battle and, for this reason, was awarded the title of “God of War” by the dog emperor.

Yang Qixian and his father, General Yang, have defended the border for many years and rarely appear in the capital, even in peacetime. This time, they were recalled to the capital because the border could be considered to be stable after the huge battle, therefore their welcome is extraordinarily grand. .

You Shu glanced down at the handsome young general, who wore silver armor and sat astride a tall horse, and couldn’t help sighing in his heart that indeed, heroes emerge from the youth1. He was only in his early twenties but he had gathered such great military exploits. He is really worthy of being the number one confidant2 of the protagonist in the future. This was his idol number two.

In order to portray himself as a benevolent and compassionate monarch, Xiao Weishen specially stood at the palace entrance with the civil and military officials to welcome him. However, seeing the large army gradually approaching, the smile on his face became increasingly artificial.

Old General Yang dismounted from his horse, stepped forward and knelt down in front of him. Xiao Weishen hypocritically started trying to help him up, pretending to be a sympathetic monarch who cherishes his ministers.

Xiao Weijing, who was upstairs in the teahouse, sneered, as if he had seen a joke: “Guess, what is our good imperial brother thinking at the moment?”

Xiao Weixin casually glanced downstairs, held his teacup and blew on it, calmly replying, “How would I know?”

“Keep pretending.” Xiao Weijing rolled his eyes, “That guy Xiao Weishen is probably trying to figure out a way to let Old General Yang peacefully hand over his military power. Now that the war is over and the frontier is peaceful, how can he have a peaceful sleep if he lets the Yang family continue to hold the military power?”

Xiao Weixin didn’t raise his head and continued to drink tea: “The frontier is peaceful? I don’t think so.”

“What do you mean?” Xiao Weijing was puzzled, “Didn’t all the troops of Xirong flee?”

Xiao Weixin put down his teacup and glanced at Xiao Weiming who was looking at Yang Qixian enviously, “Even Weiming knows that Xirong has wild ambitions. In the past several years, their troops have frequently tried to attack the frontier. This is not the first time Xirong has fought Great Xia nor is it the first time they lost a battle to us. So why did they suddenly withdraw their troops this time?”

“Why?” Xiao Weijing was still confused.

“Because the old Khan of Xirong is dying.” Xiao Weixin said calmly. “His more than 20 sons are about to start the struggle for seizing the throne so, naturally, they don’t want to fight with us again. But this peace will not last longer than a year, because, as far as I am aware, their third prince has long since established his authority and the rest of them do not have the ability to compete with him.

“Once he has dealt with those brothers, he will immediately gather his troops and strike back. And the third prince, Huo Mi, is even more ruthless and warlike than his father. I’m afraid that once he takes over it will become even more difficult to protect the frontier.”

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Xiao Weijing frowned, “Those barbarians still won’t give up?”

“If Xiao Weishen had even a little intelligence, he would have understood that this is the most optimal time to kill them once and for all by taking advantage of Xirong’s current internal turmoil. But unfortunately…” Xiao Weixin gave a ridiculing smile, “Unfortunately he is too cowardly. Fearing that the Yang family would threaten his position due to their great achievements and prestigious reputation, he hurriedly recalled them to the capital, vainly giving Xirong the time to recover.”

Xiao Weijing also sighed: “It’s really a pity that the Yang family have given their whole-hearted loyalty and devotion to such a short-sighted person.”

“It doesn’t matter. They will realize it sooner or later.” Xiao Weixin was not anxious, “I’m just afraid that when Xirong finally makes a move again, it will be even more damaging than it was now.”

Xiao Weijing also became a little worried when he heard these words.

Meanwhile, the farcical show of deep affection between the monarch and his ministers finally ended and Xiao Weishen led Old General Yang and his son into the palace. A grand celebration banquet will be held in the palace in the evening and it is necessary for Xiao Weixin and the other two to participate.

“Forget it. It would be better for me to think about how to deal with tonight’s banquet.” Xiao Weixin said lazily.

You Shu didn’t follow to the banquet to protect him. He isn’t required to follow in such occasions because Qi Han and Wang Chen were enough. He had become idle and decided to return to the Shadow Guard Camp to leisurely spend the time. It so happened that the other brothers had no missions either and almost all of them were there so everyone gathered together to eat melon seeds, chat and play dice.

The shadow guards also need something to pass the boring time. It’s just that their leisure activities are far less elegant than those of their masters’.

You Shu isn’t very fond of noisy places but he likes being with his brothers, so even though he feels that they are being too rowdy, he still stays.

Ying Si sat down beside him, holding a plate of melons and fruits, and generously gave him his share: “You are here. Let’s eat together?”

They are all youthful and energetic young men. While eating and drinking together, the topic of conversation gradually began to move towards girls, which is a topic that most men are fond of discussing.

Ying Qi is a martial idiot and in his eyes, no woman, no matter how beautiful, is as good-looking as his knife, so he never participates in this discussion and honestly sits beside You Shu, silently cleaning the handle of his knife. You Shu doesn’t like to talk about this topic and Ying Shi is young and doesn’t know much about this topic so he usually quietly stayed with the two of them.

Ying Si, on the other hand, was in high spirits, arguing with Ying Liu and Ying Wu about which building’s girl is the most beautiful. These people are in the prime of their youth and filled with vigor so they also have the same physical needs as normal men. However, their occupation does not allow them to start a family so, when they are free, they visit the brothels. They all have paramours so they all childishly compete with each other, insisting that their own lover is the loveliest.

They argued and argued before suddenly changing the topic to You Shu.

“Speaking of which, Lao San3, it seems that you have never been to that kind of place.” Ying Jiu raised his hand and pretentiously stroked his chin, smiling playfully: “It can’t be that… you don’t need to?”

Ying Ba pulled out his battered compass4 and pretended to pinch his fingers5 to calculate his fortune, “I figured it out a long time ago. Our Lao San’s Hong Luan6 star has begun to move and a love affair is just around the corner!”

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Ying Si grinned as he ate his melon seeds and reminded Ying Jiu: “Xiao Jiu, your chest pad is crooked.”

Ying Jiu rolled his eyes and cursed. Then he put his hand into his bosom coarsely and adjusted the position of the pair of fake steamed buns, and continued single-mindedly: “Don’t interrupt me or Lao San will escape and dodge the question again!”

Ying Er is the oldest among them but he is also the most well-behaved so he usually doesn’t get involved in this kind of discussion at all, but this time he also joined in: “I’m a little curious as well.”

Seeing even Ying Er team up with them, You Shu felt his head hurt: “What’s so strange about this?”

“We are all men so why do you have to live like a pure-hearted and ascetic Buddha?” Ying Wu hung around in gambling dens all year round and had developed a roguish temperament, “If you ask me, it must be because that place doesn’t work. Am I right?”

You Shu really wanted to roll his eyes.

Ying Qi had been cleaning his knife the whole time but after hearing this, he really couldn’t control himself: “San ge7, you…”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” You Shu felt his headache intensify, deeply regretting staying to join in the fun. Why did he stay? Wouldn’t it have been nice to just go to bed early?

“I just don’t like to go and find those random people.” He replied helplessly, “Besides, the goddess I like doesn’t belong to me.”

As soon as he said this, they all erupted into chaos because You Shu had never mentioned such a matter in front of them. Although everyone teased him in private, they all thought that it was just because he was introverted and ineloquent. Not a single one of them thought that he had actually given his heart to someone a long time ago.

“What kind of girl is she?” Ying Liu’s face was filled with excitement, “I’ve read a lot of novels. Maybe I can help you think of ideas!”

“No need.” You Shu pushed his face away with a look of disgust: “Putting aside the fact that your novels are complete nonsense, their stories are about talented scholars and beautiful misses. How do you expect them to be of any help?”

He got up to leave but the others refused to let him go. They kept trying to pry his mouth open, persistently asking him which family’s girl it was. Their continued quarreling and bickering eventually turned into a real fight. The small lounge was quickly thrown into complete disarray with tables and chairs everywhere and even the roof was overturned.

When Xie Feiyuan heard the news and rushed over, You Shu was being pressed on the ground by Ying Jiu who tightly pinned him down with his breasts while Ying Liu and Ying Si held down You Shu’s arms to prevent him from moving. Ying Shi sat on the only intact chair inside with a dazed face, not knowing who to help. Ying Qi rolled up his sleeves with shining eyes, eagerly preparing to join in and practice some moves. Meanwhile Ying Er was nervously pulling Ying Wu to be a mediator, trying to persuade them to calm down and stop fighting.

The chaos at that time was comparable to a demolition site, as disorderly as if a group of rampaging huskies had passed through.

A stick of incense later8.

Xie Feiyuan sat in the main seat with a cold face as a row of long-legged handsome men in black uniforms knelt in front of him on the ground. Each of them is uniquely attractive and if any outsider looked at them, they would probably think that the shadow guards were ranked according to their appearance.

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“Have you become so courageous that you even dare to fight privately?”

The shadow guards trembled slightly and none of them dared to speak up, for fear that Master Yingshou would pick them to be punished and taught a lesson.

“Who started it?”

You Shu sighed in his heart and took the initiative to confess: “It was this subordinate.”

“Ying San?” Xie Feiyuan was surprised, “You never cause trouble. What happened this time?”

His display of loyalty made the others feel touched and they followed his lead and one by one, pled guilty.

Xie Feiyuan understood clearly after listening to them. These stinky brats were too idle and started fighting impulsively over such a trivial matter. All of them sported various bruises and scratches on their faces and their usually cold and proper expression and posture that he had ingrained into them was nowhere to be found.

“Everyone will go to the punishment hall to receive their penalty. Twenty lashes for each person and you will be fined half a month’s salary9!”

Xie Feiyuan said coldly, “Get out of here! If any of you make trouble again, I will definitely whip your skin to shreds!”

The shadow guards quickly stood up and hurriedly left to go to the punishment hall, deeply afraid that any delay would incite Master Yingshou to increase the punishment.

At this moment, Xie Feiyuan spoke again: “Ying San, stay here.”

You Shu, who was individually named, had no choice but to stay. He waited until the others had all left before asking helplessly, “What orders does Master Yingshou have?”

Xie Feiyuan face was still cold and he inscrutably stared at You Shu for a while, as if he was thinking about something.

“When did you have a girl you like?”

“What’s her name? Where does she live? Does she have parents?”

You Shu had already guessed that he would ask this. He replied in a low voice: “Master Yingshou, please don’t joke like this. This subordinate only said it in order to deceive them. Haven’t you always advised me not to have any unrealistic ideas? I have never thought about getting married and starting a family. Master Yingshou, please don’t ask any more questions.”

Xie Feiyuan angrily glared at him for a while, “If Laozi10 had known that you had such a character back then, I would have thrown you back on the roadside to beg for alms!”

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You Shu’s face was filled with befuddlement.

Master Yingshou is becoming stranger and stranger. Obviously, he was the one who made him clearly see the reality of his situation but now he expression is practically the personification of “son does not live up to expectations”.

It is harder to guess his thoughts than to understand a woman’s mind.


英雄出少年. I have no idea how to properly convey the meaning but from what I read, I think it means that it is the fearless and courageous youth that have the strength to challenge the world and make great achievements.


The raws used younger brother. I thought it might be weird.


I previously translated it as Old Third but from now on it will be Lao San.


罗盘 (luópán) is also called the geomantic or Feng Shui compass. It is used to determine the Feng Shui of a structure, place or item.


Fortune-tellers use this method to calculate your fortune. It’s something about how your fingers and palms correspond to various values etc etc. Here’s the link if anyone is interested: Link


It was mentioned before in Chap 4. Hong Luan Star (红鸾星) is the auspicious star in Chinese mythology that is responsible for marriages, pregnancies, and other happy events.


三哥 (Sān gē). San meaning three/third while ge means older brother (not necessarily blood-related).From now on, I will be translating all brother and sister related terms in pinyin, except the full Seventh Imperial Brother etc. which is a mouthful whether in English or pinyin.


一柱香 means a stick of incense. It’s the time taken for a stick of incense to burn completely which is approximately 30 minutes.


In case anyone’s wondering, it means 10 taels because their monthly salary is 20 taels.


老子 (lǎozi) means father but more commonly it means “I, your father”, regardless of whether you are actually that person’s father or not. It is usually said angrily or contemptuously.

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