Full-time Anomaly

Chapter 108

"Right, I'm going to set off tomorrow." Yan Tian said abruptly.

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"Huh…… Oh!" Guo Man nodded.

"Mhm, I'll be handing the restaurant over to you."

"Be at ease, Manager Yan."

In the afternoon, Yan Tian gave Xing Yu a call, telling him the time he was setting off. It was also good to let him prepare in advance. After they agreed on a meeting place, the two of them chatted for a long time and then ended the call.

As soon as he got off work in the afternoon, Yan Tian went to the company to escort Liu Ruoxin back home as always. He was leaving tomorrow, not knowing if the Great Chairman Liu Ruoxin would miss him or not.

"Chairman Liu, how's my passport coming along?" Sitting in the car, Yan Tian asked.

"It's not ready yet." Liu Ruoxin answered coldly.

"What? How could it possibly not be ready? I'm leaving tomorrow!"

The moment Yan Tian heard her, he was displeased. Liu Ruoxin actually hadn't set up the passport? Was this a joke of epic proportions? Even if she hadn't set it up, she should've told him in any case, as to let him find someone that could.

"Yeah, they said you looked ugly. You wouldn't be welcomed abroad."

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"What?" Yan Tian looked at Liu Ruoxin greatly startled. When was there such a rule? If you looked ugly they wouldn't let you go? According to his understanding, there were many ugly people in South Africa. Besides, how was he ugly? It was obvious he was rather handsome, no?

"Mhm, it's like that. It's a question of appearance. I don't have any methods to get around that. How about…… You go to Korea where they'll be able to tolerate all of you?" Liu Ruoxin restrained the urge to laugh with great difficulty as she looked at Yan Tian.

Over the course of Liu Ruoxin laughing, Yan Tian had discovered that something was fishy. She was definitely playing around with him. He hadn't thought about it, but getting hold of a passport was child's play. How could she possibly be unable to complete the ask? Was this a joke? He was certain she was playing him.

Yan Tian thought it over, the corner of his lips suddenly curling into a smile. Soon afterwards, he increased the pressure on the gas pedal. A sports car sure was different; a hundred km/h increase in speed truly was fast.

At the moment, Yan Tian's sports convertible could finally display its power. Following several growls of the engine, the car crossed a hundred meters in a flash, flying forth like a sharpened blade.

"Aaaahhhhh…… What are you doing, Yan Tian? Slow down, you're going over the speed limit!" Liu Ruoxin discovered that Yan Tian had suddenly sped up and clutched the armrest of the car in fright. He was insane for driving the car so quickly. This was the main street with many cars on the road, and there were also many pedestrians on the sidewalks. If he wasn't careful there would be an accident.

"I want to drive faster, so I could bring you home without delay, since I still need to set up my passport. Hold on tight, I'm going to accelerate."

Laughing, Yan Tian pushed the speed up to a 130 km/h. Perhaps to ordinary people the speed of the car was being driven by a madman and would surely cause an accident, but to him, this couldn't even be considered fast. In regards to his vehicular technique, he had great confidence in himself.

"Aaahhh…… You're mad. Stop the car, you're going to hit someone, you're going to hit someone! I already settled your passport, so slow down! There are people ahead, people! Turn the corner!" Liu Ruoxin wailed in fright as she sat in the car.

Simultaneously, Liu Ruoxin was beginning to regret having played around with Yan Tian a moment ago. Originally, she had just wanted to tease him a bit to see what his reaction would be like, but she hadn't expected he would go straight to guns a blazin'. If he got into a car accident, it would be a minor issue. The key point was that she would share in his misery.

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"You did? Why didn't you say so earlier?" Seeing Liu Ruoxin spit out the truth, Yan Tian lowered the speed of the car as soon as she said this. Mediocre, trying to fool me? Hmph!

"I just wanted to tease you. I didn't think you would go full psycho. You scared me to death." Liu Ruoxin pat her stomach and said.

"If I hadn't acted like this, then would you have spoke the truth?" Yan Tian laughed.

As soon as she heard Yan Tian, Liu Ruoxin raised her brows and lifted her head: "You were just doing it on purpose a moment ago?"

"Oh? No, not at all, how could that be? Ehehe!"

"I'm telling you, Yan Tian. If you dare to drive so quickly again later on, I will deduct a month's wages." Liu Ruoxin feigned anger and said.

"I won't, I won't, ehehe!" Yan Tian laughed immediately.


Liu Ruoxin cast her head aside and snorted coldly, saying no more. She was only concerned with admiring the Fengan scenery.

"That's right, Chairman Liu. I'm going to leave tomorrow, so how are you going to go back and forth from work?" Suddenly, Yan Tian recalled the issue of Liu Ruoxin's travel arrangements for work once more. Presently, he was the one in charge of shuttling her, but he was leaving, so how would it be handled?

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"Leave your car behind later. I'll drive myself!"

"How about I find some people to escort you!" Thinking it over, Yan Tian had planned on ordering one of his brothers to serve as Liu Ruoxin's driver. In any case, he currently had a big gang of brothers, so it was of no use in letting them stand idle.

"No need. I can drive myself." Liu Ruoxin shook her head.


Seeing that Liu Ruoxin didn't agree, Yan Tian wouldn't impose on her any longer. As soon as he brought her back to her villa, he forced himself to walk out bitterly while dialing a number. He had to call some people to pick him up, otherwise, how would he be able to go back such a far distance?

Over ten minutes later, a car came over facing him. It was Ah Long's Wuling minivan, the car he wanted to used at that time to pick up Liu Ruoxin, but ended up being taught a lesson instead.

"Brother Tian, where's your sports car? Why are you walking on foot?" Ah Long asked Yan Tian rather curiously.

"Cut the crap, let's go." Yan Tian said, and then opened the car door and got in.

"Alright, Brother Tian. When are you setting out tomorrow? How about I come over and escort you?"

In fact, regardless of what Ah Long would've said, Yan Tian would've made him pick him up tomorrow, otherwise, it would the amount of money it would take to go the airport would burn a hole through his wallet. He nodded his head and said: "I'm leaving tomorrow at five in the morning. Come over before five."

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"Huh? Five?" The moment Ah Long heard this, he was dazed. Why was the time so early? He was bit regretful of what he had just said.

"What's up? Is there a problem?" Yan Tian patted Ah Long's head.

"No, none, I'll come over at 4:30 am tomorrow, haha!" Ah Long naturally didn't have any questions. He only thought it nothing more than a bit early, but he wouldn't raise the issue. It was just a pity that he would have to go to sleep early tonight and wouldn't be able to chat with Wang Hui.

After he had returned home, Yan Tian heard the sound of Sun Yue's exasperated voice. Taking a look, he discovered the beautiful Sun Yue was surprisingly inside teaching Sun Nan a lesson with her hands resting at her waist. He thought to himself that Mother Nature shouldn't have come to visit her, right? Why was she so irritable today?

"What are you doing? This is…? I* gotta rest up early. What're you so mad at Nan Nan for!" Yan Tian looked at Sun Nan rather sympathetically. What had this kid done again?

"You*…… This isn't your problem. Go back to your room and stay put." Sun Yue glared furiously at Yan Tian and said.

Observing Sun Yue's murderous gaze, Yan Tian felt a bit scared in his heart. This was the first time she had gave him such a look. Even if he wanted to move now, he didn't dare, scared that she her gaze would pierce through him in a second. It was comparable to a killer's formless intent!

*I dropped the words here, which mean family member. Sounds incredibly awkward in english to refer to oneself in third person. The author usually names the chapters based on a phrase in the story, which is why title of story is "relative comes" or something like that.

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