Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 104

How could Lan Yu stop? She charged straight in front of Yan Tian to ruthlessly beat him up. He had eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard; he had actually dared to talk her like that.

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"Argh, stop, I quit, stop, ouch, I was wrong, don't hit me." Yan Tian clutched his head and curled into a ball immediately. It had been quite while since he had been beaten up like this.

"Don't you want to find out? Come, I'll let you try. I'll let you try enough." Lan Yu naturally wouldn't cease her actions, kicking and punching Yan Tian furiously.

Yan Tian was beaten up, sniveling and crying, but for some people it wasn't the same.

At this moment within the police station monitoring room, the several police officers had their eyes glued on the screen, watching it without pause. At the same time, they even clapped their hands and cheered from time to time. Last night, they had looked at Yan Tian as an eye sore, so upon seeing he was being beat up with their own eyes, they were quite joyous, their anger finally melting away.

"Ouch, hey, you can hit me, but don't hit my face. I still rely on this face to make a living."

"Hmph, If I didn't give you a little lesson today, do you really think nobody would punish you?"

After no less than five minutes of hitting, Lan Yu stopped. She stood up and glared at Yan Tian briefly, then stretched her joints. If it were not for her growing tired from hitting, she would've still continued to beating him.

As for Yan Tian, he was lying on the floor motionless. No, that wasn't right, this wasn't him, he wasn't so fat. The person currently lying on the floor was obviously a fatso.

But if you approached and looked carefully, it really was Yan Tian. It was merely there he just been beaten until he was swollen was all. His eyes had dark circles, just like a panda.

"Sob, sob, sob, how could you hit a person, this is a police station. I'm going to report you." Yan Tian twisted his body rather aggrieved.

"Hmph, if you act so sickeningly to me next time, I'm going to beat you to a pulp again." Lan Yu rolled her eyes at Yan Tian and said.

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As soon as he heard Lan Yu's words, the frightened Yan Tian immediately stood up. He didn't want to be beaten up again, that was too much of a frickin' loss of face. He had actually been beaten up by a woman; his self-respect could be regarded as to have lost its luster.

Jostling his hands and feet, Yan Tian discovered there wasn't anything wrong with himself. It seemed like Lan Yu hadn't used her full strength at all, only giving him superficial wounds. There weren't any major obstructions at all.

"Beautiful lady, your hand was too ruthless this time. I was originally planning on still going out on a date this afternoon, but if I go like this now, I reckon I'll scare her away the second we meet." Yan Tian mumbled.

"Oh? Later on? Do you want me to compensate you, King of Hearts!" Lan Yu turned her head at Yan Tian, faintly smiling.

Upon seeing this smile, Yan Tian shook his head immediately. Although Lan Yu's smile was indeed quite beautiful, it was nothing more than facade. In one second she would be smiling at you, and then in the next, it was reckoned she would take you out straight away.

Yan Tian didn't want to be beaten up in vain, too. At the very minimum, he wanted to intimately caress this beautiful Vice Chief of the Long Huang Squad. Although it was only being beaten up, it was still considered touching. Moreover, he even summed this up as an experience. Don't be confused by the surface of the matter; it could be said his gains were tremendous.

"Beautiful lady, didn't you come to fish me out?" Yan Tian wiped his tears and said.

"Hmph, aren't you really capable? What haven't you done to provoke the people of the Liu Family?" Lan Yu rolled her eyes at Yan Tian unhappily.

"What're you shouting at me for provoking the people of the Liu Family? It's obvious they weres the ones that provoked me. I'm a good law-abiding citizen."

"Hmph, you're free now, get lost!"

"Really? There's really nothing wrong?" Yan Tian looked at Lan Yu, not daring to believe her.

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"What? You don't want to leave? Then you can stay here, okay."

Lan Yu finished speaking and then took care to leave, leaving Yan Tian by himself. In any case, the business she should've done was already completed.

"Hey, hey, hey! Wait up for me." Yan Tian immediately followed suit.

Don't want to leave? What a joke, it seemed that the Long Huang Squad was indeed rather great. He had just run into trouble, but this Long Huang Squad's beautiful Vice Chief had personally come to drag him out. It just happened to be that this method of dragging was a bit special.

As soon as he walked into the corridor, all the police officers looked at Yan Tian peculiarly. How could this man be hit without rhyme or reason? Could it be a police officer inside had resorted to forceful measures?

Lan Yu drove a pure white Audi. After he saw her get in, Yan Tian opened the front passenger side door, preparing to get in, but beyond his expectations, she surprisingly didn't let him enter.

"What are you doing? Why the heck are you coming in?" Lan Yu looked at Yan Tian frigidly.

"If not with you, then who're are you going with?" Yan Tian questioned bewilderedly.

"You're already free now. Let go."

"Uhh, then take me to the hospital."

Presently, Yan Tian's car had still left at the hospital, so he had to go there first to pick it up. He could then visit that kid Wang Feng again in passing, since he didn't know what the kid was like after being beaten up, too, whether or not if Wang Feng was in such a wretched state as he.

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"You take a taxi. I still have other matters to attend to."

"Geez, beautiful lady, take me there, alright? You see any cars so early in the morning? Besides, even if there's a car, no one would dare to let me get in. Even ifI got into the car, they would definitely also charge me a fatty's fee accordingly." Yan Tian looked to Lan Yu rather earnestly.

Ultimately, under Yan Tian's endless efforts, Lan Yu finally agreed to escort him to the hospital. This wasn't a matter that anything could be done. If she didn't escort him, he would shamelessly stand at the car door, not leaving.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Yan Tian made straight to Wang Feng's sick room. Of course he had also attracted the gazes of many people along the way. There was no way around it. Who made his current appearance so valiant?

After he found Wang Feng's sickroom, Yan Tian saw there were three sickbeds inside. At this time, all three beds had people lying on them. Among them, one of them was that prick Wang Feng. Currently, he was in middle of snoring sound asleep, with the other two brothers who were sleeping, lying down on beds well. It appeared that the two brothers were left behind by Ah Long to attend to Wang Feng.

Meanwhile, the other two brothers were occupied by the two brothers who had been hit. They had been burdened enough as well. The first time they had come out with Wang Feng, they had been beaten up.

"FIRE!" Just as he entered, Yan Tian shouted inside the sickroom.

Consequently, Wang Feng jolted up in fright. The remaining four brothers had been startled awake as well, but after they saw nothing was wrong, the group of them relaxed.

"Who are you? What are you doing standing in our sickroom?" At this time Wang Feng had taken note there was a stranger in the sickroom. Due to Yan Tian's beaten swollen face by Lan Yu, he still hadn't recognized it was Yan Tian temporarily.

Just as he was getting ready to speak, he saw several nurses charge into the sickroom. Among them, two even carried fire extinguishers in hand. It appeared that this was of his own credit.

"Where's the fire? Nothing? If there's no fire, then what are you guys doing screaming for?" The lead nurse discovered there wasn't anything happening and yelled at the people in the sickroom.

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"It's not us that's yelling, it's him. I don't know why this basket case just ran in a second ago. Hurry up and get him out." Wang Feng pointed angrily at Yan Tian, thinking to himself where had this basketcase run out from?

As soon as he heard Wang Feng call him a basketcase, Yan Tian angrily rushed directly in front of Wang Feng. At the same time, the two brothers protected Wang Feng's front at once.

"Fuck, did you say daddy's a basketcase? You two, kick his ass for me." Yan Tian said, huffing in anger.

"Huh? Brother Tian?" It wasn't until Wang Feng finally heard Yan Tian speak did he recognize him.

"What did you just say a moment ago, you punk? Am I a basketcase?' Yan Tian narrowed his eyes at Wang Feng.

"Uhh…… No, no, how could Brother Tian possibly be a basketcase, ehehe." As soon as he saw it as Yan Tian, Wang Feng gave him an accompanying smile on his face right away.

Once the brothers on the side saw the person was Yan Tian, each of them were greatly taken aback. How was it that Brother Tian transformed into this appearance? Could it be he had been abused at the police station?

"Sir, do you still want to get him out?" At this time, the nurse at the door looked at Wang Feng again and asked.

"Do what? He's my elder brother. Alright, okay, there's nothing. Hurry up and leave, you guys." Wang Feng waved his hands quite impatiently.

As soon as the nurses left, Wang Feng and the others looked at Yan Tian rather nervously. They had actually taken their boss to be a basketcase just a moment ago. Wasn't this courting death?

"You punk, I'm a basketcase, I'm a basketcase." Yan Tian said, slapping Wang Feng's injuries, making Wang Feng yelp miserably a couple times.

"That's right, Brother Tian. How did you get hit to end up like this?" Wang Feng abruptly asked about Yan Tian's wounds. What type of person could actually beat Yan Tian into such a state?

"What're you shouting that I got hit? Who dares to hit me?" At this time, Yan Tian naturally wouldn't admit he had been hit, especially in front of his brothers. If he let them know a woman had beat him, wouldn't they laugh themselves into stitches?

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