Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 105

"Then your injuries are from?"

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Once he heard Yan Tian, Wang Feng was puzzled. The wound was clearly from being hit, so why did Yan Tian not say he had been struck?

"Ahh, my luck has been pretty rotten. I was just walking on the road, and I fell down along the way. So, I turned out like this because I fell." Yan Tian said seriously.


Hearing Yan Tian's words, Wang Feng and the group of brothers were stunned on the spot. Did Brother Tian take them to be elementary schoolers? Even if they were elementary schoolers, they wouldn't be tricked by such words. "Alright, lay down properly, brat. Daddy's gonna go to work." Seeing that Wang Feng and the others were looking at him with a peculiar light in their eyes, Yan Tian immediately ran off.

As soon as he arrived at the parking garage, the first thing Yan Tian saw was his Porsche Sport Convertible. It just happened to be that there was a seemingly costly black Bentley parked next to it, though.

Yan Tian didn't need to guess to know this car was definitely related to Liu Yi. The car that Liu Ruoxin's uncle Liu Qiang had drove last time was a Bentley, as well.


At the same time, Liu Ruoxin was in the middle of sitting at her dinner table, lost in her thoughts. From her complexion, one could see that she had most certainly not slept well last night. The two dark circles beneath her eyes were quite prominent.

"Young Miss, why don't you eat a bit? How come you aren't eating today?" Auntie Sun saw Liu Ruoxin wasn't eating her food, so she was rather worried.

"Auntie Sun, I'm not eating. I don't have the appetite." Liu Ruoxin shook her head and said.

"Young Miss, did something happen? You've been like this since you came home last night."

Auntie Sun saw Liu Ruoxin's rather absent-minded expression and was concerned. When Liu Ruoxin had returned last night, it had already been twelve o'clock. She didn't say a single word upon returning home and ran into her bedroom, as well.

She had no desire for neither food or water this morning. Since times long passed, Auntie Sun had regarded Liu Ruoxin as her own daughter. After she found Liu Ruoxin in such a state, she was rather anxious, but when she asked Liu Ruoxin if anything had happened, the girl wouldn't speak, truly worrying her to death.

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"It's nothing."

Shaking her head, Liu Ruoxin continued to dial Yan Tian's number, but things were still the same: it was turned off. She had already called his cell no less than thirty times since the early morning, but each time it was disconnected.

Liu Ruoxin was very worried for Yan Tian. She truly didn't know how he was doing right now.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

Suddenly, the doorbell was heard, hearing this sound, Liu Ruoxin thoughts turned dark. It was most assuredly her eldest uncle that had come knocking on her door.

"Young miss, hurry up and eat a bit. You see, Mr.Yan has come. I'll go open the door." Auntie Sun shook her head helplessly and went to open the door.

Just as she opened the door, Auntie Sun was dazed in place, since the door-knocker clearly wasn't Yan Tian, but surprisingly a little fatty with many bruises on his entire body. It was possibly a beggar come to plead for aid. Yet if she looked carefully, this person and Yan Tian were actually somewhat similar in appearance.

"Auntie Sun, who is it?" Seeing that Auntie Sun was standing at the door, not speaking, Liu Ruoxin knit her brows. Who had come?

"It's nothing, Young Miss. Might be a passing beggar. I'm going to give him two steamed buns." Speaking, Auntie Sun prepared to head inside and take two steamed buns, thinking to herself this beggar was rather pitiful; he had actually been beaten by men into such an appearance.

Yan Tian was sent into a daze once he heard this while standing at the door. A beggar? Where was the beggar? Scanning his surroundings, he discovered there was no one else, he was the only person.

"Hey, Auntie Sun, how could I be a beggar?" Thinking it over, Yan Tian finally responded. So it turned out to be that Auntie Sun had said he was a beggar?

Just as she was in the middle of holding her cell phone and dialing Yan Tian, Liu Ruoxin heard a voice and immediately stood up. Wasn't this Yan Tian's voice? There was nothing wrong with him?

Once Auntie Sun heard Yan Tian's voice, she turned her head around in shock. This person was Yan Tian?

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"You're Mr.Yan?" Auntie Sun looked at Yan Tian in disbelief.

"Yan Tian, you're alright? Ahh……"

Liu Ruoxin ran out rather emotionally, but once she got a glance of Yan Tian's appearance, she immediately covered her mouth in astonishment. How did he become like this?

"Ehehe, no worries. It's time to go to work, Chairman Liu." Yan Tian laughed and said.

"Yan…… Yan Tian, what happened to you?" After she was certain it was Yan Tian, the rims of Liu Ruoxin's eyes grew wet. Could it be that he had been abused at the police station?

"What happened to me?" Yan Tian spread his hands out.

"Didn't those police officers hit you?" Liu Ruoxin stepped forward with reddened eyes.

"What? The police beat me? You think they're worthy of being my opponent?"

Upon hearing Liu Ruoxin's words, Yan Tian shrugged. A squadron of police officers wanted to hit him? What a joke. He had played around with the SWAT officers and lead them by the nose.

"How did you get injuries on your body, then?" Liu Ruoxin asked in worry, thinking to herself it shouldn't have been the work of the bodyguard at her uncle's side?

Listening to Liu Ruoxin mention the wounds on his body, Yan Tian shook his head a bit embarrassedly. What the heck should he tell her?

Pondering a course of action, Yan Tian decided not to speak. If he spoke, he reckoned she would laugh him to death: "Mhm, you speak of my injuries, sigh, it's best to drop it. My luck has been pretty rotten this morning. After I got out of the police station, I stumbled over as I was walking. This was the result."

Upon hearing Yan Tian's explanation, Liu Ruoxin was stunned. The wounds are his body weren't from being hit by someone? But rather he had fallen over himself?

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"You…… Do you take me to be a three-year-old?" Liu Ruoxin naturally wouldn't believe Yan Tian's injuries were from falling. When had a person who had fallen ever become completely covered in injuries?

"Hehe, you take yourself to be three-year-old, no? In fact, three-year-olds are pretty good."

"What on earth happened? You shouldn't have broken out of jail, right?"

Seeing that Yan Tian wasn't speaking, Liu Ruoxin made a guess. Could it be that he had wanted to bust out of jail in the middle of the night, but was unsuccessful on his first try, so he had been arrested by the police and taken back and cruelly beat to a pulp? But on the second time, he had been successful in his escape.

"What? Broken out? How could that be possible? I'm good, law-abiding citizen. I wouldn't do something like break the law!" Yan Tian said earnestly.

"Then how did you get out?"

Liu Ruoxin was quite curious of how Yan Tian had gotten out. If Yan Tian had his own hidden ace, then there wouldn't be anything wrong. So why was it he was that his entire body was currently covered in wounds? It was clear he had been beaten.

"Uhh…… Umm, Chairman Liu, could you let me come in first?" Yan Tian shook his head and said in embarrassment.

It wasn't that Yan Tian wanted to come in and take a seat; swapped with ordinary times, he simply wouldn't come in, but today wasn't the same, since there were already a good few people kept on staring at him like a monkey.

"Come in."

As soon as entered the door, Yan Tian stretched out in a breath. This place felt just like home. In comparison to the room at the police station, it was much better by far. Not only did the room at the police station not have the feeling of home, the surroundings were also bugged with quite a few monitoring devices. Even if he wanted to jerk it, it wouldn't be fine doing so. That wasn't to say it wouldn't be okay, but the crux of the matter was that it was bit embarrassing being watched by a few big shots in action.

"Gosh, how did you know I haven't eaten yet? I'm starving to death." Seeing there was breakfast on the table, Yan Tian immediately ran over and picked up a bowl and chopsticks, beginning to eat with please.

"Hey, those are my bowl and chopsticks."

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The tableware that Yan Tian had picked up just happened to be Liu Ruoxin's. The set that she had just been eating with hadn't even been washed, as he picked them up and began eating. She didn't know whether or not this could be considered an indirect kiss?

"Oh, it's yours. No wonder it's so appetizing. No worries, not a problem, I don't dislike it." Yan Tian said indifferently.

"But, I dislike it." Liu Ruoxin pouted at Yan Tian.

"Then tell me, what do you want me to do? I've already used them. In an case, you can't make me turn it back to how it was, right." Yan Tian spread his hands out rather helplessly.

"Forget about it, just eat, alright."

Rolling her eyes at Yan Tian, Liu Ruoxin walked into the kitchen and gave him a lade of Auntie Sun's simmer congee. It appeared that she was still pretty good towards him.

"Gimme, I want to drink some more."

"Mhm, good, Auntie Sun's cooking is pretty tasty." Yan Tian nodded and praised.

"If Mr.Yan likes eating it, then eat some more, haha!" Auntie Sun laughed merrily.

As soon as Yan Tian finished speaking, he drove the car, escorting Liu Ruoxin to the company for work. Although he had beaten Liu Yi yesterday, it didn't affect her work at all.

"What happened to your cell phone? I called you dozens of times this morning, but it was off." Liu Ruoxin pouted in complaint.

"What? It's off?"

As soon as he heard Liu Ruoxin, Yan Tian immediately took out his cell phone. After he looked it over, he discovered it truly was shut off. It appeared that the smartphone had expended itself of its battery. He hadn't charged it last night, so it was already devoid of electricity.

"Ehehe, it's dead." Yan Tian laughed in embarrassment.

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